Per Johan Brandvik
Adjunct professor (Professor II) in Marin Organic Pollution (20% position). See also my page at SINTEF Ocean where I am a Senior Scientist (Environmental Risk and Modelling).
Research interests:
- Marine pollution focusing on pollution from the oil and energy sector.
- Weathering processes in marine oil spills
- Release processes and modelling of subsea pollution
- Modelling of fate and effects of marine pollution
- Detection of marine pollution
- Response or mittigation technology for marine pollutiuon
- Experimental and field verification of processes and technology
Main duty at NTNU:
- KJ3050
- Supervision of Master- and PhD-candidates.
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode;
Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes;
McKeever, Thomas J..
Effectiveness of Subsea Mechanical Dispersion (SSMD) as a Function of Oil Properties.
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Leirvik, Frode;
Pettersen, Thor-Arne;
Skancke, Jørgen.
Predicting ignitability of oil slicks for in-situ burning operations as a function of weathering and oil properties .
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes.
Experiments to Study Weathering of Surface Oil Slicks Resulting from Sub Sea Dispersant Injection (SSDI) Operation.
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Krause, Daniel Franklin;
Leirvik, Frode;
Daling, Per Snorre.
Reducing oil droplet sizes from a subsea oil and gas release by water jetting a laboratory study performed at different scales.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode;
Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes;
McKeever, Thomas J..
Simulating dispersion of oils from a subsea release comparing mechanical and chemically enhanced dispersion — An experimental study of the influence of oil properties.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Zhao, Lin;
Nedwed, Tim J.;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Investigation of the spreading tendency of emulsified oil slicks on open systems.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Leirvik, Frode;
Johansen, Øistein;
Belore, Randy.
Large-scale basin testing to simulate realistic oil droplet distributions from subsea release of oil and the effect of subsea dispersant injection.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Storey, Chris;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Johansen, Øistein.
Combined releases of oil and gas under pressure; the influence of live oil and natural gas on initial oil droplet formation.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Leirvik, Frode;
Krause, Daniel Franklin.
Interfacial tension between oil and seawater as a function of dispersant dosage.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Davies, Emlyn John;
Dunnebier, Dorien;
Johansen, Øistein;
Masutani, Stephen M.;
Nagamine, Ike;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Shedding from chemically-treated oil droplets rising in seawater.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Storey, Chris;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Leirvik, Frode.
Quantification of oil droplets under high pressure laboratory experiments simulating deep water oil releases and subsea dispersants injection (SSDI).
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Dunnebier, Dorien;
Makatounis, Panagiotis Eleftherios;
Leirvik, Frode;
Krause, Daniel Franklin.
A Proposed New Laboratory Protocol for Dispersant Effectiveness Testing Adapted for Subsea Dispersant Injection.
Journal of Environmental Protection
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie;
Sørheim, Kristin Rist.
Modernisation and updating of SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM} - Extending and recalibration of the Crude Assay (CA) module in SINTEF OWM.
Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri.
The sensitivity of the surface oil signature to subsurface dispersant injection and weather conditions.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øystein;
Leirvik, Frode;
Krause, Daniel Franklin;
Daling, Per Snorre.
Subsea dispersants injection (SSDI), effectiveness of different dispersant injection techniques – An experimental approach.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brakstad, Odd Gunnar;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar;
Meier, Sonnich.
2017:00007 A - SubSea Dispersant lnjection (SSDI)- a "state of the art" and the need for further documentations.
Davies, Emlyn John;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode;
Nepstad, Raymond.
The use of wide-band transmittance imaging to size and classify suspended particulate matter in seawater.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Hansen, Sondre Kværne;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Leaching of surfactants as a function of oil droplet size and surfactant properties. An approach using mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Makatounis, Panagiotis Eleftherios;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Florou, Evanthia;
Stamou, Anastasios;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Management of oil spill contamination in the Gulf of Patras caused by an accidental subsea blowout.
Environmental Pollution (1987)
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Bradly, Cole;
Storey, Chris;
Leirvik, Frode.
Subsurface oil releases - Verification of dispersant effectiveness under high pressure.
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Singsaas, Ivar;
Sørstrøm, Stein Erik.
The value of offshore field experiments in oil spill technology development for Norwegian waters.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Belay, Masho Hilawie;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Oil spill forensics - Identification of Sources for Illegal Oil Spills. A New Approach Combining Multivariate Statistics and Gas Chromatography and Mass-Spectrometry (GC-MS).
