James Oyugi Odeck
I teach transport economics for post graduates and PhD students. I specialize in applied transport economics, production economics and performance measurement.
Present position(s)
Professor of transport economics and planning, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (Trondheim); Professor of Transport economics, Department of Economics, University College Molde and; Senior Research Economist (Norwegian Public Roads Administration).
Applied transport economics and, efficiency and productivity measurement.
Work experience
2001 -today
- Chair and Scientific expert in peer-review committees of transportation research institutes, e.g. CTS at KTH Sweden and VTI Sweden.
- Chief transport economist/analyst (Transport Economics) at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.
- Expert in impact assessments (benefits-cost analysis), toll financing, road pricing and environmental assessment of transportation project.
- Coordinator of impact assessment across sectors of transport encompassing rail, aviation, waterways and roads in the National Transport Plan (NTP)
- Consultant on economic assessment on multi-purpose transport schemes e.g., Oslo Package II & III.
- Expert in productivity and efficiency assessment of the public sector; has conducted several published efficiency and productivity studies in the road and public transport sector as well as other sectors e.g., ferry sector and the agricultural sector.
- Teaches and advises masters and PhD students in Transport economics and planning
- Has been commissioned by NORAD/EU/World Bank to conduct various transportation studies in developing countries e.g.,(1) the economic benefits of axle control in Zambia,(2) the economic benefits of maintaining rural road in Tanzania and (3) Evaluating the impact of increasing gasoline taxes to fund road maintenance in Tanzania – an impact assessment
- Research manager of the Norwegian valuation study encompassing value of time, health, traffic safety and environmental impacts of transportation projects.
Teaching experience:
- Fifteen years teaching experience both at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Molde University College.
- Frequent guest lecturer at NHH- NORWEGIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, Bodø business School, Norwegian University of Environment and Biotechnology(UMB)
- Opponent for several PhD dissertations
- Examiner of masters students
- Adviser to both doctoral and masters students
1980–1986 University of Oslo, Norway
- B.Sc. (economics and Statistics)
- M. Sc. (Economics)
1991 -1993 University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- PhD ( Applied Economics)
Present research activities
The socioeconomic role of ITS in Transport(funded by NPRA)
- The Efficiency of airports (funded by the Ministry of Transport)
- Valuation study of transport impact, e.g., value of time, accidents etc(joint funding
- Ex-post evaluation of road transport projects(Funded by NPRA)
Membership in academic and professional activities
Member of the European Transport conferences(ETC)
- Committee member of the TRB committees of Congestion Charging and Regional Economics
- Member of the EU COST project on Private Public Partnership
- Founding member of the Norwegian association of Transport economist
- Member of the Norwegian Polytechnic Union
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Nytte-kostnadsanalyser: Hvor usikre er resultatene?.
Moderne Mobilitet og Infrastruktur
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup.
What are the determinants of road users' experiences with congestion : econometric assessment using ordered response models.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Road users’ attitudes towards electric vehicle incentives : empirical evidence from Oslo in 2014–2020.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Börjesson, Maria;
Hammes, Johanna Jussila;
Volden, Gro Holst;
Welde, Morten.
Hva kjennetegner samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomme vegprosjekter? En analyse basert på data fra nasjonale transportplaner i Norge og Sverige.
Concept rapport (70)
Academic monograph
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Road users' attitudes towards transforming a flat rate cordon toll to a congestion charging system : the case of Oslo, Norway.
Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM)
Academic article
Mirhosseini, Ali Foroutan;
Pitera, Kelly Ann;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Ex-post evaluation of project efficiency and effectiveness within a Norwegian highway project.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Academic article
Tveter, Eivind;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Usikkerhet i nyttekostnadsanalyser.
Norges teknisk- naturvitenskapelige universitet
Foroutan Mirhosseini, Seyedali;
Pitera, Kelly;
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Sustainable Project Management: Reducing the Risk of Cost Inaccuracy Using a PLS-SEM Approach.
Academic article
Hammes, Johanna Jussila;
Volden, Gro Holst;
Welde, Morten;
Börjesson, Maria;
Odeck, James.
Finding transport projects with high value for money: what are the socio-geographic determinants?.
Working Papers, Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Cost Overruns of Transportation Infrastructure Projects.
Encyclopedia article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
The Robustness of Cost–Benefit Analyses.
Encyclopedia article
Høyem, Harald Støen;
Odeck, James.
Assessing the socially optimal capacity at a selection of Norwegian car ferry crossings.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Schøyen, Halvor.
Productivity and convergence in Norwegian container seaports: An SFA-based Malmquist productivity index approach.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Høyem, Harald Støen;
Odeck, James.
Optimal public transit frequency under stochastic demand and fixed vehicle size : application in the Norwegian car ferry sector.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Høyem, Harald Støen.
The impact of competitive tendering on operational costs and market concentration in public transport : the Norwegian car ferry services.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
The accuracy of benefit-cost analyses (BCAs) in transportation : an ex-post evaluation of road projects.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Kifugo, Shem;
Kija, Hamza;
Ojwang, Gordon;
Ojwala, Merceline;
May, Roelof Frans.
Deliverable 2.1. Quantitative modelling of land use.
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James.
The traffic effects of fixed links: Short and long-run forecast accuracy.
Transportation Research Procedia
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
Kløckner, Christian;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moe, Espen;
Said, Mohammed Yahya.
Savanna Life (brettspill/serious game).
Other product
Odeck, James.
Estimating and predicting the operational costs of road tolls : an econometric assessment using panel data.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Kraftig trafikkvekst når ferjer får avløsning.
Popular scientific article
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James.
The accuracy of traffic forecasts for fixed link projects : an empirical study of Norwegian bridges and tunnels.
European Transport Conference past papers repository
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Efficiency and productivity in the transportation sector.
Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM)
Love, Peter;
Ahiaga-Dagbui, Dominic;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Light rail transit cost performance: Opportunities for future proofing.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James.
Trafikkprognoser og trafikkutvikling i ferjeavløsningsprosjekter.
NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Tarimo, Michael Joesph;
Wondimu, Paulos;
Odeck, James;
Lohne, Jardar;
Lædre, Ola.
