Marius Steiro Fimland
05-085 Helgasetr Øya, Trondheim
I am programme leader for the Master of Science in Physical Activity and Health. The MSc has spezialications in Exercise physiology, Movement science, and Occupational science
I teach various topics at the MSc in Physical Activity and Health, and the Bachelor programme in Human Movement Science
I do research on:
- exercise principles to improve health of workers
- strength training for healthy individuals and those with various functional limitation
- physical activity and exercise in rehabilitation
I hold an adjunct position as researcher at Unicare Helsefort. Rehabilitation center for individuals with chronic pain, stroke, traumatic brain injury, obesity, or CFS/ME.
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Results from the GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Fischer, Heike;
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
“It's a good idea, but…”: a qualitative evaluation of the GoldiCare intervention in Norwegian home care services.
Frontiers in Health Services
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, S.E.;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
GoldiCare: Kan arbeidsdagen i hjemmetjenesten organiseres slik at den blir helsefremmende for ansatte?.
Aasdahl, Lene;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vereide, Pål Frøyen;
Stien, Nicolay;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
High-frequency resistance training improves maximal lower-limb strength more than low frequency.
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS)
Academic article
Storli, Magnus Fransplass;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Engan, Harald Kåre;
Sandmæl, Jon Arne.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon.
Effects of Inpatient Occupational Rehabilitation vs. Outpatient Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Sick Leave and Cost of Lost Production: 7-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Xu, Kailiang;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Association between musculoskeletal pain and exposures to awkward postures during work: a compositional analysis approach.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Eide, Vemund Bakken;
Unhjem, Bjørnar Jakobsen;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Efficacy of Supersets Versus Traditional Sets in Whole-Body Multiple-Joint Resistance Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rasmussen, Charlotte Lund;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Is patients’ activities of daily living self-care score in Norwegian home care a proxy for workers standing at work?.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
On the move: understanding home care workers’ experiences of using various modes of transportation at work in an occupational health perspective.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Morgante, Niccolò;
Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Nguyen, Cindy;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Kunst, Natalia.
Evaluating the Health and Economic Impacts of Return-to-Work Interventions: A Modeling Study.
Value in Health
Academic article
Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik;
Dalene, Knut Eirik;
Eggen, Anne Elise;
Ekelund, Ulf;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Heitmann, Kim Arne.
Occupational physical activity and risk of mortality in women and men: the Tromsø Study 1986–2021.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Færevik, Hilde.
Physical Work Demands of Maintenance Workers on Onshore Petroleum Facilities in Norway: An Observational Study Utilizing Wearable Sensor Technology.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote health among the workers while maintaining productivity? An investigation into stakeholders’ perspectives on organizational work redesign concepts based on the Goldilocks Work principles.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar.
Economic Evaluation of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation vs. Outpatient Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Sick-Listed Workers with Musculoskeletal- or Common Mental Disorders.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Jahren, Silje Ekroll.
Classification of kneeling and squatting in workers wearing protective equipment: development and validation of a rule-based model using wireless triaxial accelerometers.
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Schoenfeld, Brad J;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes;
Jensen, Susanne.
A randomized trial on the efficacy of split-body versus full-body resistance training in non-resistance trained women.
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation
Academic article
Larsen, Stian;
Kristiansen, Eirik Lindset;
Falch, Hallvard Nygaard;
Haugen, Markus Estifanos;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
van den Tillaar, Roland Johannes Wilhelmus.
Effects of barbell load on kinematics, kinetics, and myoelectric activity in back squats.
Sports Biomechanics
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Pedersen, Helene;
Balberg, Kristin;
Gåsvær, Maria.
A Comparison of Affective Responses Between Time Efficient and Traditional Resistance Training.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Bårdstu, Hilde Bremseth;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Raastad, Truls;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Muscle Strength Is Associated With Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Receiving Home Care. A Cross-Sectional Study.
Frontiers in Public Health
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Gonzalez, Victor;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad.
Assessment of Physical Work Demands of Home Care Workers in Norway: An Observational Study Using Wearable Sensor Technology.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Fischer, Heike;
Gellein, Trine Minde.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Study protocol for the Norwegian GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Schoenfeld, Brad J;
Stien, Nicolay.
Effects of one long vs. two short resistance training sessions on training volume and affective responses in resistance-trained women.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard M.;
Norum, Martin;
Schoenfeld, Brad J.;
Fimland, Marius S..
Response to Comment on: “No Time to Lift? Designing Time‐Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review”.
Sports Medicine
Letter to the editor
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Norum, Martin;
Schoenfeld, Brad J;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
No Time to Lift? Designing Time-Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review.
Sports Medicine
Academic literature review
Skarpsno, Eivind S.;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Insomnia is Associated with the Effect of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation on Work Participation in Workers with Musculoskeletal or Mental Health Disorders: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Nature and Science of Sleep
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Two‑Year Follow‑Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Inpatient
Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation Vs Outpatient
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Sick Listed Workers
with Musculoskeletal or Common Mental Disorders.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By.
Aligning stakeholders’ understandings of the return-to-work process: a qualitative study on workplace meetings in inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik;
Ekelund, Ulf;
Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Løvsletten, Ola;
Wilsgaard, Tom.
The bidirectional associations between leisure time physical activity change and body mass index gain. The Tromsø Study 1974–2016.
International Journal of Obesity
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Røe, Cecilie.
The Readiness for Return to Work Scale; Does it Help in Evaluation of Return to Work?.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Skagseth, Martin;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Return to work self-efficacy after occupational rehabilitation for musculoskeletal- and common mental health disorders: secondary outcomes of a randomized clinical trial.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Bårdstu, Hilde Bremseth;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Lohne-Seiler, Hilde;
Saeterbakken, Atle Hole.
Physical activity level following resistance training in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: Results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Pedersen, Helene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Shaw, Matthew Peter;
Solstad, Tom Erik Jorung;
Stien, Nicolay.
Comparison of muscle activity in three single-joint, hip extension exercises in resistance-trained women.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Vagle, Markus;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Andersen, Vidar.