Masters thesis
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Comparison of predicted properties of Ekofisk oils based on Crude Assay data - Evaluation of the predicted behaviour of satellites relative to previous studies.
Marchenko, Aleksey;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Surface heating of oil spills in ice conditions.
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions
Academic article
Dunnebier, Dorien Anna Engelbertha;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Experimental and modeling study of subsea releases of oil and gas.
Masters thesis
Daling, Per Snorre;
Leirvik, Frode;
Almås, Inger Kjersti;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Hansen, Bjørn Henrik;
Lewis, Alun.
Surface weathering and dispersibility of MC252 crude oil.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øistein;
Farooq, Umer;
Glen, Angell;
Leirvik, Frode.
Subsurface oil releases – Experimental study of droplet distributions and different dispersant injection techniques Version 2.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Leirvik, Frode;
Johansen, Øistein.
Subsea Dispersant Effectiveness Bench-Scale Test Protocol Development and Documentation.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øistein;
Leirvik, Frode;
Farooq, Umer;
Daling, Per Snorre.
Droplet breakup in subsurface oil releases - Part 1: Experimental study of droplet breakup and effectiveness of dispersant injection.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Johansen, Øistein;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Farooq, Umer.
Droplet breakup in subsea oil releases - Part 2: Predictions of droplet size distributions with and without injection of chemical dispersants.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Ascanius, Birgit Elkjær;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Villumsen, Arne;
Stenby, Erling H..
Composition of in situ burn residue as a function of weathering conditions.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øistein;
Farooq, Umer;
Glen, Angell.
Sub-surface oil releases - Experimental study of droplet distributions and different dispersant injection techniques.
SINTEF Rapport
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Hansen, Bjørn Henrik;
Altin, Dag;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Chemical composition and acute toxicity in the water after in situ burning - A laboratory experiment.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Villumsen, Arne;
Stenby, Erling H..
Comparing ignitability for in situ burning of oil spills for an asphaltenic, a waxy and a light crude oil as a function of weathering conditions under arctic conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark;
Leirvik, Frode;
Børseth, Jan Fredrik.
Large-scale oil-in-ice experiment in the Barents Sea: Monitoring of oil in water and MetOcean interactions.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Measuring ignitability for in situ burning of oil spills weathered under Arctic conditions: From laboratory studies to large-scale field experiments.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Durgut, Ismail;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode.
Modelling of oil in ice with OSCAR. Oil in ice JIP - Report no. 35.
SINTEF Rapport
Leirvik, Frode;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Almås, Inger Kjersti.
Weathering properties at sea of the Macondo MC252 crude oil.
SINTEF Rapport
Bradford, John H.;
Dickins, David F.;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Assessing the potential to detect oil spills in and under snow using airborne ground-penetrating radar.
Academic article
Strøm, Tove;
Hetland, Ben Arve;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Weathering properties of Gullfaks A and Gullfaks C blends and description of the TRIMIX model. Final.
SINTEF Rapport
Sørheim, Kristin Rist;
Leirvik, Frode;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Kartlegging av forvitringsegenskaper av Norne Blend, Stær, Svale og Alve samt effekt av voksinhibitor på Norne Blend.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri.
Weathering processes in Arctic oil spills: Meso-scale experiments with different ice conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri.
Weathering processes in Arctic oil spills. Meso-scale field experiments with different ice conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Almås, Inger Kjersti;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Sørheim, Kristin Rist.
Oljesølidentifikasjon i forbindelse med havariet av ”Full City” (Kystverket).
SINTEF Rapport
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Almås, Inger Kjersti;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Oljeanalyser fra ”Full City” havariet (Bamble Lensmannskontor).
SINTEF Rapport
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from Arctic marine oil spills - A combined laboratory and field study.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Sydnes, L.K..
Composition of the water accommodated fractions as a function of exposure times and temperatures.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from oil encapsulated in Arctic sea ice: Summary of three field seasons.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Brakstad, O.G.;
Nonstad, Ingunn;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Responses of microbial communities in Arctic sea ice after contamination by crude petroleum oil.
Microbial Ecology
Academic article
Brakstad, Odd Gunnar;
Nonstad, Ingunn;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Microbial communities in Arctic fjord ice contaminated with crude petroleum oils.
Microbial Ecology
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode.
Weathering properties of the Morvin oil - Final version.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode.
Weathering properties of the Trestakk oil - Final versio.
SINTEF Rapport
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from oil encapsulated in Arctic sea ice. Summary of three field seasons.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from Arctic marine oil spills – a combined laboratory and field study.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Roiha, Irja Sunde;
Øvreås, Lise;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Enrichment, isolation, and phylogenetic characterisation of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from oil-contaminated tundra.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode;
Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes;
McKeever, Thomas J..
Effectiveness of Subsea Mechanical Dispersion (SSMD) as a Function of Oil Properties.
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Leirvik, Frode;
Pettersen, Thor-Arne;
Skancke, Jørgen.
Predicting ignitability of oil slicks for in-situ burning operations as a function of weathering and oil properties .
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes.
Experiments to Study Weathering of Surface Oil Slicks Resulting from Sub Sea Dispersant Injection (SSDI) Operation.
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Krause, Daniel Franklin;
Leirvik, Frode;
Daling, Per Snorre.
Reducing oil droplet sizes from a subsea oil and gas release by water jetting a laboratory study performed at different scales.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode;
Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes;
McKeever, Thomas J..
Simulating dispersion of oils from a subsea release comparing mechanical and chemically enhanced dispersion — An experimental study of the influence of oil properties.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Zhao, Lin;
Nedwed, Tim J.;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Investigation of the spreading tendency of emulsified oil slicks on open systems.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Leirvik, Frode;
Johansen, Øistein;
Belore, Randy.
Large-scale basin testing to simulate realistic oil droplet distributions from subsea release of oil and the effect of subsea dispersant injection.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Storey, Chris;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Johansen, Øistein.
Combined releases of oil and gas under pressure; the influence of live oil and natural gas on initial oil droplet formation.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Leirvik, Frode;
Krause, Daniel Franklin.
Interfacial tension between oil and seawater as a function of dispersant dosage.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Davies, Emlyn John;
Dunnebier, Dorien;
Johansen, Øistein;
Masutani, Stephen M.;
Nagamine, Ike;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Shedding from chemically-treated oil droplets rising in seawater.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Storey, Chris;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Leirvik, Frode.
Quantification of oil droplets under high pressure laboratory experiments simulating deep water oil releases and subsea dispersants injection (SSDI).
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Dunnebier, Dorien;
Makatounis, Panagiotis Eleftherios;
Leirvik, Frode;
Krause, Daniel Franklin.
A Proposed New Laboratory Protocol for Dispersant Effectiveness Testing Adapted for Subsea Dispersant Injection.
Journal of Environmental Protection
Academic article
Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri.
The sensitivity of the surface oil signature to subsurface dispersant injection and weather conditions.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øystein;
Leirvik, Frode;
Krause, Daniel Franklin;
Daling, Per Snorre.
Subsea dispersants injection (SSDI), effectiveness of different dispersant injection techniques – An experimental approach.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Davies, Emlyn John;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode;
Nepstad, Raymond.
The use of wide-band transmittance imaging to size and classify suspended particulate matter in seawater.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Makatounis, Panagiotis Eleftherios;
Skancke, Jørgen;
Florou, Evanthia;
Stamou, Anastasios;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Management of oil spill contamination in the Gulf of Patras caused by an accidental subsea blowout.
Environmental Pollution (1987)
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Singsaas, Ivar;
Sørstrøm, Stein Erik.
The value of offshore field experiments in oil spill technology development for Norwegian waters.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Marchenko, Aleksey;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Surface heating of oil spills in ice conditions.
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions
Academic article
Daling, Per Snorre;
Leirvik, Frode;
Almås, Inger Kjersti;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Hansen, Bjørn Henrik;
Lewis, Alun.
Surface weathering and dispersibility of MC252 crude oil.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øistein;
Leirvik, Frode;
Farooq, Umer;
Daling, Per Snorre.
Droplet breakup in subsurface oil releases - Part 1: Experimental study of droplet breakup and effectiveness of dispersant injection.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Johansen, Øistein;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Farooq, Umer.
Droplet breakup in subsea oil releases - Part 2: Predictions of droplet size distributions with and without injection of chemical dispersants.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Ascanius, Birgit Elkjær;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Villumsen, Arne;
Stenby, Erling H..
