Nadav Bar
Our mission is to control the microworld.
Combining biotechnology and control theory, we explore feedback control of microorganisms, particularly of bacteria. Our vision is to gain control over microbiological processes and to harness the power of microorganisms for research and industrial purposes.
- NEW! Coordinator of iCulture, a Horizon Europe project (7.8 mill EUR), 2023-2028
- NEW! Coordinator of AILEEN, an A.I. supervised microbial feedback control (1.5 mill EUR, 2023-2028).
- Coordinator of iFermenter, a bio-based EU H2020 BBI-JU project, 5.6 mill Euro, 2018-2022.
- Coordinator of SafeFood, an EU project of 6 countries and 8 groups (about 2.5 mill euro, 2016-2019).
- The main aim of the project is to turn food products (ready-to-eat products based on meat, fish, and vegetables) safer and more durable, by reducing or inhibiting the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to recover from high-pressure processing (HPP). This can extend the shelf-life of food, increasing its resistance to food-related bacteria (by rendering the food “non-hospitable” for this type of bacteria) and decrease the amount of food waste from processing and throughout the food chain. Cutting-edge biotechnological methods were applied in this project.
- NEW! BacPress (2023-2025) Innovation project (Norwegian Research Council) - explores and upscales the synergy between antimicrobials and High-pressure processing.
- Leader in ERA SysMed-COPD project, 5.1 mill NOK (2018-2022), Here we use machine learning to improve diagnosis and prognosis for COPD.
- Head of the BioSystems feedback control real-time fermentation laboratory (MFCL).
- Feedback control of bacteria (e.g. L. monocytogenes, C. glutamicum)
- Hybrid modeling, machine learning combination with dynamical systems
- Optimal control and nonlinear estimation of microbial bio-processes
- Transcription and translation regulation - modeling, analysis and control
- Sensory motor control in animals (neuroscience)
- Bioinformatics tools: Gene network discovery (advanced analysis tools)
Current PhD students:
- Fabienne Roessler
- Yiwen Li
- Chinmay Patwardhan
- Lipe Carmel
- Giacomo Sartori
- Vitor Neves
Former and Graduated students: (PhD level)
- Naresh D. Jayavelu, PhD
- Jørgen Skancke, PhD
- Haakon Holck
- Pedro Lira, PhD
- Bahareh Nikvarpar, PhD
- Andrea Tuveri, PhD
Graduated Students (M.Sc level)
- 16 students
Our laboratory (microbial feedback control, the MFC lab) is expert on modeling, simulations, and real-time feedback control of microbial bioprocesses. We design and program microbial models, from the simple monod-growth model to more complex bacterial processes.
We use this models to design digital controllers, including design such as Proportional derivative Integral (PID) controllers in cascade and other designs, Optimal control models, such as the Model predictive control (MPC), implemented in CASADI and programmed in Matlab, and recently the Reinforcement Learning controllers, one of the three machine learning schemes.
Control of bioprocess includes adding inducers and inhibitors, antibiotics, different sugar mixtures (glucose, Arabinose, mannose, Xylose, etc.), bases and acids, antifoam, and other nutrients, all these to secure that the bioprocess will operate according to the specification of the designer.
Every effective control needs a reliable feedback from the bioprocess, so we also design Digital Twins (DT), which is a software sensor that integrates all the sensors, probes and analytics in our laboratory to one supervised entity that can report the state of the bioprocess at any time and can be used by the controller to predict and apply control decisions. Idealy, the DT is far more reliable than the models, because it uses statistics and optimization to balance between the model and the noisy measurement signals.
Because we use real-time experiments, we need several layers of software to communicate between Matlab, the control designer, the DT and the microbial environment (e.g. bioreactors). Matlab communicates with an OPC server, that sends data to Lucullus (Securecell), the bioprocess software that monitors the reactors and probes. We are therefore using cutting edge prototype equipment, including autosamplers, robots and state of the art probes and instrumentation to report measurement values back to the main software.
OUR LAB is RECRUITING! we seek good students and PhD candidates from Eng. Cybernetics, process control, analytical chemistry and biotechnology.
Waldschitz, Daniel;
Neudert, Mark-Richard;
Kitzmueller, Jakob;
Lachmann, Johanna;
Fonteyne, Arthur;
Maes, Karolien.