Electromyographic comparison of flywheel inertial leg curl and Nordic hamstring exercise among soccer players.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP)
Academic article
Wiggen, Øystein;
Renberg, Julie;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Arbeid vi blir syke av, kan gjøres helsefremmende.
Feature article
Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik;
Ekelund, Ulf;
Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter;
Aars, Nils Abel;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Jacobsen, Bjarne K..
Do declines in occupational physical activity contribute to population gains in body mass index? Tromsø Study 1974–2016.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Rise, Marit By;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Periodized resistance training for persistent non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods feasibility study.
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation
Academic article
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Fors, Egil Andreas;
Rise, Marit By;
Johnsen, Roar.
Inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation reduces sickness absence among individuals with musculoskeletal and common mental health disorders: a randomized clinical trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Academic article
Bårdstu, Hilde Bremseth;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Raastad, Truls;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes.
Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function, muscle strength, and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Pedersen, Helene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Shaw, Matthew Peter;
Solstad, Tom Erik Jorung;
Stien, Nicolay.
Acute Effects of Elastic Bands as Resistance or Assistance on EMG, Kinetics, and Kinematics During Deadlift in Resistance-Trained Men.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Marchand, Gunn Hege;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Myhre, Kjersti;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Røe, Cecilie.
Response to the Letter to the Editor from Monticone et al.
Letter to the editor
Bårdstu, Hilde;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Raastad, Truls;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes.
Erratum: Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function, muscle strength, and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial (European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17 (11) DOI: 10.1186/s11556-020-00243-9).
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering – tidlig intervensjon ikke nødvendigvis bedre.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Short communication
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Trunk Muscle Activity in One- and Two-Armed American Kettlebell Swing in Resistance-Trained Men.
Sports Medicine International Open
Academic article
Skagseth, Martin;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Physical activity after inpatient occupational rehabilitation: secondary outcomes of two randomized controlled trials.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Skovlund, Eva;
Aune, Dagfinn;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
What should be the preferred exercise modality for overweight and obese individuals? Protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Systematic Reviews
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Is there really a “golden hour” for work disability interventions? A narrative review.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic literature review
Aasdahl, Lene;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Marchand, Gunn Hege;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Changes in fear-avoidance beliefs and work participation after occupational rehabilitation for musculoskeletal- and common mental disorders: secondary outcomes of two randomized clinical trials.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Marchand, Gunn Hege;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Myhre, Kjersti;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Røe, Cecilie.
The Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ)
Does it really measure fear beliefs?.
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mo, Dag André;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Larsen, Tommy Mella;
Solheim, Fredrik.
Electromyographic comparison of the barbell deadlift using constant versus variable resistance in healthy, trained men.
Academic article
Skagseth, Martin;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Johnsen, Roar;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Academic article
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Johnsen, Roar;
Rise, Marit By.
Unfolding the values of work - therapists´ experience of addressing the return to work process in occupational rehabilitation based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes;
Vraalsen, Øyvind Fougli;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Explosive Resistance Training Using Elastic Bands in Young Female Team Handball Players.
Sports Medicine International Open
Academic article
Vannebo, Katrine Tranaas;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Test-retest reliability of a handheld dynamometer for measurement of isometric cervical muscle strength.
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Academic article
Nordstoga, Anne Lovise;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Improved cardiorespiratory fitness after occupational rehabilitation in merged diagnostic groups.
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AOEM)
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Resistance training vs general physical exercise in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Foldal, Vegard Stolsmo;
Standal, Martin Inge;
Hagen, Roger;
Johnsen, Roar;
Solbjør, Marit.
Motivational interviewing in long-term sickness absence: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial followed by qualitative and economic studies.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård.
The feasibility of occupational rehabilitation in transdiagnostic groups for participants with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and common mental disorders.
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde
Academic article
Bergquist, Ronny;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Muscle Activity in Upper-Body Single-Joint Resistance Exercises with Elastic Resistance Bands vs. Free Weights.
The Journal of Human Kinetics
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Rise, Marit By.
Finansierer forskning, men ignorerer resultatene.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Bertheussen, Gro Falkener;
Salvesen, Øyvind.
Resistance band training or general exercise in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of low back pain? A randomized trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Improved expectations about length of sick leave during occupational rehabilitation is associated with increased work participation.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Fors, Egil Andreas;
Johnsen, Roar;
Rise, Marit By.
The acceptance and commitment therapy model in occupational rehabilitation of musculoskeletal and common mental disorders: a qualitative focus group study.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Rise, Marit By;
Skagseth, Martin;
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Jensen, Chris.
Design of a study evaluating the effects, health economics, and stakeholder perspectives of a multi-component occupational rehabilitation program with an added workplace intervention - A study protocol.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mo, Dag André;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vederhus, Torbjørn;
Hellebø, Lars Richard Rockland.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Bergquist, Ronny;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Multiple-joint exercises using elastic resistance bands vs. conventional resistance-training equipment: A cross-over study.
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS)
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Ny forskning: Hvor godt fungerer styrketrening med strikk?.
Popular scientific article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Halsteinli, Vidar.
Occupational rehabilitation and readiness for return to work in individuals with musculoskeletal complaints and mental health disorders -A randomized clinical trial
Doctoral dissertation
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Berthelsen, Ida Reitan;
Børke, Janne-Birgitte;
Bertheussen, Gro Falkener.
Resistance training in addition to multidisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain in the low back: Study protocol.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Johnsen, Roar.
Forskning ved Hysnes Helsefort. Del 1: Randomisert studie med helseøkonomisk og kvalitativ følgeforskning.
NTNU Grafisk senter
Johansen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Sluttrapport for prosjektet ved Hysnes Helsefort. Del 2. Metoderapport: Hvordan ble rehabiliteringen gjennomført?.
NTNU Grafisk senter
Johansen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Sluttrapport for prosjektet ved Hysnes Helsefort. Del 1. Prosjektrapport: Beskrivelse av prosjektet.
NTNU Grafisk senter
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård.
Transdiagnostic group-based occupational rehabilitation for participants with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and common mental disorders. A feasibility study.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Fake news at trening har fått ned sykefraværet.