Composition of in situ burn residue as a function of weathering conditions.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Hansen, Bjørn Henrik;
Altin, Dag;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Chemical composition and acute toxicity in the water after in situ burning - A laboratory experiment.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Villumsen, Arne;
Stenby, Erling H..
Comparing ignitability for in situ burning of oil spills for an asphaltenic, a waxy and a light crude oil as a function of weathering conditions under arctic conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark;
Leirvik, Frode;
Børseth, Jan Fredrik.
Large-scale oil-in-ice experiment in the Barents Sea: Monitoring of oil in water and MetOcean interactions.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Fritt-Rasmussen, Janne;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Measuring ignitability for in situ burning of oil spills weathered under Arctic conditions: From laboratory studies to large-scale field experiments.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Bradford, John H.;
Dickins, David F.;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Assessing the potential to detect oil spills in and under snow using airborne ground-penetrating radar.
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri.
Weathering processes in Arctic oil spills: Meso-scale experiments with different ice conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Faksness, Liv Guri.
Weathering processes in Arctic oil spills. Meso-scale field experiments with different ice conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from Arctic marine oil spills - A combined laboratory and field study.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Sydnes, L.K..
Composition of the water accommodated fractions as a function of exposure times and temperatures.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from oil encapsulated in Arctic sea ice: Summary of three field seasons.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Brakstad, O.G.;
Nonstad, Ingunn;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Responses of microbial communities in Arctic sea ice after contamination by crude petroleum oil.
Microbial Ecology
Academic article
Brakstad, Odd Gunnar;
Nonstad, Ingunn;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Microbial communities in Arctic fjord ice contaminated with crude petroleum oils.
Microbial Ecology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from oil encapsulated in Arctic sea ice. Summary of three field seasons.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Distribution of water soluble components from Arctic marine oil spills – a combined laboratory and field study.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Academic article
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie;
Sørheim, Kristin Rist.
Modernisation and updating of SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM} - Extending and recalibration of the Crude Assay (CA) module in SINTEF OWM.
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brakstad, Odd Gunnar;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar;
Meier, Sonnich.
2017:00007 A - SubSea Dispersant lnjection (SSDI)- a "state of the art" and the need for further documentations.
Hansen, Sondre Kværne;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Leaching of surfactants as a function of oil droplet size and surfactant properties. An approach using mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis.
Institutt for kjemi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Davies, Emlyn John;
Bradly, Cole;
Storey, Chris;
Leirvik, Frode.
Subsurface oil releases - Verification of dispersant effectiveness under high pressure.
Belay, Masho Hilawie;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Oil spill forensics - Identification of Sources for Illegal Oil Spills. A New Approach Combining Multivariate Statistics and Gas Chromatography and Mass-Spectrometry (GC-MS).
Masters thesis
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Comparison of predicted properties of Ekofisk oils based on Crude Assay data - Evaluation of the predicted behaviour of satellites relative to previous studies.
Dunnebier, Dorien Anna Engelbertha;
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Experimental and modeling study of subsea releases of oil and gas.
Masters thesis
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øistein;
Farooq, Umer;
Glen, Angell;
Leirvik, Frode.
Subsurface oil releases – Experimental study of droplet distributions and different dispersant injection techniques Version 2.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Leirvik, Frode;
Johansen, Øistein.
Subsea Dispersant Effectiveness Bench-Scale Test Protocol Development and Documentation.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Johansen, Øistein;
Farooq, Umer;
Glen, Angell.
Sub-surface oil releases - Experimental study of droplet distributions and different dispersant injection techniques.
SINTEF Rapport
Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark;
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Durgut, Ismail;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode.
Modelling of oil in ice with OSCAR. Oil in ice JIP - Report no. 35.
SINTEF Rapport
Leirvik, Frode;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Almås, Inger Kjersti.
Weathering properties at sea of the Macondo MC252 crude oil.
SINTEF Rapport
Strøm, Tove;
Hetland, Ben Arve;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Weathering properties of Gullfaks A and Gullfaks C blends and description of the TRIMIX model. Final.
SINTEF Rapport
Sørheim, Kristin Rist;
Leirvik, Frode;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Kartlegging av forvitringsegenskaper av Norne Blend, Stær, Svale og Alve samt effekt av voksinhibitor på Norne Blend.
