Ottar Ness
Ottar Ness
Professor - Head of WellFare: Nordic Research Center for Wellbeing and Social Sustainability
I have a cand.polit (Masters) degree in Educational Psychology (Organisational Development, and Leadership), Continuing Education in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, and a PhD in Social Psychology.
- I am Adjunct Professor (Professor 2) at the University of Agder, Department of Psycholsocial Health
- I am Honorary Professor at Aalborg University, Department of Communication and Psychology, Denmark.
My research Interests focus on:
- Wellbeing Mattering and Fairness: Conditions, Experiences, Processes and Outcomes
- Relational Welfare
- Social inclusion, Citizenship, Community,
- Social Inequalities,
- Social Justice and Participation
- Recovery and Recovery-Oriented Services in Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- Co-creation and Co-production
- Organisational Development, Innovation and Leadership
- Wellbeing Economy
- Couple and Family Therapy
- Mixed Research Methods (Qualitative, Quantiative, Participatory Action Research)
Research Groups
Editor-in-Chief – Journal
I supervise on topics related to my research interests on Master- and PhD-level.
- Action research
- Active Citizenship
- Citizenship
- Co-production
- Community participation
- Community/solidarity
- Family therapy
- Fellesskap
- Innovation in public management
- Mental Health
- Offentlige tjenester
- Qualitative methodologies
- Quality of Life
- Recovery
- Relational Welfare
- Scoping review
- Social justice
- Sosialt arbeid
- Substance abuse
- Theory of Science
- User involved research
How People Thrive: Promoting the Synergy of Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness
This book offers a novel view of personal and collective thriving, based on the synergy of wellness, fairness, and worthiness at the personal, relational, occupational, systemic, community, and planetary levels.
Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning: For psykologi, helsefag og sosialfag
Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning er en vitenskapelig antologi. Stoffet er presentert på en lett tilgjengelig måte, med utstrakt bruk av konkrete og praksisnære eksempler. Boken vil være nyttig for både forskere og studenter på alle nivåer.
Psychology for the Common Good: The Interdependence of Citizenship, Justice, and Well-being across the Globe
This book examine the interdependence of citizenship, justice, and well-being across the globe.
Aksjonsforskning Samskapt forskning som endrer liv og samfunn
Denne boka tilbyr en teoretisk og praktisk innføring i en rekke sentrale innfallsvinkler og metodologier innenfor aksjonsforskningsfeltet
Action Research in a Relational Perspective: Dialogue, Reflexivity, Power and Ethics
Action Research in a Relational Perspective brings together an expert international academic team to present theoretical perspectives on social constructionist understandings of action research
Relational Processes in Counselling and Psychotherapy Supervision
Provides an up-to-date guide to supervision in family therapy, clinical mental health work, and social work
Håndbok i familieterapi
Boka presenterer teori, forsking og praksis innen familieterapi
Håndbok i parterapi
Boken presenterer teori, forsking og parterapeutisk praksis
Beyond the Therapeutic State
The therapeutic state is a pervasive set of practices and ideologies which have been ever present in the twentieth century.
Therapists in Continuous Education: A Collaborative Approach
This book recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in learning to use challenging new conversational practices in their work with couples.
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Thriving Families and Friendships.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Scarpa, Michael;
Ness, Ottar.
How People Thrive: Promoting the Synergy of Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Scarpa, Michael;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Ness, Ottar.
Thriving as the Synergy of Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Scarpa, Michael P.;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Mattering as citizens: Conditions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scarpa, Michael P.;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Prilleltensky, Isaac.
Mattering as Citizens: Correlates and Consequences.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bartels, Koen;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Jordan, Gerald;
Ness, Ottar.
Debate: A relational agenda for changing public administration research and practice.
Public Money & Management
Academic article
Lehmann O, Olga V;
Ansar, Nadia;
Markova, Valeria;
Ness, Ottar;
Berg Kårstad, Silja.
Facilitating Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents (EFST) online (EFST-O): Insights about self-disclosure, group dynamics and culture.
European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy (EJQRP)
Academic article
Lilja, Johan;
Zimic, Sheila;
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Being in ‘Right Relationships’ when Co-Creating Youth Wellbeing and Social Justice: Exploring and sparking a relational shift
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord-Baade, Silje;
Ness, Ottar;
Rowe, Michael;
Jensen, Camilla Bergsve;
Landheim, Anne Signe.
The mattering citizen: Young adults with mental illness and complex needs' experiences and perceived opportunities of social inclusion.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Topor, Alain Pierre;
Bøe, Tore Dag;
Hope, Øyvind Johannes;
Ness, Ottar;
Friesinger, Jan Georg.
The New Institutional Landscape for People with Mental Health Problems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Kjøbli, John;
Ness, Ottar.
Ill Communication: Adolescents with Co-Occurring Problems, the Systems They Encounter and the Interventions They Receive.
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Oslo
Doctoral dissertation
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Ness, Ottar;
Kjøbli, John;
Kvamme, Euryph Line Solheim.
Ill Communication: Adolescents with Co-Occurring Problems, the Systems They Encounter and the Interventions They Receive.
Universitetet i Oslo
Doctoral dissertation
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Spredning av styrkebaserte tilnærminger i Hallingdal: Evaluering av prosjektet «styrkebasert tilnærming - kompetanseheving og spredning av kunnskap» .
NTNU WellFare
Stielke, Anna;
Pastorino, Gabriele;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Prilleltensky, Isaac.
Country deep dive on the well-being economy: Wales.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Svensson, Helene Berntsen;
Krokstad, Morten Austheim;
Kojan, Bente Heggem;
Henrik Hays, Nielsen.
Innbyggernes modell i Trondheim kommune: Hovedrapport.
IPLs rapportserie (9)
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar.
Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning: For psykologi, helsefag og sosialfag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ruysscher, Clara De;
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn.
Empowering people: how to ensure equitable representation for improved health system governance.
Academic article
Appiah, Richard;
Ness, Ottar;
Boakye, Kofi.
Editorial: Breaking the mental health stigma for people with substance use disorders.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Brix, Jacob;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Friis, Ole U.;
Ness, Ottar;
Hofstad, Hege;
Vedeld, Trond.
HVA VET VI OM LEDELSE AV KOMMUNER SOM SAMSKAPER? Oppsummering av vesentlige temaer fra forskning og praksis.
IPLs rapportserie (13)
Aasen, Tone Merethe;
Halvorsen, Laila Helene;
Brix, Jacob;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Hofstad, Hege.
Hva vet vi om ledelse som samskaper?.
Kommunal rapport
Feature article
De Ruysscher, Clara;
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn.
Making social participation central to health system governance: Policy lessons from the field.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
De Ruysscher, Clara;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Nathan, Naomi L.;
Pastorino, Gabriele.
Institutionalizing social participation in health policy for better performing health systems: Policy lessons from the field.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari Eyde;
Pinto, Arnfrid Farbu;
Memet, Ipar Ehet.
StudyWell: a co-design project for enhancing student mental
health and wellbeing through service design and relational
Proceedings of the Design Society
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sundqvist, Amanda J.;
Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia;
Ness, Ottar;
Hemberg, Jessica.
The influence of educational transitions on loneliness and mental health from emerging adults’ perspectives.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Nord-Baade, Silje;
Ness, Ottar;
Rowe, Michael;
Jensen, Camilla Bergsve;
Landheim, Anne Signe.
“I’ve always felt like I’m on the outside”: Identity and social inclusion among young adults with mental illness and complex needs – a qualitative study.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Russell, Cormac;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Relasjonelt arbeid i lokalsamfunnsutvikling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sundqvist, Amanda;
Hemberg, Jessica;
Pia, Nyman-Kurkiala;
Ness, Ottar.
Are educational transitions related to young people’s loneliness and mental health: a systematic review.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Relasjonell velferd: livskvalitet, medborgerskap og deltakelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord-Baade, Silje;
Ness, Ottar;
Jensen, Camilla Bergsve;
Rowe, Michael;
Opheim, Elin;
Landheim, Anne Signe.
Barriers and facilitators for social inclusion among people with concurrent mental health and substance use problems. A qualitative scoping review.
Academic literature review
Møgster, Birthe;
Ness, Ottar;
Reime, Monika Alvestad.
Research circles as a method for implementing new services in the public health and welfare system.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen;
Nafstad, Hilde Eileen;
Blakar, Rolv Mikkel;
Tømmervik, Kristin;
Brodahl, Morten;
Ness, Ottar.
Psychological Sense of Community in Recovery Processes of Emerging and Older Adults: Ideological Antecedents and Implications for Public Health.
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Academic article
Kvamme, Euryph Line Solheim;
Waaler, Pamela Marie;
Helland, Siri Saugestad;
Mellblom, Anneli;
Ness, Ottar.
‘Devoted Despite It All’: Norwegian Child Welfare Workers' Experiences of Implementing a Therapeutic Model for Adolescents With Co-Occurring Problems.
Child & Family Social Work
Academic literature review
Steffensen, Lene Charlotte Natås;
Senneseth, Trude;
Ness, Ottar.
Utprøving av modellen BrukerInvolvering i KVAlitetsutvikling (BIKVA) som kvalitetsutvikling i oppvekstsektor av PPT.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Popular scientific article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Kilkku, Nina;
Turnaas, Sanna;
Vamstad, Johan.
Shaping a Wellbeing Future for People and Planet.
Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn;
Agdal, Rita;
Ness, Ottar.
Managers as peer workers’ allies: A qualitative study of managers’ perceptions and actions to involve peer workers in Norwegian mental health and substance use services.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Hovland, Jan-Freddy;
Langeland, Eva;
Ness, Ottar;
Skogvang, Bente Ovedie.
Experiences with physical activity, health and well-being among young adults with serious mental illness.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Goldblatt, Peter;
Castedo, Antia;
Allen, Jessica;
Lionello, Lorenzo;
Bell, Ruth;
Marmot, Michael.
Rapid review of inequalities in health and wellbeing in Norway since 2014 - Executive Summary.
Institute of Health Equity, University College of London
Goldblatt, Peter;
Castedo, Antia;
Allen, Jessica;
Lionello, Lorenzo;
Bell, Ruth;
Marmot, Michael.
Rapid review of inequalities in health and wellbeing in Norway since 2014 - Full Report.
Institute of Health Equity, University College of London
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Pastorino, Gabriele;
Stielke, Anna.
Country deep dive on the well-being economy: Iceland.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Tønnessen, Siw Heidi;
Klevan, Trude ;
Ness, Ottar.
Giving can be meaningful. A two-part qualitative analysis to restore and decode professionals’ understandings of meaningfulness in dual recovery.
Human Systems - Therapy, Culture and Attachments
Academic article
Tønnessen, Siw Heidi;
Ness, Ottar;
Klevan, Trude .
Co-Exploring Meaning in Everyday Life for People in Mental Health Recovery: A Photovoice Study.
The Qualitative Report (TQR)
Academic article
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn;
Lundquist, Rune;
Ness, Ottar.
Å forske sammen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Storm, Marianne;
Ness, Ottar.
Erfaringskonsulenters roller og involvering i helse- og velferdstjenester.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Montesano, Adrian;
Madigan, Stephen;
Çakmak, Kevser;
Ness, Ottar;
Brønseth, Stein Roger.
Reconnecting with relational values in highly-conflicted separating couples: A narrative therapy-informed relational interviewing teamwork-based supervision approach.
Journal of Clinical Psychology
Academic article
Hovland, Jan-Freddy;
Langeland, Eva;
Ness, Ottar;
Skogvang, Bente Ovedie.
Experiences of the Quality of the Interplay between Home-Living Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness and Their Social Environments.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Scarpa, Michael;
Ness, Ottar;
Martino, Salvatore Di.
Mattering, Wellness, and Fairness: Psychosocial Goods for the Common Good.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Academic article
Norozi, Sultana Ali;
Ness, Ottar.
The Teacher’s Wellbeing as a Binary Asset When Working with Newly Arrived Immigrant Pupils.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen;
Nafstad, Hilde Eileen;
Blakar, Rolv Mikkel;
Øversveen, Emil Mortensrud;
Brodahl, Morten;
Ness, Ottar.
How older adults recovering from substance use problems experience mattering.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Wormdahl, Irene;
Hem, Marit Helene;
Ness, Ottar.
Implementeringsstøtte for Rask psykisk helsehjelp.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Pastorino, Gabriele;
Stielke, Anna;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Deep dives on the well-being economy showcasing the experiences of Finland, Iceland, Scotland and Wales: summary of key findings.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Nord-Baade, Silje Louise;
Ness, Ottar.
Vi må snakke mer om relasjonell velferd.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Feature article
Goldblatt, Peter;
Castedo, Antia;
Allen, Jessica;
Lionello, Lorenzo;
Bell, Ruth;
Marmot, Michael.
Kunnskapsoppsummering om ulikheter i helse og livskvalitet i Norge siden 2014 – sammendrag [nettdokument].
Rose, Pernelle;
Ness, Ottar.
A qualitative study of children’s experiences with school-based divorce-groups led by teachers in Denmark.
Health Promotion International
Academic article
Martins, Pedro Pablo Sampaio;
Doricci, Giovanna Cabral;
Ness, Ottar;
Guanaez-Lorenzi, Carla.
Collaboration and politics: Can a therapist work coherently while being informed by both collaborative-dialogic and narrative practices?.
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina von;
Longva, Ann Marit;
Ness, Ottar.
Kent Ranum, vil du velge barna som ikke valgte deg?.
Feature article
Hope, Øyvind Johannes;
Ness, Ottar;
Friesinger, Jan Georg;
Topor, Alain Pierre;
Bøe, Tore Dag.
‘Living needs a landscape’: A qualitative study about the role of enabling landscapes for people with mental health and substance abuse problems.
Health and Place
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Davidson, Larry;
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Recovery, Social Inclusion and the Capability Approach in Mental Health.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen;
Øversveen, Emil;
Brodahl, Morten;
Nafstad, Hilde Eileen;
Blakar, Rolv Mikkel;
Ness, Ottar.
In what ways do emerging adults with substance use problems experience their communities as influencing their personal recovery processes?.
Journal of Community Psychology
Academic article
Starbæk Bager, Ann;
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar.
Critical discussion on dialogic engagement and various researcher positions in research concerning co-creation and co-production.
Akademisk Kvarter
Academic article
Høgås, Mariell Pedersen;
Elstad, Toril Anne;
Ness, Ottar;
Alsaker, Sissel.
Picturing healthcare: a photovoice study of how healthcare is experienced by service users in a mental-health low threshold service.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Ness, Ottar;
Sælør, Knut Tore.
Kompetanse for bedre tjenester: En kvalitativ studie av betydningen av kompetansetiltak og verktøy rettet mot ansatte i psykisk helsetjenester som samarbeider med brukere som kan være truende og/eller voldelige.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (144)
Doctoral dissertation
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Storch, Jacob.
Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
As pequenas coisas – Ética relacional e colaboração no serviço de cuidado em saúde mental.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heimburg, Dina von;
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Ness, Ottar;
Ytterhus, Borgunn.
From public health to public good: Toward universal wellbeing.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Ness, Ottar.
Peer Workers in Co-production and Co-creation in Mental Health and Substance Use Services: A Scoping Review.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Academic literature review
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Kilkku, Nina;
Turnaas, Sanna;
Vamstad, Johan.
Welcome to the Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development(NJWEL).
Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling
Ness, Ottar;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Prilleltensky, Isaac.
Psychology for the Common Good: The Interdependence of Citizenship, Justice, and Well-being Across the Globe.
Frontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers Research Topics (2022)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kvello, Øyvind;
Ness, Ottar.
Evaluering av utprøvingen av Funksjonell familieterapi (FFT) i familievernet.
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Sosial inkludering, mattering og livskvalitet.
Verdensdagen for psykisk helse
Reader opinion piece
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Sosial inkludering, mattering og livskvalitet.
Sinn og Samfunn
Popular scientific article
Hopfenbeck, Mark Steven;
Ness, Ottar.
Tenk Ut Refleksjonsgrupper i kriminalomsorgen: En kvalitativ evaluering.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring Trondheim
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Læring av implementering av tilpasset versjon av ICDP for foreldre fratatt omsorg i Familievernet og i Primærmedisinsk verksted (Kirkens bymisjon) – en kvalitativ utforskning.
Hagen, Julia;
Ness, Ottar;
Hem, Marit Helene;
Wormdahl, Irene.
Verdensdagen for psykisk helse må appellere til politisk forpliktelse.
Feature article
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Ness, Ottar.
Editorial: Psychology for the common good: The interdependence of citizenship, justice, and well-being across the globe.
Frontiers in Psychology
Lindvig, Gunnhild Ruud;
Kogstad, Ragnfrid Eline;
Strømland, Monica;
Larsen, Inger Beate;
Topor, Alain Pierre;
Bøe, Tore Dag.
Regjeringens utdaterte forståelse av psykisk helse.
Feature article
Zahl-Olsen, Rune;
Hillesund, Odd Kenneth;
Ness, Ottar;
Oterholt, Frank.
Å bli familieterapeut: En kvalitativ studie av videoveiledning i familieterapiutdanning.
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Lunde, Merete;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari;
Forshaug, Ann Kristin;
Høiseth, Marikken.
Tjenester for Alle - Konferanse om universell utforming.
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Ness, Ottar.
Peer support workers in co-production and co-creation in public mental health and addiction services: Protocol for a scoping review.
Academic literature review
Ness, Ottar.
UngInvest AIB: Oppsummering og drøfring av evalueringer og forskning på UngInvest AIB - Delrapport 2.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring
Ness, Ottar.
UngInvest AIB: Beskrivende oppsummering av evalueringer og forskning på UngInvest AIB - delrapport 1.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring
Sommer, Mona;
Biong, Stian;
Borg, Marit;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Klevan, Trude Gøril;
Ness, Ottar.
Part II: Living Life: A Meta-Synthesis Exploring Recovery as
Processual Experiences.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Aksjonsforskning: samskapt kunnskap som endrer liv og samfunn.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Aksjonsforskning: samskapt kunnskap som endrer liv og samfunn.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marszalek, Maja Anna;
Faksvåg, Helene Nordli;
Frøystadvåg, Thea Hannestad;
Ness, Ottar;
Veseth, Marius.
“A mismatch between what is happening on the inside and going on, on the outside”: a qualitative study of therapists’ perspectives on student mental health.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Starbæk Bager, Ann;
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar.
Co-Production and Co-Creation: Critical Examination of Contemporary Dominant Participatory Discourses.
Akademisk Kvarter
Academic article
Mordal, Siri;
Ness, Ottar.
Hva vet vi om studenters psykiske helse og livskvalitet? – en litteraturgjennomgang av skandinaviske studenters psykiske helse og livskvalitet, og hvilke tiltak og intervensjoner som har vist effekt.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring
Ims, Reidun;
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar;
Finlay, Linda.
Immigrants’ experiences on integration while attempting to access the labour market: Implications for social work practice.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Soggiu, Anna-Sabina;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Klevan, Trude Gøril;
Ness, Ottar.
Inner and Outer Voices in Research: How Dialogical Approaches Can Enhance Knowledge Development in Mental Health Care.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar;
Storch, Jacob.
Co-creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice and Well-being.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
McNamee, Sheila;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Palgrave Macmillan
Ness, Ottar;
McNamee, Sheila;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Relational Processes in Counselling and Psychotherapy Supervision.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy (.)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Ness, Ottar.
Patient- og pårørendeinddragelse i et politisk- og recoveryorienteret perspektiv.
FADL's Forlag a/s
Ness, Ottar;
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Davidson, Larry;
Heimburg, Dina Von.
Recovery-kapital og kapabiliteter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hovland, Jan Freddy;
Skogvang, Bente Ovèdie;
Ness, Ottar;
Langeland, Eva.
Development of salutogenic coping skills: experiences with daily challenges among young adults suffering from serious mental illness.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Stokkebekk, Jan;
Iversen, Anette Christine;
Hollekim, Ragnhild;
Ness, Ottar.
“The troublesome other and I”: Parallel stories of separated parents in prolonged conflicts.
Journal of Marital & Family Therapy
Academic article
Syrstad, Ellen;
Ness, Ottar.
"It is not just about doing or saying the right things": Working systemically with parents whose children are placed in public care.
Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Syrstad, Ellen;
Ness, Ottar.
Laveren tussen het normative tussen het normative en het niet-normative: hoe gezinstherapeuten hun professionele identiteiten uitwerken in het contact met ouders van uit huis geplaatste kinderen.
Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Loewenthal, Del;
Ness, Ottar;
Hardy, Billy.
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Glasdam, Stinne;
Ness, Ottar.
Den psykopolitiske, den kønspolitiske og den radikale - diskussioner af menneskesyn og etiske perspektiver i tre dominerende forestillinger om god praksis på psykisk sundhedsområdet.
Dansk pædagogisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Loewenthal, Del;
Ness, Ottar;
Hardy, Billy.
Beyond the Therapeutic State .
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst;
Selbekk, Anne Schanche;
Ness, Ottar.
«Jeg får et helt annet innblikk»: Fagpersoners erfaringer med familieorientert praksis i rusfeltet.
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar.
Relational welfare: a socially just response to co-creating health and wellbeing for all.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic literature review
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Ness, Ottar;
Sund, Erik.
Når psykisk helse settes på dagsorden.
Feature article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina Von.
Hva tenker du om Harald Eias syn på Norge? Vi mener han har helt rett!.
Feature article
Landrø, Kristin;
Fikse, Camilla;
Kvalsund, Ragnvald;
Ness, Ottar.
Jobbhuset NAV som døråpner til arbeidslivet.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Holter, Marianne Therese Smogeli;
Ness, Ottar;
Johansen, Ayna Beate;
Brendryen, Håvar.
Making Come-Alive and Keeping Un-Alive: How People Relate to Self-Guided Web-Based Health Interventions.
Qualitative Health Research
Academic article
Brekke, Eva;
Ness, Ottar;
Lien, Lars.
Relational recovery in co-occurring conditions: a qualitative study of first-person experiences.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
Managers’ perceptions of competence and practice development following education in the prevention and management of staff-directed aggression: promoting person-centred practice.
International Practice Development Journal
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Lillevik, Ole Greger;
Ness, Ottar.
Exploring staff conceptions of prevention and management practices in encounters with staff-directed aggression in supported housing following education and training.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina Von.
Collaborative Action Research: Co-constructing Social Change for the Common Good.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst;
Selbekk, Anne Schanche;
Ness, Ottar.
Terapeuter ser store gevinster ved å involvere familien i rusbehandling.
Popular scientific article
Sundet, Rolf;
Kim, Hesook Suzie;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Borg, Marit;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
A heuristic model for collaborative practice – Part 1: A meta-synthesis of empirical findings on collaborative strategies in community mental health and substance abuse practice.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Sundet, Rolf;
Kim, Hesook Suzie;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Borg, Marit;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
A heuristic model for collaborative practice – Part 2: Development of the collaborative, dialogue‑based clinical practice model for community mental health and substance abuse care.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Sivertsen, Elin;
Almvik, Arve;
Ness, Ottar.
«Å gjøre noe sammen vi ikke kunne gjort alene»: Rask psykisk helsehjelp som et interkommunalt psykisk helsetjenestetilbud.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Reams, Jonathan;
Fikse, Camilla;
Ness, Ottar.
Leadership Development Laboratory.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar.
Forord: Perspektiver på livsmestring i skolen.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Bank, Rose-Marie;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
Brukermedvirkning i psykisk helsearbeid.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Sivertsen, Elin ;
Almvik, Arve;
Ness, Ottar.
«Å gjøre noe sammen vi ikke kunne gjort alene»: Rask psykisk helsehjelp som et interkommunalt psykisk helsetjenestetilbud.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Holter, Marianne T. S.;
Ness, Ottar;
Johansen, Ayna Beate;
Brendryen, Håvar.
Getting Change-Space: A Grounded Theory Study of Automated eHealth Therapy.
The Qualitative Report (TQR)
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
Encountering staff‑directed aggression
within mental health and substance abuse services: exploring conceptions of practice following education.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Åbø, Regine;
Viddal, Kristine Rensvik;
Ness, Ottar;
Langvik, Eva .
"I feel like an extended organism" - Young adults' experience of contemporary romantic relationships.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Veseth, Marius;
Skjølberg, Åse;
Ness, Ottar.
Recovery og levde liv.
Popular scientific article
Strømnes, Kjersti Ryen;
Haave, Mia B Nilsen;
Ness, Ottar.
«Evaluering av empowermentkurs for deltakere i introduksjonsprogrammet i Trondheim kommune».
Rambøll Management Consulting
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar.
Håndbok i familieterapi.
Non-fiction book
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar.
Stokkebekk, Jan Kristian;
Iversen, Anette Christine;
Hollekim, Ragnhild;
Ness, Ottar.
“Keeping balance”, “Keeping distance” and “Keeping on with life”: Child positions in divorced families with prolonged conflicts.
Children and Youth Services Review
Academic article
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar;
Frimann, Søren.
Action Research in a Relational Perspective: Dialogue, reflexivity, power and ethics.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ness, Ottar.
Learning new ideas and practices together through relational action research. .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar.
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar;
Frimann, Søren.
Action Research: tradition and renewal.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Montesano, Adrian;
Ness, Ottar.
A carta relacional en terapia de pareja: un recurso narrativo para la reconstrucción de la ética y el bienestar interpersonal.
Revista de Psicoterapia
Academic article
Syrstad, Ellen;
Ness, Ottar.
To navigate the normative and the not-normative family therapists negotiating their professional identities with parents whose children are placed in public care.
Contemporary family therapy
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Lorås, Lennart.
UngInvest AIB on Tour 2017-2018: En forskningsbasert evaluering
Sommer, Mona;
Finlay, Linda;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Blank, Alison.
“Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support for Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?.
The Humanistic psychologist
Academic article
Holter, Marianne T. S.;
Johansen, Ayna Beate;
Ness, Ottar;
Brinkmann, Svend;
Høybye, Mette Terp;
Brendryen, Håvar.
Qualitative Interview Studies of Working Mechanisms in Electronic Health: Tools to Enhance Study Quality.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
Academic article
Bang Nes, Ragnhild;
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar;
Vittersø, Joar.
Velferd i forvitring: Folkehelsepolitikkens fem – en verktøykasse til folkehelsas hærfører.
Feature article
Borg, Andreas;
Ness, Ottar.
Læring som organisationens centrale ressource i det 21. århundrede.
Popular scientific article
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Davidson, Larry;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Ness, Ottar.
“I now have a life!” Lived experiences of participation in music and theater in a mental health hospital.
Academic article
Silva, Gabriela Martins;
Ness, Ottar;
Guanaes-Lorenzi, Carla.
Continuing Education in Mental Health: Critical Moments to Analyze Group Process.
Academic article
Martins Silva, Gabriella;
Guanaes-Lorenzi, Carla;
Ness, Ottar.
Manejando imprevistos na facilitação grupal: um estudo de caso com o exercício como se.
Revista da SPAGESP
Academic article
Mudry, Tanya;
Nepustil, Pavel;
Ness, Ottar.
The Relational Essence of Natural Recovery: Natural Recovery
as Relational Practice.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Academic article
Klevan, Trude Gøril;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Ness, Ottar;
Grant, Alec;
Ruud, Torleif.
