Marit Ursin
I am professor in interdisciplinary childhood and youth studies at the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning. I have a MA degree in social anthropology (NTNU) and a PhD in sociology (NORD university), both focusing on young people on the street in Brazil. My post doc concerned the impact of the drug trade on the everyday lives of children and youth in Brazil (NFR/NTNU).
I am a member of the research group, WorldViews, which study children’s, youths’ and families’ encounter with hegemonic, normative and taken-for-granted sets of values, worldviews and knowledge systems, and seek to contribute to increased understanding and critical reflection surrounding social and cultural discourses, understandings and perceptions about childhood, youth, upbringing and family life.
I am currently teaching in courses on qualitative methods in childhood studies as well as children's rights on BA to PhD level, mostly within Mphil i Childhood Studies. I am also editor-in-chief of the Nordic journal BARN.
Academic interests
- Marginalised children, youth and families
- Children and youths' sense of belonging
- Children's rights and young citizenship
- Diverse forms of child and youth mobility and migration
- Children and youth in Latin America
Selected research projects
- Visualising youth narratives: Empower Youth, Broaden horizons, Enhance encounters (ViYouth)
- Barn som politiske aktører? En kartlegging av valgdekning i to nyhetstilbud for barn [Children as political actors? A mapping of election coverage in two news channels for children] (RAM Medietilsynet)
- Barnas Valg [Children's Election] - A study of Save the Children-Norway's Children's Election
- The impact of the crack trade, post doc (Latin American program, NFR)
- Understanding and supporting families with complex needs, led by University of Birmingham (EU-Marie Curie)
- Longitudinal study of street youth, MA and PhD project
Abebe, Tatek ;
Ally, Amina Abdulrahman;
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Ursin, Marit.
Å jobbe mot eurosentrisme i akademia.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Feature article
Hoem, Irene Bisasso;
Ursin, Marit;
Ramirez, Carla.
The transformative power of representation among youths: toward appreciating diversity and inclusion in Norway.
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
The Cardamom Law and Postcolonial Re-readings in Times of War
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Lorgen, Linn Cathrin.
Kunnskap for en blodigere verden?.
Feature article
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Vik, Nassira Essahli.
«Ubarnliggjøring» av det palestinske barnet.
Feature article
Kalkman, Kris;
Ursin, Marit.
Hijaben: Kampen om frihet, kvinnefrigjøring og den muslimske kvinnens «beste».
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
“Not Everyone Can Become a Rocket Scientist”: Decolonising Children’s Rights in Ethnic Minority Childhoods in Norway.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Sørsveen, Aurora Terjesdatter.
Er Thunberg-generasjonen død, og hvorfor bør vi bry oss om svaret?.
Feature article
Pardali, Eirini;
Ursin, Marit.
Children's relational experiences with the financial crisis in Greece.
Children & society
Academic article
Chinga Ramirez, Carla Macarena;
Hoem, Irene Bisasso;
Ursin, Marit;
Jjunju, Charlotte;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Finnes det virkelig ikke 'farge' i norsk høyere utdanning og arbeidsliv?.
Feature article
Ursin, Marit;
Lorgen, Linn Cathrin;
Ortega Alvarado, Isaac Arturo;
Smalsundmo, Ani-Lea;
Chang Nordgård, Runar.
Transformative learning and societal change in climate policy: A participatory workshop with children and youth.
Ursin, Marit;
Langfeldt, Camila Caldeira;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Relational rights and interdependent wellbeing: Exploring the experiences of an ethnic minority girl with the Norwegian Child Welfare service.
Global Studies of Childhood
Academic article
Ie, Judite;
Ursin, Marit.
The Twisting Path to Adulthood: Roma/Cigano Youth in Urban Portugal.
Social Inclusion
Academic article
Langfeldt, Camila Caldeira;
Ursin, Marit.
Between bullying and other violences: Exploring the school experiences of immigrant and refugee children at elementary school Duque de Caixas (RJ).
