Oda-Kange Midtvåge Diallo
Branlat, Jennifer Elise;
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Friborg, Nico Miskow;
hartline, france rose;
Hellstrand, Ingvil .
(Un)learning with Absence: A Dialogue with Critical Feminist
Educators in Scandinavia.
Transformative Dialogues (TD): Teaching and Learning Journal
Academic article
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Guschke, Bontu Lucie;
Jin, Hui Li;
Khawaja, Iram;
Löwe Hunter, Elizabeth;
Myong, Lene.
Research and education on racism in Denmark: The state of the field – and where to from here? [Roundtable discussion].
Kvinder, Køn og Forskning
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø;
Gullikstad, Berit;
Osei-Kofi, Nana.
Joining in black study. Knowledge creation and black feminist critique alongside African Norwegian youth.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (319)
Doctoral dissertation
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Kelekay, Jasmine;
Abdullahi, Maimuna;
Sawyer, Lena.
Writing Letters as Counter-Archiving: An Afro-Nordic Feminist Care Practice.
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
Academic article
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
«Det jeg savner, er å bli lært et slags språk» Dobbelt bevissthet og språkutvikling blant svarte ungdommer i Oslo.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The River & Fire Collective, The River & Fire Collective;
Barnett-Naghshineh, Olivia;
Pattathu, Antony;
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Friborg, Nico Miskow;
Hammana, Zouhair.
The Fires Within Us and the Rivers We Form.
Teaching Anthropology (TA)
Academic article
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Friborg, Nico Miskow.
Subverting the white cis gaze: Toward a pedagogy of discomfort, accountability and care in the anthropology classroom.
Teaching Anthropology (TA)
Academic article
Friborg, Nico Miskow;
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
A zine on surviving and dismantling the Academic Industrial Complex - a work in progress.
Teaching Anthropology (TA)
Short communication
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
At the Margins of Institutional Whiteness: Black Women in Danish Academia.
Pluto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
Hvor er du fra?.
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Branlat, Jennifer Elise;
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Friborg, Nico Miskow;
hartline, france rose;
Hellstrand, Ingvil .
(Un)learning with Absence: A Dialogue with Critical Feminist
Educators in Scandinavia.
Transformative Dialogues (TD): Teaching and Learning Journal
Academic article
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Guschke, Bontu Lucie;
Jin, Hui Li;
Khawaja, Iram;
Löwe Hunter, Elizabeth;
Myong, Lene.
Research and education on racism in Denmark: The state of the field – and where to from here? [Roundtable discussion].
Kvinder, Køn og Forskning
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Kelekay, Jasmine;
Abdullahi, Maimuna;
Sawyer, Lena.
Writing Letters as Counter-Archiving: An Afro-Nordic Feminist Care Practice.
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
Academic article
The River & Fire Collective, The River & Fire Collective;
Barnett-Naghshineh, Olivia;
Pattathu, Antony;
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Friborg, Nico Miskow;
Hammana, Zouhair.
The Fires Within Us and the Rivers We Form.
Teaching Anthropology (TA)
Academic article
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Friborg, Nico Miskow.
Subverting the white cis gaze: Toward a pedagogy of discomfort, accountability and care in the anthropology classroom.
Teaching Anthropology (TA)
Academic article
Friborg, Nico Miskow;
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
A zine on surviving and dismantling the Academic Industrial Complex - a work in progress.
Teaching Anthropology (TA)
Short communication
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
Hvor er du fra?.
Popular scientific article
Part of book/report
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
«Det jeg savner, er å bli lært et slags språk» Dobbelt bevissthet og språkutvikling blant svarte ungdommer i Oslo.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge.
At the Margins of Institutional Whiteness: Black Women in Danish Academia.
Pluto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge;
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø;
Gullikstad, Berit;
Osei-Kofi, Nana.
Joining in black study. Knowledge creation and black feminist critique alongside African Norwegian youth.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (319)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureFriborg, Nico Miskow; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2024) Counter-archiving in trans, queer, QTIBIPOC and black organising and coalitions. My Evidence: Creating LGBTQI+ Art and Archives 2024-10-03 - 2024-10-04
Academic lectureGuschke, Bontu Lucie; Khawaja, Iram; Myong, Lene; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Hunter, Elizabeth Löwe; Jin, Hui Li. (2022) Research and education on racism in Denmark: The state of the field – and where to from here?. Københavns Universitet Danish Gender Studies Conference , København 2022-08-19 - 2022-08-19
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2022) Love, Rage and Resistance: A tribute to bell hooks. Panel discussion. . Malmö Universitet International Women's Day , Malmö Universitet 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-08
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Friborg, Nico Miskow; Acharya, Maya; Mohageb, Lina. (2022) Abolition as a disruptive, generative and hopeful way of organsing and world-building. . Karlstad Universitet g22 , Karlstad 2022-10-26 - 2022-10-28
Academic lectureMendes, Jan-Therese; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Nichols, Nafeesa Tarajee; Averin, Ro. (2022) Are We Free Yet? Imagining Black Feminist Futures through the Politics of the Ordinary. NORA , UiO 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22
Academic lectureFriborg, Nico Miskow; hartline, france rose; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Branlat, Jennifer; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland. (2021) Teaching and (un)learning in Gender Studies. NTNU Senter for Kjønnsforskning NÅ! , Tråante 2021-05-27 - 2021-05-28
Popular scientific lectureOlufemi, Lola; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2021) Black Feminisms: Lola Olufemi with Oda-Kange Midtvåge Diallo. (un)told pages (un)told pages , Online 2021-09-09 -
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Mendes, Jan-Therese; Averin, Ro; Nichols, Nafeesa Tarajee. (2021) Black Feminist Fridays: A Dialogue . Senter for Kjønnsforskning KjønnsforskningNÅ , NTNU 2021-05-28 -
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Friborg, Nico Miskow. (2020) Dismantling anthropological norms, while tackling privilege and discomfort in a predominantly white, cisgender classroom. European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA 16th EASA Biennial Conference , Digtial Conference 2020-07-22 - 2020-07-24
Programme participationDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2019) Afroskandinavene, Antirasistisk Podkast. Antirasistisk Senter Antirasistisk Senter [Radio] 2019-04-05
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2019) Creating Black Spaces: Identity and community work among young people of African descent in Oslo, Norway . AfroLis & ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Afroeuropean Studies Conference; Black Invisibilities Contested , ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa 2019-07-04 - 2019-07-06
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2019) (De)Colonial Bodies: African-Norwegian Responses to Everyday Racism. University of Iceland & NORA NORA Conference; Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics , University of Iceland 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2019) Creating ‘Black’ Spaces - How African-Norwegian (Everyday) Activists Try to Build a Sustainable Community in Oslo. UCLA African American Studies On the Matter of Blackness in Europe: Transnational Perspectives , UCLA 2019-10-10 - 2019-10-11
Popular scientific lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2018) Tid for en feministisk universitetspolitikk? . NTNU GenderHUB Paneldebatt: Tid for en feministisk universitetspolitikk? , Trondheim 2018-11-29 -
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2018) Black Women in Danish Academia. Decolonial Research Network Colonial Entanglements: Institutions, Memory, Resistance , NTNU 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-13
Academic lectureDiallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge. (2018) Becoming Black in Denmark - Blackness, diasporic belonging and racialized identities among women of African descent in Copenhagen . REMESO, Linköpings Universitet Nordic Migration Research Conference , Norrköping 2018-08-15 - 2018-08-17