Robust, fully quantifiable and scalable bioprocess utilizing spent sulfite liquor with Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Bioresource Technology
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Martins Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Assumpcao Matias, Jose Otavio;
Holck, Haakon Eng;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A regularized Moving Horizon Estimator for combined state and parameter estimation in a bioprocess experimental application.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Weixler, D.;
Berghoff, M;
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Reich, Sebastian;
Goldbeck, Oliver;
Seibold, Gerd M..
Recombinant production of the lantibiotic nisin using Corynebacterium glutamicum in a two-step process.
Microbial Cell Factories
Academic article
Weixler, Dominik;
Berghoff, Max;
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Reich, Sebastian;
Goldbeck, Oliver;
Seibold, Gerd M..
Correction to: Recombinant production of the lantibiotic nisin using Corynebacterium glutamicum in a two‑step process (Microbial Cell Factories, (2022), 21, 1, (11), 10.1186/s12934-022-01739-y).
Microbial Cell Factories
Tuveri, Andrea;
Eng Holck, Haakon;
Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Matias, José O.A.;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bioprocess Monitoring: A Moving Horizon Estimation Experimental Application.
Short communication
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Oftedal, Thomas Førland;
Reich, Sebastian J.;
Bar, Nadav;
Holo, Helge;
Skaugen, Morten.
Genome-assisted Identification, Purification, and Characterization of Bacteriocins.
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Roessler, Fabienne Krystin.
Constrained Fourier estimation of short-term time-series gene expression data reduces noise and improves clustering and gene regulatory network predictions.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Sinner, Peter;
Kohlstedt, Michael;
Kager, Julian;
Wittmann, Christoph;
Herwig, Christoph.
Linking process and metabolic modelling for the estimation of carbon flux distribution in Corynebacterium glutamicum growth in spent sulfite liquor.
Academic article
Duru, Ilhan Cem;
Bucur, Florentina Ionela;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Ylinen, Anne;
Crauwels, Peter;
Grigore-Gurgu, Leontina.
The complete genome sequence of Listeria monocytogenes strain S2542 and expression of selected genes under high-pressure processing.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Goldbeck, Oliver;
Desef, Dominique N;
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Perez-Garcia, Fernando;
Christmann, Jens;
Sinner, Peter.
Establishing recombinant production of pediocin PA-1 in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Metabolic Engineering
Academic article
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Subires, Alicia;
Capellas, Marta;
Hernandez-Herrero, Manuela;
Crauwels, Peter;
Riedel, Christian U..
A Diffusion Model to Quantify Membrane Repair Process in Listeria Monocytogenes Exposed to High Pressure Processing based on Fluorescence Microscopy Data
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Tuveri, Andrea;
Seibold, Gerd M.;
Bar, Nadav.
Comparison of noninvasive, in-situ and external monitoring of microbial growth in fed-batch cultivations in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Biochemical engineering journal
Academic article
Roessler, Fabienne K.;
Benedikter, Birke J.;
Schmeck, Bernd;
Bar, Nadav.
Novel computational analysis of large transcriptome datasets identifies sets of genes distinguishing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from healthy lung samples.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Pérez-García, Fernando;
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Imsland, Lars;
Bar, Nadav.
Sensor fusion based on Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter for bioprocess monitoring.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Duru, Ilhan C.;
Bucur, Florentina I.;
Leontina, Grigore-Gurgu;
Borda, Daniela.
Analysis of temporal gene regulation of Listeria monocytogenes revealed distinct regulatory response modes after exposure to high pressure processing.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Pettersen, Even;
Biegler, Lorenz T.;
Bar, Nadav S.
Implications of dimensional analysis in bioreactor models: parameter estimation and identifiability.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Duru, Ilhan Cem;
Bucur, Florentina Ionela;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Ylinen, Anne;
Grigore-Gurgu, Leontina.
High-pressure processing-induced transcriptome response during recovery of Listeria monocytogenes.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Perez-Garcia, Fernando;
Burgardt, Arthur;
Kallman, Dina Riis;
Wendisch, Volker F.;
Bar, Nadav.
Dynamic Co-Cultivation Process of Corynebacterium glutamicum Strains for the Fermentative Production of Riboflavin.
Academic article
Duru, Ilhan Cem;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Laine, Pia;
Rode, Tone Mari;
Ylinen, Anne;
Løvdal, Trond Karsten.
Genomic characterization of the most barotolerant Listeria monocytogenes RO15 strain compared to reference strains used to evaluate food high pressure processing.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Franssen, Frits M. E.;
Alter, Peter;
Bar, Nadav;
Benedikter, Birke J.;
Iurato, Stella;
Maier, Dieter.
Personalized medicine for patients with COPD: where are we?.