Reader opinion piece
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Jensen, Chris;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Braathen, Tore Norendal;
Johnsen, Roar.
Associations between the readiness for return to work scale and return to work: a prospective study.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Halsteinli, Vidar.
Effect of inpatient multicomponent occupational rehabilitation versus less comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation on sickness absence in persons with Musculoskeletal- or Mental Health Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Vie, Gunnhild Åberge;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund.
Occupational and leisure-time physical activity and risk of disability pension: prospective data from the HUNT Study, Norway.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Nordengen, Solveig;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Nordic walking and specific strength training for neck- and shoulder pain in office workers: a pilot-study.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Jensen, Chris.
Effects of Inpatient Multicomponent Occupational Rehabilitation versus Less Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation on Somatic and Mental Health: Secondary Outcomes of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Kolnes, Maria Knutson;
Jensen, Susanne;
Laume, Martine;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Electromyographic comparison of squats using constant or variable resistance.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Behm, David G.;
Krohn-Hansen, Espen Krogseth;
Smaamo, Mats;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Resistance-training exercises with different stability requirements: time course of task specificity.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Gunnarskog, Aril;
Jungård, Georg Andre;
Slåttland, Roy-Andre;
Vraalsen, Øyvind Fougli.
Core Muscle Activation in One-Armed and Two-Armed Kettlebell Swing.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Kolnes, Maria Knutson;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Elastic bands in combination with free weights in strength training: Neuromuscular effects.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Brudeseth, A.;
Lund, H.;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
The Effect of Performing Bi- and Unilateral Row Exercises on Core Muscle Activation.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Vie, Gunnhild Åberge;
Johnsen, Roar;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon.
Leisure-time physical activity and disability pension: 9 years follow-up of the HUNT Study, Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Rise, Marit By;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Sick-listed persons’ experiences with taking part in an in-patient occupational rehabilitation program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a qualitative focus group interview study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Navarsete, Jonas;
Kroken, Trine;
van den Tillaar, Roland.
Muscle activity, and the association between core strength, core endurance and core stability.
Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation
Academic article
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Woodhouse, Astrid;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Hara, Karen Walseth.
Describing patients with a duration of sick leave over and under one year in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen;
Lundestad, Raymond;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Wang, Eivind.
Strength training-induced responses in older adults: attenuation of descending neural drive with age.
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Brennset, Øyvind;
Haslestad, Lars Rune;
Lundteigen, Maren Sofie;
Skalleberg, Katrine.
Muscle Activation and Strength in Squat and Bulgarian Squat on Stable and Unstable Surface.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar.
Vent på kunnskapen.
Feature article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Jansson, June;
Kvellestad, Ann Charlotte;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Effects of BOSU ball(s) during sit-ups with body-weight and added resistance on core muscle activation.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Kolnes, Maria Knutson;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Effects of replacing free-weights with elastic band resistance in squats on trunk muscle activation.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Rise, Marit By;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting.
Occupational rehabilitation programs for musculoskeletal pain and common mental health disorders: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Wiik, Espen;
Skoglund, Anders;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Effects of Grip Width on Muscle Strength and Activation in the Lat Pull-Down.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Muscle force output and electromyographic activity in squats with various unstable surfaces.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Electromyographic activity and 6-RM strength in bench press on stable and unstable surfaces.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Palmer, Helen;
Håberg, Asta;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Structural brain changes after 4 wk of unilateral strength training of the lower limb.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Woodhouse, Astrid;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Johnsen, Roar.
Kan fysisk aktivitet redusere sykefravær og uføretrygding? :.
Academic literature review
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Effects of Body Position and Loading Modality on Muscle Activity and Strength in Shoulder Presses.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves work economy, rate of force development and maximal strength more than conventional strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Muscle activity of the core during bilateral, unilateral, seated and standing resistance exercise.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enchances Strength and Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Survivors.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Hill, Tessa;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Torhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enhances Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Patients.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Test-Retest Reliability of V-Wave Responses in the Soleus and Gastrocnemius Medialis.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Helgerud, Jan.
Neuromuscular performance of paretic versus non-paretic plantar flexors after stroke.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Sæterbakken, Atle.
No effects of caffeine on muscle hypertrophy-style resistance exercise.
Journal of Caffeine Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle;
van den Tillaar, Roland ;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
A comparison of muscle activity and 1-RM strength of three chest-press exercises with different stability requirements.
Journal of Sports Sciences
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Styrketrening gull verdt for MS-pasienter.
Interview Journal
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Styrketrening gir bedre nervesignaler.
Interview Journal
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Knutsen, Andreas;
Ruth, Helge;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
No effect of prior caffeine ingestion on neuromuscular recovery after maximal fatiguing contractions.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Enhanced neural drive after maximal strength training in multiple sclerosis patients.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Neural adaptations underlying cross-education after unilateral strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Functional maximal strength training induces neural transfer to single-joint tasks.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Chronic and acute neural adaptations to strength training.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (412)
Doctoral dissertation
Folland, Jonathan P.;
Wakamatsu, Tomoyoshi;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
The influence of maximal isometric activity on twitch and H-reflex potentiation, and quadriceps femoris performance.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Journal publications
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Results from the GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Fischer, Heike;
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
“It's a good idea, but…”: a qualitative evaluation of the GoldiCare intervention in Norwegian home care services.
Frontiers in Health Services
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vereide, Pål Frøyen;
Stien, Nicolay;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
High-frequency resistance training improves maximal lower-limb strength more than low frequency.
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS)
Academic article
Storli, Magnus Fransplass;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Engan, Harald Kåre;
Sandmæl, Jon Arne.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon.
Effects of Inpatient Occupational Rehabilitation vs. Outpatient Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Sick Leave and Cost of Lost Production: 7-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Xu, Kailiang;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Association between musculoskeletal pain and exposures to awkward postures during work: a compositional analysis approach.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Eide, Vemund Bakken;
Unhjem, Bjørnar Jakobsen;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Efficacy of Supersets Versus Traditional Sets in Whole-Body Multiple-Joint Resistance Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rasmussen, Charlotte Lund;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Is patients’ activities of daily living self-care score in Norwegian home care a proxy for workers standing at work?.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
On the move: understanding home care workers’ experiences of using various modes of transportation at work in an occupational health perspective.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Morgante, Niccolò;
Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Nguyen, Cindy;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Kunst, Natalia.