Academic article
Ie, Judite;
Ursin, Marit;
Vicente-Mariño, Miguel.
Foster children's views of family: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis.
Children and Youth Services Review
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lorgen, Linn C.;
Ortega Alvarado, Isaac Arturo;
Smalsundmo, Ani-Lea;
Chang Nordgård, Runar;
Bern, Mari Roald.
Promoting Intergenerational Justice Through Participatory Practices: Climate Workshops as an Arena for Young People’s Political Participation.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Rizzini, Irene.
Four Decades Of Brazilian And International Research On Street Children: A Meta-Narrative Review.
Journal of Comparative Social Work
Academic article
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale.
Barndomsstudier i Norge: Historien, konteksten og hvor vi er i dag.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit.
Barndomsstudier i norsk kontekst : Tverrfaglige tilnærminger.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sørsveen, Aurora;
Ursin, Marit.
Constructions of ‘the ageless’ asylum seekers: An analysis of how age is understood among professionals working within the norwegian immigration authorities.
Children & society
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Militarized everyday lives, logics and responses among children and youth in a violent community in urban Brazil.
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Kvalitetsbegrepet i den rurale videregående skolen - elevperspektivet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lorgen, Linn C.;
Ursin, Marit.
A children’s election—Dilemmas of children’s political participation.
Children & society
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Gatebarnet som offer og helt: En kritisk gjennomgang av den metodologiske utviklingen i den tverrfaglige barne- og barndomsforskningen.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
‘The meaning of my life will always be to defend our Motherland’
Raising and educating citizens in a child protection institution in Mexico .
Journal of Comparative Social Work
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lorgen, Linn C..
Barnas Valg – når barna går til stemmeurnene .
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Ellingsen, Ingunn Tollisen;
Studsrød, Ingunn;
Ursin, Marit.
Ivaretakelse av barns rettigheter i sosialt arbeid med familier.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Agency and Rights in Childhood (Norway) .
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Ursin, Marit.
Migration and Mobility in Childhood (Norway).
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Libardi, Suzana;
Ursin, Marit.
Escutando os adultos sobre proteção da infância e crianças em situação de rua no Brasil urbano [Listening to adults about childhood protection and children in homeless situation in urban Brazil].
childhood & philosophy
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Skålevik, Mona.
Volunteer tourism in Cambodian residential care facilities-A child rights-based approach.
The International Journal of Children's Rights
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Freedom, mobility and marginality: an interdisciplinary study of the historical roots of contemporary street youth in urban Brazil.
Journal of Youth Studies
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Street Children And Brazil.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit;
Abebe, Tatek.
Young People’s Marginal Livelihoods and Social Transitions in Urban Brazil: Tale of Four Lives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit;
Oltedal, Siv;
Munoz, Carolina.
Recognizing the ‘big things’ and the ‘little things’ in child protection cases.
Child & Family Social Work
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
"When the sun rises, I sleep" the ambiguities of public sleep among young Brazilians on the street.
Journal of Anthropological Research
Academic literature review
Ursin, Marit.
Contradictory and Intersecting Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion of Street Youth in Salvador, Brazil.
Social Inclusion
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Geographies of Sleep Among Brazilian Street Youth.
Ursin, Marit.
“Crack ends it all?” A study of the interrelations between crack cocaine, social environments, social relations, crime, and homicide among poor, young men in urban Brazil.
Contemporary Drug Problems
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
‘The City Is Ours’: The Temporal Construction of Dominance among Poor Young Men on the Street in a Brazilian Elite Neighbourhood.
Journal of Latin American Studies
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
'Wherever I lay my head is home' - young people's experience of home in the Brazilian street environment.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
‘Dia de Visita’ – besøksdag i et brasiliansk fengsel.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Abebe, Tatek ;
Ally, Amina Abdulrahman;
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Ursin, Marit.