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Academic literature review
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Subires, Alicia;
Capellas, Marta;
Hernandez, Manuela;
Bar, Nadav.
A Dynamic Model of Membrane Recovery Mechanisms in Bacteria following High Pressure Processing.
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Pettersen, Even;
Bar, Nadav.
Bioreactor Scaling Enhances Feedback Control Of Concentration, Rates, and Yields.
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Pettersen, Even;
Perez-Garcia, Fernando;
Bar, Nadav S.
The development of a fed-batch Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation model.
Academic article
Crauwels, Peter;
Schäfer, Leonie;
Weixler, Dominik;
Bar, Nadav;
Diep, Dzung B.;
Riedel, Christian U..
Intracellular pHluorin as Sensor for Easy Assessment of Bacteriocin-Induced Membrane-Damage in Listeria monocytogenes.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Jayavelu, Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
ISNCA: A new iterative approach for constrained matrix factorization methods.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Jayavelu, Naresh.
New iterative approach (ISNCA) for constrained matrix factorization methods.
Academic article
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
Reconstruction of temporal activity of microRNAs from gene expression data in breast cancer cell line.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Aasgaard, Lasse Svenkerud;
Bar, Nadav.
Iterative sub-network component analysis enables reconstruction of large scale genetic networks.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Marçal, Jose M.;
Ulanovsky, Nachum;
Yovel, Yossi.
A Sensory-Motor Control Model of Animal Flight Explains Why Bats Fly Differently in Light Versus Dark.
PLoS Biology
Academic article
Skancke, Jørgen;
Bar, Nadav;
Kuiper, Martin;
Hsu, Lilian M.
Sequence-Dependent Promoter Escape Efficiency Is Strongly Influenced by Bias for the Pretranslocated State during Initial Transcription.
Academic article
Jayavelu, Naresh Doni;
Bar, Nadav.
Metabolomic studies of human gastric cancer: Review.
World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG)
Academic literature review
Bar, Nadav.
Physiological and hormonal changes during prolonged starvation in fish.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Academic article
Doni, Jayavelu Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
Dynamics of Regulatory Networks in Gastrin-Treated Adenocarcinoma Cells.
Academic article
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
A Noise Removal Algorithm for Time Series Microarray Data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djebali, S;
Davis, CA;
Merkel, Angelika;
Dobin, A;
Lassmann, T;
Mortazavi, A.
Landscape of transcription in human cells.
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Volkoff, Helene.
Adaptation of the Physiological, Endocrine, and Digestive System Functions to Prolonged Food Deprivation in Fish.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Radde, Nicole;
Bar, Nadav;
Banaji, Murad.
Graphical Methods for analysing feedback in biological networks - A survey.
International Journal of Systems Science
Academic article
Bar, Nadav.
Analysis of protein synthesis dynamic model in eukaryotic cells: Input control.
Mathematical Biosciences
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Radde, Nicole.
Long-term prediction of fish growth under varying ambient temperature using a multiscale dynamic model.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Lale, Rahmi.
Modeling and Control of the Protein Synthesis process in Eukaryotic cells.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Morris, David R..
Dynamic model of the process of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Sigholt, Trygve;
Shearer, Karl;
Krogdahl, Åshild.
A dynamic model of nutrient Pathways, growth and body composition in fish.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bar, Nadav;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
More Efficient Predictive Control.
Academic article
Journal publications
Waldschitz, Daniel;
Neudert, Mark-Richard;
Kitzmueller, Jakob;
Lachmann, Johanna;
Fonteyne, Arthur;
Maes, Karolien.
Robust, fully quantifiable and scalable bioprocess utilizing spent sulfite liquor with Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Bioresource Technology
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Martins Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Assumpcao Matias, Jose Otavio;
Holck, Haakon Eng;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
A regularized Moving Horizon Estimator for combined state and parameter estimation in a bioprocess experimental application.
Computers and Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Weixler, D.;
Berghoff, M;
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Reich, Sebastian;
Goldbeck, Oliver;
Seibold, Gerd M..
Recombinant production of the lantibiotic nisin using Corynebacterium glutamicum in a two-step process.
Microbial Cell Factories
Academic article
Weixler, Dominik;
Berghoff, Max;
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Reich, Sebastian;
Goldbeck, Oliver;
Seibold, Gerd M..
Correction to: Recombinant production of the lantibiotic nisin using Corynebacterium glutamicum in a two‑step process (Microbial Cell Factories, (2022), 21, 1, (11), 10.1186/s12934-022-01739-y).
