Soforon Oduho George Ben
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
Engaging primary mathematics teachers in two private schools in South Sudan: A case study on student-centred teaching in problem-solving and mathematical discourse.
Academic article
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
The Understanding of Effective Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers According to South Sudan School Context.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Tesfamicael, Solomon A.;
Lundeby, Øyvind Andersen;
Kassa, Berie Getie;
Soforon, Oduho George Ben.
Problem posing in mathematics education: a comparative study of textbooks in Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Norway.
Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
Engaging primary mathematics teachers in two private schools in South Sudan: A case study on student-centred teaching in problem-solving and mathematical discourse.
Academic article
Soforon, Oduho George Ben;
Sikko, Svein Arne;
Tesfamicael, Solomon A..
The Understanding of Effective Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers According to South Sudan School Context.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Part of book/report
Tesfamicael, Solomon A.;
Lundeby, Øyvind Andersen;
Kassa, Berie Getie;
Soforon, Oduho George Ben.
Problem posing in mathematics education: a comparative study of textbooks in Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Norway.
Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper