Ole-Morten Midtgård
Ole-Morten Midtgård (born 1967) is Professor at the Department of Electric Energy. He holds an MSc and a PhD in Electric Power Engineering from 1992 and 1997, respectively. He has been a Professor at NTNU since 2012. He was Head of Department 2017-2021, and Vice-Dean for Sustainability and Innovation at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 2021-2024.
He is currently engaged as the Secretary General of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA).
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Elektrifisering av Norge er enkelt
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Skiftende skydekke i energidebatten.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Fakta og verdivurderinger i kjernekraftdebatten.
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Kjernekraftpropaganda virker.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Spørsmålet om kjernekraft krever et ikke-teknokratisk perspektiv.
Reader opinion piece
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sevault, Alexis Gerard Edouard.
The effect of mixed orientation on the accuracy of a forecast model for building integrated photovoltaic systems.
Energy Reports
Academic article
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Cali, Umit;
Sevault, Alexis Gerard Edouard.
Quantification of the Impact of Azimuth and Tilt Angle on the Performance of a PV Output Power Forecasting Model for BIPVs.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Academic article
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Cali, Umit;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
A Review of Machine Learning-Based Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting: Nordic Context.
IEEE Access
Academic literature review
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Zenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw.
Ultra-Short-term Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting using Deep Learning Algorithms.
IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference
Academic article
Zenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw;
Kebede, Lemu;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Völler, Steve.
Performance Evaluation and Operational Faults Analysis for PV System Protection and Safety Standard Improvement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fuchs, Ida;
Waitz, Anja Myhre;
Lervik, Kari Thorset;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash.
Optimal Design and Installation of Solar Home Systems for Bottom-up Grids: Comparative Case Studies from Kenya and Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mellerud, Runar;
Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen;
Hartmann, Christian Magnus;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Superledere er løsningen på utslippsfrie fly.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Zenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Völler, Steve;
Cali, Umit.
Machine Learning for PV System Operational Fault Analysis: Literature Review.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Reduced-Order Model of Distributed Generators with Internal Loops and Virtual Impedance.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Academic article
Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen;
Schjølberg, Ingrid;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Hydrogendrevne elfly kan gjøre luftfarten utslippsfri.
Aftenposten Viten
Popular scientific article
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Harmonic Virtual Impedance Design for Optimal
Management of Power Quality in Microgrids.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier;
Rygg, Atle;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Apparent Impedance-Based Adaptive Controller for Improved Stability of Droop-Controlled Microgrid.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Spro, Ole Christian;
Lefranc, Pierre;
Par, Sanghyeon;
Rivas-Davila, Juan;
Peftitsis, Dimosthenis;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimized Design of Multi-MHz Frequency Isolated Auxiliary Power Supply for Gate Drivers in Medium-Voltage Converters.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
AV-utstyr i auditoriene: Bare gjør det!.
Feature article
Nge, Chee Lim;
Ranaweera, K.M. Iromi Udumbara;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
A real-time energy management system for smart grid integrated photovoltaic generation with battery storage.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier.
Virtual Impedance Design for Power Quality and Harmonic Sharing Improvement in Microgrids .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Basu, Supratim;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Efficiency and Conducted EMI evaluation of a single-phase power factor correction boost converter using state-of-the-art SiC MOSFET and SiC diode .
IEEE transactions on industry applications
Academic article
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Langelid, John K.;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Merits of SiC MOSFETs for high-frequency soft-switched converters,measurement verifications by both electrial and calorimetric methods.
EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives
Academic article
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
An insight into geometry and orientation of capacitors for high-speed power circuits.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
D'Arco, Salvatore.
Effect of Including Transient Virtual Impedance in Droop-Controlled Microgrids .
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Abuishmais, Ibrahim Abed;
Langelid, John Kåre;
Lund, Richard;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Characterization of body diodes in the-state-of-the-art SiC FETs-Are they good enough as freewheeling diodes?.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Nilsen, Roy.
SiC MOSFETs for Offshore Wind Applications.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Spro, Ole Christian;
Guidi, Giuseppe;
Ljøkelsøy, Kjell;
Hernes, Magnar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Korpås, Magnus;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Control strategies for residential battery energy storage systems coupled with PV systems.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spro, Ole Christian;
Peftitsis, Dimosthenis;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Modelling and quantification of power losses due to dynamic on-state resistance of GaN E-mode HEMT.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Langelid, John Kåre;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Soft switching loss measurements of a 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET module by both electrical and calorimetric methods for high frequency applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Korpås, Magnus.
Distributed control scheme for residential battery energy storage units coupled with PV systems.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Langelid, John Kåre;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Hard and soft switching losses of a SiC MOSFET module under realistic topology and loading conditions.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Lund, Richard.
