Marit Reitan
Marit Reitan is as of 1 august 2020 Pro-Rector for Education at NTNU.
The Pro-Rector for Education has a special responsibility for education at NTNU and is responsible for ensuring strategic development and quality in the field of education. The Pro-Rector for Education is the Rector's deputy and a member of the Rector's management team. The Pro-Rector for Education chairs NTNU's education committee and is a member of several councils, committees, and networks nationally and internationally in higher education.
Reitan was Dean of the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences 2017-2020 and of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management 2013-2016. She was head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science from 2009 to 2012.
Reitan is a professor of political science in the field of public policy and administration. She holds a cand.polit. degree in political science from the University of Oslo in 1990 and dr.polit. in political science from the same institution in 1998.
She has previously been a research assistant and researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research and a ph.d candidate at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. She has been a professor at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU since 2009 and associate professor from 1998 to 2009. She was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley from 2012 to 2013.
Reitan has particularly researched and taught topics related to environmental and energy policy, nature management and municipal policy, and she has participated in various research projects with national and international funding within these areas. Reitan participated in the government-appointed expert committee that drafted legislation that laid the foundation for the Nature Diversity Act of 2009.
Reitan has held and holds several positions in the research and education sector. She currently chairs the portfolio board for education and administration in SIKT, and she is deputy chair of UHR Education. She was a member of the Admissions Committee and has been a member of the Digitalization Board for Higher Education and Research. She was deputy chair of the SINTEF board in the period 2015-2021.
Reitan, Marit;
Gustafsson, Kari;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Do Local Government Reforms Result in Higher Levels of Trust in Local Politicians?.
Local Government Studies
Academic article
Falch, Torberg;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine;
Reitan, Marit;
Underdal, Arild.
Et nytt og kraftigere NTNU.
Feature article
Reitan, Marit.
Miljø og kraft - en gjenvisitt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovik, Sissel;
Naustdalslid, Jon;
Reitan, Marit;
Muthanna, Tone Merete.
Adaptation to Climate Change – Professional Networks and Reinforcing Institutional Environments.
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Saglie , Jo;
Smith, Eivind.
Nasjonal styring og lokal autonomi i flernivådemokratiet.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vold, Mari Holteberg;
Reitan, Marit.
Strid i strandsonen — en analyse av konfliktlinjene mellom nasjonalt og kommunalt nivå i naturvernpolitikken.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Naustdalslid, Jon;
Hovik, Sissel;
Reitan, Marit.
Klimatilpassing i vann- og avløpssektoren.
Stat og styring
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Holm, Frank Egil.
Staten, kommunene og Trillemarka: lokal mobilisering forankret i nasjonale politiske konfliktlinjer.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit;
Saglie , Jo;
Smith, Eivind.
Det norske flernivådemokratiet – sett ovenfra og nedenfra.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit;
Saglie , Jo;
Smith, Eivind.
Det norske flernivådemokratiet.
Abstrakt forlag
Abstrakt forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Underthun, Anders;
Kasa, Sjur;
Reitan, Marit.
Scalar politics and strategic consolidation: The Norwegian Gas Forum’s quest for embedding Norwegian gas resources in domestic space.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Syrstad, Einar Gimse;
Underthun, Anders.
Regional mobilisering og nasjonal koordinering i styringsnettverk : en casestudie av norsk gasspolitikk.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Holmern, Tomas;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Aagaard, Kaare ;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Reitan, Marit;
Sjøberg, Britt-Marie Drottz.
Biologisk mangfold som satsingsområde ved NTNU. Innstilling fra utredningsgruppen mars 2008.
Reitan, Marit;
Syrstad, Einar Gimse;
Underthun, Anders.
Regional Mobilization and National Coordination in Governance Networks. A Case Study of Norwegian Gas Politics.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Lindseth, Gard;
Reitan, Marit.
The Urban Governance of Transport and the Environment in the City of Kristiansand.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Eksperter kan være gode nok, men ...
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Hovik, Sissel;
Reitan, Marit.
National environmental goals in search of local institutions.
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Politicisation and Professional Expertise in the Policy of Nature Conservation.
Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability
Academic article
Hovik, Sissel;
Reitan, Marit.
National environmental goals in search of local institutions.
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy
Academic article
Skjærseth, Jon Birger;
Andresen, Steinar;
Lundli, Hans-Einar;
Næss, Tom;
Reitan, Marit;
Rosendal, G. Kristin.
Comparative Analysis and Conclusions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lundli, Hans-Einar;
Reitan, Marit.
Climate Change: Cost-effectiveness Abroad, Possibilities at Home.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit.
Den nye miljøpolitikken og de etablerte institusjonene.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stigen, Inger Marie;
Reitan, Marit.
