Olav Rømcke
Postdoctoral fellow investigating the interactions between waves, current and turbulence. The work primarily involves experimental fluid dynamics and signal processing.
Supervisor: Simen Ådnøy Ellingsen
Academic background
Ph.D.: Flow behavior in suspensions with high particle density, focusing on liquid-solid transition observed in water-starch suspensions.
Supervisor: R. Jason Hearst
Co-supervisor: Ivo R. Peters
M.Sc.: Numerical simulation of melting in a convection-dominated system.
Supervisor: Reidar Kristoffersen
Pizzo, Nick;
Lenain, Luc;
Rømcke, Olav;
Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy;
Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler.
The role of Lagrangian drift in the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of surface waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler;
Rømcke, Olav;
Hearst, R. Jason;
Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy.
Experimental study of the mutual interactions between waves and tailored turbulence.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Peters, Ivo R.;
Hearst, Robert Jason.
Getting jammed in all directions: Dynamic shear jamming around a cylinder towed through a dense suspension.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Hearst, R. Jason;
Peters, Ivo R..
Colliding jamming fronts in a dense suspension.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (366)
Doctoral dissertation
Rømcke, Olav;
Peters, Ivo R.;
Hearst, Robert Jason.
Characterizing the surface texture of a dense suspension undergoing dynamic jamming.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Peters, Ivo R.;
Hearst, R. Jason.
Collision of dynamic jamming fronts in a dense suspension.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Kamruzzaman, Md;
Rømcke, Olav;
Hearst, R. Jason.
The impact of upstream turbulence on a plane jet.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Kristoffersen, Reidar.
A projection method for convection-dominated phase transitions.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Journal publications
Pizzo, Nick;
Lenain, Luc;
Rømcke, Olav;
Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy;
Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler.
The role of Lagrangian drift in the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of surface waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler;
Rømcke, Olav;
Hearst, R. Jason;
Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy.
Experimental study of the mutual interactions between waves and tailored turbulence.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Peters, Ivo R.;
Hearst, Robert Jason.
Getting jammed in all directions: Dynamic shear jamming around a cylinder towed through a dense suspension.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Peters, Ivo R.;
Hearst, Robert Jason.
Characterizing the surface texture of a dense suspension undergoing dynamic jamming.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Peters, Ivo R.;
Hearst, R. Jason.
Collision of dynamic jamming fronts in a dense suspension.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Kamruzzaman, Md;
Rømcke, Olav;
Hearst, R. Jason.
The impact of upstream turbulence on a plane jet.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Kristoffersen, Reidar.
A projection method for convection-dominated phase transitions.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Rømcke, Olav;
Hearst, R. Jason;
Peters, Ivo R..
Colliding jamming fronts in a dense suspension.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (366)
Doctoral dissertation
PosterGautam, Priyanka; Rømcke, Olav; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy. (2024) Wave-turbulence interaction experiments: Separating waves from turbulence. WISE group Wind Waves in the Earth System , Cargèse, Corsica 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-26
LectureRømcke, Olav; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy. (2024) Experimental investigation of wave-modified turbulence. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting , New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 2024-02-18 - 2024-02-23
PosterFerran, Amelie Mia Helene; Rømcke, Olav; Gautam, Priyanka; Hearst, Robert Jason; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy. (2024) Experiment on Eulerian and Lagrangian motion in waves and turbulence. WISE group Wind Waves in the Earth System , Cargèse, Corsica 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-26
Academic lecturePizzo, Nick; Lenain, Luc; Rømcke, Olav; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy; Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler. (2024) The role of Lagrangian drift in the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of surface waves. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting , New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 2024-02-19 - 2024-02-23
PosterLoft, Malte; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy; Hearst, Robert Jason; Rømcke, Olav; Gautam, Priyanka; Rung, Thomas. (2023) Simulation of scale-resolved mixing of passive scalars in waves and turbulence. European Geophysical Union EGU General Assemply , Wien, Østerrike 2023-04-20 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureEllingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy; Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler; Rømcke, Olav; Hearst, Robert Jason. (2023) Experimental study of wave-turbulence interactions. Det Norske Videnskaps-akademi The Norway-Scotland symposium on water waves , Oslo, Norge 2023-10-30 - 2023-10-31
Academic lectureRømcke, Olav; Smeltzer, Benjamin Keeler; Løvvig, Inger Skundberg; Djupesland, Johannes; Hearst, Robert Jason; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy. (2023) Experimental study of Wave-turbulence interactions. European Mechanics Society European Turbulence Conference , Valencia, Spania 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-06
PosterSmeltzer, Benjamin Keeler; Rømcke, Olav; Hearst, Robert Jason; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy. (2023) Experimental study of the mutual interactions between waves and tailored turbulence. European Geophysical Union EGU General Assemply , Wien, Østerrike 2023-04-23 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureSmeltzer, Benjamin Keeler; Rømcke, Olav; Hearst, Robert Jason; Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy. (2023) Experimental study of Wave-turbulence interactions. Dept. of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University The 4th workshop on Waves and Wave-Coupled Processes , Uppsala, Sverige 2023-02-14 - 2023-02-16