Sustainable roads in Serengeti National Park: - gravel roads construction and maintenance.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Næss, Petter;
Volden, Gro Holst;
Odeck, James;
Richardson, Timothy Kevin.
Neglected and underestimated negative impacts of transport investments.
Concept rapport (54)
Odeck, James.
Variation in cost overruns of transportation projects : an econometric meta-regression analysis of studies reported in the literature.
Academic article
Skjetne, Eirik;
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Mwakilema, William;
Joseph, Michael;
Díez Gutiérrez, María;
Tørset, Trude.
Chapter four: Transport System.
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Cost escalations in the front-end of projects – empirical
evidence from Norwegian road projects.
Transport reviews
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Government versus toll funding of road projects : a theoretical consideration with an ex-post evaluation of implemented toll projects.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Tveter, Eivind;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Do fixed links affect settlement patterns : a synthetic control approach.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
The accuracy of toll road traffic forecasts : an econometric
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Díez Gutiérrez, María;
Tørset, Trude;
Skjetne, Eirik;
Odeck, James.
Tourist traffic simulation as a protected area management tool. The case of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
Tourism Management Perspectives
Academic article
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James.
Comparing the productivity of Norwegian and some Nordic and UK container ports - An application of Malmquist productivity index.
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Trafikkprognoser i bompengeprosjekter: Bedre i Norge enn i mange andre land.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Johansen, Kjell.
Elasticities of fuel and traffic demand and the direct rebound effects : an econometric estimation in the case of Norway.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Belay, Alemu Moges;
Torp, Olav;
Thodesen, Carl;
Odeck, James.
A framework for Organizing a Resilient Cost Benefit Analysis for Construction Projects.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
God kostnadskontroll, men hyppige kostnadsøkninger i tidligfasen.
Popular scientific article
Tveter, Eivind;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Ferjeavløsning kan påvirke bosetting positivt – spesielt nær byområder.
Popular scientific article
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Comparing the productivity of Norwegian and some Nordic and UK container ports - an application of Malmquist productivity index.
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten;
Volden, Gro Holst.
The impact of external quality assurance of costs estimates on cost overruns: Empirical evidence from the norwegian road sector.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten;
Börjesson, Maria;
Eliasson, Jonas.
Brukes samfunnsøkonomiske analyser i prioritering av vegprosjekter? : en sammenlikning av Norge og Sverige.
Academic article
Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira;
Wasamba, Cedric Kasongo;
Helgheim, Berit Irene;
Odeck, James.
Assessing the efficiency and productivity of passenger car sales in Norway : an application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Indices.
Nordic Logistics Research Network
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup;
Odeck, James.
The increase of electric vehicle usage in Norway—incentives and adverse effects.
European Transport Research Review
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Ressursbruk i transportsektoren – noen mulige forbedringer.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Concept rapport (44)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Eliasson, Jonas;
Börjesson, Maria;
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Does Benefit–Cost Efficiency Influence Transport Investment Decisions?.
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Engebretsen, Arild.
The socioeconomic impact of limiting heights of heavy vehicles-The case of Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Do reforms reduce the magnitudes of cost overruns in road projects? Statistical evidence from Norway.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Börjesson, Maria;
Eliasson, Jonas;
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Spelar samhällsekonomisk lönsamhet någon roll för infrastrukturbeslut? En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Norge.
Ekonomisk Debatt
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Eliasson, Jonas;
Odeck, James;
Börjesson, Maria.
Proceedings : European Transport Conference
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Eliasson, Jonas;
Odeck, James;
Börjesson, Maria.
Planprosesser,beregningsverktøy og bruk av nytte- kostnadsanalyser i vegsektor En sammenligning av praksis i Norge og Sverige.
Concept rapport (33)
Academic monograph
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James.
The technical efficiency of Norwegian container ports: A comparison to some Nordic and UK container ports using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
How accurate are national road traffic growth-rate forecasts?-The case of Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
A meta-analysis of DEA and SFA studies of the technical efficiency of seaports : a comparison of fixed and random-effects regression models.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Merkert, Rico;
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein;
Pagliari, Romano.
A Review of Different Benchmarking Methods in the Context of Regional Airports.
Transport reviews
Academic literature review
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Transportplanlegging: Mangelfulle analyser, men tegn på god norsk praksis.
Popular scientific article
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James.
Estimating the technical efficiency of Norwegian container ports relative to other Nordic and UK ones: a data envelopment analysis.
Nordic Logistics Research Network
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Do Planners Get it Right? The Accuracy of Travel Demand Forecasting in Norway.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
The efficiency of Norwegian road toll companies.
Utilities Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Samfunnsøkonomiske analyser holder høy internasjonal standard.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Merkert, Rico;
Pagliari, Romano;
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein;
Halpern, Nigel;
Husdal, Jan.
Benchmarking Avinor’s efficiency ‐ a prestudy.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (1006)
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Economic evaluation of intelligent transportation systems strategies: the case of the Oslo toll cordon.
IET Intelligent Transport Systems
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Hagen, Trine;
Fearnley, Nils.
Economic appraisal of universal design in transport: Experiences from Norway.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
What Determines Decision-Makers' Preferences for Road Investments? Evidence from the Norwegian Road Sector.
Transport reviews
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
Evidence on users' attitudes towards road user charges - a cross-sectional survey of six Norwegian toll schemes.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
The efficiency of Norwegian ferries in providing public transport services.
Academic article
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
Road Funding in Norway: Experiences and Perspectives.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Statistical precision of DEA and Malmquist indices: A bootstrap application to Norwegian grain producers.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Statistical precision of DEA and Malmquist indices: A bootstrap application to Norwegian grain producers.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Automatisering av bomringen i Oslo : et lønnsømt ITS-tiltak!.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James;
Kjekreit, Anne.
Vegprosjekter er mer lønnsomme enn forventet.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James;
Tretvik, Terje.
Ja til vegprising og kollektivsatsing.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
How efficient and productive are road toll companies? Evidence from Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bray, David.