Å jobbe mot eurosentrisme i akademia.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Feature article
Hoem, Irene Bisasso;
Ursin, Marit;
Ramirez, Carla.
The transformative power of representation among youths: toward appreciating diversity and inclusion in Norway.
Frontiers in Education
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
The Cardamom Law and Postcolonial Re-readings in Times of War
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Lorgen, Linn Cathrin.
Kunnskap for en blodigere verden?.
Feature article
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Vik, Nassira Essahli.
«Ubarnliggjøring» av det palestinske barnet.
Feature article
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
“Not Everyone Can Become a Rocket Scientist”: Decolonising Children’s Rights in Ethnic Minority Childhoods in Norway.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Sørsveen, Aurora Terjesdatter.
Er Thunberg-generasjonen død, og hvorfor bør vi bry oss om svaret?.
Feature article
Pardali, Eirini;
Ursin, Marit.
Children's relational experiences with the financial crisis in Greece.
Children & society
Academic article
Chinga Ramirez, Carla Macarena;
Hoem, Irene Bisasso;
Ursin, Marit;
Jjunju, Charlotte;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Finnes det virkelig ikke 'farge' i norsk høyere utdanning og arbeidsliv?.
Feature article
Ursin, Marit;
Langfeldt, Camila Caldeira;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Relational rights and interdependent wellbeing: Exploring the experiences of an ethnic minority girl with the Norwegian Child Welfare service.
Global Studies of Childhood
Academic article
Ie, Judite;
Ursin, Marit.
The Twisting Path to Adulthood: Roma/Cigano Youth in Urban Portugal.
Social Inclusion
Academic article
Langfeldt, Camila Caldeira;
Ursin, Marit.
Between bullying and other violences: Exploring the school experiences of immigrant and refugee children at elementary school Duque de Caixas (RJ).
Academic article
Ie, Judite;
Ursin, Marit;
Vicente-Mariño, Miguel.
Foster children's views of family: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis.
Children and Youth Services Review
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lorgen, Linn C.;
Ortega Alvarado, Isaac Arturo;
Smalsundmo, Ani-Lea;
Chang Nordgård, Runar;
Bern, Mari Roald.
Promoting Intergenerational Justice Through Participatory Practices: Climate Workshops as an Arena for Young People’s Political Participation.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Rizzini, Irene.
Four Decades Of Brazilian And International Research On Street Children: A Meta-Narrative Review.
Journal of Comparative Social Work
Academic article
Sørsveen, Aurora;
Ursin, Marit.
Constructions of ‘the ageless’ asylum seekers: An analysis of how age is understood among professionals working within the norwegian immigration authorities.
Children & society
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Militarized everyday lives, logics and responses among children and youth in a violent community in urban Brazil.
Academic article
Lorgen, Linn C.;
Ursin, Marit.
A children’s election—Dilemmas of children’s political participation.
Children & society
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Gatebarnet som offer og helt: En kritisk gjennomgang av den metodologiske utviklingen i den tverrfaglige barne- og barndomsforskningen.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
‘The meaning of my life will always be to defend our Motherland’
Raising and educating citizens in a child protection institution in Mexico .
Journal of Comparative Social Work
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Lorgen, Linn C..
Barnas Valg – når barna går til stemmeurnene .
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Ellingsen, Ingunn Tollisen;
Studsrød, Ingunn;
Ursin, Marit.
Ivaretakelse av barns rettigheter i sosialt arbeid med familier.
Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Academic article
Libardi, Suzana;
Ursin, Marit.
Escutando os adultos sobre proteção da infância e crianças em situação de rua no Brasil urbano [Listening to adults about childhood protection and children in homeless situation in urban Brazil].
childhood & philosophy
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Skålevik, Mona.
Volunteer tourism in Cambodian residential care facilities-A child rights-based approach.
The International Journal of Children's Rights
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
Freedom, mobility and marginality: an interdisciplinary study of the historical roots of contemporary street youth in urban Brazil.