Microbial Cell Factories
Tuveri, Andrea;
Eng Holck, Haakon;
Nakama, Caroline Satye;
Matias, José O.A.;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Imsland, Lars Struen.
Bioprocess Monitoring: A Moving Horizon Estimation Experimental Application.
Short communication
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Oftedal, Thomas Førland;
Reich, Sebastian J.;
Bar, Nadav;
Holo, Helge;
Skaugen, Morten.
Genome-assisted Identification, Purification, and Characterization of Bacteriocins.
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Roessler, Fabienne Krystin.
Constrained Fourier estimation of short-term time-series gene expression data reduces noise and improves clustering and gene regulatory network predictions.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Sinner, Peter;
Kohlstedt, Michael;
Kager, Julian;
Wittmann, Christoph;
Herwig, Christoph.
Linking process and metabolic modelling for the estimation of carbon flux distribution in Corynebacterium glutamicum growth in spent sulfite liquor.
Academic article
Duru, Ilhan Cem;
Bucur, Florentina Ionela;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Ylinen, Anne;
Crauwels, Peter;
Grigore-Gurgu, Leontina.
The complete genome sequence of Listeria monocytogenes strain S2542 and expression of selected genes under high-pressure processing.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Goldbeck, Oliver;
Desef, Dominique N;
Ovchinnikov, Kirill;
Perez-Garcia, Fernando;
Christmann, Jens;
Sinner, Peter.
Establishing recombinant production of pediocin PA-1 in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Metabolic Engineering
Academic article
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Subires, Alicia;
Capellas, Marta;
Hernandez-Herrero, Manuela;
Crauwels, Peter;
Riedel, Christian U..
A Diffusion Model to Quantify Membrane Repair Process in Listeria Monocytogenes Exposed to High Pressure Processing based on Fluorescence Microscopy Data
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Tuveri, Andrea;
Seibold, Gerd M.;
Bar, Nadav.
Comparison of noninvasive, in-situ and external monitoring of microbial growth in fed-batch cultivations in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Biochemical engineering journal
Academic article
Roessler, Fabienne K.;
Benedikter, Birke J.;
Schmeck, Bernd;
Bar, Nadav.
Novel computational analysis of large transcriptome datasets identifies sets of genes distinguishing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from healthy lung samples.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Tuveri, Andrea;
Pérez-García, Fernando;
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Imsland, Lars;
Bar, Nadav.
Sensor fusion based on Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter for bioprocess monitoring.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Duru, Ilhan C.;
Bucur, Florentina I.;
Leontina, Grigore-Gurgu;
Borda, Daniela.
Analysis of temporal gene regulation of Listeria monocytogenes revealed distinct regulatory response modes after exposure to high pressure processing.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Pettersen, Even;
Biegler, Lorenz T.;
Bar, Nadav S.
Implications of dimensional analysis in bioreactor models: parameter estimation and identifiability.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Duru, Ilhan Cem;
Bucur, Florentina Ionela;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Ylinen, Anne;
Grigore-Gurgu, Leontina.
High-pressure processing-induced transcriptome response during recovery of Listeria monocytogenes.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Perez-Garcia, Fernando;
Burgardt, Arthur;
Kallman, Dina Riis;
Wendisch, Volker F.;
Bar, Nadav.
Dynamic Co-Cultivation Process of Corynebacterium glutamicum Strains for the Fermentative Production of Riboflavin.
Academic article
Duru, Ilhan Cem;
Andreevskaya, Margarita;
Laine, Pia;
Rode, Tone Mari;
Ylinen, Anne;
Løvdal, Trond Karsten.
Genomic characterization of the most barotolerant Listeria monocytogenes RO15 strain compared to reference strains used to evaluate food high pressure processing.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Franssen, Frits M. E.;
Alter, Peter;
Bar, Nadav;
Benedikter, Birke J.;
Iurato, Stella;
Maier, Dieter.
Personalized medicine for patients with COPD: where are we?.
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Academic literature review
Nikparvar, Bahareh;
Subires, Alicia;
Capellas, Marta;
Hernandez, Manuela;
Bar, Nadav.
A Dynamic Model of Membrane Recovery Mechanisms in Bacteria following High Pressure Processing.
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Pettersen, Even;
Bar, Nadav.
Bioreactor Scaling Enhances Feedback Control Of Concentration, Rates, and Yields.
Academic article
Lira Parada, Pedro Antonio;
Pettersen, Even;
Perez-Garcia, Fernando;
Bar, Nadav S.