Analytical and institutional methods and frameworks.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Efficiency Measurement of Ferries serving Road Networks in Norway: A stochastic Frontier Approach.
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
The effect of mergers on efficiency and productivity of public transport services.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bray, David.
Analytical and institutional methods and frameworks.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
How efficient and productive are road toll companies? Evidence from Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Efficiency measurement of ferries serving road networks in Norway : a stochastic frontier approach.
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
Travel demand elasticities and users attitudes: A case study of Norwegian toll projects.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Odeck, James.
The effect of mergers on efficiency and productivity of public transport services.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Larsen, Odd I.;
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
The economic impact of enforcing axle load regulation : the case of Zambia.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0805)
Odeck, James;
Hagen, Trine.
Svært lønnsomt å investere i universell utforming.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
ITS-Fordeler må nytte-kostnadsanalyseres.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Measuring Technical Efficiency and Productivity Growth: A comparison of SFA and DEA on Norwegian Grain Production Data.
Applied Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Measuring technical efficiency and productivity growth: a comparison of SFA and DEA on Norwegian grain production data.
Applied Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Hvor effektive er norske bompengeselskaper? : erfaringer fra perioden 2001-2004.
Statens vegvesen, Vegdirektoratet, Transportanalyseseksjonen (2007/05)
Odeck, James.
Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse av kundetjeneste telefoni : etablering av en landsdekkende enhet på to nye steder.
Statens vegvesen, Vegdirektoratet, Transportanalyseseksjonen (2007/07)
Odeck, James.
Congestion, Ownership, Region of operation and Scale: Their Impact on bus operator performance in Norway.
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Identifying traffic safety best practice : an application of DEA and Malmquist indices.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Nå blir samferdselsprosjekter mer lønnsomme.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Norwegian Road Projects are now Profitable -The Government Reduces the Discount Rate.
Nordic Road and Transport Research
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Evaluating Target Achievements in the Public Sector: An Application of Rare Non-Parametric DEA and Malmquist Indices.
Journal of Applied Economics
Academic article
Bråthen, Svein;
Lyche, Lage;
Odeck, James;
Sandvik, Edvard Thonstad.
Effektivitet og kontraktsformer for fylkesvegferjer.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0501)
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
Manglende informasjon gjør bilistene negative til bompenger.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Alkadi, Abdulrahim.
The performance of subsidized urban and rural public bus operators: Empirical Evidence from Norway.
The annals of regional science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Cost overruns in Road Construction -what are their sizes and determinants?.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
Travel demand elasticities and users attitudes : a case study of Norwegian toll projects : final draft.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2004:2)
Bråthen, Svein;
Hervik, Arild;
Odeck, James;
Sunde, Øyvind.
Competitive tendering versus subsidy schemes in public transport services : comparing efficiency in the provision of ferry services.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2004:7)
Bråthen, Svein;
Fuglseth, Arild;
Hervik, Arild;
Larsen, Odd I.;
Lyche, Lage;
Odeck, James.
Anbud i ferjesektoren : erfaringer og utsikter.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0408)
Odeck, James.
Nye kalkulajsonsrenter gjør samferdselsprosjekter svært ulønnsomme.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Brudeseth, Åge.
Statens vegvesen: God kostnadskontroll, men tunnelprosjektene sprekker.
Popular scientific article
Løkketangen, Arne;
Odeck, James;
Woodruff, David L..
Prioritering av prosjektporteføljer når noen av konsekvensene ikke lar seg måle i kroner : prosjektrapport.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0301)
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
Toll financing in Norway : the success, the failures and perspectives for the future.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Effektivitet of produktivitet i spesialisert kornprodusjon:Finnes det framgang?.
Landbruksøkonomisk forum
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Alkadi, Abdulrahim.
Evaluating Efficiency in the Norwegian Bus Industry using Data Envelopment Analysis.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Comparison of Data Envelopment amalysis and Deterministic Parametric frontier approaches: An application in the Norwegian road construction.
Transportation planning and technology (Print)
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Assessing the relative efficiency and productivity growth of vehicle inspection services: An application of DEA and Malmquist indices.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
Productivity studies versus cost-benefit analyses - which is the best indicator for returns to transport investments?.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2000:5)
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein;
Bekken, Jon-Terje.
Tolling of urban and inter-urban road infrastructure - what offers the future?.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2000:8)
Hervik, Arild;
Odeck, James.
Towards an integrated approach to transport planning in Norway : the SAC report on the consistency of benefit-cost analysis between sectors.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
NOU 1997:927 og NOU 1998:16 om nytte kostnanalyser - Blir samferdselsprosjekter mindre lønnsomme?.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
NOU 1997:27 og NOU 1998:16 om Nytte/kostnadsanalyser: Blir Samferdselsprosjekter mindre lønnsomme.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Vegprising i norske byer -Noen momenter om hva som kreves for å lykkes.
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
The planning of toll roads : do public attitudes matter? : case of the Oslo toll ring.
Transportation Research Record
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Gilhus, Kaare.
Nytte/kostnadsanalyser: Svært følsomme for endringer i anleggskostnader og trafikkvekst.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Revidert metode for lønnsomhetsberegninger.
Popular scientific article
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
On public attitudes toward implementation of toll roads - the case of Oslo toll ring.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Hjalmarsson, Lennart.
Efficiency of trucks in road construction and maintenance: an evaluation with data envelopment analysis.
Computers & Operations Research
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Ranking of regional road investment in NorwayDoes socioeconomic analysis matter?.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Evaluating Efficiency of Rock Blasting Using Data Envelopment analysis.
Journal of Transportation Engineering
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Investering i infrastruktur -hvilke kriterier bør myndighetene legge til grunn.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Om nytte-kostnadsanalysenes plass i beslutningsprosessen i vegsektoren.
Academic article
Hervik, Arild;
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
Offentlig prispolitikk - oppfylles målsettinger?.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Effektivitet i offentlig tjenesteproduksjon - En kommentar til Kittelsen og Førsund.
Academic article
Journal publications
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Nytte-kostnadsanalyser: Hvor usikre er resultatene?.
Moderne Mobilitet og Infrastruktur
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup.
