Pål Jarle Aune
I work as the administrative project manager for iCULTURE, a Horizon Europe-funded research program with 17 partners in 11 countries. Headquarters at the Department of Chemical Engineering. iCULTURE is a large EU Research Innovation Action project coordinated by Prof Bar at IKP, NTNU. It combines 9 industrial partners with 8 academic partners to solve societal problems with the exploitation, protection and management of marine resources. One goal is to produce antibiotics from recalcitrant biomass via digital fermentation technology.
I also work as the coordinator in SUBPRO-Zero, an externally funded research center at the Department of Chemical Engineering. SUBPRO Zero (SUstainable Bridge PROgram towards Zero emissions) is a multidisciplinary industry-funded research initiative that focuses on reducing emissions in the offshore industry and education of PhD candidates (approx. 10-15). The consortium consists of six NTNU Departments and 8 industry companies with activities on the Norwegian and Brazilian continental shelves.
Main tasks in iCULTURE
Administer the EU project iCulture
Coordinating the distribution of work between teams and task forces
Lead and administer the reports to the European Commission, including management of the electronic portal
Coordinating the utilization, dissemination and communication work. This includes working with technology transfer offices on IP issues, assisting with the preparation of public communication materials for the communications team.
Manage the daily coordination, follow-up and status updates of the various teams in the project
Attend (in person) and lead meetings with the work tasks around Europe, including planning the agenda, scientific, social activities, making summaries, minutes and reports.
Regular communication with the "Project Officer" in Brussels, electronically and in person.
Plan risk assessments, backup and forward strategies, update PERT and GANTT plans, identify risks and mitigating measures during the project, manage changes and deviations from the original plan.
Manage communication and activity between the "Project Officer", the consortium and the finance team at NTNU.
Main tasks in SUBPRO-Zero
Administrative support for project management
Communication and contact person for industrial partners, gathering information about activities in the project and forwarding it to internal and external partners
Planning, arranging and participating in workshops and meetings for the consortium, including follow-up work (meeting minutes, etc.)
Coordinating activities for Fellows (professional seminars, team building)
Prepare reports, publication lists, annual report and manage the website of SUBPRO Zero, and archiving for Industry partners (e.g. Sharepoint, etc)
Support for the project management in connection with the planning of new research initiatives (e.g. FME, SFI, SFF, etc.)
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu;
Korsnes, Marius;
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Yu, Yang;
Liu, Chang.
Urban Living Labs as Instruments of Open Innovation: Examples of
Sino–European Cooperation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Horvat, Manfred;
Yue, Liu;
Li, Yun;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu.
Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for EU-China Cooperation on Sustainable Urbanisation No.1.
URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation
Part of book/report
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu;
Korsnes, Marius;
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Yu, Yang;
Liu, Chang.
Urban Living Labs as Instruments of Open Innovation: Examples of
Sino–European Cooperation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aune, Pål Jarle;
Horvat, Manfred;
Yue, Liu;
Li, Yun;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Wang, Yu.
Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for EU-China Cooperation on Sustainable Urbanisation No.1.
URBAN-EU-CHINA Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation
LectureWyckmans, Annemie; Wang, Yu; Aune, Pål Jarle. (2018) Urban Innovation as a Driver for EU-China Cooperation. China Academy of Urban Planning and Design The 2018 China-EU Conference on Sustainable Urbanisation “Digital Xiong’an: Empowering the Future" , Beijing 2018-12-12 - 2018-12-12