Parasitic capacitances and inductances hindering utilization of the fast switching potential of SiC power modules. Simulation model verified by experiment.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spro, Ole Christian;
Basu, Supratim;
Abuishmais, Ibrahim Abed;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Driving of a GaN enhancement mode HEMT transistor with zener diode protection for high efficiency and low EMI.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Centralized control of energy storages for voltage support in low-voltage distribution grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Design of low inductive busbar for fast switching SiC modules verified by 3D FEM calculations and laboratory measurements.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Rabiei, Ali;
Shrestha, Praveen;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Lund, Richard.
Design Considerations and Laboratory Testing of Power Circuits for Parallel Operation of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Techno-economic Optimum Control of Grid-connected Residential Battery Energy Storage Units.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk;
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Lund, Richard;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Experimental Evaluation of Switching Characteristics, Switching Losses and Snubber Design for a Full SiC Half-Bridge Power Module.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Comparative evaluation of a commercially available 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET module and a 1.2 kV Si IGBT module.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Experimental performance evaluation of two commercially available, 1.2 kV half-bridge SiC MOSFET modules.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Dimosthenis, Peftitsis.
Teknologirevolusjon i kraftelektronikk.
Energiteknikk : fagbladet for energibransjen
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Spro, Ole Christian;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Guidi, Giuseppe.
Development of a full bridge GaN HEMT converter for inductive power transfer application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Biswas, Suvankar;
Mohan, Ned;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
A copper-loss based design method and verification for a zero-ripple interface for PV/Battery-to-grid applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Lund, Richard.
Experimental performance comparison of six-pack SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT modules paralleled in a half-bridge configuration for high temperature applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
SiC MOSFETs for future motor drive applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Lund, Richard;
Tiwari, Subhadra.
Evaluation of Switching Characteristics, Switching Losses and Snubber Design for a Full SiC Half-Bridge Power Module.
Masters thesis
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimization of operational cost for a grid-supporting PV system with battery storage.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Hev blikket Adresseavisen.
Reader opinion piece
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Residential Photovoltaic and Battery Energy System with Grid Support Functionalities.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Energy Management System for a Photovoltaic System With Battery Storage Participating in Grid Voltage Quality Improvement.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Østrem, Trond;
Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland;
Rong, Chunming;
Wolff, Robert;
Sand, Kjell;
Mathisen, Geir.
Norwegian Smart Grid Research Strategy.
The Scientific Committee of the Norwegian Smart Grid Centre
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Man blir ikke god ved å holde andre nede.
Reader opinion piece
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Extreme overirradiance events in Norway: 1.6 suns measured close to 60°N.
Solar Energy
Short communication
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Degradation and Performance Studies of Elkem Solar Grade Silicon in Comparison to the Reference Polysilicon.
Universitetet i Agder
Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder (000)
Doctoral dissertation
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
The impedance of two parallel plates.
Academic article
Wilhite, R;
Meeker, R;
Bettencourt, A;
Cawley, A;
Chan, CK;
Park, J.
Grid Connectivity of Distributed Generation.
Global Smart Grid Federation
Usman, Muhammad;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Shafiq, Muhammad;
Sørdalen, Ole Jakob.
Bidrag fra lokal energilagring i fremtidens elsystem.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Usman, Muhammad;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Shafiq, Muhammad;
Sørdalen, Ole Jakob.
Bidrag fra lokal energilagring i fremtidens elsystem.
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov.
Short-Term Intermittency of Solar Irradiance in Southern Norway.
WIP Renewable Energies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Granum, Christian;
Asklund, Kim Ove;
Merlet, Stanislas;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Distribution Grid Photovoltaic Systems in a Norwegian Context.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
1.6 suns at 58°20'N - the solar resource in southern Norway.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vika, Håvard;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov.
Modelling of Photovoltaic Modules with Battery Energy Storage in Simulink/Matlab With In-SituMeasurement Comparisons.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Design and Analysis of a High Frequency Inductor for a Photovoltaic Inverter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Ideality factor behavior between the maximum power point and open circuit.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimal temporal resolution for detailed studies of cloud-enhanced sunlight (Overirradiance).
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Energi og klima krever kunnskap og omsorg for menneskene på jorden.
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Vindkraft redder naturen.
Reader opinion piece
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Universitetsutdanning til drømmejobben.
Reader opinion piece
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Overirradiance (Cloud Enhancement) Events at High Latitudes.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Academic article
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Air gap fringing flux reduction in a high frequency inductor for a solar inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Boysen, Kjetil.
Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of a High Frequency Inductor to Reduce Manufacturing Cost, and Improve the Efficiency of a PV Inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Boysen, Kjetil.
Finite Element Modeling and Simulating of a High Frequency Inductor in the Solar Inverter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Differential Analysis of PV Module I-V Curves.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Overirradiance Studies Require Subsecond Resolution; Exclude Thermopile Pyranometers and Commercial Data Loggers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
100-millisecond Resolution for Accurate Overirradiance Measurements.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Application of circuit theory for extraction of water from oil.