What are the determinants of road users' experiences with congestion : econometric assessment using ordered response models.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Road users’ attitudes towards electric vehicle incentives : empirical evidence from Oslo in 2014–2020.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Road users' attitudes towards transforming a flat rate cordon toll to a congestion charging system : the case of Oslo, Norway.
Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM)
Academic article
Mirhosseini, Ali Foroutan;
Pitera, Kelly Ann;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Ex-post evaluation of project efficiency and effectiveness within a Norwegian highway project.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Academic article
Foroutan Mirhosseini, Seyedali;
Pitera, Kelly;
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Sustainable Project Management: Reducing the Risk of Cost Inaccuracy Using a PLS-SEM Approach.
Academic article
Hammes, Johanna Jussila;
Volden, Gro Holst;
Welde, Morten;
Börjesson, Maria;
Odeck, James.
Finding transport projects with high value for money: what are the socio-geographic determinants?.
Working Papers, Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Høyem, Harald Støen;
Odeck, James.
Assessing the socially optimal capacity at a selection of Norwegian car ferry crossings.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Schøyen, Halvor.
Productivity and convergence in Norwegian container seaports: An SFA-based Malmquist productivity index approach.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Høyem, Harald Støen;
Odeck, James.
Optimal public transit frequency under stochastic demand and fixed vehicle size : application in the Norwegian car ferry sector.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Høyem, Harald Støen.
The impact of competitive tendering on operational costs and market concentration in public transport : the Norwegian car ferry services.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
The accuracy of benefit-cost analyses (BCAs) in transportation : an ex-post evaluation of road projects.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James.
The traffic effects of fixed links: Short and long-run forecast accuracy.
Transportation Research Procedia
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Estimating and predicting the operational costs of road tolls : an econometric assessment using panel data.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Kraftig trafikkvekst når ferjer får avløsning.
Popular scientific article
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James.
The accuracy of traffic forecasts for fixed link projects : an empirical study of Norwegian bridges and tunnels.
European Transport Conference past papers repository
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Efficiency and productivity in the transportation sector.
Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM)
Love, Peter;
Ahiaga-Dagbui, Dominic;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Light rail transit cost performance: Opportunities for future proofing.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Tarimo, Michael Joesph;
Wondimu, Paulos;
Odeck, James;
Lohne, Jardar;
Lædre, Ola.
Sustainable roads in Serengeti National Park: - gravel roads construction and maintenance.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Variation in cost overruns of transportation projects : an econometric meta-regression analysis of studies reported in the literature.
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Cost escalations in the front-end of projects – empirical
evidence from Norwegian road projects.
Transport reviews
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Government versus toll funding of road projects : a theoretical consideration with an ex-post evaluation of implemented toll projects.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Tveter, Eivind;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Do fixed links affect settlement patterns : a synthetic control approach.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
The accuracy of toll road traffic forecasts : an econometric
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Díez Gutiérrez, María;
Tørset, Trude;
Skjetne, Eirik;
Odeck, James.
Tourist traffic simulation as a protected area management tool. The case of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
Tourism Management Perspectives
Academic article
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James.
Comparing the productivity of Norwegian and some Nordic and UK container ports - An application of Malmquist productivity index.
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Trafikkprognoser i bompengeprosjekter: Bedre i Norge enn i mange andre land.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Johansen, Kjell.
Elasticities of fuel and traffic demand and the direct rebound effects : an econometric estimation in the case of Norway.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Belay, Alemu Moges;
Torp, Olav;
Thodesen, Carl;
Odeck, James.
A framework for Organizing a Resilient Cost Benefit Analysis for Construction Projects.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
God kostnadskontroll, men hyppige kostnadsøkninger i tidligfasen.
Popular scientific article
Tveter, Eivind;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Ferjeavløsning kan påvirke bosetting positivt – spesielt nær byområder.
Popular scientific article
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Comparing the productivity of Norwegian and some Nordic and UK container ports - an application of Malmquist productivity index.
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten;
Volden, Gro Holst.
The impact of external quality assurance of costs estimates on cost overruns: Empirical evidence from the norwegian road sector.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten;
Börjesson, Maria;
Eliasson, Jonas.
Brukes samfunnsøkonomiske analyser i prioritering av vegprosjekter? : en sammenlikning av Norge og Sverige.
Academic article
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup;
Odeck, James.
The increase of electric vehicle usage in Norway—incentives and adverse effects.
European Transport Research Review
Academic article
Eliasson, Jonas;
Börjesson, Maria;
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Does Benefit–Cost Efficiency Influence Transport Investment Decisions?.
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Engebretsen, Arild.
The socioeconomic impact of limiting heights of heavy vehicles-The case of Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Do reforms reduce the magnitudes of cost overruns in road projects? Statistical evidence from Norway.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Börjesson, Maria;
Eliasson, Jonas;
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Spelar samhällsekonomisk lönsamhet någon roll för infrastrukturbeslut? En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Norge.
Ekonomisk Debatt
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Eliasson, Jonas;
Odeck, James;
Börjesson, Maria.
Proceedings : European Transport Conference
Academic article
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James.
The technical efficiency of Norwegian container ports: A comparison to some Nordic and UK container ports using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
How accurate are national road traffic growth-rate forecasts?-The case of Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
A meta-analysis of DEA and SFA studies of the technical efficiency of seaports : a comparison of fixed and random-effects regression models.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Merkert, Rico;
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein;
Pagliari, Romano.
A Review of Different Benchmarking Methods in the Context of Regional Airports.
Transport reviews
Academic literature review
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Transportplanlegging: Mangelfulle analyser, men tegn på god norsk praksis.
Popular scientific article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Do Planners Get it Right? The Accuracy of Travel Demand Forecasting in Norway.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
The efficiency of Norwegian road toll companies.
Utilities Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Samfunnsøkonomiske analyser holder høy internasjonal standard.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Economic evaluation of intelligent transportation systems strategies: the case of the Oslo toll cordon.
IET Intelligent Transport Systems
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Hagen, Trine;
Fearnley, Nils.