SINTEF Rapport
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Almås, Inger Kjersti;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Sørheim, Kristin Rist.
Oljesølidentifikasjon i forbindelse med havariet av ”Full City” (Kystverket).
SINTEF Rapport
Faksness, Liv Guri;
Almås, Inger Kjersti;
Daling, Per Snorre;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Oljeanalyser fra ”Full City” havariet (Bamble Lensmannskontor).
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode.
Weathering properties of the Morvin oil - Final version.
SINTEF Rapport
Brandvik, Per Johan;
Leirvik, Frode.
Weathering properties of the Trestakk oil - Final versio.
SINTEF Rapport
Roiha, Irja Sunde;
Øvreås, Lise;
Brandvik, Per Johan.
Enrichment, isolation, and phylogenetic characterisation of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from oil-contaminated tundra.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Thesis at a second degree level
LectureSørheim, Kristin Rist; Brandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre. (2018) Novel Oil Spill Technology-Subsea Mechanical Dispersion & Surface water flushing of thin oil films. NOSCA NOSCA Seminar 2018 on Oil Spill Technology , Rio de Janeiro 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-25
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre; Singsaas, Ivar. (2012) Fate processes important for oil-in-ice modeling Status and future R&D needs. APN, NORUT og SINTEF Oil In Ice - Fram Center Workshop , Framsenteret, Tromsø 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-24
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Reed, Mark. (2012) SINTEF Scientific Participation in DROPPS: Experimental simulations and modelling of subsurface blowouts. Univercity of Texas, Port of Aransas Marine biology centre GOMRI Kick-off seminar , Port of Aransas, TX 2012-03-08 - 2013-03-09
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre. (2012) SINTEFs Oil Weathering Model Combined laboratory characterisation and field verification. INTERSPILL 2012 , London 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-15
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Johansen, Øistein. (2012) Subsurface releases of oil: Oil droplet distributions and dispersant injection techniques. European Maritime Safety Agensy (EMSA) EMSA Workshop addressing the Use of Oil Spill Dispersants , Lisboa 2012-11-26 - 2012-11-27
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Faksness, Liv Guri. (2012) Oil Spill R&D at SINTEF: Focusing on subsea releases and Arctic conditions. University of Southampton Industry Technical Advisory Committee for oil spill response (ITAC) , Southampton 2012-11-29 - 2012-11-30
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode; Daling, Per Snorre. (2012) Undervannsdispergering, nye muligheter og utfordringer!. Klima og Forurensingsdirektoratet og Petroleumstilsynet Når ulykker truer miljøet 2012 - Klif/Petil , Oslo 2012-02-01 - 2012-02-01
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode. (2012) Undervannsdispergering - Erfaringer fra Mexicogulfen, behov for endringer i norsk beredskap?. Klima og Forurensingsdirektorratet , Kystverket og OLF Beredskapsforum 2012 (KLIF, OLF og KyV) , Helsfyr, Oslo 2012-02-02 - 2012-02-02
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode; Daling, Per Snorre. (2012) Studies of oil droplet formation from subsea releases, with and without use of dispersants. Norsk Oljevernforening - OLF Dypvannsdispergeringsseminar (OLF) , Heslfyr, Oslo 2012-02-03 - 2012-02-03
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Singsaas, Ivar; Daling, Per Snorre. (2012) Oljevernberedskap i Barentshavet Status og utfordringer. OG21 Energieffektiv og miljøvennlig bærekraftig teknologi - OG21 , Naturfagsbygget, Universitetet i Tromsø 2012-04-18 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Reed, Mark; Johansen, Øistein; Daling, Per Snorre. (2012) SINTEF – R&D within: Oil weathering, Dispersant and Deep water blow-outs. Univercity of New Hampshire, Coastal Resp. Research Centre CRRC Dispersant Research Forum 2012 , Baton Rouge, Lousianna 2012-01-10 - 2012-01-11
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Faksness, Liv Guri; Daling, Per Snorre; Myrhaug, Janne Lise. (2012) Oil spills in ice Main operational differences compared to "ordinary" open water oil spills. INTERSPILL 2012 , London 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-15
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode. (2012) Evaluation of subsea dispersant injection methods, equipment and effectiveness. American Petroleum Association API Subsurface modelling work shop , Houston 2012-10-24 - 2012-10-25