Between a rock and a
softer place - A discourse
analysis of helping cultures
in crisis resolution teams.
Qualitative Social Work
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
"Caminhando lado a lado": prascticás colaborativas nos ttratamentos de saúde mental e uso de substáncias.
Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 1 2018.
Fokus på familien
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Semb, Randi;
Johnson, Therese Austrheim;
Hoff, Trine.
Hvordan samarbeide om et forskningsprosjekt? Erfaringer fra samarbeid om forskning mellom en kommune og en høgskole.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sommer, Mona;
Ness, Ottar.
Å utforske fenomenet støtte gjennom dialogiske samtaler i en medforskergruppe.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrank, Beate;
Jovanovic, Nikolina;
Abiskup, Ewelina;
Dimech, Catherine;
Luciano, Mayol;
Mahlke, Candelaria.
What mental health services should be available after the postnatal period?.
European psychiatry
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Davidson, Larry.
“Sorting things out together”: Young adults’ experiences of collaborative practices in mental health and substance use care.
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation (AJPR)
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Sirnes, André;
Steen, Anders.
Myrsnipa samværssted i Drammen: En forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness, Ottar.
Commentary I: Reflection on ‘Conversational Resources for Clinical Practice with Families: Social Construction in Action’.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Meeting in the middle – et møte med den nordiske familieterapien.
Fokus på familien
Gergen, Kenneth J.;
Gergen, Mary;
Ness, Ottar.
Social Construction and Therapeutic Practices.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Stickley, Theodore;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ness, Ottar.
Transforming identity through participation in music and theatre: exploring narratives of people with mental health problems.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Ness, Ottar.
Ness, Ottar.
Håndbok i parterapi.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Holthe, Jahn-Fredrik;
Kristiansen, Lena;
Sundet, Rolf;
Ness, Ottar.
Parterapiens historie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Toril;
Ness, Ottar.
Relasjonell parterapi: Bruk av Johnella Birds relasjonelle språk i samtaler med par.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hawke, Anthony Oliver;
Ness, Ottar.
Rituals that helped heal a nation after a terror attack.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Jacobs, Gaby;
Lieshout, Famke van;
Borg, Marit;
Ness, Ottar.
Being a Person‐Centred Researcher: Principles and Methods for Doing Research in a Person‐Centred Way.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Edwards, Victoria Ibabao;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
Reell brukermedvirkning eller bare ord?
- En forskningsbasert evaluering av bruk av tjenestedesign i brukermedvirkning ved Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet ved Oslo universitetssykehus.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Ness, Ottar.
Acting Out: Enabling Meaningful Participation among People with Long-Term Mental Health Problems in a Music and Theater Workshop.
Qualitative Health Research
Academic literature review
Bjøru, Anna Maria Dyrstad;
Almvik, Arve;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Ness, Ottar.
Korsang som recovery-fremmende tiltak for personer med psykiske helseplager.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Sommer, Mona;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit.
Helpful support to promote participation in school and work – subjective experiences of people with mental health problems: a literature review.
Social Work in Mental Health
Academic literature review
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 1 2017.
Fokus på familien
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 2 2017.
Fokus på familien
Lorås, Lennart;
Bertrando, Paolo;
Ness, Ottar.
Researching Systemic Therapy History: In Search of a Definition.
Journal of Family Psychotherapy
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Johansen, Arne;
Bjørlykhaug, Knut Ivar.
RoSe-gruppene på NaKuHel : En forskningsbasert evaluering av likepersongruppene på NaKuHel-senteret i Asker.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 2 2016.
Fokus på familien
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 3 2016.
Fokus på familien
Semb, Randi;
Borg, Marit;
Ness, Ottar.
Tilpasning eller tilbaketrekning?
Tilhørighetsstrategier blant unge voksne med rusog
psykiske helseproblemer.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Topor, Alain.
“Negotiating partnerships:” parents’ experiences of collaboration in community mental health and substance use services.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Krane, Vibeke;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Ness, Ottar;
Binder, Per-Einar.
They need to be recognized as a person in everyday life: Teachers' and helpers' experiences of teacher-student
relationships in upper secondary school.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Tilpasning eller utfordring? - Om den systemiske forståelsens plass i ulike kontekster.
Fokus på familien
Sundet, Rolf;
Kim, Hesook Suzie;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Biong, Stian.
Collaboration: Suggested Understandings.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Hawke, Anthony Oliver;
Ness, Ottar.
«Å temme frykten» - Familievern etter terrorangrepet i Norge.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Popular scientific article
Olkowska, Alicja;
Ness, Ottar;
Landmark, Berit.
Vitenskapsteori og miljøterapi.
Krane, Vibeke;
Ness, Ottar;
Holter-Sørensen, Natalia ;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Binder, Per-Einar.
‘You notice that there is something positive about going to school’: how teachers’ kindness can promote positive teacher–student relationships in upper secondary school.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Academic article
Krane, Vibeke;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Ness, Ottar;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
Teacher–student relationship, student mental health, and
dropout from upper secondary school: A literature review.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic literature review
Gergen, Kenneth J.;
Ness, Ottar.
Therapeutic Practice as Social Construction.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 1 - 2016.
Fokus på familien
Storch, Jacob;
Ness, Ottar.
Relationel identitet: Hvordan professionelle og borgere skaber hinanden som komplementære identiteter.
Kognition & Pædagogik
Academic article
Ness, Ottar.
Fargerik bok om helhetlig psykisk helsearbeid.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Book review
Ness, Ottar;
Iversen, Øystein;
Westerlund, Heidi;
Bjørgen, Dagfinn.
Introduksjonskurs i kognitiv miljøterapi : en forskningsbasert evaluering. Et samarbeid mellom Senter for psykisk helse og rus og Kompetansesenter for brukererfaring og tjenesteutvikling, Midt-Norge.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Hardy, Billy;
Ness, Ottar.
Editorial: Beyond the therapeutic state.
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling
Kopperud, Ella;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 2 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Kopperud, Ella;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 4 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Wie Torsteinsson, Vigdis;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 1 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Kopperud, Ella;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 3 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Biong, Stian.
You never know what’s around the next corner: Exploring practitioners’ hope inspiring practices.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Gaete, Joaquin;
Ness, Ottar.
Supervision: From Prescribed Roles to Preferred Positionings.
Clinical Supervisor
Academic article
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar;
Semb, Randi.
Taking the plunge: Service users´experiences of hope within the mental health and substance use services.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Andersen, Marielle;
Ness, Ottar.
Arbeidsglede hos fagpersoner som møter unge voksne med sammensatte problemer.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Johansen, Ayna;
Ness, Ottar;
Wennesland, Dag Kosòl.
Practical Support Facilitates Recovery Processes in Professionally Organized Addiction Self-Help: An Explanatory Case Study.
Journal of groups in addiction & recovery
Academic article
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 4 2015.
Fokus på familien
Ness , Ottar;
Strong, Tom.
Relational consciousness and the conversational practices of Johnella Bird.
Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
"Walking alongside:" collaborative practices in mental health and substance use care.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt.
Seprep Ung 2011 - 2013 : en forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness , Ottar;
Holgersen, Helge;
Davidson, Larry.
Hope and recovery: a scoping review.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Davidson, Larry.
Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Biong, Stian ;
Sundet, Rolf;
McCormack, Brendan.
Towards a model for collaborative practice in community mental health care.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery.
International Journal of Appreciative Inquiry
Popular scientific article
Ness , Ottar.
SEPREP Bergen 2012-2014 : en forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness , Ottar;
Reitan, Toril;
Meling, Agnar;
Kristiansen, Lena;
Husby, Lillian;
Ekeland, Tor-Johan.
Barns fornemmelse for brudd : erfaringer med å vokse opp med skilte foreldre.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Gergen, Kenneth J.;
Hardy, Billy;
McNamee, Sheila;
Epstein, Eugene;
Håkansson, Carina.
Kan noen vennligst si stopp?.
Feature article
Stokmo, Hege ;
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Sommer, Mona.
Helsearbeidernes erfaringer med hvordan krav om modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkning i ACT-team.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Gram, I;
Dyrkorn, Kristian;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Næss-Holm, Ø;
Ness , Ottar.
Robuste samliv: Forskningsoppdrag om kunnskapsstatus og evalueringsverktøy av foreldrestøttende tiltak i Norden : på oppdrag for Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirketoratet (Bufdir).
Rambøll Management Consulting Norge
Ness , Ottar.
Therapists in continuous education: A collaborative approach.
WorldShare Publications, Taos Institute
Non-fiction book
Storch, Jacob;
Ness , Ottar.
Inkluderende fællesskaber og lederskab - et systemisk perspektiv på inklusionsopgaven i skolen.
Kognition & Pædagogik
Academic article
Kogstad, Ragnfrid Eline;
Larsen, Inger Beate;
Thorød, Anne Brita;
Ekeland, Tor-Johan;
Kolstad, Arnulf;
Øye, Christine.
Nytter forskning i psykiatrien?.
Feature article
Sommer, Mona;
Strand, Monica;
Borg, Marit;
Ness , Ottar.
Medvandrer og hverdagshjelper - Fagpersoners erfaringer med å bidra til styrking av brukeres medborgerskap.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Strong, Tom.
Learning New Ideas and Practices Together: A Cooperative Inquiry.
Journal of Family Psychotherapy
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Almåsbakk, Lars;
Solberg, Petter;
Torkelsen, Ingvild Hestad.
Å delta med det du kan. Betydningen av meningsfulle aktiviteter i recoveryprosesser.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Ness , Ottar;
Biong, Stian ;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
A crisis resolution and home treatment team in Norway: a longitudinal survey study Part 2. Provision of professional services.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Biong, Stian ;
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
A crisis resolution and home treatment team in Norway: a longitudinal survey study Part 3. Changes in morbidity and clinical problems from admission to discharge.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit.
Steg for Steg, Blåkors Øst 2011 - en forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Biong, Stian ;
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt.
Springbrett og anerkjennelse i en oppgavebasert tilnærming : En forskningsbasert evaluering av Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon Drammens aktiviteter relatert til Nyby'n Aktivitetskafé.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness , Ottar.
Seprep Ung: Mot bedre samarbeid mellom brukere, pårørende og fagfolk.
Dialog Bulletin Seprep
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Biong, Stian ;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
A crisis resolution and home treatment team in norway: a longitudinal survey study Part 1. Patient characteristics at admission and referral.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Learning new ideas and practices together: A co-operative inquiry into learning to use Johnella Bird's relational language-making approach in couples therapy.
Tilburg University Press
Doctoral dissertation
Ness , Ottar.
Setter barnet øverst. Øyvind Kvello:Barn i risiko. Skadelige omsorgssituasjoner. Gyldendal Akademisk, 2010. 437 sider.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Book review
Ness , Ottar.
Samfunnsengasjert om parterapi. Anne Kyong Sook Øfsti: Parterapi.Kjærlighet, intimitet og samliv i enbrytningstid. Universitetsforlaget, 2010.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Book review
Strong, Tom;
Sutherland, Olga;
Ness , Ottar.
Considerations for a discourse of collaboration in counseling.
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Positioning Self and Dialogue. Review of Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter- Positioning in a Globalizing Society By Hubert Hermans and Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka.
Journal of constructivist psychology
Book review
Ness , Ottar;
Hoff, Kjetil.
Teambygging : appreciative inquiry : et verktøy for å skape velfungerende team.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Book Translation
Voldtofte, Finn;
Telatin, Ivan;
Ness , Ottar.
Sol gjennom tåke. Om proaktiv tenkning, coaching og teambygging.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Journal publications
Bartels, Koen;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Jordan, Gerald;
Ness, Ottar.
Debate: A relational agenda for changing public administration research and practice.
Public Money & Management
Academic article
Lehmann O, Olga V;
Ansar, Nadia;
Markova, Valeria;
Ness, Ottar;
Berg Kårstad, Silja.
Facilitating Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents (EFST) online (EFST-O): Insights about self-disclosure, group dynamics and culture.
European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy (EJQRP)
Academic article
Nord-Baade, Silje;
Ness, Ottar;
Rowe, Michael;
Jensen, Camilla Bergsve;
Landheim, Anne Signe.
The mattering citizen: Young adults with mental illness and complex needs' experiences and perceived opportunities of social inclusion.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Ruysscher, Clara De;
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn.
Empowering people: how to ensure equitable representation for improved health system governance.
Academic article
Appiah, Richard;
Ness, Ottar;
Boakye, Kofi.
Editorial: Breaking the mental health stigma for people with substance use disorders.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Aasen, Tone Merethe;
Halvorsen, Laila Helene;
Brix, Jacob;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Hofstad, Hege.
Hva vet vi om ledelse som samskaper?.
Kommunal rapport
Feature article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari Eyde;
Pinto, Arnfrid Farbu;
Memet, Ipar Ehet.
StudyWell: a co-design project for enhancing student mental
health and wellbeing through service design and relational
Proceedings of the Design Society
Academic article
Sundqvist, Amanda J.;
Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia;
Ness, Ottar;
Hemberg, Jessica.
The influence of educational transitions on loneliness and mental health from emerging adults’ perspectives.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Nord-Baade, Silje;
Ness, Ottar;
Rowe, Michael;
Jensen, Camilla Bergsve;
Landheim, Anne Signe.
“I’ve always felt like I’m on the outside”: Identity and social inclusion among young adults with mental illness and complex needs – a qualitative study.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Sundqvist, Amanda;
Hemberg, Jessica;
Pia, Nyman-Kurkiala;
Ness, Ottar.
Are educational transitions related to young people’s loneliness and mental health: a systematic review.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Academic article
Nord-Baade, Silje;
Ness, Ottar;
Jensen, Camilla Bergsve;
Rowe, Michael;
Opheim, Elin;
Landheim, Anne Signe.