International journal of circuit theory and applications
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Series resistance determination and further characterization of c-Si PV modules.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Over-Irradiance (Cloud Enhancement) Events at High Latitudes.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
PV with Battery in Smart Grid Paradigm: Price-Based Energy Management System.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
PV modules with variable ideality factors.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Outdoor performance of north-facing multicrystalline modules in Southern Norway.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Equivalent cell temperature calculation for PV modules with variable ideality factors.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimum core dimension for minimizing proximity effect losses of an AC inductor for a galvanically isolated PV inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Outdoor Performance of 10 year Old a-Si and Poly-Si Modules in southern Norway conditions.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Review on up/down conversion materials for solar cell application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Test of the European Joint Research Centre performance model for c-Si PV modules.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Test of the European JRC Performance Model for c-Si PV Modules.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed;
Norum, Lars.
Overirradiance (Cloud Enhancement) Events at High Latitudes.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Winding Loss Analysis and Optimization of an AC Inductor for a Galvanically Isolated PC Inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Modeling and parameter identification of crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Power Management of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter with Storage Battery.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Beyer, Hans-Georg;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Imenes, Anne Gerd.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imenes, Anne Gerd;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Development of a Test Station for Accurate in Situ I-V Curve Measurements of Photovoltaic Modules in southern Norway.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Modeling and parameter identification of crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Review of photovoltaic status in European (EU) perspective.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
A Report on Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Roar, Myhre;
Boysen, Kjetil.
Finite Element Analysis of a High frequency Inductor for a Galvanically Isolated PV Inverter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove.
Analysis of Some Effects of Possible Device Degradation over a 30 Year Lifespan.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter with Storage Battery.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Iskandarani, Yousef;
Hovland, Geir;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems using the Bond Graph Method.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov.
A new analytical solar cell I-V curve model.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Physically-consistent parameterization in the modeling of solar photovoltaic devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imenes, Anne Gerd;
Odden, Jan-Ove;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Field Stations in Norway and Kenya for Comparative Analysis of Compensated and Standard Solar-Grade Polysilicon Modules.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Two-diode model revisited : parameters extraction form semi-log plots of I-V data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Verma, Deepak;
Dutta, V;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
TiO2 Nanoparticles Mixed P3HT Hybrid Absorbing Layer.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Oppdagelsen av det moderne samfunnet.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Verdt å vite om vitenskap.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Norge bør produsere elektrisitet fra sola.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Yordanov, Georgi;
Imenes, Anne Gerd;
Nge, Chee Lim.
A qualitative examination of performance and energy yield of photovoltaic modules in southern Norway.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Energy management for Grid-Connected PV system with storage battery.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
A New maximum power point tracking approach for partial shading conditionsance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Two Diode Model Revisited: Parameters Extraction from Semi-log Plots of I-V Data.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Odden, Jan Ove;
Buseth, Torfinn;
Imenes, Anne Gerd.
Compensated SoG-Si from a Metallurgical Route: High Latitude Outdoor Performance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Extracting parameters from semi-log plots of polycrystalline silicon PVmoduls outdoor I-V data : double-exponential model revisited.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
A Comparative Simulation Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking Approaches.
Helsinki University Press (HUP)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars E.;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Power Loss Analysis for Single Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Electrostatic field theory and circuit analysis in the design of coalescers with pulsed dc voltage.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Nge, Chee Lim;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Norum, Lars Einar.
A Comparative Simulation Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking Approaches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Power Loss Analysis for Single Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverters.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Pinlig svak satsing.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Erfaringer med et praktisk orientert kurs i Kraftelektronikk ved Høgskolen i Agder.
Universitetet i Agder
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Norge bør produsere elektrisitet fra solceller.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Andersson, Nico;
Hoff, Erik Stjernholm;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Development of a Computer Controlled Test Bench for Long- and Short Term Assessment of Powder Electronics for PV Modules.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Representation of current density in a three-dimensional hierarchical edge finite element method solving directly for the magnetic field.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sande, Gorm.
A new hierarchal basis with a minimum number of unknowns on a mesh of hexahedra for the T-_C edge element eddy current method.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Nilssen, Robert.
Efficient Spanning Trees for a High-Order Edge Element T-_C Eddy Current Formulation.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Construction and assessment of hierarchal edge elements for three-dimensional computations of eddy currents.
Doktor ingeniøravhandling (1997:11)
Doctoral dissertation
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Arven etter Maxwell i elkraftteknikken.
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Elektrifisering av Norge er enkelt
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Skiftende skydekke i energidebatten.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Fakta og verdivurderinger i kjernekraftdebatten.
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Kjernekraftpropaganda virker.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Spørsmålet om kjernekraft krever et ikke-teknokratisk perspektiv.
Reader opinion piece
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sevault, Alexis Gerard Edouard.
The effect of mixed orientation on the accuracy of a forecast model for building integrated photovoltaic systems.
Energy Reports
Academic article
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Cali, Umit;
Sevault, Alexis Gerard Edouard.
