Pål Kvello
Pål Kvello was trained as a general teacher at Nord-Trøndelag University College, and he continued with a master's degree and a doctoral degree in biology at Dr. Hanna Mustaparta's laboratory, department of biology, NTNU. There he studied how the nervous system of insects detects and processes information about taste qualities. This work continued with a post-doctoral position in Dr. Kristin Scott's laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, where Pål studied how taste neurons in the central nervous system influence feeding behavior in fruit flies. Due to a lack of methods to identify functional connections between neurons in fruit flies, Pål started a post-doctoral period in Dr. Menno Witter's laboratory at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience to learn whole-cell multipatch electrophysiology. With this method, he investigated how neurons in different layers of the cerebral cortex in rats and mice are connected in neural networks. Using a transgenic rat model for Alzheimer's disease, he also investigated how this disease can affect the function of neurons and networks in the entorhinal part of the cerebral cortex. Currently, Pål Kvello has his own research group at the Department of Teacher Education https://www.ntnu.no/web/ilu/nevrodidaktikk where the aim is to develop methods and material to increase students' knowledge of the nervous system, as well as the application of this knowledge in other fields.
Kvello, Pål.
Insect Taste.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg;
Hokkanen, Heikki;
Wang, Jinjun;
Liu, Huai;
Jiang, Hongbo;
Boeraeve, Fanny.
Outlook for Ecostacking.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvello, Pål.
Mapping lower secondary school students’ conceptions of three aspects critical for understanding the nervous system.
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Gericke, Niklas Markus.
Didaktiska perspektiv på undervisning om nervsystemet.
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Gericke, Niklas.
Identifying knowledge important to teach
about the nervous system in the context of
secondary biology and science education–A
Delphi study.
Academic article
KC, Pramod;
Chu, Xi;
Kvello, Pål;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Wang, Gui-Rong;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Revisiting the Labial Pit Organ Pathway in the Noctuid Moth, Helicoverpa armigera.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Chu, Xi;
KC, Pramod;
Ian, Elena;
Kvello, Pål;
Liu, Yand;
Wang, Guirong.
Neuronal architecture of the second-order CO2 pathway in the brain of a noctuid moth.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Barstad, Stine Slaatsveen;
Rønning, Bernt;
Moen, Elin Tronsaune;
Østerlie, Ove.
Omvendt undervisning versus tradisjonell undervisning i
naturfag på ungdomsskolen: En studie av elevers motivasjon,
forberedelser og læringsutbytte.
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO)
Academic article
Heggland, Ingrid;
Kvello, Pål;
Witter, Menno.
Electrophysiological Characterization of Networks and Single Cells in the Hippocampal Region of a Transgenic Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Academic article
Pool, Allan-Hermann;
Kvello, Pål;
Mann, Kevin;
Cheung, Samantha;
Gordon, Michael;
Wang, Liming.
Four GABAergic Interneurons Impose Feeding Restraint in Drosophila.
Academic article
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen;
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Representation of pheromones, interspecific signals, and plant odors in higher olfactory centers; mapping physiologically identified antennal-lobe projection neurons in the male heliothine moth.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål.
Popular scientific book
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Kvello, Pål;
Kirkerud, Nicholas;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Activity in neurons of a putative protocerebral circuit representing information about a 10 component plant odor blend in Heliothis virescens.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
Inside a moth`s brain.
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
Forskning i verdenstoppen.
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
I hodet på en nattsvermer.
VG : Verdens gang
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Jørgensen, Kari;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Central gustatory neurons integrate taste quality information from four appendages in the moth Heliothis virescens.
Journal of Neurophysiology
Academic article
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Kvello, Pål;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Integration of the antennal lobe glomeruli and three projection neurons in the standard brain atlas of the moth Heliothis virescens.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Rybak, Jürgen;
Menzel, Randolf;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Digital, three-dimensional average shaped atlas of the Heliothis virescens brain with integrated gustatory and olfactory neurons.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål.
Neurons forming the network involved in gustatory coding and learning in the moth Heliothis virescens: Physiological and morphological characterisation, and integration into a standard brain atlas.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Doctoral dissertation
Kvello, Pål;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
A confined taste area in a lepidopteran brain.
Arthropod structure & development
Academic article
Jørgensen, Kari;
Kvello, Pål;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Two closely located areas in the suboesophageal ganglion and the tritocerebrum receive projections of gustatory receptor neurons located on the antennae and the proboscis in the moth Heliothis virescens.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Academic article
Journal publications
Kvello, Pål.
Mapping lower secondary school students’ conceptions of three aspects critical for understanding the nervous system.
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Gericke, Niklas Markus.
Didaktiska perspektiv på undervisning om nervsystemet.
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Gericke, Niklas.
Identifying knowledge important to teach
about the nervous system in the context of
secondary biology and science education–A
Delphi study.