Barriers and facilitators for social inclusion among people with concurrent mental health and substance use problems. A qualitative scoping review.
Academic literature review
Møgster, Birthe;
Ness, Ottar;
Reime, Monika Alvestad.
Research circles as a method for implementing new services in the public health and welfare system.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen;
Nafstad, Hilde Eileen;
Blakar, Rolv Mikkel;
Tømmervik, Kristin;
Brodahl, Morten;
Ness, Ottar.
Psychological Sense of Community in Recovery Processes of Emerging and Older Adults: Ideological Antecedents and Implications for Public Health.
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Academic article
Kvamme, Euryph Line Solheim;
Waaler, Pamela Marie;
Helland, Siri Saugestad;
Mellblom, Anneli;
Ness, Ottar.
‘Devoted Despite It All’: Norwegian Child Welfare Workers' Experiences of Implementing a Therapeutic Model for Adolescents With Co-Occurring Problems.
Child & Family Social Work
Academic literature review
Steffensen, Lene Charlotte Natås;
Senneseth, Trude;
Ness, Ottar.
Utprøving av modellen BrukerInvolvering i KVAlitetsutvikling (BIKVA) som kvalitetsutvikling i oppvekstsektor av PPT.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Popular scientific article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Kilkku, Nina;
Turnaas, Sanna;
Vamstad, Johan.
Shaping a Wellbeing Future for People and Planet.
Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn;
Agdal, Rita;
Ness, Ottar.
Managers as peer workers’ allies: A qualitative study of managers’ perceptions and actions to involve peer workers in Norwegian mental health and substance use services.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Hovland, Jan-Freddy;
Langeland, Eva;
Ness, Ottar;
Skogvang, Bente Ovedie.
Experiences with physical activity, health and well-being among young adults with serious mental illness.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Tønnessen, Siw Heidi;
Klevan, Trude ;
Ness, Ottar.
Giving can be meaningful. A two-part qualitative analysis to restore and decode professionals’ understandings of meaningfulness in dual recovery.
Human Systems - Therapy, Culture and Attachments
Academic article
Tønnessen, Siw Heidi;
Ness, Ottar;
Klevan, Trude .
Co-Exploring Meaning in Everyday Life for People in Mental Health Recovery: A Photovoice Study.
The Qualitative Report (TQR)
Academic article
Montesano, Adrian;
Madigan, Stephen;
Çakmak, Kevser;
Ness, Ottar;
Brønseth, Stein Roger.
Reconnecting with relational values in highly-conflicted separating couples: A narrative therapy-informed relational interviewing teamwork-based supervision approach.
Journal of Clinical Psychology
Academic article
Hovland, Jan-Freddy;
Langeland, Eva;
Ness, Ottar;
Skogvang, Bente Ovedie.
Experiences of the Quality of the Interplay between Home-Living Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness and Their Social Environments.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Scarpa, Michael;
Ness, Ottar;
Martino, Salvatore Di.
Mattering, Wellness, and Fairness: Psychosocial Goods for the Common Good.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Academic article
Norozi, Sultana Ali;
Ness, Ottar.
The Teacher’s Wellbeing as a Binary Asset When Working with Newly Arrived Immigrant Pupils.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen;
Nafstad, Hilde Eileen;
Blakar, Rolv Mikkel;
Øversveen, Emil Mortensrud;
Brodahl, Morten;
Ness, Ottar.
How older adults recovering from substance use problems experience mattering.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Nord-Baade, Silje Louise;
Ness, Ottar.
Vi må snakke mer om relasjonell velferd.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Feature article
Rose, Pernelle;
Ness, Ottar.
A qualitative study of children’s experiences with school-based divorce-groups led by teachers in Denmark.
Health Promotion International
Academic article
Martins, Pedro Pablo Sampaio;
Doricci, Giovanna Cabral;
Ness, Ottar;
Guanaez-Lorenzi, Carla.
Collaboration and politics: Can a therapist work coherently while being informed by both collaborative-dialogic and narrative practices?.
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina von;
Longva, Ann Marit;
Ness, Ottar.
Kent Ranum, vil du velge barna som ikke valgte deg?.
Feature article
Hope, Øyvind Johannes;
Ness, Ottar;
Friesinger, Jan Georg;
Topor, Alain Pierre;
Bøe, Tore Dag.
‘Living needs a landscape’: A qualitative study about the role of enabling landscapes for people with mental health and substance abuse problems.
Health and Place
Academic article
Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen;
Øversveen, Emil;
Brodahl, Morten;
Nafstad, Hilde Eileen;
Blakar, Rolv Mikkel;
Ness, Ottar.
In what ways do emerging adults with substance use problems experience their communities as influencing their personal recovery processes?.
Journal of Community Psychology
Academic article
Starbæk Bager, Ann;
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar.
Critical discussion on dialogic engagement and various researcher positions in research concerning co-creation and co-production.
Akademisk Kvarter
Academic article
Høgås, Mariell Pedersen;
Elstad, Toril Anne;
Ness, Ottar;
Alsaker, Sissel.
Picturing healthcare: a photovoice study of how healthcare is experienced by service users in a mental-health low threshold service.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina von;
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Ness, Ottar;
Ytterhus, Borgunn.
From public health to public good: Toward universal wellbeing.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Ness, Ottar.
Peer Workers in Co-production and Co-creation in Mental Health and Substance Use Services: A Scoping Review.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Academic literature review
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Kilkku, Nina;
Turnaas, Sanna;
Vamstad, Johan.
Welcome to the Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development(NJWEL).
Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Sosial inkludering, mattering og livskvalitet.
Verdensdagen for psykisk helse
Reader opinion piece
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Sosial inkludering, mattering og livskvalitet.
Sinn og Samfunn
Popular scientific article
Hagen, Julia;
Ness, Ottar;
Hem, Marit Helene;
Wormdahl, Irene.
Verdensdagen for psykisk helse må appellere til politisk forpliktelse.
Feature article
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Ness, Ottar.
Editorial: Psychology for the common good: The interdependence of citizenship, justice, and well-being across the globe.
Frontiers in Psychology
Lindvig, Gunnhild Ruud;
Kogstad, Ragnfrid Eline;
Strømland, Monica;
Larsen, Inger Beate;
Topor, Alain Pierre;
Bøe, Tore Dag.
Regjeringens utdaterte forståelse av psykisk helse.
Feature article
Zahl-Olsen, Rune;
Hillesund, Odd Kenneth;
Ness, Ottar;
Oterholt, Frank.
Å bli familieterapeut: En kvalitativ studie av videoveiledning i familieterapiutdanning.
Academic article
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Ness, Ottar.
Peer support workers in co-production and co-creation in public mental health and addiction services: Protocol for a scoping review.
Academic literature review
Sommer, Mona;
Biong, Stian;
Borg, Marit;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Klevan, Trude Gøril;
Ness, Ottar.
Part II: Living Life: A Meta-Synthesis Exploring Recovery as
Processual Experiences.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Marszalek, Maja Anna;
Faksvåg, Helene Nordli;
Frøystadvåg, Thea Hannestad;
Ness, Ottar;
Veseth, Marius.
“A mismatch between what is happening on the inside and going on, on the outside”: a qualitative study of therapists’ perspectives on student mental health.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Starbæk Bager, Ann;
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar.
Co-Production and Co-Creation: Critical Examination of Contemporary Dominant Participatory Discourses.
Akademisk Kvarter
Academic article
Ims, Reidun;
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar;
Finlay, Linda.
Immigrants’ experiences on integration while attempting to access the labour market: Implications for social work practice.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Soggiu, Anna-Sabina;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Klevan, Trude Gøril;
Ness, Ottar.
Inner and Outer Voices in Research: How Dialogical Approaches Can Enhance Knowledge Development in Mental Health Care.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Hovland, Jan Freddy;
Skogvang, Bente Ovèdie;
Ness, Ottar;
Langeland, Eva.
Development of salutogenic coping skills: experiences with daily challenges among young adults suffering from serious mental illness.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Stokkebekk, Jan;
Iversen, Anette Christine;
Hollekim, Ragnhild;
Ness, Ottar.
“The troublesome other and I”: Parallel stories of separated parents in prolonged conflicts.
Journal of Marital & Family Therapy
Academic article
Syrstad, Ellen;
Ness, Ottar.
"It is not just about doing or saying the right things": Working systemically with parents whose children are placed in public care.
Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Syrstad, Ellen;
Ness, Ottar.
Laveren tussen het normative tussen het normative en het niet-normative: hoe gezinstherapeuten hun professionele identiteiten uitwerken in het contact met ouders van uit huis geplaatste kinderen.
Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Glasdam, Stinne;
Ness, Ottar.
Den psykopolitiske, den kønspolitiske og den radikale - diskussioner af menneskesyn og etiske perspektiver i tre dominerende forestillinger om god praksis på psykisk sundhedsområdet.
Dansk pædagogisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst;
Selbekk, Anne Schanche;
Ness, Ottar.
«Jeg får et helt annet innblikk»: Fagpersoners erfaringer med familieorientert praksis i rusfeltet.
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Academic article
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar.
Relational welfare: a socially just response to co-creating health and wellbeing for all.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic literature review
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Ness, Ottar;
Sund, Erik.
Når psykisk helse settes på dagsorden.
Feature article
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina Von.
Hva tenker du om Harald Eias syn på Norge? Vi mener han har helt rett!.
Feature article
Landrø, Kristin;
Fikse, Camilla;
Kvalsund, Ragnvald;
Ness, Ottar.
Jobbhuset NAV som døråpner til arbeidslivet.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Holter, Marianne Therese Smogeli;
Ness, Ottar;
Johansen, Ayna Beate;
Brendryen, Håvar.
Making Come-Alive and Keeping Un-Alive: How People Relate to Self-Guided Web-Based Health Interventions.
Qualitative Health Research
Academic article
Brekke, Eva;
Ness, Ottar;
Lien, Lars.
Relational recovery in co-occurring conditions: a qualitative study of first-person experiences.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
Managers’ perceptions of competence and practice development following education in the prevention and management of staff-directed aggression: promoting person-centred practice.
International Practice Development Journal
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Lillevik, Ole Greger;
Ness, Ottar.
Exploring staff conceptions of prevention and management practices in encounters with staff-directed aggression in supported housing following education and training.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst;
Selbekk, Anne Schanche;
Ness, Ottar.
Terapeuter ser store gevinster ved å involvere familien i rusbehandling.
Popular scientific article
Sundet, Rolf;
Kim, Hesook Suzie;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Borg, Marit;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
A heuristic model for collaborative practice – Part 1: A meta-synthesis of empirical findings on collaborative strategies in community mental health and substance abuse practice.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Sundet, Rolf;
Kim, Hesook Suzie;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Borg, Marit;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
A heuristic model for collaborative practice – Part 2: Development of the collaborative, dialogue‑based clinical practice model for community mental health and substance abuse care.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Sivertsen, Elin;
Almvik, Arve;
Ness, Ottar.
«Å gjøre noe sammen vi ikke kunne gjort alene»: Rask psykisk helsehjelp som et interkommunalt psykisk helsetjenestetilbud.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Sivertsen, Elin ;
Almvik, Arve;
Ness, Ottar.
«Å gjøre noe sammen vi ikke kunne gjort alene»: Rask psykisk helsehjelp som et interkommunalt psykisk helsetjenestetilbud.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Holter, Marianne T. S.;
Ness, Ottar;
Johansen, Ayna Beate;
Brendryen, Håvar.
Getting Change-Space: A Grounded Theory Study of Automated eHealth Therapy.
The Qualitative Report (TQR)
Academic article
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
Encountering staff‑directed aggression
within mental health and substance abuse services: exploring conceptions of practice following education.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Åbø, Regine;
Viddal, Kristine Rensvik;
Ness, Ottar;
Langvik, Eva .
"I feel like an extended organism" - Young adults' experience of contemporary romantic relationships.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Veseth, Marius;
Skjølberg, Åse;
Ness, Ottar.
Recovery og levde liv.
Popular scientific article
Stokkebekk, Jan Kristian;
Iversen, Anette Christine;
Hollekim, Ragnhild;
Ness, Ottar.
“Keeping balance”, “Keeping distance” and “Keeping on with life”: Child positions in divorced families with prolonged conflicts.
Children and Youth Services Review
Academic article
Montesano, Adrian;
Ness, Ottar.
A carta relacional en terapia de pareja: un recurso narrativo para la reconstrucción de la ética y el bienestar interpersonal.
Revista de Psicoterapia
Academic article
Syrstad, Ellen;
Ness, Ottar.
To navigate the normative and the not-normative family therapists negotiating their professional identities with parents whose children are placed in public care.
Contemporary family therapy
Academic article
Sommer, Mona;
Finlay, Linda;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Blank, Alison.
“Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support for Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?.
The Humanistic psychologist
Academic article
Holter, Marianne T. S.;
Johansen, Ayna Beate;
Ness, Ottar;
Brinkmann, Svend;
Høybye, Mette Terp;
Brendryen, Håvar.
Qualitative Interview Studies of Working Mechanisms in Electronic Health: Tools to Enhance Study Quality.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
Academic article
Bang Nes, Ragnhild;
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar;
Vittersø, Joar.
Velferd i forvitring: Folkehelsepolitikkens fem – en verktøykasse til folkehelsas hærfører.
Feature article
Borg, Andreas;
Ness, Ottar.
Læring som organisationens centrale ressource i det 21. århundrede.
Popular scientific article
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Davidson, Larry;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Ness, Ottar.
“I now have a life!” Lived experiences of participation in music and theater in a mental health hospital.
Academic article
Silva, Gabriela Martins;
Ness, Ottar;
Guanaes-Lorenzi, Carla.