Quantification of the Impact of Azimuth and Tilt Angle on the Performance of a PV Output Power Forecasting Model for BIPVs.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Academic article
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Cali, Umit;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
A Review of Machine Learning-Based Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting: Nordic Context.
IEEE Access
Academic literature review
Dimd, Berhane Darsene;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Zenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw.
Ultra-Short-term Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting using Deep Learning Algorithms.
IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference
Academic article
Mellerud, Runar;
Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen;
Hartmann, Christian Magnus;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Superledere er løsningen på utslippsfrie fly.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Reduced-Order Model of Distributed Generators with Internal Loops and Virtual Impedance.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Academic article
Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen;
Schjølberg, Ingrid;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Hydrogendrevne elfly kan gjøre luftfarten utslippsfri.
Aftenposten Viten
Popular scientific article
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Harmonic Virtual Impedance Design for Optimal
Management of Power Quality in Microgrids.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier;
Rygg, Atle;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Apparent Impedance-Based Adaptive Controller for Improved Stability of Droop-Controlled Microgrid.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Spro, Ole Christian;
Lefranc, Pierre;
Par, Sanghyeon;
Rivas-Davila, Juan;
Peftitsis, Dimosthenis;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimized Design of Multi-MHz Frequency Isolated Auxiliary Power Supply for Gate Drivers in Medium-Voltage Converters.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
AV-utstyr i auditoriene: Bare gjør det!.
Feature article
Nge, Chee Lim;
Ranaweera, K.M. Iromi Udumbara;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
A real-time energy management system for smart grid integrated photovoltaic generation with battery storage.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Basu, Supratim;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Efficiency and Conducted EMI evaluation of a single-phase power factor correction boost converter using state-of-the-art SiC MOSFET and SiC diode .
IEEE transactions on industry applications
Academic article
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Langelid, John K.;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Merits of SiC MOSFETs for high-frequency soft-switched converters,measurement verifications by both electrial and calorimetric methods.
EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives
Academic article
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Nilsen, Roy.
SiC MOSFETs for Offshore Wind Applications.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Korpås, Magnus.
Distributed control scheme for residential battery energy storage units coupled with PV systems.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Dimosthenis, Peftitsis.
Teknologirevolusjon i kraftelektronikk.
Energiteknikk : fagbladet for energibransjen
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimization of operational cost for a grid-supporting PV system with battery storage.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Hev blikket Adresseavisen.
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Man blir ikke god ved å holde andre nede.
Reader opinion piece
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Extreme overirradiance events in Norway: 1.6 suns measured close to 60°N.
Solar Energy
Short communication
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
The impedance of two parallel plates.
Academic article
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Energi og klima krever kunnskap og omsorg for menneskene på jorden.
Reader opinion piece
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Vindkraft redder naturen.
Reader opinion piece
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Universitetsutdanning til drømmejobben.
Reader opinion piece
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Overirradiance (Cloud Enhancement) Events at High Latitudes.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
100-millisecond Resolution for Accurate Overirradiance Measurements.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Application of circuit theory for extraction of water from oil.
International journal of circuit theory and applications
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Series resistance determination and further characterization of c-Si PV modules.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Iskandarani, Yousef;
Hovland, Geir;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems using the Bond Graph Method.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov.
A new analytical solar cell I-V curve model.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Verma, Deepak;
Dutta, V;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
TiO2 Nanoparticles Mixed P3HT Hybrid Absorbing Layer.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Oppdagelsen av det moderne samfunnet.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Verdt å vite om vitenskap.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Norge bør produsere elektrisitet fra sola.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Yordanov, Georgi;
Imenes, Anne Gerd;
Nge, Chee Lim.
A qualitative examination of performance and energy yield of photovoltaic modules in southern Norway.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Two Diode Model Revisited: Parameters Extraction from Semi-log Plots of I-V Data.
Conference record of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Electrostatic field theory and circuit analysis in the design of coalescers with pulsed dc voltage.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Pinlig svak satsing.
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Norge bør produsere elektrisitet fra solceller.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Representation of current density in a three-dimensional hierarchical edge finite element method solving directly for the magnetic field.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sande, Gorm.
A new hierarchal basis with a minimum number of unknowns on a mesh of hexahedra for the T-_C edge element eddy current method.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Nilssen, Robert.
Efficient Spanning Trees for a High-Order Edge Element T-_C Eddy Current Formulation.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Arven etter Maxwell i elkraftteknikken.
Popular scientific article
Part of book/report
Zenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw;
Kebede, Lemu;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Völler, Steve.
Performance Evaluation and Operational Faults Analysis for PV System Protection and Safety Standard Improvement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fuchs, Ida;
Waitz, Anja Myhre;
Lervik, Kari Thorset;
Völler, Steve;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash.
Optimal Design and Installation of Solar Home Systems for Bottom-up Grids: Comparative Case Studies from Kenya and Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Völler, Steve;
Cali, Umit.