Journal of Youth Studies
Academic article
Ursin, Marit;
Oltedal, Siv;
Munoz, Carolina.
Recognizing the ‘big things’ and the ‘little things’ in child protection cases.
Child & Family Social Work
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
"When the sun rises, I sleep" the ambiguities of public sleep among young Brazilians on the street.
Journal of Anthropological Research
Academic literature review
Ursin, Marit.
Contradictory and Intersecting Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion of Street Youth in Salvador, Brazil.
Social Inclusion
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
“Crack ends it all?” A study of the interrelations between crack cocaine, social environments, social relations, crime, and homicide among poor, young men in urban Brazil.
Contemporary Drug Problems
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
‘The City Is Ours’: The Temporal Construction of Dominance among Poor Young Men on the Street in a Brazilian Elite Neighbourhood.
Journal of Latin American Studies
Academic article
Ursin, Marit.
'Wherever I lay my head is home' - young people's experience of home in the Brazilian street environment.
Children's Geographies
Academic article
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit.
Barndomsstudier i norsk kontekst : Tverrfaglige tilnærminger.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Kalkman, Kris;
Ursin, Marit.
Hijaben: Kampen om frihet, kvinnefrigjøring og den muslimske kvinnens «beste».
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit;
Lorgen, Linn Cathrin;
Ortega Alvarado, Isaac Arturo;
Smalsundmo, Ani-Lea;
Chang Nordgård, Runar.
Transformative learning and societal change in climate policy: A participatory workshop with children and youth.
Abebe, Tatek;
Ursin, Marit;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale.
Barndomsstudier i Norge: Historien, konteksten og hvor vi er i dag.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Ursin, Marit.
Kvalitetsbegrepet i den rurale videregående skolen - elevperspektivet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit;
Lyså, Ida Marie.
Agency and Rights in Childhood (Norway) .
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyså, Ida Marie;
Ursin, Marit.
Migration and Mobility in Childhood (Norway).
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit.
Street Children And Brazil.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit;
Abebe, Tatek.
Young People’s Marginal Livelihoods and Social Transitions in Urban Brazil: Tale of Four Lives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Marit.
Geographies of Sleep Among Brazilian Street Youth.
Ursin, Marit.
‘Dia de Visita’ – besøksdag i et brasiliansk fengsel.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
LectureUrsin, Marit. (2025) Writing and publishing in academic journals . Insitututt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU Seminar for temporary employed , NTNU 2025-01-15 - 2025-01-15
LectureUrsin, Marit. (2024) PhD in sociology: What next?. Nord Universitet Fakultetssamling , Bodø 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-12
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2024) Children's Rights in research. NTNU Guest lecture at Global Health, NTNU , Trondheim 2024-03-13 - 2024-03-13
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2024) Children's rights: A relational, decolonial perspective. University of Malta Guest lecture at University of Malta 2024-07-04 - 2024-07-04
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit; Lyså, Ida Marie; Lorgen, Linn Cathrin; Bostad, Runa Rannov. (2024) Migration in ”the spirit of goodness”: Exploring Norwegians as privileged migrants throughout history. Nordic Migration Research Paper presentation , Bergen 2024-08-14 - 2024-08-16
InterviewUrsin, Marit; Schou, Ingrid. (2024) Ung klimaaktivist: – Jeg har blitt arrestert og har betalt bøter. Ung forskning Ung forskning [Internet] 2024-08-16
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit; Lyså, Ida Marie. (2024) Decolonising children’s rights. Why is it necessary, and how do we move forward?. OsloMet Childlife conference 2024 , Oslo 2024-09-23 - 2024-09-25
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2024) Climate change! Who cares about the most affected? Panel debate. Gemini Center fo9r Global Impact Climate change! Who cares about the most affected? , Studentsamfunet 2024-11-13 - 2024-11-13