Academic article
KC, Pramod;
Chu, Xi;
Kvello, Pål;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Wang, Gui-Rong;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Revisiting the Labial Pit Organ Pathway in the Noctuid Moth, Helicoverpa armigera.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Chu, Xi;
KC, Pramod;
Ian, Elena;
Kvello, Pål;
Liu, Yand;
Wang, Guirong.
Neuronal architecture of the second-order CO2 pathway in the brain of a noctuid moth.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Barstad, Stine Slaatsveen;
Rønning, Bernt;
Moen, Elin Tronsaune;
Østerlie, Ove.
Omvendt undervisning versus tradisjonell undervisning i
naturfag på ungdomsskolen: En studie av elevers motivasjon,
forberedelser og læringsutbytte.
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO)
Academic article
Heggland, Ingrid;
Kvello, Pål;
Witter, Menno.
Electrophysiological Characterization of Networks and Single Cells in the Hippocampal Region of a Transgenic Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Academic article
Pool, Allan-Hermann;
Kvello, Pål;
Mann, Kevin;
Cheung, Samantha;
Gordon, Michael;
Wang, Liming.
Four GABAergic Interneurons Impose Feeding Restraint in Drosophila.
Academic article
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen;
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Representation of pheromones, interspecific signals, and plant odors in higher olfactory centers; mapping physiologically identified antennal-lobe projection neurons in the male heliothine moth.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Kvello, Pål;
Kirkerud, Nicholas;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Activity in neurons of a putative protocerebral circuit representing information about a 10 component plant odor blend in Heliothis virescens.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
Inside a moth`s brain.
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
Forskning i verdenstoppen.
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye.
I hodet på en nattsvermer.
VG : Verdens gang
Popular scientific article
Kvello, Pål;
Jørgensen, Kari;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Central gustatory neurons integrate taste quality information from four appendages in the moth Heliothis virescens.
Journal of Neurophysiology
Academic article
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Kvello, Pål;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Integration of the antennal lobe glomeruli and three projection neurons in the standard brain atlas of the moth Heliothis virescens.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Rybak, Jürgen;
Menzel, Randolf;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Digital, three-dimensional average shaped atlas of the Heliothis virescens brain with integrated gustatory and olfactory neurons.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Academic article
Kvello, Pål;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
A confined taste area in a lepidopteran brain.
Arthropod structure & development
Academic article
Jørgensen, Kari;
Kvello, Pål;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Two closely located areas in the suboesophageal ganglion and the tritocerebrum receive projections of gustatory receptor neurons located on the antennae and the proboscis in the moth Heliothis virescens.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Academic article
Kvello, Pål.
Popular scientific book
Part of book/report
Kvello, Pål.
Insect Taste.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg;
Hokkanen, Heikki;
Wang, Jinjun;
Liu, Huai;
Jiang, Hongbo;
Boeraeve, Fanny.
Outlook for Ecostacking.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvello, Pål.
Neurons forming the network involved in gustatory coding and learning in the moth Heliothis virescens: Physiological and morphological characterisation, and integration into a standard brain atlas.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Gericke, Niklas. (2023) Identifying knowledge important to teach about the nervous system in the context of secondary biology and science education. ESERA ESERA , Cappadocia 2023-08-28 - 2023-09-01
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Lundheim, Lars Magne. (2023) Utvikling av modeller for å øke elevenens forståelse av nervesystemet. Naturfagsenteret Hellseminar , Hell 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
Programme managementBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Chu, Xi; Kymre, Jonas Hansen; Kvello, Pål; Ian, Elena; Haug, Mikkel N.. (2022) Luktesystemets gåter. Trondheim, Forskningstorget 2022 Trondheim, Forskningstorget 2022 [Internet] 2022-09-23
Academic lectureKvello, Pål. (2022) Utvikling av undervisningen om nervesystemet i grunnskolen. Institutt for realfag, Høgskulen i Volda Invitert presentasjon , Volda 2022-05-07 - 2022-05-07
Academic lectureKvello, Pål. (2022) Ungdomsskoleelevers forståelse av nervesystemet. Naturfagsenteret Hell konferansen , Hell 2022-11-15 - 2022-11-16
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Gericke, Niklas. (2021) Identifisering av kunnskap om nervesystemet som det er viktig å undervise om . Naturfagsenteret Hell konferansen , Hell 2021-11-17 - 2021-11-18
Academic lectureKvello, Pål. (2019) Mapping the neural network underlying insect taste and feeding behavior. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Gjesteforelesning , Bejing 2019-03-25 - 2019-03-25
PosterKC, Pramod; Chu, Xi; Kvello, Pål; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Mapping CO2 pathways in the noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera. 16th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Sardinia 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Sneltvedt, Trym; Rotevatn, Synnøve Andersen; Bogfjellmo, Bendik; Kristoffersen, Marius Grønby. (2018) Å bygge hjerner. DIKUT Norgesuniversitetets høstkonferanse , Tromsø 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-20