Machine Learning for PV System Operational Fault Analysis: Literature Review.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
Roldan-Pérez, Javier.
Virtual Impedance Design for Power Quality and Harmonic Sharing Improvement in Microgrids .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
An insight into geometry and orientation of capacitors for high-speed power circuits.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Göthner, Fredrik T. B. W.;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.;
D'Arco, Salvatore.
Effect of Including Transient Virtual Impedance in Droop-Controlled Microgrids .
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Abuishmais, Ibrahim Abed;
Langelid, John Kåre;
Lund, Richard;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Characterization of body diodes in the-state-of-the-art SiC FETs-Are they good enough as freewheeling diodes?.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spro, Ole Christian;
Guidi, Giuseppe;
Ljøkelsøy, Kjell;
Hernes, Magnar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Korpås, Magnus;
Farahmand, Hossein.
Control strategies for residential battery energy storage systems coupled with PV systems.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spro, Ole Christian;
Peftitsis, Dimosthenis;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Modelling and quantification of power losses due to dynamic on-state resistance of GaN E-mode HEMT.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Langelid, John Kåre;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Soft switching loss measurements of a 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET module by both electrical and calorimetric methods for high frequency applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Langelid, John Kåre;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Hard and soft switching losses of a SiC MOSFET module under realistic topology and loading conditions.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Lund, Richard.
Parasitic capacitances and inductances hindering utilization of the fast switching potential of SiC power modules. Simulation model verified by experiment.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spro, Ole Christian;
Basu, Supratim;
Abuishmais, Ibrahim Abed;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Driving of a GaN enhancement mode HEMT transistor with zener diode protection for high efficiency and low EMI.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Centralized control of energy storages for voltage support in low-voltage distribution grids.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Design of low inductive busbar for fast switching SiC modules verified by 3D FEM calculations and laboratory measurements.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Rabiei, Ali;
Shrestha, Praveen;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Lund, Richard.
Design Considerations and Laboratory Testing of Power Circuits for Parallel Operation of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Techno-economic Optimum Control of Grid-connected Residential Battery Energy Storage Units.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk;
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Lund, Richard;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Experimental Evaluation of Switching Characteristics, Switching Losses and Snubber Design for a Full SiC Half-Bridge Power Module.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Comparative evaluation of a commercially available 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET module and a 1.2 kV Si IGBT module.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Experimental performance evaluation of two commercially available, 1.2 kV half-bridge SiC MOSFET modules.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spro, Ole Christian;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Guidi, Giuseppe.
Development of a full bridge GaN HEMT converter for inductive power transfer application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Biswas, Suvankar;
Mohan, Ned;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
A copper-loss based design method and verification for a zero-ripple interface for PV/Battery-to-grid applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Lund, Richard.
Experimental performance comparison of six-pack SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT modules paralleled in a half-bridge configuration for high temperature applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tiwari, Subhadra;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
SiC MOSFETs for future motor drive applications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Residential Photovoltaic and Battery Energy System with Grid Support Functionalities.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Energy Management System for a Photovoltaic System With Battery Storage Participating in Grid Voltage Quality Improvement.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Usman, Muhammad;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Shafiq, Muhammad;
Sørdalen, Ole Jakob.
Bidrag fra lokal energilagring i fremtidens elsystem.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Usman, Muhammad;
Undeland, Tore Marvin;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Shafiq, Muhammad;
Sørdalen, Ole Jakob.
Bidrag fra lokal energilagring i fremtidens elsystem.
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov.
Short-Term Intermittency of Solar Irradiance in Southern Norway.
WIP Renewable Energies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Granum, Christian;
Asklund, Kim Ove;
Merlet, Stanislas;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Distribution Grid Photovoltaic Systems in a Norwegian Context.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
1.6 suns at 58°20'N - the solar resource in southern Norway.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vika, Håvard;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Ranaweera, Iromi;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov.
Modelling of Photovoltaic Modules with Battery Energy Storage in Simulink/Matlab With In-SituMeasurement Comparisons.
Energynautics GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Design and Analysis of a High Frequency Inductor for a Photovoltaic Inverter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Ideality factor behavior between the maximum power point and open circuit.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimal temporal resolution for detailed studies of cloud-enhanced sunlight (Overirradiance).
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Air gap fringing flux reduction in a high frequency inductor for a solar inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Boysen, Kjetil.
Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of a High Frequency Inductor to Reduce Manufacturing Cost, and Improve the Efficiency of a PV Inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Boysen, Kjetil.