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2024) Social constructions of childhood throughout history I-II. Guest lecture 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2024) The Norwegian child welfare services and a relational and decolonial reading of children’s rights. University of Tallinn Guest lecture 2024-11-28 - 2024-11-29
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit; Libardi, Suzana. (2024) Decolonial readings and Indigenous understandings of children’s (human) rights. University of Gothenburg Decoloniality, Childism and Interculturality , online 2024-12-04 - 2024-12-04
Academic lectureLorgen, Linn Cathrin; Ursin, Marit. (2023) Children as political agents? An analysis of election coverage in Norwegian children’s news from 2013 to 2021. Barn Paper presentation at Barn anniversary conference , Trondheim 2023-08-16 - 2023-08-16
Popular scientific lectureUrsin, Marit. (2023) Tema: Ungdom og rus . Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab (DKNVS) Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab - gjesteforelesning , Trondheim 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-30
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2023) Children's Rights in research. Global helse ved NTNU Public lecture in Global Health , Trondheim 2023-03-14 - 2023-03-14
LectureUrsin, Marit. (2023) Welcome speech - At critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies: 40th Anniversary conference of the Nordic journal BARN. Barn At critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies: 40th Anniversary conference of the Nordic journal BARN , Trondheim 2023-08-16 - 2023-08-16
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2023) Militarization of childhood in urban Brazil. Global helse ved NTNU Guest lecture in Global Health at NTNU , Trondheim 2023-03-01 - 2023-03-01
LectureRamirez, Carla; Ursin, Marit. (2023) Methodological considerations, challenges, and reflections around ethical issues in research on children and racism. Nordic Journal BARN 40th anniversaty conference of the Nordic Journal BARN, At critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies , Trondheim 2023-08-16 - 2023-08-17
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2022) “Direitos das crianças e educacão” (Children’s rights and education) (open to public and streamed on YouTube) . Federal University of Parana Public lecture at Federal University of Parana , Curitiba 2022-04-04 - 2022-04-04
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2022) Challenges in conducting research across global North/South contexts – reflections and dialogue . Rutgers University Research seminar with Sarada Balagopalan at Rutgers , Camden 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-06
Academic lectureLorgen, Linn C.; Ursin, Marit. (2021) Methodological reflections: Research design and materials produced through the climate workshop . NTNU Children's rights seminar , Trondheim 2021-04-29 - 2021-04-29
Programme participationUrsin, Marit. (2021) Hvordan sørger vi for at unges klimastemmer blir hørt? . INCLUDE: Unges klimastemmer (digitalt lunsjseminar) INCLUDE: Unges klimastemmer (digitalt lunsjseminar) [Internet] 2021-06-09
LectureUrsin, Marit. (2021) Forskningsinteresser - og formidling: Marit Ursin. NORD universitet Forskerlunsj , Bodø 2021-10-01 - 2021-10-01
Popular scientific lectureUrsin, Marit. (2020) Climate Change and Children’s Rights. NTNU og Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Climate change and Children's rights - Webinar available on YouTube , Internett 2020-04-21 - 2020-04-21
InterviewUrsin, Marit. (2020) Hvorfor skal 5.–7. trinn fortsatt holdes borte fra skolen? En «helhetlig tilnærming», er regjeringens forklaring. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2020-04-15
InterviewUrsin, Marit. (2020) Hvorfor skal 5.–7. trinn fortsatt holdes borte fra skolen? En «helhetlig tilnærming», er regjeringens forklaring. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2020-04-15
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Understandings of childhood and parenthood in the encounter between the child welfare system and families with ethnic minority background . University of Jyväskylä Guest lecture for researchers at University of Jyväskylä , Jyväskylä 2019-01-22 - 2019-01-22
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Perceiving street children through the theoretical development of childhood studies . Universidad Diego Portales Guest lecture for students in developmental psychology at Universidad Diego Portales, Chile , Santiago 2019-04-11 - 2019-04-11