Economic appraisal of universal design in transport: Experiences from Norway.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
What Determines Decision-Makers' Preferences for Road Investments? Evidence from the Norwegian Road Sector.
Transport reviews
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
Evidence on users' attitudes towards road user charges - a cross-sectional survey of six Norwegian toll schemes.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
The efficiency of Norwegian ferries in providing public transport services.
Academic article
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
Road Funding in Norway: Experiences and Perspectives.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Statistical precision of DEA and Malmquist indices: A bootstrap application to Norwegian grain producers.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Statistical precision of DEA and Malmquist indices: A bootstrap application to Norwegian grain producers.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Academic article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
Automatisering av bomringen i Oslo : et lønnsømt ITS-tiltak!.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James;
Kjekreit, Anne.
Vegprosjekter er mer lønnsomme enn forventet.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Odeck, James;
Tretvik, Terje.
Ja til vegprising og kollektivsatsing.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
How efficient and productive are road toll companies? Evidence from Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bray, David.
Analytical and institutional methods and frameworks.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Efficiency Measurement of Ferries serving Road Networks in Norway: A stochastic Frontier Approach.
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
The effect of mergers on efficiency and productivity of public transport services.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bray, David.
Analytical and institutional methods and frameworks.
Research in Transportation Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
How efficient and productive are road toll companies? Evidence from Norway.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Efficiency measurement of ferries serving road networks in Norway : a stochastic frontier approach.
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
Travel demand elasticities and users attitudes: A case study of Norwegian toll projects.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Odeck, James.
The effect of mergers on efficiency and productivity of public transport services.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Hagen, Trine.
Svært lønnsomt å investere i universell utforming.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
ITS-Fordeler må nytte-kostnadsanalyseres.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Measuring Technical Efficiency and Productivity Growth: A comparison of SFA and DEA on Norwegian Grain Production Data.
Applied Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Measuring technical efficiency and productivity growth: a comparison of SFA and DEA on Norwegian grain production data.
Applied Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Congestion, Ownership, Region of operation and Scale: Their Impact on bus operator performance in Norway.
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Identifying traffic safety best practice : an application of DEA and Malmquist indices.
Omega. The International Journal of Management Science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Nå blir samferdselsprosjekter mer lønnsomme.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Norwegian Road Projects are now Profitable -The Government Reduces the Discount Rate.
Nordic Road and Transport Research
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Evaluating Target Achievements in the Public Sector: An Application of Rare Non-Parametric DEA and Malmquist Indices.
Journal of Applied Economics
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
Manglende informasjon gjør bilistene negative til bompenger.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Alkadi, Abdulrahim.
The performance of subsidized urban and rural public bus operators: Empirical Evidence from Norway.
The annals of regional science
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Cost overruns in Road Construction -what are their sizes and determinants?.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Nye kalkulajsonsrenter gjør samferdselsprosjekter svært ulønnsomme.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Brudeseth, Åge.
Statens vegvesen: God kostnadskontroll, men tunnelprosjektene sprekker.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
Toll financing in Norway : the success, the failures and perspectives for the future.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Effektivitet of produktivitet i spesialisert kornprodusjon:Finnes det framgang?.
Landbruksøkonomisk forum
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Alkadi, Abdulrahim.
Evaluating Efficiency in the Norwegian Bus Industry using Data Envelopment Analysis.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Comparison of Data Envelopment amalysis and Deterministic Parametric frontier approaches: An application in the Norwegian road construction.
Transportation planning and technology (Print)
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Assessing the relative efficiency and productivity growth of vehicle inspection services: An application of DEA and Malmquist indices.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
NOU 1997:927 og NOU 1998:16 om nytte kostnanalyser - Blir samferdselsprosjekter mindre lønnsomme?.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
NOU 1997:27 og NOU 1998:16 om Nytte/kostnadsanalyser: Blir Samferdselsprosjekter mindre lønnsomme.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Vegprising i norske byer -Noen momenter om hva som kreves for å lykkes.
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
The planning of toll roads : do public attitudes matter? : case of the Oslo toll ring.
Transportation Research Record
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Gilhus, Kaare.
Nytte/kostnadsanalyser: Svært følsomme for endringer i anleggskostnader og trafikkvekst.
Popular scientific article
Odeck, James.
Revidert metode for lønnsomhetsberegninger.
Popular scientific article
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
On public attitudes toward implementation of toll roads - the case of Oslo toll ring.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Odeck, James;
Hjalmarsson, Lennart.
Efficiency of trucks in road construction and maintenance: an evaluation with data envelopment analysis.
Computers & Operations Research
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Ranking of regional road investment in NorwayDoes socioeconomic analysis matter?.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Evaluating Efficiency of Rock Blasting Using Data Envelopment analysis.
Journal of Transportation Engineering
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Investering i infrastruktur -hvilke kriterier bør myndighetene legge til grunn.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Om nytte-kostnadsanalysenes plass i beslutningsprosessen i vegsektoren.
Academic article
Hervik, Arild;
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
Offentlig prispolitikk - oppfylles målsettinger?.
Academic article
Odeck, James.
Effektivitet i offentlig tjenesteproduksjon - En kommentar til Kittelsen og Førsund.
Academic article
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Börjesson, Maria;
Hammes, Johanna Jussila;
Volden, Gro Holst;
Welde, Morten.
Hva kjennetegner samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomme vegprosjekter? En analyse basert på data fra nasjonale transportplaner i Norge og Sverige.
Concept rapport (70)
Academic monograph
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Ressursbruk i transportsektoren – noen mulige forbedringer.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Concept rapport (44)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Welde, Morten;
Eliasson, Jonas;
Odeck, James;
Börjesson, Maria.
Planprosesser,beregningsverktøy og bruk av nytte- kostnadsanalyser i vegsektor En sammenligning av praksis i Norge og Sverige.
Concept rapport (33)
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Odeck, James;
Welde, Morten.
Cost Overruns of Transportation Infrastructure Projects.
Encyclopedia article
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James.
The Robustness of Cost–Benefit Analyses.
Encyclopedia article
Skjetne, Eirik;
Odeck, James Oyugi;
Mwakilema, William;
Joseph, Michael;
Díez Gutiérrez, María;
Tørset, Trude.