Finite Element Modeling and Simulating of a High Frequency Inductor in the Solar Inverter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Differential Analysis of PV Module I-V Curves.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Overirradiance Studies Require Subsecond Resolution; Exclude Thermopile Pyranometers and Commercial Data Loggers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Over-Irradiance (Cloud Enhancement) Events at High Latitudes.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
PV with Battery in Smart Grid Paradigm: Price-Based Energy Management System.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
PV modules with variable ideality factors.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Outdoor performance of north-facing multicrystalline modules in Southern Norway.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Equivalent cell temperature calculation for PV modules with variable ideality factors.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Optimum core dimension for minimizing proximity effect losses of an AC inductor for a galvanically isolated PV inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Outdoor Performance of 10 year Old a-Si and Poly-Si Modules in southern Norway conditions.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Review on up/down conversion materials for solar cell application.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Test of the European Joint Research Centre performance model for c-Si PV modules.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Test of the European JRC Performance Model for c-Si PV Modules.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed;
Norum, Lars.
Overirradiance (Cloud Enhancement) Events at High Latitudes.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Winding Loss Analysis and Optimization of an AC Inductor for a Galvanically Isolated PC Inverter.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Modeling and parameter identification of crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Power Management of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter with Storage Battery.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Beyer, Hans-Georg;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Imenes, Anne Gerd.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imenes, Anne Gerd;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Development of a Test Station for Accurate in Situ I-V Curve Measurements of Photovoltaic Modules in southern Norway.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Modeling and parameter identification of crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Review of photovoltaic status in European (EU) perspective.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verma, Deepak;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
A Report on Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alabakhshizadeh, Abozar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Roar, Myhre;
Boysen, Kjetil.
Finite Element Analysis of a High frequency Inductor for a Galvanically Isolated PV Inverter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove.
Analysis of Some Effects of Possible Device Degradation over a 30 Year Lifespan.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Odden, Jan Ove.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter with Storage Battery.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Physically-consistent parameterization in the modeling of solar photovoltaic devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Imenes, Anne Gerd;
Odden, Jan-Ove;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Field Stations in Norway and Kenya for Comparative Analysis of Compensated and Standard Solar-Grade Polysilicon Modules.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Two-diode model revisited : parameters extraction form semi-log plots of I-V data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Norum, Lars Einar.
Energy management for Grid-Connected PV system with storage battery.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
A New maximum power point tracking approach for partial shading conditionsance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Odden, Jan Ove;
Buseth, Torfinn;
Imenes, Anne Gerd.
Compensated SoG-Si from a Metallurgical Route: High Latitude Outdoor Performance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Extracting parameters from semi-log plots of polycrystalline silicon PVmoduls outdoor I-V data : double-exponential model revisited.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
A Comparative Simulation Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking Approaches.
Helsinki University Press (HUP)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars E.;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Power Loss Analysis for Single Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverters.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Yordanov, Georgi Hristov;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Norum, Lars Einar.
A Comparative Simulation Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking Approaches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nge, Chee Lim;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Sætre, Tor Oskar.
Power Loss Analysis for Single Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverters.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Erfaringer med et praktisk orientert kurs i Kraftelektronikk ved Høgskolen i Agder.
Universitetet i Agder
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Andersson, Nico;
Hoff, Erik Stjernholm;
Norum, Lars Einar;
Undeland, Tore Marvin.
Development of a Computer Controlled Test Bench for Long- and Short Term Assessment of Powder Electronics for PV Modules.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten;
Lund, Richard;
Tiwari, Subhadra.
Evaluation of Switching Characteristics, Switching Losses and Snubber Design for a Full SiC Half-Bridge Power Module.
Masters thesis
Østrem, Trond;
Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland;
Rong, Chunming;
Wolff, Robert;
Sand, Kjell;
Mathisen, Geir.
Norwegian Smart Grid Research Strategy.
The Scientific Committee of the Norwegian Smart Grid Centre
Tayyib, Muhammad;
Sætre, Tor Oskar;
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Degradation and Performance Studies of Elkem Solar Grade Silicon in Comparison to the Reference Polysilicon.
Universitetet i Agder
Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder (000)
Doctoral dissertation
Wilhite, R;
Meeker, R;
Bettencourt, A;
Cawley, A;
Chan, CK;
Park, J.
Grid Connectivity of Distributed Generation.
Global Smart Grid Federation
Midtgård, Ole-Morten.
Construction and assessment of hierarchal edge elements for three-dimensional computations of eddy currents.