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Children’s rights in the encounter with health services: Setting the agenda. IPL, NTNU Children’s Rights in their encounter with the health care services , Trondheim 2019-04-04 - 2019-04-04
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Understandings of childhood and parenthood in the Norwegian child welfare system . Center for Educational Justice Guest lecture for students and researchers at Center for Educational Justice, Santiago, Chile , Catholic University of Chile 2019-04-12 - 2019-04-12
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Coming of age on the streets: Reflections from a longitudinal study in urban Brazil. University of Dundee Helping young people feel at home in Scotland: Building Collaborative and Integrated Services for Youth Homeless through a Reflexive Mapping Approach for Health and Social Care Integration , Glasgow 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-20
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit; Lorgen, Linn C.. (2019) Barnas Valg. DMMH/NTNU Barne- og ungdomsseminar 2019: Barn og unges medborgerskap , Campus Kalvskinnet, NTNU 2019-12-05 - 2019-12-05
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Considerações sobre um estudo qualitativo e longitudinal com meninos no início da idade adulta nas ruas de centros urbanos brasileiros. CIESPI-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Guest lecture for students and researchers , Rio de Janeiro 2019-08-29 - 2019-08-29
Popular scientific lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) FNs Barnekonvensjons 30-årsjubileum: Refleksjoner om Norge – i går, i dag og i morgen. FN-sambandet FN-dagen: Feiring av FNs Barnekonvensjons 30-årsjubileum , Kimen kulturhus, Stjørdal 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-24
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) O impacto de drogas no dia-o-dia de jovens que vivem nas communidades marginais no Brasil urbano. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Guest lecture for students and researchers , Rio de Janeiro 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-28
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Exploring diverse understandings of childhood in the encounter between ethnic minority families and the Norwegian Child Welfare services: A case study . CIESPI-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro In Whose ‘Best Interest’? Childhood, Children and the International Politics of Protection , Rio de Janeiro 2019-05-20 - 2019-05-22
LectureUrsin, Marit. (2019) Deltakelse i paneldebatt om barn og unges medvirkning i lokalpolitikk og klimadebatt. Kortreist Kvalitet/KS NETTVERKSSAMLING KORTREIST KVALITET , DIGS, Trondheim 2019-11-13 - 2019-11-13
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) The impact of volunteer tourism in Cambodian residential care facilities. NTNU and University of Helsinki Governing Child Mobility: Contemporary Discourses and Policy Responses , Helsinki 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-26
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit; Schofield, Daniel. (2018) Welcome to seminar: Young People’s Civic Engagement in Latin America and the Nordic region. Marit Ursin and Daniel Schofield, funding from NorLARNet Young People’s Civic Engagement in Latin America and the Nordic region , DOKK-huset, Trondheim 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-01
Popular scientific lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) Being young and poor in Brazil: A history of segregation and discrimination. . Juno Magento VI BRYR OSS: musikk og dans som uttrykk, arrangement om politisk vold i Latin-Amerika , Stammen Cafe, Trondheim 2018-10-21 - 2018-10-21
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) Å vokse opp i favelaen – Barn og unges sikkerhetsstrategier. Norsk Forskningsråd Avslutningsseminar for Latin-Amerikaprogrammet ved Norsk Forskningsråd , Oslo 2018-03-21 - 2018-03-21
Popular scientific lectureUrsin, Marit; Chinga-Ramirez, Carla. (2018) Skoleliv og ungdomsliv: En presentasjon av elevenes tanker og opplevelser, skole 1. IPL, NTNU Erfaringskonferanse på vgs skole 1 , Trøndelag 2018-04-21 - 2018-04-21
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) Serviço social na Noruega: Trabalhando com os direitos da criança (rettighetsperspektiv i barnevernets praksis i Norge). CIESPI-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Guest lecture for students and researchers , Rio de Janeiro 2018-07-03 - 2018-07-03