Chapter four: Transport System.
Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira;
Wasamba, Cedric Kasongo;
Helgheim, Berit Irene;
Odeck, James.
Assessing the efficiency and productivity of passenger car sales in Norway : an application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Indices.
Nordic Logistics Research Network
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schøyen, Halvor;
Odeck, James.
Estimating the technical efficiency of Norwegian container ports relative to other Nordic and UK ones: a data envelopment analysis.
Nordic Logistics Research Network
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hervik, Arild;
Odeck, James.
Towards an integrated approach to transport planning in Norway : the SAC report on the consistency of benefit-cost analysis between sectors.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tveter, Eivind;
Welde, Morten;
Odeck, James Oyugi.
Usikkerhet i nyttekostnadsanalyser.
Norges teknisk- naturvitenskapelige universitet
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Kifugo, Shem;
Kija, Hamza;
Ojwang, Gordon;
Ojwala, Merceline;
May, Roelof Frans.
Deliverable 2.1. Quantitative modelling of land use.
Welde, Morten;
Tveter, Eivind;
Odeck, James.
Trafikkprognoser og trafikkutvikling i ferjeavløsningsprosjekter.
NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Næss, Petter;
Volden, Gro Holst;
Odeck, James;
Richardson, Timothy Kevin.
Neglected and underestimated negative impacts of transport investments.
Concept rapport (54)
Merkert, Rico;
Pagliari, Romano;
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein;
Halpern, Nigel;
Husdal, Jan.
Benchmarking Avinor’s efficiency ‐ a prestudy.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (1006)
Larsen, Odd I.;
Odeck, James;
Kjerkreit, Anne.
The economic impact of enforcing axle load regulation : the case of Zambia.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0805)
Odeck, James.
Hvor effektive er norske bompengeselskaper? : erfaringer fra perioden 2001-2004.
Statens vegvesen, Vegdirektoratet, Transportanalyseseksjonen (2007/05)
Odeck, James.
Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse av kundetjeneste telefoni : etablering av en landsdekkende enhet på to nye steder.
Statens vegvesen, Vegdirektoratet, Transportanalyseseksjonen (2007/07)
Bråthen, Svein;
Lyche, Lage;
Odeck, James;
Sandvik, Edvard Thonstad.
Effektivitet og kontraktsformer for fylkesvegferjer.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0501)
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein.
Travel demand elasticities and users attitudes : a case study of Norwegian toll projects : final draft.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2004:2)
Bråthen, Svein;
Hervik, Arild;
Odeck, James;
Sunde, Øyvind.
Competitive tendering versus subsidy schemes in public transport services : comparing efficiency in the provision of ferry services.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2004:7)
Bråthen, Svein;
Fuglseth, Arild;
Hervik, Arild;
Larsen, Odd I.;
Lyche, Lage;
Odeck, James.
Anbud i ferjesektoren : erfaringer og utsikter.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0408)
Løkketangen, Arne;
Odeck, James;
Woodruff, David L..
Prioritering av prosjektporteføljer når noen av konsekvensene ikke lar seg måle i kroner : prosjektrapport.
Rapport (Møreforsking Molde) (0301)
Bråthen, Svein;
Odeck, James.
Productivity studies versus cost-benefit analyses - which is the best indicator for returns to transport investments?.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2000:5)
Odeck, James;
Bråthen, Svein;
Bekken, Jon-Terje.
Tolling of urban and inter-urban road infrastructure - what offers the future?.
Arbeidsnotat (Høgskolen i Molde) (2000:8)
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
Kløckner, Christian;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moe, Espen;
Said, Mohammed Yahya.
Savanna Life (brettspill/serious game).
Other product
Knowledge Transfer
LectureTveter, Eivind; Welde, Morten; Odeck, James Oyugi. (2024) Usikkerhet i nytte-kostnadsanalyser. Prosjekt Norge Webinar om usikkerhet i nytte-kostnadsanalyse 2024-01-15 - 2024-01-15
Academic lectureWelde, Morten; Tveter, Eivind; Odeck, James Oyugi. (2023) The Uncertainty of Cost-Benefit Analyses . European Transport Conference , Milano 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08
LectureTveter, Eivind; Welde, Morten; Odeck, James Oyugi. (2023) Usikkerhet i nytte-kostnadsanalyser . Fagdag i transportøkonomi 2023-11-17 - 2023-11-17
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Börjesson, Maria; Hammes, Johanna Jussila; Volden, Gro Holst; Welde, Morten. (2022) Identifying indicators for value for money in the front-end of road projects: Using National Transport Plan data from Norway and Sweden. Concept Symposium on Project Governance 2022-09-22 - 2022-09-23
Academic lectureAasness, Marie Aarestrup; Odeck, James. (2022) Determinants of road users' experiences of congestion. Transportøkonomisk Institutt CAPSLOCK brukerseminar , Oslo, Norge 2022-11-04 - 2022-11-04
Academic lectureHammes, Johanna Jussila; Volden, Gro Holst; Welde, Morten; Börjesson, Maria; Odeck, James. (2022) Finding transport projects with high value for money – what are the socio-geographic determinants?. Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis Annual Conference 2022-03-17 - 2022-03-18
Academic lectureTveter, Eivind; Odeck, James. (2018) How to implement wider economic impacts in transport appraisals? A review of the Norwegian experience. The Association for European Transport European Transport Conference , Dublin 2018-10-10 - 2018-10-12
Academic lectureWelde, Morten; Odeck, James; Saxebøl, Geir. (2015) Cost Increases in the Front-End of Road Projects. AACE International - The Authority for Total Cost Management AACE's 2015 Annual Meeting , Las Vegas 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-01
Academic lectureWelde, Morten; Odeck, James; Saxebøl, Geir. (2015) The Impact of Cost Estimation Methodologies on Cost Overruns. AACE International - The Authority for Total Cost Management AACE's 2015 Annual Meeting , Las Vegas 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-01
Academic lectureSvendsen, Hilde Johanne; Hervik, Arild; Odeck, James. (2015) Does outsourcing of tendering processes in public transit enhance technical efficiency. Stockholm School of Economics; VTI Thredbo 14 , Stockholm 2015-08-30 - 2015-09-03