Doktor ingeniøravhandling (1997:11)
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2024) Måter å telle energi på, og poenget med elektrifisering; Elektrifisering av Norge, og mitt eget synspunkt . Tekna-studentene Tekna X: Fremtidens energi , Lager 11, Sluppen, Trondheim 2024-04-03 - 2024-04-03
Popular scientific lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2024) Hvorfor skal vi elektrifisere energisystemet, og hva er mulige veivalg?. Tekna Tekna-kurs , NTNU, Trondheim, Realfagsbygget, R10 2024-02-15 - 2024-02-15
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2024) Ny leiar med ambisjonar: - Eg vil vere med å ta NTVA til neste nivå. Universitetsavisa.no Universitetsavisa.no [Newspaper] 2024-06-14
PosterZenebe, Tarikua Mekashaw; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Völler, Steve; Dimd, Berhane Darsene. (2023) Photovoltaic Array Operational Fault Analysis with Machine Learning Using Pretrained Deep Learning Models for Feature Selection. 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; Lisbon, Portugal; 18-22 September 2023 , Lisbon 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-22
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2023) Skeptisk til løsningen: – Realiteten er at kjernekraft er dyrt. Innherred / mn24.no Innherred / mn24.no [Newspaper] 2023-10-28
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2023) NTNU-professor ønsker mer kritisk kjernekraftdebatt. montelnews.com montelnews.com [Business/trade/industry journal] 2023-10-17
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2023) NTNU Clean Aviation. Trondheim Tech Port Innovasjonsfrokost: Framtidens luftfart , DIGS (Krambugata 2, 7011 Trondheim) 2023-04-21 - 2023-04-21
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen. (2022) Elektrifisering av luftfart. NRK NRK [TV] 2022-04-01
PosterFuchs, Ida; Waitz, Anja Myhre; Lervik, Kari Thorset; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Völler, Steve; Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash. (2022) Optimal Design and Installation of Solar Home Systems for Bottom-up Grids: Comparative Case Studies from Kenya and Norway. 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion , Milano 2022-09-26 - 2022-09-30
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2022) Solenergi, Praktisk info med Jon Almaas . TV Norge/discovery+ TV Norge/discovery+ [TV] 2022-11-07
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2022) 5 spørsmål om hydrogen-fly. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Journal] 2022-08-23
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2021) I 2035 kan vi få flytrafikk uten utslipp. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Newspaper] 2021-09-01
PosterSpro, Ole Christian; Guidi, Giuseppe; Ljøkelsøy, Kjell; Hernes, Magnar; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2018) Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices. 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe) , Riga 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-21
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2017) CINELDI - et nytt forskningssenter for miljøvennlig energi. NITO Seminar for NITO-pensjonistene , Trondheim 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-18
PosterSpro, Ole Christian; Peftitsis, Dimosthenis; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2017) Modelling and quantification of power losses due to dynamic on-state resistance of GaN E-mode HEMT. IEEE 2017 IEEE 18th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics - COMPEL , Palo Alto, California 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-12
PosterSpro, Ole Christian; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Undeland, Tore Marvin; Basu, Supratim; Abuishmais, Ibrahim Abed. (2017) Driving of a GaN enhancement mode HEMT transistor with zener diode protection for high efficiency and low EMI. EPE 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe) , Warzawa 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-14
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2016) El fra sola, nett og elbil. Elbilforeningen Trondheim Medlemsmøte i Elbilforeningen, Trondheim , Carport, Trondheim 2016-08-30 - 2016-08-30
Popular scientific lectureUndeland, Tore Marvin; Tiwari, Subhadra; Spro, Ole Christian; Midtgård, Ole-Morten. (2016) Nye halvledere av silisiumkarbid, SiC. Trondhjems Polytekniske Forening Generalforsamling Trondhjems Polytekniske Forening , NTNU, campus Kalvskinnet 2016-03-16 - 2016-03-16
Popular scientific lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2016) Smarte nett. Trondheim kommune Byutviklingsseminar H2020/Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) , Erling Skakkes gt. 14, Tingrettssalen 2016-04-01 - 2016-04-01
LectureSpro, Ole Christian; Guidi, Giuseppe; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2016) Development of a full bridge GaN HEMT converter for inductive power transfer application. 2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA) , Fayetteville, Arkansas 2016-11-07 - 2016-11-09
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2016) Short on the HiPPE project. IEEE Norway IEEE member meeting , Drammen 2016-12-29 - 2016-12-29
Academic lectureBasu, Supratim; Undeland, Tore M.; Midtgård, Ole-Morten. (2016) EMC issues with wide bandgap devices. NTNU, Institutt for elkraftteknikk HiPPE EMC workshop , Trondheim 2016-04-25 - 2016-04-25
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2015) Smart Grid for Integration of Renewable and Distributed Generation. Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), Trondheim Think Smarter Than Smart Energy Systems , Trondheim 2015-10-03 - 2015-10-12
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2015) Electric energy from the sun. NTNU Seminar Scandinavia Energy Course , Trondheim 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-03
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2015) Mikrogrid, scenarier og arkitekturer. Smart Grid Services Cluster Julesamling SmartGrid Services Cluster , Trondheim 2015-12-10 - 2015-12-10
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2015) Electric Energy from the Sun. Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), Trondheim Think Smarter Than Smart Energy Systems , Trondheim 2015-10-03 - 2015-10-12