Continuing Education in Mental Health: Critical Moments to Analyze Group Process.
Academic article
Martins Silva, Gabriella;
Guanaes-Lorenzi, Carla;
Ness, Ottar.
Manejando imprevistos na facilitação grupal: um estudo de caso com o exercício como se.
Revista da SPAGESP
Academic article
Mudry, Tanya;
Nepustil, Pavel;
Ness, Ottar.
The Relational Essence of Natural Recovery: Natural Recovery
as Relational Practice.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Academic article
Klevan, Trude Gøril;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Ness, Ottar;
Grant, Alec;
Ruud, Torleif.
Between a rock and a
softer place - A discourse
analysis of helping cultures
in crisis resolution teams.
Qualitative Social Work
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
"Caminhando lado a lado": prascticás colaborativas nos ttratamentos de saúde mental e uso de substáncias.
Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 1 2018.
Fokus på familien
Schrank, Beate;
Jovanovic, Nikolina;
Abiskup, Ewelina;
Dimech, Catherine;
Luciano, Mayol;
Mahlke, Candelaria.
What mental health services should be available after the postnatal period?.
European psychiatry
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Davidson, Larry.
“Sorting things out together”: Young adults’ experiences of collaborative practices in mental health and substance use care.
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation (AJPR)
Academic article
Ness, Ottar.
Commentary I: Reflection on ‘Conversational Resources for Clinical Practice with Families: Social Construction in Action’.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Meeting in the middle – et møte med den nordiske familieterapien.
Fokus på familien
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Stickley, Theodore;
Hedlund, Marianne;
Ness, Ottar.
Transforming identity through participation in music and theatre: exploring narratives of people with mental health problems.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Hawke, Anthony Oliver;
Ness, Ottar.
Rituals that helped heal a nation after a terror attack.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre;
Ness, Ottar.
Acting Out: Enabling Meaningful Participation among People with Long-Term Mental Health Problems in a Music and Theater Workshop.
Qualitative Health Research
Academic literature review
Bjøru, Anna Maria Dyrstad;
Almvik, Arve;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Ness, Ottar.
Korsang som recovery-fremmende tiltak for personer med psykiske helseplager.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Sommer, Mona;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit.
Helpful support to promote participation in school and work – subjective experiences of people with mental health problems: a literature review.
Social Work in Mental Health
Academic literature review
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 1 2017.
Fokus på familien
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 2 2017.
Fokus på familien
Lorås, Lennart;
Bertrando, Paolo;
Ness, Ottar.
Researching Systemic Therapy History: In Search of a Definition.
Journal of Family Psychotherapy
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 2 2016.
Fokus på familien
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 3 2016.
Fokus på familien
Semb, Randi;
Borg, Marit;
Ness, Ottar.
Tilpasning eller tilbaketrekning?
Tilhørighetsstrategier blant unge voksne med rusog
psykiske helseproblemer.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Academic article
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Topor, Alain.
“Negotiating partnerships:” parents’ experiences of collaboration in community mental health and substance use services.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Krane, Vibeke;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Ness, Ottar;
Binder, Per-Einar.
They need to be recognized as a person in everyday life: Teachers' and helpers' experiences of teacher-student
relationships in upper secondary school.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Tilpasning eller utfordring? - Om den systemiske forståelsens plass i ulike kontekster.
Fokus på familien
Sundet, Rolf;
Kim, Hesook Suzie;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Biong, Stian.
Collaboration: Suggested Understandings.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Hawke, Anthony Oliver;
Ness, Ottar.
«Å temme frykten» - Familievern etter terrorangrepet i Norge.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Popular scientific article
Krane, Vibeke;
Ness, Ottar;
Holter-Sørensen, Natalia ;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Binder, Per-Einar.
‘You notice that there is something positive about going to school’: how teachers’ kindness can promote positive teacher–student relationships in upper secondary school.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Academic article
Krane, Vibeke;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik;
Ness, Ottar;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
Teacher–student relationship, student mental health, and
dropout from upper secondary school: A literature review.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic literature review
Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 1 - 2016.
Fokus på familien
Storch, Jacob;
Ness, Ottar.
Relationel identitet: Hvordan professionelle og borgere skaber hinanden som komplementære identiteter.
Kognition & Pædagogik
Academic article
Ness, Ottar.
Fargerik bok om helhetlig psykisk helsearbeid.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Book review
Hardy, Billy;
Ness, Ottar.
Editorial: Beyond the therapeutic state.
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling
Kopperud, Ella;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 2 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Kopperud, Ella;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 4 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Wie Torsteinsson, Vigdis;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 1 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Kopperud, Ella;
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr 3 - 2015.
Fokus på familien
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Biong, Stian.
You never know what’s around the next corner: Exploring practitioners’ hope inspiring practices.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Gaete, Joaquin;
Ness, Ottar.
Supervision: From Prescribed Roles to Preferred Positionings.
Clinical Supervisor
Academic article
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar;
Semb, Randi.
Taking the plunge: Service users´experiences of hope within the mental health and substance use services.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Andersen, Marielle;
Ness, Ottar.
Arbeidsglede hos fagpersoner som møter unge voksne med sammensatte problemer.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Johansen, Ayna;
Ness, Ottar;
Wennesland, Dag Kosòl.
Practical Support Facilitates Recovery Processes in Professionally Organized Addiction Self-Help: An Explanatory Case Study.
Journal of groups in addiction & recovery
Academic article
Ness, Ottar.
Leder nr. 4 2015.
Fokus på familien
Ness , Ottar;
Strong, Tom.
Relational consciousness and the conversational practices of Johnella Bird.
Journal of Family Therapy
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Semb, Randi;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
"Walking alongside:" collaborative practices in mental health and substance use care.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness , Ottar;
Holgersen, Helge;
Davidson, Larry.
Hope and recovery: a scoping review.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Davidson, Larry.
Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis: Policy, practice and research in mental health and substance use
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Biong, Stian ;
Sundet, Rolf;
McCormack, Brendan.
Towards a model for collaborative practice in community mental health care.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery.
International Journal of Appreciative Inquiry
Popular scientific article
Ness , Ottar;
Reitan, Toril;
Meling, Agnar;
Kristiansen, Lena;
Husby, Lillian;
Ekeland, Tor-Johan.
Barns fornemmelse for brudd : erfaringer med å vokse opp med skilte foreldre.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Gergen, Kenneth J.;
Hardy, Billy;
McNamee, Sheila;
Epstein, Eugene;
Håkansson, Carina.
Kan noen vennligst si stopp?.
Feature article
Stokmo, Hege ;
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Sommer, Mona.
Helsearbeidernes erfaringer med hvordan krav om modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkning i ACT-team.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Storch, Jacob;
Ness , Ottar.
Inkluderende fællesskaber og lederskab - et systemisk perspektiv på inklusionsopgaven i skolen.
Kognition & Pædagogik
Academic article
Kogstad, Ragnfrid Eline;
Larsen, Inger Beate;
Thorød, Anne Brita;
Ekeland, Tor-Johan;
Kolstad, Arnulf;
Øye, Christine.
Nytter forskning i psykiatrien?.
Feature article
Sommer, Mona;
Strand, Monica;
Borg, Marit;
Ness , Ottar.
Medvandrer og hverdagshjelper - Fagpersoners erfaringer med å bidra til styrking av brukeres medborgerskap.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Strong, Tom.
Learning New Ideas and Practices Together: A Cooperative Inquiry.
Journal of Family Psychotherapy
Academic article
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Almåsbakk, Lars;
Solberg, Petter;
Torkelsen, Ingvild Hestad.
Å delta med det du kan. Betydningen av meningsfulle aktiviteter i recoveryprosesser.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Academic article
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Ness , Ottar;
Biong, Stian ;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
A crisis resolution and home treatment team in Norway: a longitudinal survey study Part 2. Provision of professional services.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Biong, Stian ;
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
A crisis resolution and home treatment team in Norway: a longitudinal survey study Part 3. Changes in morbidity and clinical problems from admission to discharge.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Seprep Ung: Mot bedre samarbeid mellom brukere, pårørende og fagfolk.
Dialog Bulletin Seprep
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt;
Borg, Marit;
Biong, Stian ;
Kim, Hesook Suzie.
A crisis resolution and home treatment team in norway: a longitudinal survey study Part 1. Patient characteristics at admission and referral.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Setter barnet øverst. Øyvind Kvello:Barn i risiko. Skadelige omsorgssituasjoner. Gyldendal Akademisk, 2010. 437 sider.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Book review
Ness , Ottar.
Samfunnsengasjert om parterapi. Anne Kyong Sook Øfsti: Parterapi.Kjærlighet, intimitet og samliv i enbrytningstid. Universitetsforlaget, 2010.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Book review
Strong, Tom;
Sutherland, Olga;
Ness , Ottar.
Considerations for a discourse of collaboration in counseling.
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Academic article
Ness , Ottar.
Positioning Self and Dialogue. Review of Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter- Positioning in a Globalizing Society By Hubert Hermans and Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka.
Journal of constructivist psychology
Book review
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Scarpa, Michael;
Ness, Ottar.
How People Thrive: Promoting the Synergy of Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar.
Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning: For psykologi, helsefag og sosialfag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ness, Ottar;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Prilleltensky, Isaac.
Psychology for the Common Good: The Interdependence of Citizenship, Justice, and Well-being Across the Globe.
Frontiers Media S.A.
Frontiers Research Topics (2022)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Aksjonsforskning: samskapt kunnskap som endrer liv og samfunn.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ness, Ottar;
McNamee, Sheila;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Relational Processes in Counselling and Psychotherapy Supervision.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy (.)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Loewenthal, Del;
Ness, Ottar;
Hardy, Billy.
Beyond the Therapeutic State .
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar.
Håndbok i familieterapi.
Non-fiction book
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar;
Frimann, Søren.
Action Research in a Relational Perspective: Dialogue, reflexivity, power and ethics.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ness, Ottar.
Håndbok i parterapi.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ness , Ottar.
Therapists in continuous education: A collaborative approach.
WorldShare Publications, Taos Institute
Non-fiction book
Voldtofte, Finn;
Telatin, Ivan;
Ness , Ottar.
Sol gjennom tåke. Om proaktiv tenkning, coaching og teambygging.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Thriving Families and Friendships.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Scarpa, Michael;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Ness, Ottar.
Thriving as the Synergy of Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Scarpa, Michael P.;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Mattering as citizens: Conditions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scarpa, Michael P.;
Martino, Salvatore Di;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Prilleltensky, Isaac.
Mattering as Citizens: Correlates and Consequences.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lilja, Johan;
Zimic, Sheila;
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Being in ‘Right Relationships’ when Co-Creating Youth Wellbeing and Social Justice: Exploring and sparking a relational shift
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Topor, Alain Pierre;
Bøe, Tore Dag;
Hope, Øyvind Johannes;
Ness, Ottar;
Friesinger, Jan Georg.
The New Institutional Landscape for People with Mental Health Problems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Russell, Cormac;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Relasjonelt arbeid i lokalsamfunnsutvikling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Relasjonell velferd: livskvalitet, medborgerskap og deltakelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn;
Lundquist, Rune;
Ness, Ottar.
Å forske sammen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Storm, Marianne;
Ness, Ottar.
Erfaringskonsulenters roller og involvering i helse- og velferdstjenester.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Davidson, Larry;
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Recovery, Social Inclusion and the Capability Approach in Mental Health.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Storch, Jacob.
Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
As pequenas coisas – Ética relacional e colaboração no serviço de cuidado em saúde mental.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Aksjonsforskning: samskapt kunnskap som endrer liv og samfunn.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar;
Storch, Jacob.
Co-creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice and Well-being.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
McNamee, Sheila;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Palgrave Macmillan
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Ness, Ottar.
Patient- og pårørendeinddragelse i et politisk- og recoveryorienteret perspektiv.
FADL's Forlag a/s
Ness, Ottar;
Hansen, Jeppe Oute;
Davidson, Larry;
Heimburg, Dina Von.
Recovery-kapital og kapabiliteter.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Loewenthal, Del;
Ness, Ottar;
Hardy, Billy.
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina Von.
Collaborative Action Research: Co-constructing Social Change for the Common Good.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reams, Jonathan;
Fikse, Camilla;
Ness, Ottar.
Leadership Development Laboratory.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Heimburg, Dina Von;
Ness, Ottar.
Forord: Perspektiver på livsmestring i skolen.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Bank, Rose-Marie;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Ness, Ottar.
Brukermedvirkning i psykisk helsearbeid.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Lorås, Lennart;
Ness, Ottar.
Ness, Ottar.
Learning new ideas and practices together through relational action research. .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar.
Hersted, Lone;
Ness, Ottar;
Frimann, Søren.
Action Research: tradition and renewal.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar;
Borg, Marit;
Sælør, Knut Tore;
Semb, Randi;
Johnson, Therese Austrheim;
Hoff, Trine.
Hvordan samarbeide om et forskningsprosjekt? Erfaringer fra samarbeid om forskning mellom en kommune og en høgskole.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sommer, Mona;
Ness, Ottar.
Å utforske fenomenet støtte gjennom dialogiske samtaler i en medforskergruppe.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gergen, Kenneth J.;
Gergen, Mary;
Ness, Ottar.
Social Construction and Therapeutic Practices.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ness, Ottar.
Holthe, Jahn-Fredrik;
Kristiansen, Lena;
Sundet, Rolf;
Ness, Ottar.
Parterapiens historie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reitan, Toril;
Ness, Ottar.
Relasjonell parterapi: Bruk av Johnella Birds relasjonelle språk i samtaler med par.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jacobs, Gaby;
Lieshout, Famke van;
Borg, Marit;
Ness, Ottar.