Evaluating the Health and Economic Impacts of Return-to-Work Interventions: A Modeling Study.
Value in Health
Academic article
Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik;
Dalene, Knut Eirik;
Eggen, Anne Elise;
Ekelund, Ulf;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Heitmann, Kim Arne.
Occupational physical activity and risk of mortality in women and men: the Tromsø Study 1986–2021.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Færevik, Hilde.
Physical Work Demands of Maintenance Workers on Onshore Petroleum Facilities in Norway: An Observational Study Utilizing Wearable Sensor Technology.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Can home care work be organized to promote health among the workers while maintaining productivity? An investigation into stakeholders’ perspectives on organizational work redesign concepts based on the Goldilocks Work principles.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar.
Economic Evaluation of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation vs. Outpatient Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Sick-Listed Workers with Musculoskeletal- or Common Mental Disorders.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Jahren, Silje Ekroll.
Classification of kneeling and squatting in workers wearing protective equipment: development and validation of a rule-based model using wireless triaxial accelerometers.
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Schoenfeld, Brad J;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes;
Jensen, Susanne.
A randomized trial on the efficacy of split-body versus full-body resistance training in non-resistance trained women.
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation
Academic article
Larsen, Stian;
Kristiansen, Eirik Lindset;
Falch, Hallvard Nygaard;
Haugen, Markus Estifanos;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
van den Tillaar, Roland Johannes Wilhelmus.
Effects of barbell load on kinematics, kinetics, and myoelectric activity in back squats.
Sports Biomechanics
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Pedersen, Helene;
Balberg, Kristin;
Gåsvær, Maria.
A Comparison of Affective Responses Between Time Efficient and Traditional Resistance Training.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Bårdstu, Hilde Bremseth;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Raastad, Truls;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Muscle Strength Is Associated With Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Receiving Home Care. A Cross-Sectional Study.
Frontiers in Public Health
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Gonzalez, Victor;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Liaset, Ingeborg Frostad.
Assessment of Physical Work Demands of Home Care Workers in Norway: An Observational Study Using Wearable Sensor Technology.
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Mathiassen, Svend Erik;
Fischer, Heike;
Gellein, Trine Minde.
Can home care work be organized to promote musculoskeletal health for workers? Study protocol for the Norwegian GoldiCare cluster randomized controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Schoenfeld, Brad J;
Stien, Nicolay.
Effects of one long vs. two short resistance training sessions on training volume and affective responses in resistance-trained women.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard M.;
Norum, Martin;
Schoenfeld, Brad J.;
Fimland, Marius S..
Response to Comment on: “No Time to Lift? Designing Time‐Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review”.
Sports Medicine
Letter to the editor
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Norum, Martin;
Schoenfeld, Brad J;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
No Time to Lift? Designing Time-Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review.
Sports Medicine
Academic literature review
Skarpsno, Eivind S.;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Insomnia is Associated with the Effect of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation on Work Participation in Workers with Musculoskeletal or Mental Health Disorders: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Nature and Science of Sleep
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Two‑Year Follow‑Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Inpatient
Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation Vs Outpatient
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Sick Listed Workers
with Musculoskeletal or Common Mental Disorders.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By.
Aligning stakeholders’ understandings of the return-to-work process: a qualitative study on workplace meetings in inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik;
Ekelund, Ulf;
Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Løvsletten, Ola;
Wilsgaard, Tom.
The bidirectional associations between leisure time physical activity change and body mass index gain. The Tromsø Study 1974–2016.
International Journal of Obesity
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Røe, Cecilie.
The Readiness for Return to Work Scale; Does it Help in Evaluation of Return to Work?.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Skagseth, Martin;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Return to work self-efficacy after occupational rehabilitation for musculoskeletal- and common mental health disorders: secondary outcomes of a randomized clinical trial.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Bårdstu, Hilde Bremseth;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Lohne-Seiler, Hilde;
Saeterbakken, Atle Hole.
Physical activity level following resistance training in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: Results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Pedersen, Helene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Shaw, Matthew Peter;
Solstad, Tom Erik Jorung;
Stien, Nicolay.
Comparison of muscle activity in three single-joint, hip extension exercises in resistance-trained women.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Academic article
Pedersen, Helene;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Vagle, Markus;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Andersen, Vidar.
Electromyographic comparison of flywheel inertial leg curl and Nordic hamstring exercise among soccer players.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP)
Academic article
Wiggen, Øystein;
Renberg, Julie;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
Arbeid vi blir syke av, kan gjøres helsefremmende.
Feature article
Sagelv, Edvard Hamnvik;
Ekelund, Ulf;
Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter;
Aars, Nils Abel;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Jacobsen, Bjarne K..
Do declines in occupational physical activity contribute to population gains in body mass index? Tromsø Study 1974–2016.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Tjøsvoll, Svein Ove;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Rise, Marit By;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Periodized resistance training for persistent non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods feasibility study.
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation
Academic article
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Fors, Egil Andreas;
Rise, Marit By;
Johnsen, Roar.
Inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation reduces sickness absence among individuals with musculoskeletal and common mental health disorders: a randomized clinical trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Academic article
Bårdstu, Hilde Bremseth;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Raastad, Truls;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes.
Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function, muscle strength, and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Pedersen, Helene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Shaw, Matthew Peter;
Solstad, Tom Erik Jorung;
Stien, Nicolay.
Acute Effects of Elastic Bands as Resistance or Assistance on EMG, Kinetics, and Kinematics During Deadlift in Resistance-Trained Men.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Marchand, Gunn Hege;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Myhre, Kjersti;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Røe, Cecilie.
Response to the Letter to the Editor from Monticone et al.
Letter to the editor
Bårdstu, Hilde;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Raastad, Truls;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes.
Erratum: Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function, muscle strength, and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial (European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17 (11) DOI: 10.1186/s11556-020-00243-9).
