Øystein Marøy
Øystein Marøy received his PhD in 2019 at NTNU in the field of quantum cryptography. He now teaches physics for students at the Preparatory engineering course.
Talmo, Vegard Mjøsund;
Blokkum, Guri Kringstad;
Totland, Marte Oldervoll;
Myklebust, Astrid;
Marøy, Øystein.
Methods for Enhancing Students’ Reflection on Performances and Learning Strategies.
International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marøy, Øystein;
Krystad, Egil Grøndal.
Overføring av læring fra matematikk til fysikk ved forkurs for ingeniørutdanning.
Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Academic article
Talmo, Tord Mjøsund;
Karlsen, Helene Røli;
Bekiaridis, George;
Valenti, Alessia;
Marøy, Øystein;
Dafoulas, George.
IO1 - Guidelines to enhance the quality of Collaborative work through EdTech.
Talmo, Tord Mjøsund;
Marøy, Øystein;
Karlsen, Helene Røli.
Designing Learning Environments in a Digital Time – Experiences in Two Different Subjects at NTNU, Norway Autumn 2020.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Andersen, Trine Højberg;
Marøy, Øystein;
Korpås, Guri Sivertsen.
How to scale up an active learning design from 50 to 500 students.
Société européenne pour la formation des ingénieurs (SEFI)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marøy, Øystein;
Makarov, Vadim;
Skaar, Johannes.
Secure detection in quantum key distribution by real-time calibration of receiver.
Quantum Science and Technology
Academic article
Marøy, Øystein;
Gudmundsen, Magne;
Lydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel;
Skaar, Johannes.
Error estimation, error correction and verification in quantum key distribution.
IET Information Security
Academic article
Lydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel;
Jain, Nitin;
Wittmann, Christoffer;
Marøy, Øystein;
Skaar, Johannes;
Marquardt, Christoph.
Superlinear threshold detectors in quantum cryptography.
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA)
Academic article
Marøy, Øystein;
Lydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel;
Skaar, Johannes.
Security of quantum key distribution with arbitrary individual imperfections.
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA)
Academic article
Journal publications
Marøy, Øystein;
Krystad, Egil Grøndal.
Overføring av læring fra matematikk til fysikk ved forkurs for ingeniørutdanning.
Nordic Journal of STEM Education
Academic article
Talmo, Tord Mjøsund;
Marøy, Øystein;
Karlsen, Helene Røli.
Designing Learning Environments in a Digital Time – Experiences in Two Different Subjects at NTNU, Norway Autumn 2020.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Marøy, Øystein;
Makarov, Vadim;
Skaar, Johannes.
Secure detection in quantum key distribution by real-time calibration of receiver.
Quantum Science and Technology
Academic article
Marøy, Øystein;
Gudmundsen, Magne;
Lydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel;
Skaar, Johannes.
Error estimation, error correction and verification in quantum key distribution.
IET Information Security
Academic article
Lydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel;
Jain, Nitin;
Wittmann, Christoffer;
Marøy, Øystein;
Skaar, Johannes;
Marquardt, Christoph.
Superlinear threshold detectors in quantum cryptography.
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA)
Academic article
Marøy, Øystein;
Lydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel;
Skaar, Johannes.
Security of quantum key distribution with arbitrary individual imperfections.
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA)
Academic article
Part of book/report
Talmo, Vegard Mjøsund;
Blokkum, Guri Kringstad;
Totland, Marte Oldervoll;
Myklebust, Astrid;
Marøy, Øystein.
Methods for Enhancing Students’ Reflection on Performances and Learning Strategies.
International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Trine Højberg;
Marøy, Øystein;
Korpås, Guri Sivertsen.
How to scale up an active learning design from 50 to 500 students.
Société européenne pour la formation des ingénieurs (SEFI)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Talmo, Tord Mjøsund;
Karlsen, Helene Røli;
Bekiaridis, George;
Valenti, Alessia;
Marøy, Øystein;
Dafoulas, George.
IO1 - Guidelines to enhance the quality of Collaborative work through EdTech.
Academic lectureMarøy, Øystein; Krystad, Egil Grøndal. (2023) Overføring av læring fra matematikk til fysikk ved forkurs for ingeniørutdanning. UiS, UHR og NSR MNT-konferansen 2023 , Stavanger 2023-03-16 - 2023-03-17
LectureMarøy, Øystein. (2020) Å knytte sammen praktisk og teoretisk fysikkundervisning ved hjelp av interaktive læringsarealer og responsverktøy. NTNU & Diku Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2020-05-04 - 2020-05-05
LectureAndersen, Trine Højberg; Marøy, Øystein; Korpås, Guri Sivertsen. (2020) How to scale up an active learning design from 50 to 500 students (https://youtu.be/7ZCysLfzeQw). European Society for Engineering Education The 48th SEFI Annual Conference , Enschede, Nederland 2020-09-21 - 2020-12-24
Academic lectureLydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel; Makarov, Vadim; Skaar, Johannes; Marøy, Øystein. (2011) Bright illumination attacks: distributed-phase-reference protocols and countermeasures. Foredrag hos University of Toronto 2011-02-02 -
Academic lectureLydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel; Makarov, Vadim; Skaar, Johannes; Marøy, Øystein. (2011) Bright illumination attacks on QKD. Foredrag hos Institute of Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada 2011-02-04 -
Academic lectureLydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel; Makarov, Vadim; Skaar, Johannes; Marøy, Øystein. (2011) Weak after-gate attack and proposed secure gated detection scheme. Gjesteforedrag hos Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences 2011-01-11 -
Academic lectureLydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel; Makarov, Vadim; Skaar, Johannes; Marøy, Øystein. (2011) Superlinear threshold detectors in quantum cryptography. Quantum Information Computation and Processing 2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09
Academic lectureLydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel; Makarov, Vadim; Liu, Qin; Marøy, Øystein; Skaar, Johannes. (2010) QKD and Quantum Hacking. Foredrag hos Peking University 2010-11-15 -
Academic lectureLydersen, Lars Vincent Van de Wiel; Skaar, Johannes; Makarov, Vadim; Marøy, Øystein; Liu, Qin. (2010) Quantum key distribution and quantum hacking. Quantum Communication Workshop 2010 2010-02-01 - 2010-02-02
Academic lectureMakarov, Vadim; Liu, Qin; Lydersen, Lars Van De Wiel; Marøy, Øystein; Skaar, Johannes. (2010) Hacking quantum cryptography. Norwegian Electro-Optics Meeting 2010 , Ålesund 2010-04-07 - 2010-04-09
Academic lectureMarøy, Øystein; Skaar, Johannes; Lydersen, Lars Van De Wiel. (2009) Security of Quantum Key Distribution with Imperfect Equipment. Institute of photonic sciences, Barcelona 18th International Laser Physics Workshop , Barcelona 2009-07-13 - 2009-07-17
Academic lectureMarøy, Øystein. (2008) Quantum Cryptography. Nordforsk The 9th NordForsk Network Meeting , Trondheim 2008-11-03 - 2008-11-05
PosterMarøy, Øystein; Skaar, Johannes. (2008) Quantum Information Theory - Distinguishing Quantum States. Norsk Elektrooptikkmøte 2008 2008-03-26 - 2008-03-29