The development of a fed-batch Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation model.
Academic article
Crauwels, Peter;
Schäfer, Leonie;
Weixler, Dominik;
Bar, Nadav;
Diep, Dzung B.;
Riedel, Christian U..
Intracellular pHluorin as Sensor for Easy Assessment of Bacteriocin-Induced Membrane-Damage in Listeria monocytogenes.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Jayavelu, Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
ISNCA: A new iterative approach for constrained matrix factorization methods.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Jayavelu, Naresh.
New iterative approach (ISNCA) for constrained matrix factorization methods.
Academic article
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
Reconstruction of temporal activity of microRNAs from gene expression data in breast cancer cell line.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Aasgaard, Lasse Svenkerud;
Bar, Nadav.
Iterative sub-network component analysis enables reconstruction of large scale genetic networks.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Skogestad, Sigurd;
Marçal, Jose M.;
Ulanovsky, Nachum;
Yovel, Yossi.
A Sensory-Motor Control Model of Animal Flight Explains Why Bats Fly Differently in Light Versus Dark.
PLoS Biology
Academic article
Skancke, Jørgen;
Bar, Nadav;
Kuiper, Martin;
Hsu, Lilian M.
Sequence-Dependent Promoter Escape Efficiency Is Strongly Influenced by Bias for the Pretranslocated State during Initial Transcription.
Academic article
Jayavelu, Naresh Doni;
Bar, Nadav.
Metabolomic studies of human gastric cancer: Review.
World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG)
Academic literature review
Bar, Nadav.
Physiological and hormonal changes during prolonged starvation in fish.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Academic article
Doni, Jayavelu Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
Dynamics of Regulatory Networks in Gastrin-Treated Adenocarcinoma Cells.
Academic article
Djebali, S;
Davis, CA;
Merkel, Angelika;
Dobin, A;
Lassmann, T;
Mortazavi, A.
Landscape of transcription in human cells.
Academic article
Radde, Nicole;
Bar, Nadav;
Banaji, Murad.
Graphical Methods for analysing feedback in biological networks - A survey.
International Journal of Systems Science
Academic article
Bar, Nadav.
Analysis of protein synthesis dynamic model in eukaryotic cells: Input control.
Mathematical Biosciences
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Radde, Nicole.
Long-term prediction of fish growth under varying ambient temperature using a multiscale dynamic model.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Lale, Rahmi.
Modeling and Control of the Protein Synthesis process in Eukaryotic cells.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Morris, David R..
Dynamic model of the process of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Academic article
Bar, Nadav;
Sigholt, Trygve;
Shearer, Karl;
Krogdahl, Åshild.
A dynamic model of nutrient Pathways, growth and body composition in fish.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Bar, Nadav;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
More Efficient Predictive Control.
Academic article
Part of book/report
Doni Jayavelu, Naresh;
Bar, Nadav.
A Noise Removal Algorithm for Time Series Microarray Data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bar, Nadav;
Volkoff, Helene.
Adaptation of the Physiological, Endocrine, and Digestive System Functions to Prolonged Food Deprivation in Fish.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
BBC Tech Interview: How seaweed could be used to make sustainable antibiotics
Gemini article: "Kunstig intelligens gir smartere bruk av tang og tare"
Academic lectureLima Carmel, Lipe; Bar, Nadav S. (2024) Simple worst case scenario back-off calculation for non-linear model predictive control. Nordic Process Control Workshop 2024-01-15 - 2024-01-17
Academic lectureNikparvar, Bahareh; Subires, Alicia; Capellas, Marta; Fernandez, Manuella; Bar, Nadav. (2019) A Dynamic Model of Membrane Recovery Mechanisms in Bacteria following High Pressure Processing . IFAC Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems - 12th DYCOPS 2019 , Florianópolis 2019-04-23 - 2019-04-26
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2019) Automatic control of bioreactor fermentation with Corynebacterium glutamicum using residual sugar streams. Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld Unive 9th International BIelefeld-CeBiTech research conference , Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-25
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2017) The Iterative sub-network component analysis (ISNCA) relaxes network restrictions. Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, Workshop on Data Analysis for Model Identification using Time Series , Chennai 2017-01-07 - 2017-01-07
LectureBar, Nadav; Jayavelu, Naresh. (2016) Dynamic Network Analysis Combined with Protein-Protein Interaction Knowledge Identified Short Feedback and Feed-Forward Circuits in Genetic Networks. IFAC 6th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering , Magdeburg 2016-10-09 - 2016-10-12
Popular scientific lecture