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2014) Elektrisk energi fra sola. Trønder Energi Kraft Trønder Energi Krafts juleseminar , Lerkendal Scandic hotell, Trondheim 2014-12-04 - 2014-12-04
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2014) Utendørsmålinger av solcellepaneler. Norsk solenergiforening, avd. Trondheim Trondheim solforum 2014-04-10 - 2014-04-10
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2014) Integration of Renewable Energy into Smart Grids. NTNU Innovative Sustainable Energy Engineering (ISEE) Winter School , Trondheim 2014-01-30 - 2014-01-30
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2013) Smart Grid for Integration of Renewable and Distributed Generation. Universitetet i Oslo MILEN research school seminar, , Oslo 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-25
InterviewAbelsen, Atle; Midtgård, Ole-Morten. (2013) Smartgrid-professoren. Energiteknikk Energiteknikk [Business/trade/industry journal] 2013-10-01
LectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2012) Outdoor performance testing of Photovoltaic modules in Norway. NTNU WP4 meeting Solar United FME , Trondheim 2012-11-02 - 2012-11-02
Academic lectureNge, Chee Lim; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Sætre, Tor Oskar; Norum, Lars Einar. (2010) Energy Management for Grid-Connected PV System With Storage Battery. EU PVSEC 2010 EU PVSEC 2010 , Valencia 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-08
Academic lectureNge, Chee Lim; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Yordanov, Georgi Hristov; Norum, Lars Einar; Sætre, Tor Oskar. (2010) A New Maximum Power Point Tracking Approach for Partial Shading Conditions. EU PEVSEC 2010 EU PVSEC 2010 , Valencia 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-08
PosterImenes, Anne Gerd; Buseth, Torfinn; Odden, Jan Ove; Yordanov, Georgi; Midtgård, Ole-Morten. (2010) Field Stations in Norway and Kenya for Comparative Analysis of Compensated and Standard Solar-Grade Polysilicon Modules. 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference , Valencia, Spain 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-10
PosterYordanov, Georgi Hristov; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Sætre, Tor Oskar. (2010) Extracting Parameters from Semi-Log Plots of Polycrystalline Silicon PV Moduls Outdoor I-V Data: Double-Exponential Model Revisited. IEEE PVSC 35th IEEE PVSC , Honolulu, Hawai 2010-06-20 - 2010-06-25
PosterNge, Chee Lim; Yordanov, Georgi Hristov; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Sætre, Tor Oskar; Norum, Lars Einar. (2009) A Comparativ Simulation Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking Approaches. EUPVSEC 24th EU PVSEC , Hamburg 2009-09-21 - 2009-09-25
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2008) Forskningsetikk og forskerens ansvar sett fra et ingeniørvitenskapelig perspektiv. Seminar om forskningsetikk og forskerens ansvar , Kristiansand 2008-04-22 - 2008-04-22
InterviewMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2008) En solskinnshistorie Et forskningsprosjekt om solcelleytelser gir UiA et faglig løft og en rolle på den internasjonale arenaen. [Newspaper] 2008-11-14
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2007) A simple photovoltaic simulator for testing of power electronics. 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications , Aalborg, Danmark 2007-09-02 - 2007-09-05
Academic lectureGundersen, John Nitter; Burgold, Jan; Middleton, Hugh; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed; Næser, Harald. (2007) The Energy Park as a Tool for Education in Renewable Energy. 10th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation , Stavanger 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
PosterMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Sætre, Tor Oskar. (2006) Seasonal variations in yield for different types of PV modules measured under real life conditions in Northern Europe. 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference , Dresden, Germany 2006-10-04 - 2006-10-08
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Sande, Gorm. (2006) Application of Electric Vector Potential to Calculate Eddy Current Losses in Power Transformer Tanks. 7th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, EMF 2006 , Aussois, Frankrike 2006-06-19 - 2006-06-22
PosterMidtgård, Ole-Morten. (2006) Development of a computer controlled test bench for long- and short term assessment of power electronics for PV modules. 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference , Dresden, Germany 2006-10-04 - 2006-10-08
PosterMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Andersson, Nico; Hoff, Erik Stjernholm; Norum, Lars Einar; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2006) Development of a Computer Controlled Bench for Long- and Short Term Assessment of Power Electronics for PV Modules. The 21st EU PVSEC , Dresden 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-08
PosterMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Andersson, Nico; Sætre, Tor Oskar. (2005) Comparison of Fill Factor for Three Different Types of PV-Modules Under Changing Weather Conditions. 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition , Barcelona, Spania 2005-06-06 - 2005-06-10
PosterAndersson, Nico; Midtgård, Ole-Morten; Sætre, Tor Oskar. (2005) Low Cost I-V Curve Simulator Using Software Controlled Analog Electronics. 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition , Barcelona, Spania 2005-06-06 - 2005-06-10
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Nilssen, Robert; Sande, Gorm. (1997) A new hierarchical basis with a minimum number of unknowns on a mesh of hexahedra for the T-_C edge element eddy current method. 11th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields , Rio de Janeiro
Academic lectureMidtgård, Ole-Morten; Nilssen, Robert. (1997) Efficient trees for edge element T-_C eddy current formulation including voltage- and current forced conductors. 11th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields , Rio de Janeiro