Being a Person‐Centred Researcher: Principles and Methods for Doing Research in a Person‐Centred Way.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olkowska, Alicja;
Ness, Ottar;
Landmark, Berit.
Vitenskapsteori og miljøterapi.
Gergen, Kenneth J.;
Ness, Ottar.
Therapeutic Practice as Social Construction.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Kjøbli, John;
Ness, Ottar.
Ill Communication: Adolescents with Co-Occurring Problems, the Systems They Encounter and the Interventions They Receive.
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Oslo
Doctoral dissertation
Nes, Ragnhild Bang;
Ness, Ottar;
Kjøbli, John;
Kvamme, Euryph Line Solheim.
Ill Communication: Adolescents with Co-Occurring Problems, the Systems They Encounter and the Interventions They Receive.
Universitetet i Oslo
Doctoral dissertation
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Spredning av styrkebaserte tilnærminger i Hallingdal: Evaluering av prosjektet «styrkebasert tilnærming - kompetanseheving og spredning av kunnskap» .
NTNU WellFare
Stielke, Anna;
Pastorino, Gabriele;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Prilleltensky, Isaac.
Country deep dive on the well-being economy: Wales.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Svensson, Helene Berntsen;
Krokstad, Morten Austheim;
Kojan, Bente Heggem;
Henrik Hays, Nielsen.
Innbyggernes modell i Trondheim kommune: Hovedrapport.
IPLs rapportserie (9)
Brix, Jacob;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Friis, Ole U.;
Ness, Ottar;
Hofstad, Hege;
Vedeld, Trond.
HVA VET VI OM LEDELSE AV KOMMUNER SOM SAMSKAPER? Oppsummering av vesentlige temaer fra forskning og praksis.
IPLs rapportserie (13)
De Ruysscher, Clara;
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke;
Mohn-Haugen, Torbjørn.
Making social participation central to health system governance: Policy lessons from the field.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Tritter, Jonathan Quetzal;
De Ruysscher, Clara;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Nathan, Naomi L.;
Pastorino, Gabriele.
Institutionalizing social participation in health policy for better performing health systems: Policy lessons from the field.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Goldblatt, Peter;
Castedo, Antia;
Allen, Jessica;
Lionello, Lorenzo;
Bell, Ruth;
Marmot, Michael.
Rapid review of inequalities in health and wellbeing in Norway since 2014 - Executive Summary.
Institute of Health Equity, University College of London
Goldblatt, Peter;
Castedo, Antia;
Allen, Jessica;
Lionello, Lorenzo;
Bell, Ruth;
Marmot, Michael.
Rapid review of inequalities in health and wellbeing in Norway since 2014 - Full Report.
Institute of Health Equity, University College of London
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar;
Prilleltensky, Isaac;
Pastorino, Gabriele;
Stielke, Anna.
Country deep dive on the well-being economy: Iceland.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Wormdahl, Irene;
Hem, Marit Helene;
Ness, Ottar.
Implementeringsstøtte for Rask psykisk helsehjelp.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Pastorino, Gabriele;
Stielke, Anna;
Heimburg, Dina von;
Ness, Ottar.
Deep dives on the well-being economy showcasing the experiences of Finland, Iceland, Scotland and Wales: summary of key findings.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Goldblatt, Peter;
Castedo, Antia;
Allen, Jessica;
Lionello, Lorenzo;
Bell, Ruth;
Marmot, Michael.
Kunnskapsoppsummering om ulikheter i helse og livskvalitet i Norge siden 2014 – sammendrag [nettdokument].
Maagerø-Bangstad, Erlend Rinke;
Ness, Ottar;
Sælør, Knut Tore.
Kompetanse for bedre tjenester: En kvalitativ studie av betydningen av kompetansetiltak og verktøy rettet mot ansatte i psykisk helsetjenester som samarbeider med brukere som kan være truende og/eller voldelige.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (144)
Doctoral dissertation
Kvello, Øyvind;
Ness, Ottar.
Evaluering av utprøvingen av Funksjonell familieterapi (FFT) i familievernet.
Hopfenbeck, Mark Steven;
Ness, Ottar.
Tenk Ut Refleksjonsgrupper i kriminalomsorgen: En kvalitativ evaluering.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring Trondheim
Ness, Ottar;
Heimburg, Dina von.
Læring av implementering av tilpasset versjon av ICDP for foreldre fratatt omsorg i Familievernet og i Primærmedisinsk verksted (Kirkens bymisjon) – en kvalitativ utforskning.
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Lunde, Merete;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari;
Forshaug, Ann Kristin;
Høiseth, Marikken.
Tjenester for Alle - Konferanse om universell utforming.
Ness, Ottar.
UngInvest AIB: Oppsummering og drøfring av evalueringer og forskning på UngInvest AIB - Delrapport 2.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring
Ness, Ottar.
UngInvest AIB: Beskrivende oppsummering av evalueringer og forskning på UngInvest AIB - delrapport 1.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring
Mordal, Siri;
Ness, Ottar.
Hva vet vi om studenters psykiske helse og livskvalitet? – en litteraturgjennomgang av skandinaviske studenters psykiske helse og livskvalitet, og hvilke tiltak og intervensjoner som har vist effekt.
NTNU Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring
Strømnes, Kjersti Ryen;
Haave, Mia B Nilsen;
Ness, Ottar.
«Evaluering av empowermentkurs for deltakere i introduksjonsprogrammet i Trondheim kommune».
Rambøll Management Consulting
Ness, Ottar;
Lorås, Lennart.
UngInvest AIB on Tour 2017-2018: En forskningsbasert evaluering
Ness, Ottar;
Sirnes, André;
Steen, Anders.
Myrsnipa samværssted i Drammen: En forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness, Ottar;
Edwards, Victoria Ibabao;
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik.
Reell brukermedvirkning eller bare ord?
- En forskningsbasert evaluering av bruk av tjenestedesign i brukermedvirkning ved Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet ved Oslo universitetssykehus.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness, Ottar;
Johansen, Arne;
Bjørlykhaug, Knut Ivar.
RoSe-gruppene på NaKuHel : En forskningsbasert evaluering av likepersongruppene på NaKuHel-senteret i Asker.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness, Ottar;
Iversen, Øystein;
Westerlund, Heidi;
Bjørgen, Dagfinn.
Introduksjonskurs i kognitiv miljøterapi : en forskningsbasert evaluering. Et samarbeid mellom Senter for psykisk helse og rus og Kompetansesenter for brukererfaring og tjenesteutvikling, Midt-Norge.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt.
Seprep Ung 2011 - 2013 : en forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness , Ottar.
SEPREP Bergen 2012-2014 : en forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Gram, I;
Dyrkorn, Kristian;
Kvello, Øyvind;
Næss-Holm, Ø;
Ness , Ottar.
Robuste samliv: Forskningsoppdrag om kunnskapsstatus og evalueringsverktøy av foreldrestøttende tiltak i Norden : på oppdrag for Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirketoratet (Bufdir).
Rambøll Management Consulting Norge
Ness , Ottar;
Borg, Marit.
Steg for Steg, Blåkors Øst 2011 - en forskningsbasert evaluering.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Biong, Stian ;
Ness , Ottar;
Karlsson, Bengt.
Springbrett og anerkjennelse i en oppgavebasert tilnærming : En forskningsbasert evaluering av Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon Drammens aktiviteter relatert til Nyby'n Aktivitetskafé.
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg
Ness , Ottar.
Learning new ideas and practices together: A co-operative inquiry into learning to use Johnella Bird's relational language-making approach in couples therapy.
Tilburg University Press
Doctoral dissertation
Ness , Ottar;
Hoff, Kjetil.
Teambygging : appreciative inquiry : et verktøy for å skape velfungerende team.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Book Translation
- PED6043 - Health and Well-Being in School
- PED8013 - Social Construction: Theory and Practice without paper
- PED8012 - Social Construction: Theory and Practice with paper
- PED8016 - Action Research: co-created knowledge promoting change in lives and societies
- RAD6051 - Strength-Based Communities of Learning Theories and Practices
- RAD3050 - Academic Writing and Design with Chosen Specialisation
- PED8030 - Current Issue
- RAD6052 - Strength-based learning communities - Leadership and organizational development
- RAD3040 - Relational welfare and well-being
- RAD3041 - Counseling Theories and Methods
- RAD3031 - Counselling Theories and Methods with a Practical Outlook
- PD6011 - Services for All
- RAD3902 - Master's Thesis in Counselling
- LOS8035 - Literature Review in Educational Sciences
LectureHeimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2025) From public health to public good: Toward universal wellbeing. SPARC Network UK SPARC Network webinar , Digital 2025-01-15 - 2025-01-15
LectureHeimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2025) Ungt utenforskap. NTNU SU læring og trivsel i barnehage og skole, kvalitetsutvikling, utenforskap og skolemiljø for Kunnskapsdeptartementet 2025-02-05 - 2025-02-05
LectureNess, Ottar. (2024) Likeverdige muligheter til livskvalitet og samfunnsdeltakelse. LO Kommunalkonferansen 2024 , Oslo 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-06
LectureNess, Ottar. (2024) "Å være betydningsfull i nabolaget": Hvordan sosiale entreprenører bidrar til sterkere nabolag, og den sentrale verdien av "mattering", med NTNU og Norge Unlimited. Norge Unlimited Invitasjon til faglig påfyll i lunsjen , Digitalt 2024-02-14 - 2024-02-14
LectureWaldahl, Ragnhild Holmen; Skogøy, Bjørg Eva; Ness, Ottar; Heimburg, Dina von. (2024) Erfaringsdeling og funn fra Pilot for programfinansiering 0-24 i Trøndelag. Statsforvalteren Trøndelag Barn og Unge Først konferansen , Stjørdal 2024-02-07 - 2024-02-08
LectureTønnesen, Siw; Breden, Andreas; Ness, Ottar. (2024) Cross-positions as therapist in Norwegian contexts. Taos Institute Taos Conversation , Digitalt 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-22
Academic lectureBrix, Jacob; Friis, Ole U.; Heimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2024) Analyzing a Decade of Management and Leadership Research Related to Co-creation and Co-production: A semi-structured literature review. The Co-production and Co-creation of Public Services Network Co-production of Public Services Conferences: The 11th annual conference , Aalborg 2024-05-28 - 2024-05-29
LectureNess, Ottar; Heimburg, Dina von. (2024) Hva forteller nyeste forskning om sosiale forskjeller? Hva er oppløftende praksiser?. UngInvest AIB, Buskerud Fylkeskommune, NTNU Fra fravær til fellesskap: Boklanseringsseminar , Dramen 2024-04-17 - 2024-04-17
LectureNess, Ottar. (2024) «Mattering» - å ha betydning og gjøre andre betydningsfulle i lokalsamfunnet. Telemark fylkeskommune Folkehelsenettverkssamling i Telemark 2024-03-14 - 2024-03-14
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2024) How People Thrive: Promoting the Synergy of Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness. Aalborg University, Dept of Communication and Psychology Invitation to Ottar Ness’ inaugural lecture at Aalborg University , Aalborg 2024-08-23 - 2024-08-23
LectureNess, Ottar. (2024) Relasjonell velferd og relasjonell recovery i praksis. Stavanger Universitetssjukehus, PsyOpp med flere Schizofrenidagene , Stavanger 2024-11-06 - 2024-11-08
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2024) Relasjonell velferd og relasjonell recovery. Stavanger Universitetssjukehus, PsyOpp med flere Schizofrenidagene , Stavange 2024-11-06 - 2024-11-08
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2024) Mattering and Well-being: Conditions, experiences and outcomes. City of Reykjavik Storbyens Hjerte og Smerte: Nordisk storbykonferanse , Reykjavik 2024-09-25 - 2024-09-27
Academic lectureSundqvist, Amanda; Hemberg, Jessica; Ness, Ottar; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia. (2024) Transitions among young people and relations to loneliness and mental health: young peoples’ lived experiences. Tampere University, The Finnish Youth Research Society 16th Nordic Youth Research Symposium , Tampere 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-14
LectureNess, Ottar. (2024) Å gjøre en forskjell - miljøterapeut i recovery arbeid. Trondheim kommune Seminar 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-23
LectureNess, Ottar. (2024) Mattering - meningsbærende liv. Trondheim kommune Seminar 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-23
InterviewNess, Ottar; VanMeter, Abigail. (2024) On Mattering, Wellness & Social Sustainability with Ottar Ness. [Internet] 2024-11-28
InterviewNess, Ottar; Andersson, Sara; Guribye, Eugene; Nilsen, Erik Bøylestad. (2024) Om innbyggere som bestemmer i Innbyggernes modell. [Internet] 2024-09-27
LectureHeimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2024) Inkluderende samfunnsbygging og gode liv for barn, unge og framtidige generasjoner i Trondheim. NTNU IPL IPL-konferansen , Trondheim 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-26
LectureHeimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2024) Oppvekst i Malvik – hvordan løser vi fremtidens samfunnsutfordringer? . Malvik kommune Oppvekst i Malvik – hvordan løser vi fremtidens samfunnsutfordringer? 2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
Academic lectureBahl, Nina Kavita Heggen; Nafstad, Hilde Eileen; Blakar, Rolv Mikkel; Tømmervik, Kristin; Brodahl, Morten; Ness, Ottar. (2024) Fellesskapsfølelser og “mattering” hos eldre med rusmiddelproblematikk. Korus Øst LAVterskelkonferansen , Oslo 2024-12-03 - 2024-12-04