Kampen om miljøet – fra politikk til administrasjon?.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Stigen, Inger Marie.
Kampen om miljøet - fra politikk til administrasjon?.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Ecological Modernisation and 'Realpolitik': Ideas, Interests and Institutions.
Environmental Politics
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Norway: A Case of "Splendid Isolation".
Manchester University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit;
Kjellberg, Francesco.
Studiet av offentlig politikk. En innføring.
Reitan, Marit;
Naustdalslid, Jon.
Kunnskap og styring. Om forskningens rolle i politikk og forvaltning.
Academic monograph
Journal publications
Reitan, Marit;
Gustafsson, Kari;
Blekesaune, Arild.
Do Local Government Reforms Result in Higher Levels of Trust in Local Politicians?.
Local Government Studies
Academic article
Falch, Torberg;
Kjørholt, Anne Trine;
Reitan, Marit;
Underdal, Arild.
Et nytt og kraftigere NTNU.
Feature article
Hovik, Sissel;
Naustdalslid, Jon;
Reitan, Marit;
Muthanna, Tone Merete.
Adaptation to Climate Change – Professional Networks and Reinforcing Institutional Environments.
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy
Academic article
Naustdalslid, Jon;
Hovik, Sissel;
Reitan, Marit.
Klimatilpassing i vann- og avløpssektoren.
Stat og styring
Academic article
Underthun, Anders;
Kasa, Sjur;
Reitan, Marit.
Scalar politics and strategic consolidation: The Norwegian Gas Forum’s quest for embedding Norwegian gas resources in domestic space.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Syrstad, Einar Gimse;
Underthun, Anders.
Regional mobilisering og nasjonal koordinering i styringsnettverk : en casestudie av norsk gasspolitikk.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Syrstad, Einar Gimse;
Underthun, Anders.
Regional Mobilization and National Coordination in Governance Networks. A Case Study of Norwegian Gas Politics.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Lindseth, Gard;
Reitan, Marit.
The Urban Governance of Transport and the Environment in the City of Kristiansand.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Eksperter kan være gode nok, men ...
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Hovik, Sissel;
Reitan, Marit.
National environmental goals in search of local institutions.
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Politicisation and Professional Expertise in the Policy of Nature Conservation.
Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability
Academic article
Hovik, Sissel;
Reitan, Marit.
National environmental goals in search of local institutions.
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy
Academic article
Stigen, Inger Marie;
Reitan, Marit.
Kampen om miljøet – fra politikk til administrasjon?.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Stigen, Inger Marie.
Kampen om miljøet - fra politikk til administrasjon?.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Academic article
Reitan, Marit.
Ecological Modernisation and 'Realpolitik': Ideas, Interests and Institutions.
Environmental Politics
Academic article
Reitan, Marit;
Saglie , Jo;
Smith, Eivind.
Det norske flernivådemokratiet.
Abstrakt forlag
Abstrakt forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Reitan, Marit;
Kjellberg, Francesco.
Studiet av offentlig politikk. En innføring.
Reitan, Marit;
Naustdalslid, Jon.
Kunnskap og styring. Om forskningens rolle i politikk og forvaltning.
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Reitan, Marit.
Miljø og kraft - en gjenvisitt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit;
Saglie , Jo;
Smith, Eivind.
Nasjonal styring og lokal autonomi i flernivådemokratiet.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vold, Mari Holteberg;
Reitan, Marit.
Strid i strandsonen — en analyse av konfliktlinjene mellom nasjonalt og kommunalt nivå i naturvernpolitikken.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit;
Holm, Frank Egil.
Staten, kommunene og Trillemarka: lokal mobilisering forankret i nasjonale politiske konfliktlinjer.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit;
Saglie , Jo;
Smith, Eivind.
Det norske flernivådemokratiet – sett ovenfra og nedenfra.
Abstrakt forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjærseth, Jon Birger;
Andresen, Steinar;
Lundli, Hans-Einar;
Næss, Tom;
Reitan, Marit;
Rosendal, G. Kristin.
Comparative Analysis and Conclusions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lundli, Hans-Einar;
Reitan, Marit.
Climate Change: Cost-effectiveness Abroad, Possibilities at Home.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit.
Den nye miljøpolitikken og de etablerte institusjonene.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Marit.
Norway: A Case of "Splendid Isolation".
Manchester University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holmern, Tomas;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Aagaard, Kaare ;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Reitan, Marit;
Sjøberg, Britt-Marie Drottz.
Biologisk mangfold som satsingsområde ved NTNU. Innstilling fra utredningsgruppen mars 2008.