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Sneltvedt, Trym; Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Feren, Kari; Malmo, Jan Tore; Cyvin, Jardar. (2017) From single neuron to brain function - a neural network building kit developed to fill in the missing link in school. NTNU Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-09
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Nyholm, Henrik; Nedregård, Benjamin; Sneltvedt, Trym; Malmo, Jan Tore. (2017) Å bygge hjerner i grunnskolen. Naturfagsenteret Hell-seminaret , Hell 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-17
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Barstad, Stine Slaatsveen; Østerlie, Ove; Moen, Elin. (2016) Omvendt undervisning eller tradisjonell undervisning. Hva er best?. Nasjonalt nettverk for naturfagutdanning og Naturfagsenteret Forskerskole for lærerutdannere i naturfag , Oslo 2016-10-21 - 2016-10-21
PosterKvello, Pål; Amissah, Richard Quansah; Nilssen, Eirik Stamland; Witter, Menno. (2015) Connectivity and Molecular Identity of Principal Neurons in Layer Three of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex. Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience Nordic Neuroscience , Trondheim 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-12
PosterHeggland, Ingrid; Kvello, Pål; Witter, Menno. (2015) Electrophysiological characterisation of entorhinal layer II principal cells in pre-plaque McGill-R-Thy1-APP transgenic rats. Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience Nordic Neuroscience , Trondheim 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-12
InterviewKvello, Pål. (2013) Forsker på hjerne, fantaserer om lykke. Byavisa.no Byavisa.no [Internet] 2013-11-19
Academic lectureZhao, Xin-Cheng; Kvello, Pål; Løfaldli, Bjarte; Mustaparta, Hanna; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2011) Representation of pheromones and plant odors in protocerebral regions of the male heliothine moth. European Society of Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) International scientific conference , St. Petersburg 2011-09-19 - 2011-09-25
Academic lectureKvello, Pål. (2010) I hodet på en svermer. Behandling av lukt- og smaksinformasjon i hjernen hos et skadeinsekt. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab`s Akademi , Katedralskolens festsal 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-11
Academic lectureMustaparta, Hanna; Kvello, Pål; Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye. (2010) Chemosensory coding and learning in the moth Heliothis virescens: searching for the neuonal network involved. D. Eisenhardt, CG Galizia, and M Giurfa Honeybee Neuroscience-a New, Old Model System, Bridging the Genomics, Physiology and Behavior. Where to in the Next 50 Years? , University of Berlin 2010-06-10 - 2010-06-13
InterviewKvello, Pål; Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye. (2009) I hodet på en svermer. Gemini Gemini [Newspaper] 2009-12-09
Academic lectureKvello, Pål. (2009) Integration in central neurons of gustatory information from four appendages in the moth Heliothis virescens. European symposium for insect taste and olfaction European symposium for insect taste and olfaction , Sardinia 2009-09-19 - 2009-09-24
Academic lectureKvello, Pål. (2009) Integration in central neurons of gustatory information from four appendages in the moth Heliothis virescens. European Chemoreception Research Organisation European Chemoreception Research Organisation , Sardinia 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-27
PosterStranden, Marit; Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye; Kvello, Pål; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2008) Integration of characterized olfactory interneurons into the standard brain atlas of the moth Heliothis virescens. The 15th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISO The 15th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT)/ The 30th Annual meeting of Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) , San Francisco 2008-07-21 - 2008-07-26
PosterKvello, Pål; Jørgensen, Kari; Rø, Helge; Mustaparta, Hanna; Stranden, Marit. (2006) The neural pathways involved in olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension response in Heliothis virescens. The Institute fo Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of The 14th Jerusalem spring school in life science "The sense of smell" , Jerusalem 2006-04-02 - 2006-04-06
PosterKvello, Pål; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2005) The contact chemosensilla Sensilla styloconica on the proboscis of Heliothis virescens and the projection pattern of the associated receptor neurones in the central nervous system. International society of chemical ecology Poster , Washington DC 2005-07-23 - 2005-07-27
Academic lectureJørgensen, Kari; Kvello, Pål; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2004) Two closely located areas in the suboesophageal ganglion receive projections of the taste receptor neurons located on the antennae and the proboscis in Heliothis virescens. International symposium on chemical senses and insect behavior 2004-07-10 - 2004-07-11
PosterJørgensen, Kari; Kvello, Pål; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2004) Projection patterns in the brain of receptor neurons in contact chemosensilla on the antennae of Heliothis virescens. European chemoreception research organisation 2004-09-12 - 2004-09-15
PosterJørgensen, Kari; Kvello, Pål; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2004) Projection patterns in the brain of receptor neurons in contact chemosensilla on the antennae of Heliothis virescens. International symposium on olfaction and taste 2004-07-05 - 2004-07-09