Academic lectureDaling, Per Snorre; Brandvik, Per Johan; Singsaas, Ivar. (2012) Potential for use of oil spill dispersants in ice infested waters. IBC Energy 2nd Arctic Oil Spill Conference - London , London 2012-10-29 - 2012-10-30
Academic lectureDaling, Per Snorre; Brandvik, Per Johan; Singsaas, Ivar; Lewis, Alun. (2012) Dispersant effectiveness testing of crude oils weathered under various ice conditions. Interspill Interspill 2012 - London , London 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-15
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Singsaas, Ivar; Lewis, Alun. (2012) Dispersant effectiveness testing of crude oils weathered under various conditions. Interspill Interspill 2012 London , London 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-15
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre; Singsaas, Ivar; Faksness, Liv Guri. (2011) Oil spill contingency for Arctic and ice-covered waters Results from an international R&D program coordinated by SINTEF, Norway. Shell and Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) Shell Oil Spill In Ice Seminar 2012 , Helsinki 2011-06-08 - 2011-06-09
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode; Daling, Per Snorre. (2011) Simulations of subsea blowout and dispersant application using the SINTEF Tower Basin. BP America BP Subsurface dispersant application and modelling work shop , Houston, TX 2011-06-23 - 2011-06-23
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre; Singsaas, Ivar; Faksness, Liv Guri. (2011) Oil spill contingency for Arcticandice-covered waters an international R&D program coordinated by SINTEF, Norway Summary results. Inter. Maritime Organisation and World Maritime University Oil Spill Risk Management Conference (IMO & WMU) , Malmø 2011-03-07 - 2011-03-09
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Reed, Mark. (2011) Introduction to Trajectory modeling of oil spill in ice. Norwegian Consulate in Houston, Research Council of Norway International R&D workshop on oil spills , Houston, TX 2011-02-08 - 2011-02-08
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre; Faksness, Liv Guri. (2011) Hva skjer med et oljesøl i is og hvordan redusere miljøeffektene fra et oljesøl i is?. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning Internseminar Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning - DN , Tunga, Trondheim 2011-03-11 - 2011-03-11
PosterBrandvik, Per Johan; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode; Daling, Per Snorre. (2011) Simulation of oil-gas releases including dispersant application with special focus on droplet size distributions - Experimental concept and some initial results. American Chemical Society SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting , Boston, MA 2011-11-13 - 2011-11-17
Academic lectureBrandvik, Per Johan; Daling, Per Snorre. (2010) Olje – et mangehodet troll! Oljers egenskaper og oppførsel på sjøen Hva betyr dette for kystverkets oljevernaksjoner?. Kystverket Kystverkets etatskonferanse - Kyst 2010 , Arendal kulturhus 2010-05-26 - 2010-05-27
Academic lectureDaling, Per Snorre; Holumsnes, Arne; Rasmussen, Alaus; Brandvik, Per Johan; Leirvik, Frode. (2010) Development and Field testing of a flexible system for application of dispersants on oil spills in ice. Environment Canada 32nd. AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response , Halifax 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-09
Academic lectureDaling, Per Snorre; Brandvik, Per Johan; Resby, J.B. (2010) Dispersant Effectiveness Testing of Crude Oils Weathered under Various Ice Conditions. AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response , Halifax, Canada 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-09
Academic lectureRoiha, Irja Sunde; Brandvik, Per Johan; Torsvik, Vigdis; Øvreås, Lise. (2003) Oil pollution in the Arctic; cultivation of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria isolated from tundra contaminated with oil spills. Mikrobiologisk vintermøte, Norsk forening for mikrobiologi , Voss 2003-02-07 - 2003-02-09
Academic lectureRoiha, Irja Sunde; Brandvik, Per Johan; Torsvik, Vigdis; Øvreås, Lise. (2002) Oil pollution in the Arctic; characterisation of oil-degrading bacteria isolated from tundra contaminated with oil spills. 1st Workshop on Microbial ecology and bioremediation in cold climate (MECBIO). , Bergen 2002-06-20 - 2002-06-21
PosterYndestad, Synnøve; Roiha, Irja Sunde; Øvreås, Lise; Brandvik, Per Johan. (2002) Oil pollution in the Arctic and its effect on microbial diversity and ecology. Mikrobiologisk vintermøte , Voss 2002-02-07 - 2002-02-10