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering – tidlig intervensjon ikke nødvendigvis bedre.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Short communication
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Trunk Muscle Activity in One- and Two-Armed American Kettlebell Swing in Resistance-Trained Men.
Sports Medicine International Open
Academic article
Skagseth, Martin;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Physical activity after inpatient occupational rehabilitation: secondary outcomes of two randomized controlled trials.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Skovlund, Eva;
Aune, Dagfinn;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
What should be the preferred exercise modality for overweight and obese individuals? Protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Systematic Reviews
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Is there really a “golden hour” for work disability interventions? A narrative review.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic literature review
Aasdahl, Lene;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Marchand, Gunn Hege;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Changes in fear-avoidance beliefs and work participation after occupational rehabilitation for musculoskeletal- and common mental disorders: secondary outcomes of two randomized clinical trials.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Marchand, Gunn Hege;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Myhre, Kjersti;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Røe, Cecilie.
The Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ)
Does it really measure fear beliefs?.
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mo, Dag André;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Larsen, Tommy Mella;
Solheim, Fredrik.
Electromyographic comparison of the barbell deadlift using constant versus variable resistance in healthy, trained men.
Academic article
Skagseth, Martin;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Johnsen, Roar;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Aasdahl, Lene.
Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Academic article
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Johnsen, Roar;
Rise, Marit By.
Unfolding the values of work - therapists´ experience of addressing the return to work process in occupational rehabilitation based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes;
Vraalsen, Øyvind Fougli;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Explosive Resistance Training Using Elastic Bands in Young Female Team Handball Players.
Sports Medicine International Open
Academic article
Vannebo, Katrine Tranaas;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Test-retest reliability of a handheld dynamometer for measurement of isometric cervical muscle strength.
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Academic article
Nordstoga, Anne Lovise;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Improved cardiorespiratory fitness after occupational rehabilitation in merged diagnostic groups.
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AOEM)
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Resistance training vs general physical exercise in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Foldal, Vegard Stolsmo;
Standal, Martin Inge;
Hagen, Roger;
Johnsen, Roar;
Solbjør, Marit.
Motivational interviewing in long-term sickness absence: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial followed by qualitative and economic studies.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård.
The feasibility of occupational rehabilitation in transdiagnostic groups for participants with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and common mental disorders.
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde
Academic article
Bergquist, Ronny;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Muscle Activity in Upper-Body Single-Joint Resistance Exercises with Elastic Resistance Bands vs. Free Weights.
The Journal of Human Kinetics
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Rise, Marit By.
Finansierer forskning, men ignorerer resultatene.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Bertheussen, Gro Falkener;
Salvesen, Øyvind.
Resistance band training or general exercise in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of low back pain? A randomized trial.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Improved expectations about length of sick leave during occupational rehabilitation is associated with increased work participation.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Fors, Egil Andreas;
Johnsen, Roar;
Rise, Marit By.
The acceptance and commitment therapy model in occupational rehabilitation of musculoskeletal and common mental disorders: a qualitative focus group study.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Rise, Marit By;
Skagseth, Martin;
Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Jensen, Chris.
Design of a study evaluating the effects, health economics, and stakeholder perspectives of a multi-component occupational rehabilitation program with an added workplace intervention - A study protocol.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mo, Dag André;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vederhus, Torbjørn;
Hellebø, Lars Richard Rockland.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Bergquist, Ronny;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Multiple-joint exercises using elastic resistance bands vs. conventional resistance-training equipment: A cross-over study.
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS)
Academic article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Ny forskning: Hvor godt fungerer styrketrening med strikk?.
Popular scientific article
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Berthelsen, Ida Reitan;
Børke, Janne-Birgitte;
Bertheussen, Gro Falkener.
Resistance training in addition to multidisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain in the low back: Study protocol.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications
Academic article
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård.
Transdiagnostic group-based occupational rehabilitation for participants with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and common mental disorders. A feasibility study.
Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Fake news at trening har fått ned sykefraværet.
Reader opinion piece
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Jensen, Chris;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Braathen, Tore Norendal;
Johnsen, Roar.
Associations between the readiness for return to work scale and return to work: a prospective study.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Halsteinli, Vidar.
Effect of inpatient multicomponent occupational rehabilitation versus less comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation on sickness absence in persons with Musculoskeletal- or Mental Health Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Vie, Gunnhild Åberge;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund.
Occupational and leisure-time physical activity and risk of disability pension: prospective data from the HUNT Study, Norway.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Nordengen, Solveig;
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Nordic walking and specific strength training for neck- and shoulder pain in office workers: a pilot-study.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Aasdahl, Lene;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Johnsen, Roar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Jensen, Chris.
Effects of Inpatient Multicomponent Occupational Rehabilitation versus Less Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation on Somatic and Mental Health: Secondary Outcomes of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Kolnes, Maria Knutson;
Jensen, Susanne;
Laume, Martine;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Electromyographic comparison of squats using constant or variable resistance.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Behm, David G.;
Krohn-Hansen, Espen Krogseth;
Smaamo, Mats;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Resistance-training exercises with different stability requirements: time course of task specificity.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Gunnarskog, Aril;
Jungård, Georg Andre;
Slåttland, Roy-Andre;
Vraalsen, Øyvind Fougli.
Core Muscle Activation in One-Armed and Two-Armed Kettlebell Swing.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Kolnes, Maria Knutson;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Elastic bands in combination with free weights in strength training: Neuromuscular effects.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Brudeseth, A.;
Lund, H.;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
The Effect of Performing Bi- and Unilateral Row Exercises on Core Muscle Activation.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Vie, Gunnhild Åberge;
Johnsen, Roar;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon.
Leisure-time physical activity and disability pension: 9 years follow-up of the HUNT Study, Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Rise, Marit By;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Johnsen, Roar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Sick-listed persons’ experiences with taking part in an in-patient occupational rehabilitation program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a qualitative focus group interview study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Navarsete, Jonas;
Kroken, Trine;
van den Tillaar, Roland.
Muscle activity, and the association between core strength, core endurance and core stability.
Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation
Academic article
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon;
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Woodhouse, Astrid;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Hara, Karen Walseth.
Describing patients with a duration of sick leave over and under one year in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen;
Lundestad, Raymond;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Wang, Eivind.