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Sandvik, Edvard Thonstad. (2015) Does competition improve technical efficiency of transportation services? : a DEA application in the case of Norwegian car ferry sector. Georgia Institute of Technology 56th Annual Transportation Research Forum , Atlanta 2015-03-12 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Sandvik, Edvard; Bråthen, Svein. (2015) Does competition improve technical efficiency of transportation services? : a DEA application in the case of Norwegian car ferry sector . Georgia Institute of Technology 56th Annual Transportation Research Forum , Atlanta 2015-03-12 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Khazraeianvafadar, Mozhgan; Odeck, James. (2015) Airport efficiency and energy use. Georgia Institute of Technology 56th annual Transportation Research Forum , Atlanta 2015-03-12 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Welde, Morten. (2015) The Impact of External Quality Assurance on Cost Overruns of Road Projects. World Road Association World Road Congress , Seoul 2015-11-03 - 2015-11-05
LectureDíez Gutiérrez, María; Tørset, Trude; Skjetne, Eirik; Odeck, James; Røskaft, Eivin. (2015) Small scale transport modelling: the case of a road through Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. European Transport Conference (ETC 2015) 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
Academic lectureSvendsen, Hilde Johanne; Hervik, Arild; Odeck, James. (2015) Norwegian bus transport - Does internal or external organization of public authorities affect efficiency. Georgia Institute of Technology 56th annual Transportation Research Forum , Atlanta 2015-03-12 - 2015-03-14
Academic lectureWelde, Morten; Odeck, James. (2014) Cost increases in the front-end of Norwegian road projects. Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds hEART 2014 – 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation , Leeds 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-12
Academic lectureWelde, Morten; Odeck, James. (2013) The use of cost-benefit analyses in Norway and Sweden: a comparison. European Transport Conference 2013-09-30 - 2013-10-02
Academic lectureSchøyen, Halvor; Odeck, James. (2011) Estimating the technical efficiency of Norwegian container ports relative to other Nordic and UK ones: a data envelopment analysis. Høgskolen i Harstad 23rd Annual NOFOMA Conference , Harstad 2011-06-09 - 2011-06-10
Academic lectureChaudhry, Muhammad Omer; Bråthen, Svein; Odeck, James. (2011) Impact of transport infrastructure on economic development : a comparative analysis. Universiteit Antwerpen NECTAR 2011 Conference , Antwerpen 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20
Academic lectureMerkert, Rico; Pagliari, Romano; Bråthen, Svein; Odeck, James. (2011) The use of econometric methods for efficiency analysis of regional airports - a meta analysis. Air Transport Research Society 15th Air Transport Research Society World Conference , Sydney 2011-06-29 - 2011-07-02
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2010) Do cost overruns of road projects improve after reorganization? Empirical evidence from Norway. World Conference on Transport Research Society the 12th World Conference on Transport Research Society , Lisbon 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-15
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Kjerkreit, Anne; Martinsen, Jan A.. (2010) Why benefit-cost analysis matters less and how it can be improved for decision making in the transport sector – Experiences from the Norwegian National Transport Plan 2010 -2019. European Transport Conference European Transport Conference , Glasgow 2010-10-11 -
Academic lectureLarsen, Odd I.; Odeck, James; Kjerkreit, Anne. (2009) The economic impact of axle-load control of heavy vehicles in developing countries - the case of Zambia. International Transport Economics Conference (ITrEC) , Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2009-06-14 - 2009-06-16
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2009) The efficiency of road toll companies : the case of Norway. International Transport Economics Conference (ITrEC) , Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-16
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2008) Översikt av effekter av trängselavgifter med fokus på lång sikt. VIA NORDICA -Nordiska Vägtekniska Förbundets XX kongress - Helsingfors den 9 - 11 juni 2008 2008-06-09 - 2008-06-11
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Welde, Morten. (2008) Economic Evaluation of ITS Strategies — The Case of the Oslo Toll Cordon. ITS America 15th World Congress on ITS, November 16-20, 2008, New York. 2008-11-16 - 2008-11-20
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2008) Køprising - et nødvendig "onde" som virker? [ppt]. Innovasjonskonferansen Digital Hverdag 2008 , Bergen 2008-01-31 - 2008-02-01
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2007) Hvilke faktorer er avgjørende for valg av investeringsprosjekter i Norge [ppt] What determines the decision-makers' preferences for road investments? : evidence from the Norwegian road sector. NVF-seminarium , Ringsted, Danmark 2007-09-20 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Langaas, Marit Due; Bjørvig, Kjell. (2007) Institutional capacity building within the road sector in developing countries - some experiences and strategies. International Seminar on Sustainable Road Financing & Investment , Arusha, Tanzania, Africa 2007-04-16 - 2007-04-20
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2007) Funding Norwegian road construction. PPP in Roads , London, UK 2007-05-21 - 2007-05-22
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2007) On the need for updating the planning tools of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Oslo Workshop on Valuation Methods in Transport Planning , Oslo 2007-03-19 - 2007-03-20
Academic lectureSandvik, Edvard; Odeck, James. (2007) How efficient are ferries in providing public transport services? : the case of Norway. European Transport Conference 2007 , Noordwijkerhout, near Leiden, The Netherlands 2007-10-17 - 2007-10-19
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2006) Users attitudes towards tolls – Norwegian experiences. World Road Conference, Singapore 2006-09-27 - 2006-09-30
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Odeck, James. (2006) Funding of road construction in Norway - experiences and perspectives. First International Conference on Funding Transportation Infrastructure , Banff, Canada 2006-08-02 - 2006-08-03
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Kjerkreit, Anne. (2005) Users' attitudes towards toll financing - a cross section assessment of Norwegian toll systems. International Seminar on Road Pricing - Financing, Regulation and Equity , CANCUN 2005-04-11 - 2005-04-13
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Bråthen, Svein. (2005) Determinants of Decision makers' preferences for Road investements: exepriences from Norway. Transportation Research Board TRB 84th Annual Meeting , Washington 2005-01-09 - 2005-01-13