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) O impacto de trafico no dia-a-dia de jovens que vivem nas comunidades marginais no Brasil urbano . CIESPI-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Guest lecture for students and researchers , Rio de Janeiro 2018-07-03 - 2018-07-03
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) Tracing the roots of institutionalization of poor children in Brazil and Mexico . University of Havana Welfare Research Seminar at University of Havana , Havana 2018-01-25 - 2018-01-26
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) Palestra convidada . UFAL (Universidade Federal de Alagoas) - Campus do Sertão Guest lecture for students and researchers , Delmiro Gouveia 2018-07-20 - 2018-07-20
Popular scientific lectureUrsin, Marit; Chinga-Ramirez, Carla. (2018) Skoleliv og ungdomsliv: En presentasjon av elevenes tanker og opplevelser, skole 2. IPL, NTNU Erfaringskonferanse på vgs skole 2 , Trøndelag 2018-04-21 - 2018-04-21
LectureUrsin, Marit. (2018) Children and Migration: Policy recommendations. NTNU and University of Helsinki Governing Child Mobility: Contemporary Discourses and Policy Responses , Helsinki 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-27
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2017) Children’s Rights in Child Protection Cases: Opening words. Marit Ursin/NTNU ‘Children’s Rights in Child Protection Cases' , Trondheim 2017-04-28 - 2017-04-28
PosterUrsin, Marit. (2016) Valuing the past, sustaining the future. NTNU, NMBU, Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Brohodekonferanse , Frøya 2016-10-05 - 2016-10-06
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2016) The impact of the crack cocaine trade in the everyday lives of marginalised youth in urban Brazil. Norsk Forskningsråd Norwegian research on Latin America: Seminar for Latin American embassies in Oslo , Oslo 2016-11-03 - 2016-11-03
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2016) Children and youth’s everyday lives in the favelas. Norwegian Research council Latin-American seminar with Latin American embassies and NFR , Oslo 2016-11-03 - 2016-11-03
InterviewUrsin, Marit. (2016) Narkotikakriminalitetens bivirkninger. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Newspaper] 2016-08-30
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit; Kjørholt, Anne Trine. (2016) Refugee children and the ‘best interest of the child’ - concluding reflections. Norsk senter for barneforskning ‘Refugee children, rights and the ‘best interest of the child’ , NTNU 2016-04-19 - 2016-04-19
InterviewKjørholt, Anne Trine; Ursin, Marit. (2016) Stort internasjonalt prosjekt til Frøya. Et fireårig langt forskningsprosjekt, med 12 millioner kroner fra forskningsrådet, settes i gang til høsten. Og Frøya er ett av stedene som skal studeres. Frøya Nyheter Frøya Nyheter [Internet] 2016-06-10
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2015) Pesquisa com jovens nas communidades marginais sobre o impacto do crack. NIPIAC, UFRJ Seminar at NIPIAC (Interdisciplinary Research centre on Childhood and Youth), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro 2015-08-06 - 2015-08-06
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2015) Socialization of institutionalized children: Conflicting views of families and staff in a Mexican Child Welfare institution. Universitetet i Stavangar Social work with families in a Latin American perspective – Comparing Latin-American and Nordic family-based welfare work , Stavanger 2015-09-22 - 2015-09-23
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2015) O impacto de crack no dia-o-dia de jovens que vivem nas communidades marginais no Brasil urbano. CECIP (NGO) Seminar at CECIP , Rio de Janeiro 2015-08-05 - 2015-08-05
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2015) O impacto de crack no dia-o-dia de jovens nas communidades marginais em Salvador. PROMUNDO (NGO) Seminar at PROMUNDO , Rio de Janeiro 2015-08-06 - 2015-08-06
Academic lectureUrsin, Marit. (2015) A synopsis of a longitudinal qualitative study among boys on the verge of adulthood on the street in urban Brazil. LAI Seminar at Latin American Institute, University of Stockholm , Stockholm 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-16
InterviewUrsin, Marit. (2014) Intervju om om marginalisert ungdom i favelaen i Brasil i forbindelse med VM i fotball. P1 P1 [Radio] 2014-06-12