Knowledge Transfer
InterviewSteen Angell, Vilde Marie; Haugann, Håkon; Farshchian, Veronica; Sætre, Rune; Rye, Johan Fredrik; Reitan, Marit. (2021) Ujevn arbeidsmengde skaper frustrasjon blant studenter. Under Dusken, Nr 11, 107. årgang Under Dusken, Nr 11, 107. årgang [Journal] 2021-11-02
InterviewReitan, Marit. (2012) Kan lokalt og nasjonalt demokrati forenes?. Institutt for samfunnsforskning Institutt for samfunnsforskning [Internet] 2012-06-07
InterviewReitan, Marit. (2012) Grasrota lite fornøyd med KS. Kommunal Rapport Kommunal Rapport [Newspaper] 2012-06-07
Academic lecture
PosterReitan, Marit; Naustdalslid, Jon. (2009) From Climate Knowledge to Local Adaptation (CLIMADAPT). Norges forskningsråd NORKLIMA-konferanse Bergen , Bergen 2009-10-19 - 2009-10-20
InterviewReitan, Marit. (2009) Statoil rår over forskningen. Morgenbladet Morgenbladet [Newspaper] 2009-12-21
Academic lectureReitan, Marit; Kasa, Sjur. (2008) Regionale nettverk og flernivåstyring: styrket demokrati eller korporativ dominans?. Universitetet i Oslo Seminar, lokaldemokratisk forum, Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo 2008-02-14 - 2008-02-14
Academic lectureReitan, Marit. (2008) Klimaendringer og samfunnsmessig tilpasning – et institusjonelt perspektiv. Norges forskningsråd Konferanse i regi av forskningsprogrammet NORKLIMA , Oslo 2008-08-21 - 2008-08-21
Academic lectureReitan, Marit. (2008) The Politics of Natural Gas in Norway: Responses of Networked Governance and Metagovernance. Universitetet i Tromsø Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap , Tromsø 2008-04-28 - 2008-04-30
Popular scientific lectureReitan, Marit; Stigen, Inger Marie. (2008) Miljøvernforvaltningens rolle i det norske politiske systemet - historiske utviklingstrekk og utfordringer i dag. Statens forurensningstilsyn Avdelingsseminar , Sundvollen 2008-10-22 - 2008-10-22
Popular scientific lectureReitan, Marit. (2008) Sektorintegrering og sektoransvarsprinsippet i norsk miljøpolitikk. Riksrevisjonen Seminar for Riksrevisjonen , Oslo 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-09
Academic lectureReitan, Marit; Syrstad, Einar Gimse. (2007) Skogn-lobbyen og gasskraftspørsmålet – koordinering i nettverk med markedsstyring som legitimeringsstrategi. Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap , Trondheim 2007-01-03 - 2007-01-05
Academic lectureReitan, Marit; Underthun, Anders; Kasa, Sjur. (2007) Local Entrepeneurs, meta-networks and the politics of natural gas: reflexive responses of governance and meta-governance. Regional Studies Association Regional Associations Studies Conference , Lisbon 2007-04-01 - 2007-04-05
Academic lectureReitan, Marit. (2006) Presentasjon av forskningsprosjekter. Norges forskningsråd Oppstartseminar på forskningsprogrammet Demokrati og regional utvikling , Oslo 2006-09-14 - 2006-09-14
Academic lectureReitan, Marit; Kasa, Sjur. (2006) Presentation of the project "Multi-level governance and regional development - the politics of natural gas". Høyskolen i Sogn og Fjordane/Regional Studies Association "Towards a new regionalism" , Balestrand 2006-05-04 - 2006-05-05
Academic lectureReitan, Marit. (2005) Environmental policies at the central-local intersection: Who should govern?. Norges forskningsråd Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap , Hurdal 2005-01-05 - 2005-01-07
Academic lectureReitan, Marit. (2005) Legimisation or local autonomy? The role of local government in environmental policymaking. University of Gothenburg The 7th Nordic Environment Social Science Research Conference , Gothenburg 2005-06-15 - 2005-06-17
Academic lectureLundli, Hans-Einar; Reitan, Marit. (2003) Norway's Climate Change Policy: Domestic Resistance Fading in Light of Emission Trading Systems. Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap , Trondheim 2003-01-10 -
Academic lectureReitan, Marit; Hovik, Sissel. (2003) National Environmental Goals in Search of Local Institutions. Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap. , Trondheim 2003-01-10 -
Academic lectureReitan, Marit. (2003) Professionalism, bureaucracy and legitimacy: The role of the Parliament in Nature Conservation Policy in Norway. The 6th Nordic Conference on Environmental Social Sciences: Scales, Limits and Border Problems in Political Ecology, , Turku, Finland 2003-06-14 -