Programme participationBar, Nadav. (2015) En dynamisk systembiologimodell forklarer forskjellen på flaggermusens flyvning i dagslys og mørket. Schrødingers katt, NRK Schrødingers katt, NRK [TV] 2015-05-19
InterviewBar, Nadav. (2015) Slik flyr en flaggermus. Gemini Gemini [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-05-28
Academic lectureDoni Jayavelu, Naresh; Bar, Nadav. (2012) Comparative study of EGF and HRG induced dynamic transcriptional networks in human subjects. ICSB 2012 - International Conference on Systems Biology , Paris 2012-11-28 -
Academic lecture
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2010) Aquaculture Nutrition research. Hebrew University, Rehovot , Rehovot 2010-05-22 - 2010-05-23
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2010) Prediction of body composition in Aquaculture. Seminar University of Beograd , Beograd 2010-07-06 -
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2010) Modelling approach to aquaculture research. Guelph University , Guelph, Ontario 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-12
Academic lecture
Academic lecture
Academic lectureSkancke, Jørgen; Lale, Rahmi; Bar, Nadav. (2010) Free Energy Caculations Give Insight Into The Process of Promoter Escape. 11th International Conference on Systems Biology , Edinburgh, Scotland 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-14
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Thommesen, Liv; Skjøndal-Bar, Nadav; Almaas, Eivind; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2010) Modelling the gastrin signalling pathways. 22nd International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology , Trondheim 2010-09-02 - 2010-09-04
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Thommesen, Liv; Skjøndal-Bar, Nadav; Almaas, Eivind; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2010) Modelling the gastrin signalling pathways. 11th International Conference on Systems Biology , Edinburgh 2010-10-10 - 2010-10-16
Academic lectureRadde, Nicole; Bar, Nadav; Tresch, Achim. (2009) A COMPARISON OF LIKELIHOODS FOR DYNAMIC STOCHASTIC MODELS OF BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS. Sixth International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, WCSB 2009 , Århus 2009-06-10 - 2009-06-12
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Modeling, Analysis and Control of the Translational Initiation Regulation Process in Eukaryotic Cells. The Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation Winter 2008 Systems Biology Seminar Series , University of California at Santa Barbara 2008-02-29 - 2008-03-01
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Dynamic model of Fish Growth. Center systems Biology Stuttgart Systems biology meeting Stuttgart , Stuttgart 2008-11-07 - 2008-11-09
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Feedback Control in the Translational Process in Eukaryotic cells. KTH Systems biology meeting KTH , Stockholm 2008-10-16 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Modeling, Analysis and Control of the Translational Initiation Regulation Process in Eukaryotic Cells. Hamilton Institutte International Workshop on Systems Biology , Maynooth 2008-08-18 - 2008-08-21
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Modeling, Analysis and Control of the Translational Initiation Regulation Process in Eukaryota. International Conference on Systems Biology , Gothenborg 2008-08-22 - 2008-08-29
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Modeling, Analysis and Control of the Translational Initiation Regulation Process. Center systems Biology Stuttgart 1. International Workshop on Systems Biology , Stuttgart 2008-06-23 - 2008-06-24
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2008) Modeling, Analysis and Control of the Translational Initiation Regulation Process. Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control Kolloquium Technische Kybernetik , Stuttgart 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-17
Academic lectureBar, Nadav. (2007) Modeling of nutrient partitioning in fish production – A tool for identification of bottle necks. Plant Products in Aquafeed (PPA) Standardizing Research Approaches in the Evaluation of Plant Feedstuffs in Carnivorous Fish Diets , San Antonio, TX 2007-02-26 - 2007-03-03
Academic lectureBar, Nadav Skjøndal; Sigholt, Trygve. (2006) Dynamic model for fish growth. Norwegian conference for fish nutrition 2006-03-28 - 2006-03-29
Academic lectureBar, Nadav Skjøndal; Sigholt, Trygve; Krogdahl, Åshild. (2006) A Dynamic model of Nutrient pathways, Growth and Body Composition in Fish. XII International Symposium on Fish Nutrition & Feeding , Biarritz 2006-05-28 - 2006-06-01
Academic lectureBar, Nadav Skjøndal; Morris, David R.. (2006) Dynamic model of the process of Protein synthesis and Initiation control. Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Translation control , NY 2006-09-06 - 2006-09-10
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Bar, Nadav; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2004) A new algorithm for efficient MPC and a comparison with other schemes. ACC 2004 , Boston 2004-06-30 - 2004-07-02