Strength training-induced responses in older adults: attenuation of descending neural drive with age.
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Brennset, Øyvind;
Haslestad, Lars Rune;
Lundteigen, Maren Sofie;
Skalleberg, Katrine.
Muscle Activation and Strength in Squat and Bulgarian Squat on Stable and Unstable Surface.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Johnsen, Roar;
Vasseljen, Ottar.
Vent på kunnskapen.
Feature article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Jansson, June;
Kvellestad, Ann Charlotte;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Effects of BOSU ball(s) during sit-ups with body-weight and added resistance on core muscle activation.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Andersen, Vidar;
Kolnes, Maria Knutson;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Effects of replacing free-weights with elastic band resistance in squats on trunk muscle activation.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Rise, Marit By;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting.
Occupational rehabilitation programs for musculoskeletal pain and common mental health disorders: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Andersen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Wiik, Espen;
Skoglund, Anders;
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole.
Effects of Grip Width on Muscle Strength and Activation in the Lat Pull-Down.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Muscle force output and electromyographic activity in squats with various unstable surfaces.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Electromyographic activity and 6-RM strength in bench press on stable and unstable surfaces.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Palmer, Helen;
Håberg, Asta;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Structural brain changes after 4 wk of unilateral strength training of the lower limb.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Woodhouse, Astrid;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting;
Johnsen, Roar.
Kan fysisk aktivitet redusere sykefravær og uføretrygding? :.
Academic literature review
Sæterbakken, Atle Hole;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Effects of Body Position and Loading Modality on Muscle Activity and Strength in Shoulder Presses.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves work economy, rate of force development and maximal strength more than conventional strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Muscle activity of the core during bilateral, unilateral, seated and standing resistance exercise.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enchances Strength and Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Survivors.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Hill, Tessa;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Torhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enhances Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Patients.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Test-Retest Reliability of V-Wave Responses in the Soleus and Gastrocnemius Medialis.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Helgerud, Jan.
Neuromuscular performance of paretic versus non-paretic plantar flexors after stroke.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Sæterbakken, Atle.
No effects of caffeine on muscle hypertrophy-style resistance exercise.
Journal of Caffeine Research
Academic article
Sæterbakken, Atle;
van den Tillaar, Roland ;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
A comparison of muscle activity and 1-RM strength of three chest-press exercises with different stability requirements.
Journal of Sports Sciences
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Styrketrening gull verdt for MS-pasienter.
Interview Journal
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Styrketrening gir bedre nervesignaler.
Interview Journal
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Knutsen, Andreas;
Ruth, Helge;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
No effect of prior caffeine ingestion on neuromuscular recovery after maximal fatiguing contractions.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Enhanced neural drive after maximal strength training in multiple sclerosis patients.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Neural adaptations underlying cross-education after unilateral strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Functional maximal strength training induces neural transfer to single-joint tasks.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Folland, Jonathan P.;
Wakamatsu, Tomoyoshi;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
The influence of maximal isometric activity on twitch and H-reflex potentiation, and quadriceps femoris performance.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Lohne, Fredrik Klæboe;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Mathiassen, S.E.;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Fischer, Heike;
Redzovic, Skender Elez.
GoldiCare: Kan arbeidsdagen i hjemmetjenesten organiseres slik at den blir helsefremmende for ansatte?.
Aasdahl, Lene;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Pape, Kristine;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Halsteinli, Vidar.
Occupational rehabilitation and readiness for return to work in individuals with musculoskeletal complaints and mental health disorders -A randomized clinical trial
Doctoral dissertation
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Rise, Marit By;
Aasdahl, Lene;
Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård;
Halsteinli, Vidar;
Johnsen, Roar.
Forskning ved Hysnes Helsefort. Del 1: Randomisert studie med helseøkonomisk og kvalitativ følgeforskning.
NTNU Grafisk senter
Johansen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Sluttrapport for prosjektet ved Hysnes Helsefort. Del 2. Metoderapport: Hvordan ble rehabiliteringen gjennomført?.
NTNU Grafisk senter
Johansen, Vidar;
Fimland, Marius Steiro.
Sluttrapport for prosjektet ved Hysnes Helsefort. Del 1. Prosjektrapport: Beskrivelse av prosjektet.
NTNU Grafisk senter
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Chronic and acute neural adaptations to strength training.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (412)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Johnsen, Roar; Vasseljen, Ottar; Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon. (2024) 7 års oppfølging av effekter etter arbeidsrettet rehabilitering på Hysnes . Seminar om helse og arbeid Trondheim 2024-06-04 - 2024-06-04
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Bjørnelv, Gudrun Maria Waaler; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Johnsen, Roar; Vasseljen, Ottar. (2023) Helseøkonomiske effekter av arbeidsrettet rehabilitering-Hysnes prosjektet . FoU-enhet for helse og arbeid Midt-Norge Seminar om helse og arbeid 2023-06-06 - 2023-06-06
PosterSkarpsno, Eivind S.; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Aasdahl, Lene. (2021) Insomnia is Associated with the Effect of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation on Work Participation in Workers with Musculoskeletal or Mental Health Disorders: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial. MUSS konferanse 2021-11-04 -
Academic lectureSkagseth, Martin; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Rise, Marit By; Johnsen, Roar; Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.; Aasdahl, Lene. (2019) Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial. 2019 Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference , Odense 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-07