Academic lectureHem, Marit Helene; Ness, Ottar; Wormdahl, Irene. (2023) Hva er nyttig implementeringsstøtte ved etablering og oppstart av Rask psykisk helsehjelp (RPH)? Resultater fra ImplementRPH-studien. NAPHA Nasjonal nettverkssamling , Oslo 2023-11-29 - 2023-11-29
PosterSundqvist, Amanda; Hemberg, Jessica; Ness, Ottar; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia. (2023) Skolövergångars inverkan på ungas ensamhet och psykiska hälsa: En rapid review. Utbildningsstyrelsen, Finland Forum för välbefinnande 2023-11-01 - 2023-11-02
Academic lectureSundqvist, Amanda; Hemberg, Jessica; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia; Ness, Ottar. (2023) The impact of educational transitions on young people's well-being: A systematic review. De V Social- och hälsovetenskapsdagarna i Österbotten , Vasa 2023-05-04 - 2023-05-05
Academic lectureSundqvist, Amanda; Hemberg, Jessica; Ness, Ottar; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia. (2023) Educational transitions impact on young people’s well-being: A systematic review. European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) , Åbo 2023-08-28 - 2023-09-01
Academic lectureSundqvist, Amanda; Hemberg, Jessica; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia; Ness, Ottar. (2023) Young people’s experiences of transitions and its relation to loneliness and mental health. Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2023, XXII Annual Conference of Youth Studies 2023 - Diversity of Hope , Helsinki 2023-11-08 - 2023-11-09
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Mattering og deltakelse – å føle seg verdifull og være verdifull for andre. UngInvest Arbeidsinstituttet, Viken Fylkeskommune Den 6. Læringsfestivalen , Sundvollen Hotel 2023-05-04 - 2023-05-05
LectureNess, Ottar; Lilja, Johan; Richardsson, Daniel. (2023) Styrkebasert ledelse. UngInvest, Vestre Skole Svendborg, NTNU WellFare STYRKERBASERET TÆNKNING OG TILGANGE I PRAKSIS - til en verden i forandring. , Svendborg 2023-03-28 - 2023-03-28
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Velkommen: Relasjonell velferd. Crecea, NTNU, Århus kommune Nordisk konfereanse om relasjonell velferd , Århus 2023-05-31 - 2023-06-02
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Power Threat Meaning Framework and Relational Welfare. Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand Kommune og RVTS Sør How to understand Mental Health , Kristiansand 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-13
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Innbyggernes modell: Samfunnsinnovasjon – samarbeid mellom NTNU og Trondheim kommune . Universtitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR) UHR Webinar om samfunnsinnovasjon , Webinar 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-13
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Relasjonell velferd. Sandnes kommune Fagdag: Saman er ein mindre aleine , Sandnes 2023-10-04 - 2023-10-04
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Relasjonell velferd - en introduksjon. Sagatun ROMAgder Vårres Bikuben Erfaringssentrum KBT Napha Recoverykonferansen 2023 - digitalt seminar , Digitalt 2023-09-26 - 2023-09-26
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Volunteering in Norway - where do we stand?. Trondheim kommune European Capital of Volunteering Conference , Trondheim 2023-01-30 - 2023-01-30
PosterNord-Baade, Silje Louise; Ness, Ottar; Rowe, Michael; Jensen, Camilla Bergsve; Landheim, Anne Signe. (2023) How to matter: Promoting social inclusion and participation among young adults with complex problems in FACT teams. World Association on Dual Disorders 7th World Congress of the World Association on Dual Disorders (WADD) , Slovenia 2023-04-28 - 2023-04-30
Academic lectureHem, Marit Helene; Orrem, Kjetil; Asmussen, Trond Vegart; Ness, Ottar; Wormdahl, Irene. (2023) What is useful implementation support when establishing and initiating prompt mental health care (RPH)? . EAOF-conference (European Assertive Outreach Foundation): 6th European Conference on Integrated Care and Assertive Outreach , Leuven, Belgia 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-22
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Recovery og recoveryorientert praksis i et samfunnsperspektiv. Agder DPS Samskaping i slitasjens tid , Arendal 2023-08-15 - 2023-08-15
LectureHeimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2023) Sosiale ulikheter og demokratisk deltakelse blant unge. Arendalsuka Arendalsuka , Arendal 2023-08-17 - 2023-08-17
InterviewNess, Ottar. (2023) «Silje» (42): – Jeg bruker strøm kun i ukene barna er hos meg. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Newspaper] 2023-09-25
InterviewNess, Ottar. (2023) – Jeg er ofte i kontakt med foreldre som ikke kan sende barna i bursdager. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Newspaper] 2023-09-26
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Oppsummering av konferansen Universitetet for alle. NTNU Universitetet for alle , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
LectureNess, Ottar. (2023) Forske på egen praksis og utvikling av lærende praksisfellesskaper. STOK STOK årsmøte , København 2023-11-10 - 2023-11-10
LectureNess, Ottar. (2022) Hva er relasjonell velferd?. VID vitenskapelige universitet Seminar VID vitenskapelige universitet 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-08
Academic lectureSundqvist, Amanda; Hemberg, Jessica; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia; Ness, Ottar. (2022) The impact of educational and developmental transitions on youth’s well-being: A systematic review. Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2022 konferenssi , Joensuu 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-10
LectureNess, Ottar. (2022) Relasjonell velferd: Å skape livskvalitet for alle. Kristiansand kommune Sammen. Samhandlingskonferansen 2022 , Kristiansand 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-28
LectureNess, Ottar. (2022) Relasjonell velferd i møte med mennesker, og samarbeid med andre. Oslo og Viken Statsforvalter Bolig- og velferdskonferansen 2022 , Oslo 2022-11-14 - 2022-11-15
LectureNess, Ottar. (2022) Erfaringer med implementering av ICDP-BV. Bufdir ICDP Nettverkskonferansen , Drammen 2022-09-22 - 2022-09-23
LectureHeimburg, Dina von; Ness, Ottar. (2022) Relational Welfare and Narrative Practice: Dignifying Lives and Practices for Persons with Mental Health Problems. Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy, Bergen Family Therapy Third Nordic Narrative Therapy Conference , Bergen 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-06
Academic lectureTønnesen, Siw; Klevan, Trude ; Ness, Ottar. (2022) Visualizing and voicing meaning in everyday life Using photovoice to co-explore meaning in everyday life for people in recovery living in supported housing. Photovoice: Past, Present, and Future 2022-10-20 - 2022-10-22
LectureNess, Ottar. (2022) Relasjonell velferd: Medborgerskap og inkluderende lokalsamfunn. Napha Nasjonal nettverkssamling i dialogiske og samarbeidende praksiser , Trondheim 2022-10-12 - 2022-10-13
LectureNess, Ottar; Cottam, Hilary; Sesma, Monica; Gergen, Kenneth J.. (2022) Relational Governance. Taos Institute Unfolding Dialogues: Relational Resources for Global Good , Online 2022-11-14 - 2022-11-14
Academic lectureMartino, Salvatore Di; Prilleltensky, Isaac; Ness, Ottar; Scarpa, Michael. (2022) Mattering, Social Justice, and Well-being: Towards a Psychology of the Common Good. University of Naples the 9th Congress of Community Psychology , Naples 2022-09-21 - 2022-09-24
Programme participationNess, Ottar. (2022) Verdensdagen for psykisk helse 2022 - Løft blikket med Thomas Seltzer: Episode 3: Ensom. [Internet] 2022-10-02
InterviewNess, Ottar. (2021) Vi må se på de vi hjelper som medborgere, ikke brukere. [Internet] 2021-05-28
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Mattering: En ny vei inn i arbeid med livskvalitet og lokalsamfunn. Joint Action, NTNU, Trondheim kommune, Kristiansand kommune Relationel Velfærd - Minikonference , Digitalt 2021-05-26 - 2021-05-26
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Et samfunn i endring- fra sektorledelse til samfunnsledelse. Oslo Kommune Sammen for Oslo – gjennom strategisk samhandling , Digitalt 2021-09-30 - 2021-09-30
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) UngInvest AIB: Oppsummering og drøfting av evalueringer og forskning på UngInvest AIB . UngInvest, Nasjonalt vitensenter for styrkebasert læring Læringsfestivalen UngInvest , Geilo 2021-09-27 - 2021-09-28
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Kommentar til rapporten "Unge som står utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning (NEET)- En analyse av unge i NEET-kategorien". Arendalskonferansen Forskningsfrokost , Arendal 2021-08-18 - 2021-08-18
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Relasjonelle aspekter ved samhandling. Napha «Bedre i lag» , Webinar 2021-05-26 - 2021-05-26
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Relasjonelle aspekter ved samhandling. Napha «Bedre i lag» , Webinar 2021-02-23 - 2021-02-24
Academic lectureNess, Ottar; Heimburg, Dina von. (2021) Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being. European Community Psychology Association The 11th European Conference on Community Psychology , Oslo (online) 2021-06-03 - 2021-06-04
Popular scientific lectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Relasjonell velferd: samskaping av betingelser for studenters livskvalitet. StudyTrondheim Studenter og livskvalitet , Webinar 2021-02-12 - 2021-02-12
LectureNess, Ottar; Heimburg, Dina von. (2021) Relasjonell velferd som ny forskningsretning. Joint Action, Trondheim kommune og NTNU Nordisk konferanse om Relasjonell Velferd , Trondheim 2021-05-26 - 2021-05-28
LectureNess, Ottar; Storch, Jacob. (2021) Når borgerne viser vej. Joint Action, Trondheim kommune og NTNU Nordisk konferanse om Relasjonell Velferd , Trondheim 2021-05-26 - 2021-05-28
Popular scientific lectureNess, Ottar; Heimburg, Dina von. (2021) Dialogue on Collaborative Action Research for the common good. The Taos institute Dialogue with the Authors of the SAGE Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice , Online 2021-01-27 - 2021-01-27
LectureNess, Ottar. (2021) Samskaping og kommune 3.0 i praksis. Trondheim Kommune Fagsamling Trondheim Kommune , Digitalt 2021-01-08 - 2021-01-08
Popular scientific lectureNess, Ottar. (2020) Mikrobekreftelser og mikroaggressjoner i psykisk helse og recovery. Jæren Recovery College Jæren Recovery College Nettskole 2020-05-18 - 2020-05-18
LectureNess, Ottar. (2020) Lokalsamfunnet som bedringsarena. Napha ACT/FACT konferansen , Virtuel 2020-11-16 - 2020-11-19
Academic lectureHeimburg, Dina Von; Ness, Ottar. (2020) Samskabelse – perspektiver på fremtidens velfærd. Joint Action Analytics Virtuel Relationel Velfærds konference , Virtuel 2020-11-27 - 2020-11-27
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2020) Relationel velfærd - genetablering av menneskelig værdighed. Joint Action Analytics Virtuel Relationel Velfærds konference , Virtuel 2020-11-27 - 2020-11-27
InterviewNess, Ottar. (2020) Folk som deltar lite i samfunnet må lyttes mer til . [Internet] 2020-01-22
Academic lectureLilja, Johan; Hansen, David; Ness, Ottar; Ahlin, Karin; Heimburg, Dina Von. (2020) Time for Universities to Step up as Agent for Collaborative Transformation? Towards co-producing and co-creating a better world for all, in time. Aalborg University International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities , Copenhagen 2020-04-23 - 2020-04-24
Programme participationNess, Ottar. (2020) Et nabolag til å bli lykkelig i. NRK P1+ God helg NRK P1+ God helg [Radio] 2020-08-16
InterviewNess, Ottar. (2020) Hva er recovery i praksis? Del 2. Recoverybloggen Recoverybloggen [Internet] 2020-09-02
LectureHøgås, Mariell; Ness, Ottar; Josephsson, Staffan; Elstad, Toril Anne; Alsaker, Sissel. (2020) Fortell gjennom foto - hva er helsehjelp for deg?. Trondheim Kommune Akademiet for Trondheim Kommune 2020-02-06 - 2020-02-06
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2019) Relational recovery in mental healthcare and narrative therapy. Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy / Trondheim Municipali Therapeutic Conversations 2 - Norway , Trondheim 2019-04-03 - 2019-04-05
LectureStorch, Jacob; Ness, Ottar. (2019) Relasjonell velferd i Skandinavia. Åpning av Sentralen for relasjonell 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-20
Academic lectureNess, Ottar; Storch, Jacob. (2019) Relational Welfare, recovery and wellbeing in mental health work. Joint Action Nordic Conference on Relational Welfare , Aarhus 2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28
LectureNess, Ottar. (2019) Recovery, familiearbejde og overskridende processer. Metalog 4. Metalogkonference , Sorø 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-28
LectureHeimburg, Dina Von; Ness, Ottar. (2019) Relasjonell velferd, samskaping og folkehelse. Vefsn kommune Folkehelsekonferansen i Vefsn kommune , Mosjøen 2019-03-11 - 2019-03-11
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2019) Samskaping og styrkebasert tilnærming for å skape verdige liv for alle, knyttet til bærekraftmålene. Relasjonell kapasitet, hva er det?. Buskerud Fylkeskommune, NTNU Læringsfestival , Oslo 2019-04-25 - 2019-04-26
LectureNess, Ottar; Ingdal, Ella. (2019) Relasjonell velferd. Universitetskommunen: NTNU og Trondheim kommune Arbeidslivskonferansen NTNU , Trondheim 2019-11-08 - 2019-11-08
LectureHeimburg, Dina Von; Ness, Ottar. (2019) Relasjonell velferd og samskaping. Nord Universitet, Levanger kommune og KS Dagsseminar: Samskaping av fellesskapsverdier i kommunen , Levanger 2019-11-12 -