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2005) Users attitudes and elasticities with respect co toll charges [PowerPoint-presentasjon]. Transportdagene i Molde 2005 : Finansiering og politiske beslutninger , Molde 2005-11-22 - 2005-11-23
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Bråthen, Svein. (2005) The determinants of decision-makers preferences for road investments : experiences from Norway. 84th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting , Washington, D.C., USA 2005-01-09 - 2005-01-13
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Hervik, Arild; Larsen, Odd I.; Odeck, James; Sunde, Øyvind. (2005) Tendering in Norwegian road ferry services - a success in the short run only? : experiences and prospects. Transportation Research Board 84th TRB Annual Meeting , Washington DC 2005-01-10 - 2005-01-13
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Welde, Morten; Amdal, Erik. (2004) Curbing Operational costs of road user charging schemes -experiences of Norway. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONFERENCE, 2004 , Strasbourg 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-06
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Kjerkreit, Anne; Lynum, Margot. (2004) Users attitudes towards tolls - a cross section assesment. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONFERENCE, 2004 , Strasbourg 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-06
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Tretvik, Terje. (2004) The Challenges of Avalanches: can their impacts be benefit cost analysed?. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONFERENCE, 2004 , Strasbourg 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-06
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Holdenhoff, Annelene. (2004) Investments Rail versus Roads – Is there a Competition? Experience from Transport Planning in Norway. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONFERENCE 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-06
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Sunde, Øivind; Bråthen, Svein. (2004) Competitive tendering versus Ex-post Subsidy system in Public Transport Services: Comparing efficiencies in the provision of Ferry Services. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONFERENCE 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-06
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Hervik, Arild; Odeck, James; Sunde, Øyvind. (2004) Competitive tendering versus subsidy schemes in public transport services : comparing efficiency in the provision of ferry services. European Transport Conference 2004 , Strasbourg 2004-10-04 -
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Odeck, James; Hoff, Annelene Holden; Hauger, Hans Otto. (2004) Investments in rails versus roads : is there a competition? : experience from transport planning in Norway. ETC 2004 - European Transport Conference 2004 , Strasbourg, France 2004-10-04 -
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Bråthen, Svein; Kjerkreit, Anne. (2003) Users’ reaction to toll user charges: elasticities and attitudes combined. European Transport Conference, 2003 , Strasbourg 2003-10-08 - 2003-10-10
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Odeck, James; Welde, Morten; Bøe, Robert Fjelltun. (2003) A comparison of non-profit toll companies and Build Operate Transfer initiatives : the case of Norway. European Transport Conference , Strasbourg 2003-10-08 - 2003-10-10
Academic lectureLøkketangen, Arne; Odeck, James; Woodruff, David L.. (2003) Multicriteria portfolio selection and distance measures. Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences 8th INFORMS Computing Society Conference , Phoenix, Arizona 2003-01-08 - 2003-01-10
Academic lectureHauge, Olav; Odeck, James; Sunde, Øyvind. (2003) Incentives for efficiency in the provision of bus services : comparing subsidy regimes in the small county of Møre and Romsdal. Thredbo 8 , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2003-09-15 - 2003-09-18
Academic lectureRekdal, Jens; Odeck, James; Hamre, Tom N.. (2003) The socio-economic benefits of moving from cordon toll to congestion pricing : the case of Oslo. TRB 82nd Annual Meeting , Washington, DC, U.S.A. 2003-01-12 - 2003-01-16
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Rekdal, Jens; Hamre, Tom Normann. (2002) The Socio-economic benefits of moving from cordon toll to congestion pricing: The case of Oslo. Transportation Research Board, USA TRB 81th Annual Meeting , Washington 2002-01-13 - 2002-01-16
Academic lectureLøkketangen, Arne; Odeck, James; Woodruff, David L.. (2002) Selection of road project portfolios. PM 20 / European Chapter on Metaheuristics Workshop on multiple objective metaheuristics , Paris 2002-11-04 - 2002-11-05
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (2001) Managing Data: Data Envelopment analysis. Benchmarking European Transport(BEST) Putting Benchmarking methodology into Practice , Brussels 2001-10-04 - 2001-10-05
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Sunde, Øivind. (2001) The Relative Efficiency of Public and Private Bus Companies?. THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCECOMPETITION AND OWNERSHIP IN LAND PASSENGER TRANSPORT(THREDBO7) , Molde 2001-08-25 - 2001-08-28
Academic lectureSunde, Øyvind; Odeck, James. (2001) The relative efficiency of public and private bus companies?. Høgskolen i Molde THREDBO 7 - 7th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport , Molde 2001-06-25 - 2001-06-28
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Odeck, James. (2000) Productivity studies versus cost-benefit analyses - which is the best indicator for returns to transport investments?. European Transport Conference 2000 , Cambridge 2000-09-11 - 2000-09-13
Academic lectureOdeck, James; Bråthen, Svein; Bekken, Jon-Terje. (2000) Tolling of urban and inter-urban road infrastructure - what offers the future?. European Transport Conference 2000 , Cambridge 2000-09-11 - 2000-09-13
Academic lectureHervik, Arild; Odeck, James. (1999) Towards an integrated approach to transport planning in Norway : the SAC report on the consistency of benefit-cost analysis between sectors. Association for European Transport European Transport Conference 1999 , Cambridge 1999-09-27 - 1999-09-29
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Odeck, James. (1998) Road financing in a planning perspective : some experiences. Symposium international , Paris 1998-11-04 - 1998-11-06
Academic lectureOdeck, James. (1994) Practical Applications and weaknesses of monetary evaluation methods. OECD International seminar on Environmental Impact Assesment Roads , Palermo 1994-05-31 - 1994-06-02
Academic lectureBråthen, Svein; Hervik, Arild; Odeck, James; Krokeborg, Jon. (1994) Ferry connections : still an alternative?. 3rd symposium on strait crossings , Ålesund, Norway 1994-06-12 - 1994-06-15