PosterAasdahl, Lene; Marchand, Gunn Hege; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Myhre, Kjersti; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Røe, Cecilie. (2019) The Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ): does it really measure fear beliefs?. Muskelskjelettsatsingen MUSS Nasjonale forskningskonferanse innen muskelskjeletthelse , Oslo 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro; Shaw, Matthew Peter; Solstad, Tom Erik Jorung. (2019) Episode 5 - Trening i et helseperspektiv. Idrettsforskning Idrettsforskning - podcast , Digitalt 2019-11-04 - 2019-11-04
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Marchand, Gunn Hege; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2019) Changes in fear-avoidance beliefs and work participation after occupational rehabilitation: a randomized clinical trial. WDPI 2019-06-06 -
Academic lectureKlevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Rise, Marit By. (2018) Workplace intervention in occupational rehabilitation. The experiences of employees, employers and therapists. Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Occupational Rehabilitat The 5th Nordic Conference in Work & Rehabilitation , Oslo 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-03
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2018) Improved expectations about length of sick leave during occupational rehabilitation is associated with increased work participation. EUMASS 2018-10-04 - 2018-10-06
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2018) Improved expectations about length of sick leave during occupational rehabilitation is associated with increased work participation. Nordic Conference in work and rehabilitation 2018 , Oslo 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-03
PosterAasdahl, Lene; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Marchand, Gunn Hege; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2018) Changes in fear-avoidance beliefs and work participation after occupational rehabilitation: a randomized clinical trial. Nordic Conference in work and rehabilitation 2018 , Oslo 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-03
Academic lectureSkagseth, Martin; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Rise, Marit By; Aasdahl, Lene. (2018) Effects of an added workplace intervention to inpatient occupational rehabilitation. A randomized clinical trial. . Nordisk conference in work and rehabilitation 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-03
LectureFoldal, Vegard Stolsmo; Aasdahl, Lene; Standal, Martin Inge; Hagen, Roger; Johnsen, Roar; Solbjør, Marit. (2018) Effekten av motiverende intervju på tilbakeføring til arbeid: En randomisert studie. FoU-enheten Helse og arbeid ved Helse Midt-Norge RHF Seminar FoU-enheten Helse og arbeid ved Helse Midt-Norge RHF , Trondheim 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-14
Academic lectureKlevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Rise, Marit By. (2018) Arbeidsgiveres, arbeidstakeres og terapeuters erfaringer med arbeidsplassintervensjon i ARR - Kvalitativ triangulering. FoU enheten for Helse og Arbeid i Midt Norge Seminar om Helse og arbeid i Midt-Norge , Trondheim 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-14
Academic lectureGismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Aasdahl, Lene; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Fors, Egil Andreas; Rise, Marit By. (2018) Inpatient multidiciplinary occupational rehabilitation reduces sickness absence in patients with common musculoskeletal complaints and mental disorders: a randomised clinial trial. European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security Eumass , Maastrich 2018-10-04 - 2018-10-06
PosterKlevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Johnsen, Roar; Rise, Marit By. (2017) Unfolding the values of work - A qualitative study exploring therapists’ experiences of attending to the return-to-work process in an inpatient occupational rehabilitation program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACBS ACBS World Conference 15 , Sevilla 2017-06-22 - 2017-06-25
PosterIversen, Vegard Moe; Vasseljen, Ottar; Mork, Paul Jarle; Salvesen, Øyvind; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Resistance Training Versus General Exercise In Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Of Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. American College of Sports Medicine 2017 ACSM Annual Meeting 2017-05-30 - 2017-06-03
PosterFimland, Marius Steiro; Vie, Gunnhild Åberge; Holtermann, Andreas; Krokstad, Steinar; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund. (2017) Occupational and leisure-time physical activity and risk of disability pension: prospective data from the HUNT study, Norway . American college of sports medicine - 65th annual meeting , Denver 2017-05-29 - 2017-06-02
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Hard fysisk aktivitet på jobb øker risikoen for uføretrygd. Dagens medisin Dagens medisin [Internet] 2017-07-12
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Effects of ACT-based inpatient occupational multicomponent rehabilitation- a randomized clinical trial . ACBS ACBS World Conference 2017 , Sevilla 2017-06-22 - 2017-06-25
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro; Aasdahl, Lene. (2017) Inpatient occupational rehabilitation based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) vs standalone outpatient ACT for patients sick listed with musculoskeletal or common mental disorders: A randomized clinical trial reporting on return to work. Association for contectual behavioural science World Conference 15 - Contextual Science 2017-06-22 - 2017-06-25
PosterIversen, Vegard Moe; Vasseljen, Ottar; Mork, Paul Jarle; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Resistance training versus general physical exercise in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of low back pain: Randomized controlled trial . International Back and Neck Pain Research Forum 2017 2017-09-13 - 2017-09-15
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Jensen, Chris. (2017) Effects of multicomponent occupational rehabilitation on sickness absence and health outcomes: results of a randomized clinical trial. Oslo Universitetssykehus og Høyskolen i Oslo og Akershus International Back & Neck Pain Forum 2017 , Oslo 2017-09-13 - 2017-09-15
InterviewFors, Egil Andreas; Hagen, Roger; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Nå skal NTNU og NAV forske på å få sykmeldte tilbake i arbeid: Hva skal til for å få sykemeldte fortere tilbake på jobb? Det skal NTNU-forskere og NAV finne ut av. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2017-09-18
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Slik holder Laila smertene i sjakk. Stavanger Aftenblad Stavanger Aftenblad [Newspaper] 2017-04-08
LectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2017) Kan fysisk aktivitet redusere uføretrygd?. Helsedirektoratet Arbeidshelse og fysisk aktivitet 2017-11-28 - 2017-11-28
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård. (2016) Kuttet sykefraværet, legges ned neste uke. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2016-06-10
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2016) Arbeidsrettet Rehabilitering på Hysnes Helsefort: Effekter og Erfaringer. Reg. kompetansesenter for habilitering og rehabilitering Regional tverrfagleg forskningskonferanse innan rehabilitering , Bergen 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-21