LectureNess, Ottar. (2019) Relasjonell velferd og samarbeidsbasert forskning – erfaringer og metode. Høgskolen Innlandet Gjesteforelesning , Lillehammer 2019-01-22 - 2019-01-22
Popular scientific lectureNess, Ottar; Dahl, Ingvild. (2019) Stein Saks Papir - Sterkere barnefellesskap. NTNU Big Challenge - Vitenskapsfestival , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-16
LectureNess, Ottar; Storch, Jacob; Heimburg, Dina Von; Langås, Susanne Vollan. (2019) Relasjonell velferd og lokalsamfunnsutvikling. Joint Action Nordic Conference on Relational Welfare , Aarhus 2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28
InterviewNess, Ottar. (2019) Relational Recovery and Citizenship. Therapeutic Conversations TV Therapeutic Conversations TV [TV] 2019-06-03
InterviewÅbø, Regine; Viddal, Kristine Rensvik; Ness, Ottar; Langvik, Eva . (2019) Hva kjennetegner ung kjærlighet?. [Internet] 2019-03-14
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Relasjonell recovery: å arbeide med sosial inklusjon gjennom samskaping i lokalsamfunnet. Stiftelsen Psykopp Schizofrenidagene , Stavanger 2018-11-07 - 2018-11-10
PosterHøgås, Mariell; Ness, Ottar; Alsaker, Sissel. (2018) Dokumentasjon og helsehjelp i lavterskeltilbud. Napha - Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid Forskningskonferanse: Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid - utfordringer og muligheter for psykisk helsearbeid , Trondheim 2018-10-09 - 2018-10-10
Academic lectureReams, Jonathan; Reams, Juliane; Fikse, Camilla; Ness, Ottar. (2018) Leadership Development as Growing up and Cleaning up. International Leadership Association International Leadership Association conference , West Palm Beach, Florida 2018-10-25 - 2018-10-27
Popular scientific lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Systemisk Cafe med Ottar Ness. Norsk forening for familieterapi Systemisk Cafe , Ørland 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-26
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Dialogical Practices in Challenging Situations. Brazil Family Therapy Association DIALOGICAL PRACTICES IN CHALLENGING SITUATIONS , Sao Paulo 2018-10-19 - 2018-10-20
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Relational Recovery in Mental Health and Family Therapy. Brazil Family Therapy Association DIALOGICAL PRACTICES IN CHALLENGING SITUATIONS , Sao Paulo 2018-10-19 - 2018-10-20
Academic lectureDavidson, Larry; Ness, Ottar. (2018) Recovery and Family Therapy. Norsk forening for familieterapi Juleseminaret for Norsk forening for familieterapi , Oslo 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-06
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Relational Recovery in Mental Health. Joint Action International Conference on Relational Welfare , Århus 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Relasjonell Recovery og Åpen Dialog. Joint Action International Conference on Relational Welfare , Århus 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2018) Relational Recvoery in Mental Health and Addiction. Narativ HORIZONS 2018 , Ostrava 2018-05-03 - 2018-05-05
Academic lectureSchrank, Beate; Jovanovic, Nikolina; Abiskup, Ewelina; Dimech, Catherine; Luciano, Mayol; Mahlke, Candelaria. (2017) What mental health services should be available after the postnatal period?. European Psychiatric Association (EPA) 25th European Congress of Psychiatry , Florence 2017-04-01 - 2017-04-04
Academic lectureMæland, Ingebjørg; Ness, Ottar. (2017) Appreciate Inquiry with adolescents at risk. Joint-Action International conference on Relational Welfare, , Aarhus 2017-06-21 -
LectureNess, Ottar. (2017) Insentiver på samhandling innen psykisk helse og rustjenester. KS KS Læringsnettverk , Stavanger 2017-02-15 -
Academic lecture
Academic lectureNess, Ottar; Torsteinsson, Vigdis Wie; Berglund, Gustaf. (2017) Focus on writing in a Scientific Journal. Icelandic Family Therapy Association Nordic Family Therapy Congress , Reykjavik 2017-05-31 -
Academic lectureMadigan, Stephen; Forest, Jean-Luc; Grau-Kristensen, Helene; Ness, Ottar. (2017) Theory, Questions and Practices Designed for Conflicted Couple Relationships. Vancoucer School of Narrative Therapy Therapeutic Conversations Conference 14 , Vancouver 2017-04-29 -
PosterSælør, Knut Tore; Ness, Ottar; Borg, Marit; Biong, Stian. (2017) You never know what´s around the next corner: Exploring practitioners` hope inspiring practices. World Association on Dual Disorders First world congress of the world association on dual disorders , Madrid 2017-03-23 - 2017-03-24
Academic lectureFikse, Camilla; Ness, Ottar. (2017) Multi-Stage Process Research Examining a Public Leadership Development Program. ILA- International Leadership Association, Inc. Leadership in Turbulent Times. 19th Annual Global Conference , Brussel 2017-10-12 -
Academic lectureSyrstad, Ellen; Slettebø, Tor; Ness, Ottar. (2017) Å bringe inn flere stemmer i forskningen: erfaringer fra bruk av medforskere i et ph.d. prosjekt. Høyskolen i Lillehammer Nasjonal konferanse om brukermedvirkning i forskning , Lillehammer 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-17
LectureNess, Ottar. (2016) Introduksjon til Recovery. Napha og Stjørdal DPS Sokratesseminaret , Stjørdal 2016-10-12 -
Academic lectureStorch, Jacob; Ness, Ottar. (2016) RELATIONEL IDENTITET: Hvordan professionelle og borgere skaber hinanden som komplementære identiteter. Joint Action, Mandag Morgen, MacMann Berg, VIA University International Relational Welfare Conference , Århus 2016-08-22 - 2016-08-24
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2015) Collaborative Action Research Methodology: researching with people instead of on or about them. University of Sao Paolo Presentation at the University of Sao Paolo , Ribeirao Preto 2015-06-02 - 2015-06-02
LectureNess, Ottar. (2015) Appreciative Inquiry og psykisk helsearbeid. Arbeidsinstiuttet i Buskerud og Lent Nordisk Appreciative Inquiry Congress , Drammen 2015-02-12 - 2015-02-12
Academic lectureStorch, Jacon; Ness, Ottar. (2015) Collaborative identities - How relational thinking changes who we can become. Taos Institute Europe and Joint Action The first international conference on Relational Welfare , København 2015-07-27 - 2015-07-28
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2015) Considerations for a discourse of collaboration in family therapy. University of Sao Paolo Presentation at the University of Sao Paolo , Ribeirao Preto 2015-06-01 - 2015-06-01
Academic lectureMadigan, Stephen; Ness, Ottar. (2015) New Ideas in Narrative Therapy: Collective Discussions on the Learners Therapeutic Conversations 12 Learning Experiences as Live Action Research. Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy Therapeutic Conversations 12 , Vancouver 2015-04-29 - 2015-05-01
Academic lectureHolter, Marianne Therese Smogeli; Ness, Ottar; Johansen, Ayna; Brendryen, Håvar. (2015) Challenges in qualitative interviewing about user experience in eHealth: Moving beyond the superficial user interview. 29th conference of the EHPS: Principles of Behaviour Change in Health and Illness , Cypros 2015-09-01 - 2015-09-03
Academic lectureNess, Ottar; Sundet, Rolf. (2015) The why and how of collaboration in family therapy. Jagiellionian University presentation and Jagellionian University , Jagiellionian University 2015-09-17 - 2015-09-18
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2015) New Ideas in Narrative Therapy: Doing Action Research with People. Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy Therapeutic Conversations 12 , Vancouver 2015-04-29 - 2015-05-01
Academic lectureSundet, Rolf; Ness, Ottar. (2015) The CD and the OD in CDOI. Jagiellonian University presentation and Jagiellonian University , Jagiellonian University 2015-09-17 - 2015-09-18
PosterØrjasæter, Kristin Berre; Solbjør, Marit; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Ness, Ottar; Bjerkeset, Ottar. (2015) Recovery ved psykiske lidelser. Helse Midt Reginal forskningskonferanse i Helse Midt , Stjørdal 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-10
Academic lectureNess, Ottar. (2015) Brukermedvirkning i helsetjenesten. Buskerud Fylkeskommune, HBV Helse- og omsorgskonferansen i Buskerud Fylkeskommune , Drammen 2015-11-25 - 2015-11-26
PosterSommer, Mona Elisabeth; Ness, Ottar. (2015) Medvandrer og hverdagshjelper: Fagpersoners erfaringer med å styrke brukernes medborgerskap. Norsk Sykepleieforbund Sykepleieforskning i tiden - betydning for fremtidens helsetjeneste , Oslo 2015-06-08 - 2015-06-09
Popular scientific lectureSælør, Knut Tore; Ness, Ottar; Semb, Randi. (2015) Taking the plunge - Preliminary results from a qualitative study of hope within the mental health and substance abuse services. Sociedad Espanola de Patalogia Dual (SEPD) IV International Congress: Dual disorders, dual psychopathology - addictions and other mental disorders. , Barcelona 2015-04-17 -
PosterSælør, Knut Tore; Ness, Ottar; Holgersen, Helge; Davidson, Larry. (2015) Hope and revovery: A scoping review. Sociedad Espanola de Patalogia Dual (SEPD) IV International Congress: Dual disorders, dual psychopathology - addictions and other mental disorders. , Barcelona 2015-04-17 - 2015-04-20
Academic lectureNess , Ottar; Storch, Jacob. (2014) Leading and Organizing Therapeutic Outcomes Beyond the Therapeutic State. Taos Institute and HBV Beyond the Therapeutic State , Drammen 2014-06-26 - 2014-06-28
Academic lectureNess , Ottar. (2014) How to do Co-Research in Community Mental Health Care. Taos Institute Europe & Narativ Group The First Intenational Symposium on Relational Research , Praha 2014-01-12 - 2014-01-13
Academic lectureBergstrøm, Gustaf; Ness , Ottar. (2014) Fokus på Skrivande i Fokus: En interaktiv workshop om den ânnu oskrivna texten. Finland Family Therapy Association 10th Nordic Family Therapy Congress , Turku 2014-08-15 - 2014-08-17
Academic lectureNess , Ottar; Strong, Tom; Mudry, Tanya. (2014) Stabilities and Transitions Between Them: Practices and Actor Networks in Addiction and Recovery. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 , Crete 2014-09-02 - 2014-09-04
Academic lectureNess , Ottar; Blank, Alison; Sælør, Knut Tore; Semb, Randi. (2014) Equal Footing: Collaborative Practices in mental health and substance abuse services as multifaceted partnerships. Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College Recovery Research Network , London 2014-04-30 - 2014-04-30
InterviewNess , Ottar. (2014) Delt glede: Å vokse opp med skilte foreldre. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2014-12-20
InterviewNess , Ottar. (2014) Eksperter om barnas skilsmissejul: Møt barnas følelser. VG VG [Newspaper] 2014-12-22
Academic lectureStorch, Jacob; Ness , Ottar. (2014) Organisatioriske forudsætninger for terapeutiske effekter. Ramboll Attractor and Taos Institute Summer Institute , København 2014-07-04 - 2014-07-06
Academic lectureNess , Ottar. (2013) Samhandling i psykisk helsearbeid: perspektiver og praksiser. NAPHA Samhandlingskonferansen , Lillestrøm 2013-11-29 - 2013-11-29
PosterNess , Ottar; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Borg, Marit; Biong, Stian ; Sundet, Rolf; McCormack, Brendan. (2013) A model for collaborative practice in mental health- and substance abuse services. International Congress of Dual Diagnosis , Barcelona 2013-10-24 - 2013-10-26
Academic lectureSemb, Randi; Ness , Ottar; Borg, Marit. (2013) Tilhørighet og medborgerskap blant unge voksne med samtidig rus og psyskis lidelse - erfaringer og muligheter. NAPHA og Dialog og Fellesskap styrker forskningen i psykisk helsearbeid og rus. , Trondheim 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-26
Academic lectureNess , Ottar. (2013) Learning together: how to use co-operative inquiry and comprehensive analysis to enhance therapeutic practice. Ramboll Attractor and Taos Institute Summer Institute , København 2013-07-04 - 2013-07-06
Academic lectureNess , Ottar. (2013) Equal Footing: samarbeidende praksiser innen psykisk helse og rus som mangfoldig partnerskap. NAPHA Gjesteforelesning , Trondheim 2013-04-09 - 2013-04-09
Academic lectureNess , Ottar; Semb, Randi; Sælør, Knut Tore; Borg, Marit. (2013) Samarbeidende praksiser innen psykisk helse og rus som mangfoldig partnerskap. NAPHA og Dialog og Fellesskap styrker forskningen i psykisk helsearbeid og rus. , Trondheim 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-26
PosterSælør, Knut Tore; Ness , Ottar; Biong, Stian . (2013) Experiences of hope within the mental health and substance abuse services. Sociedad Espanola de Patalogia Dual (SEPD) 3rd International Congress : Dual disorders, dual pathology - addictions and other mental disorders. , Barcelona 2013-10-23 - 2013-10-26
PosterNess , Ottar; Karlsson, Bengt; Borg, Marit; Biong, Stian ; Sundet, Rolf; McCormack, Brendan. (2013) A Model for Collaborative Practice in Community Mental Health Care. III Congreso Internacional de Patología Dual Forskerkonferanse , Barcelona 2013-10-23 - 2013-10-26
Academic lectureNess , Ottar. (2012) Learning New Ideas and Practices Together: About a collaborative research project. European Family Therapy Association Research Event for the European Family Therapy Association , Diakonhjemmet University College 2012-06-14 - 2012-06-14
Academic lectureGaete, Joaquin; Ness , Ottar. (2012) Preferred positionings in supervision: Reflective practices for conflict transformation. Taos Institute & University of San Diego Relational Practices in Peacebuilding, Mediation and Conflict Transformation: From the Intimate to the International , San Diego 2012-11-14 - 2012-11-17
Academic lectureNess , Ottar; Strong, Tom. (2012) Enhancing and invigorating therapy´s conversational work: Collaborative inquiries with clients and colle