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2016) Results from RCT on Occupational Rehabilitation in Norway. VIRK – Vocational Rehabilitation Fund, Iceland 4th Nordic Conference in Work and Rehabilitation 2016-09-05 - 2016-09-07
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2016) Hysnes Helsefort; Forskningsresultater og Erfaringer. Helse Sør-Øst RHF Raskere tilbake konferanse , Oslo 2016-03-16 - 2016-03-17
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Halsteinli, Vidar. (2016) Hysnes Helsefort. Høstmøte Fysikalsk medisinsk forening 2016-12-01 -
PosterRise, Marit By; Skagseth, Martin; Klevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.; Jensen, Chris; Tenggren, Hanne. (2016) Workplace intervention added to in-patient occupational rehabilitation: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. WDPI 2016 , Amsterdam 2016-09-27 - 2016-09-27
LectureKlevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Rise, Marit By. (2016) “So why should you work?” A qualitative study on how return-to-work is attended to in an occupational rehabilitation program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. WDPI 2016 , Amsterdam 2016-09-27 -
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2016) Mindre sykefravær med fysisk aktivitet?. NHI.NO NHI.NO [Internet] 2016-05-09
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Jensen, Chris. (2016) Effects of inpatient occupational multicomponent rehabilitation . WDPI 2016 2016-09-25 -
PosterAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Halsteinli, Vidar. (2016) Effects of multicomponent occupational rehabilitation on sickness absence: a randomized clinical trial . WDPI 2016 2016-09-25 -
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Jensen, Chris. (2016) Effekt av multidisiplinær arbeidsrettet rehabilitering på somatisk og psykisk helse (Hysnes Helsefort). Forskningsrådet- avslutningskonferanse: sykefravær, arbeid og helse 2016-05-26 -
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård. (2016) Kommer raskere tilbake i jobb etter Hysnes-opphold. Fosna-Folket Fosna-Folket [Newspaper] 2016-06-10
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Jensen, Chris. (2015) Effects of multicomponent occupational rehabilitation on somatic and mental health. BJD World summit 2015 2015-10-08 -
Academic lectureAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2015) Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering for langtidssykemeldte med muskelskjelett- og/eller lettere psykiske plager; foreløpige data fra et randomisert kontrollert forsøk. . Åpen Arena 2015-01-14 -
PosterAasdahl, Lene; Pape, Kristine; Vasseljen, Ottar; Johnsen, Roar; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2015) Effekt av multidisiplinær arbeidsrettet rehabilitering på somatisk og psykisk helse (Hysnes Helsefort). RTW Konferansen 2015 2015-11-24 -
PosterNordstoga, Anne Lovise; Mork, Paul Jarle; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2015) Bedring i fysisk form etter arbeidsrettet rehabilitering på Hysnes Helsefort. RTW-konferansen 2015-11-24 - 2015-11-25
LectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2015) Fysisk aktivitet og jobbhelse – hva sier forskningen?. Kommunal landspensjonskasse Temadag - Fysisk aktivitet i arbeidslivet , Oslo 2015-05-19 -
PosterKlevanger, Nina Elisabeth; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Rise, Marit By. (2014) What are the important components of workplace meetings?. WDPI WDPI , Odense 2014-06-04 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2014) Fysisk aktivitet og risiko for uføretrygd (HUNT 2). Nasjonal folkehelsekonferanse 2014-11-26 - 2014-11-27
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2014) Fysisk aktivitet halverte uføre-risiko. fysioterapeuten fysioterapeuten [Internet] 2014-12-22
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2014) Fysisk aktivitet halverte uføre-risiko . dagens medisin dagens medisin [Internet] 2014-12-17
LectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2013) Nye studier innen rehabilitering, fysisk aktivitet, arbeid og helse. KLP KLPs arbeidsmiljølab , Oslo 2013-01-23 - 2013-01-23
LectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2013) Styrketrening: nevromuskulære tilpasninger med kliniske implikasjoner. norsk forening for idrettsmedisin og fysisk aktivitet Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress , sandefjord 2013-11-09 - 2013-11-09
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2013) Resistance training for patients with multiple sclerosis or stroke. Human motor control forskningsnettverk Physical activity and function: Methodological and clinical aspects , Trondheim 2013-05-23 -
LectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2013) Nevromuskulære endringer ved styrketrening. Norges idrettshøyskole NIH Fitness convention , Oslo 2013-11-14 - 2013-11-16
Academic lectureFimland, Marius Steiro. (2012) Effekt av en universell rehabiliteringsmodell på tilbakeføring til arbeid: Design av to randomiserte kontrollerte studier. Arbeid og Helse-konferanse , Drammen 2012-01-10 - 2012-01-12
PosterGjellesvik, Tor Ivar; Hill, Tessa; Moen, Per Marius Reinem; Tørhaug, Tom; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Helgerud, Jan. (2012) Maximal Strength Training Enhances Strength and Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Survivors. ACSM American College of Sports Medicine - Exercise is Medicine , San Francisco 2012-05-29 - 2012-06-02
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2012) Til kamp mot sykefraværet. KLP magasinet KLP magasinet [Newspaper] 2012-12-01
PosterAndersen, Vidar; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Sæterbakken, Atle Hole. (2012) Effects of grip width on loading and muscle activation in the lat pulldown. NIH International conference on strength training 2012 , Oslo 2012-10-24 - 2012-10-28
PosterGismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Fors, Egil Andreas; Johnsen, Roar; Vasseljen, Ottar; Hara, Karen Walseth; Vaagan, Linda. (2012) Design of an ACT based inpatient intervention for Return to Work - Poster. Assosiacion for Contextual Behavioral Science World Conference X - Assosiacion for Contextual Behavioral Science , Washington 2012-07-21 - 2012-07-25
Academic lectureGismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Fors, Egil Andreas; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2012) WorkACTive: Design of an ACT based inpatient intervention for return to work. Assosiacion for Contextual Behavioral Science World Conference X - Assosiacion for Contextual Behavioral Science , Washington 2012-07-21 - 2012-07-25
PosterPalmer, Helen; Eikenes, Live; Fimland, Marius; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2011) Changes in the brain in response to maximal strength training: a DTI study. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting 2011-11-12 - 2011-11-16
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2011) 30 av 500 ønsker hjelp. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2011-07-06
InterviewFimland, Marius Steiro. (2011) Vil Hysnestabletten virke?. Kommunal rapport Kommunal rapport [Newspaper] 2011-05-05
InterviewJohnsen, Roar; de Ridder, Karin; Fimland, Marius Steiro. (2011) En av fem under 30 år på trygd. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2011-05-09
Academic lecturePalmer, Helen; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Iversen, Vegard Moe; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2009) Maximal strength training of the plantar flexors: can changes in the brain be detected using functional magnetic resonance imaging?. The Physiological Society Physiology 2009 , University College Dublin 2009-07-07 - 2009-07-10