Phil Green
Phil Green is 0.5 Professor in Colour Imaging at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU in Gjøvik. He has an MSc from the University of Surrey, UK, and a PhD in Gamut Mapping and Colour Appearance from the Colour & Imaging Institute, University of Derby, UK.
Phil is a member of the Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory at NTNU. He teaches postgraduate students, supervises research students and engages in his own research.
Research interests- Colour management
- Colour appearance
- Colour difference
- Metrology for colour and appearance
- Colour vision deficiency
- Characterization methods
- Colour in medical imaging
Phil is course responsible for the following courses at NTNU:
- IMT4301 Colour in medical imaging
- IMT4304 Cross-media colour reproduction
- IMT4315 Colour in interface design
- IMT4884 Advanced colour management
- IMT6201 Colour science
- Technical Secretary, International Color Consortium
- Visiting Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Principal Expert to ISO TC130 JWG7 Colour Management
- Project leader for a number of ISO Graphic Technology standards in development
If Mjøsa is not frozen I have the best commute in Norway, rowing down the lake to Gjøvik harbour. Apart from rowing I enjoy hiking, climbing, canyoning, cycling, scuba diving and occasionally trail running.
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Green, Philip John.
Towards a Model of Color Reproduction Difference.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Green, Philip John.
Grey Balance in Cross Media Reproductions.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Green, Philip John.
Building a metric of color reproduction difference by combining multiple observers in a modular online experiment.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Green, Philip John.
Fundamentals and Applications of Colour Engineering.
John Wiley & Sons
John Wiley & Sons
Habib, Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
Spectral Estimation: Its Behaviour as a SAT and Implementation in Colour Management.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Habib, Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
An Appearance Reproduction Framework for Printed 3D Surfaces.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
The Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect on display-based light colors and simulated substrate colors.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Nussbaum, Peter;
Kresović, Milan;
Green, Philip John.
Non-standard colorimetry in ICC colour management.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Babini, Agnese;
Green, Philip John;
George, Sony;
Hardeberg, Jon Yngve.
Comparison of Hyperspectral Imaging and Fiber-Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy for Reflectance and Transmittance Measurements of Colored Glass.
Academic article
Ullah, Ehsan;
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John.
Quantifying and Evaluating Colour Appearance Models based on Helmholtz Kohlrausch Effect.
The International Colour Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Conni, Michele;
Deborah, Hilda;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
Visual and data stationarity of texture images.
Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)
Academic article
Saric, Donatela;
Kraushaar, Andreas;
Mattuschka, Marco;
Green, Philip John.
Benchmarking modern gloss correlators with established ISO 2813 standard and visual judgement of gloss.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John.
The impact of the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect on the appearance of near-white paper colours.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjærde, Kari Bjerke;
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
How accurate is an online test for colour vision deficiency?.
Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
Estimating visual difference between reproduction gamuts:
moving our pilot study from the lab to online delivery.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Estimation of BRDF Measurements for Printed Colour Samples.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Golhin, Ali Payami;
Strandlie, Are;
Green, Philip John.
The Influence of Wedge Angle, Feedstock Color, and Infill Density on the Color Difference of FDM Objects.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Conni, Michele;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
The effect of camera calibration on multichannel texture classification.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Xiang, Changying;
Green, Philip John;
Matusiak, Barbara Szybinska.
The impact of surface properties on photovoltaics' colour angular sensitivity: A comparison study for façade integration.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
BRDF rendering by interpolation of optimised model parameters.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Daltonization by spectral filtering.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Habib, Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
BRDF rendering by interpolation of optimised model parameters.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Sole, Aditya Suneel.
Implementing Directional Reflectance in a Colour Managed Workflow.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Derhak, Maxim W.;
Luo, Eric Lin;
Green, Philip John.
Fast chromatic adaptation transform utilizing Wpt (Waypoint) based spectral reconstruction.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lundekvam, Susann;
Green, Philip John.
How is colour harmony perceived by observers with a colour vision deficiency?.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Habib, Syeda Tanzima.
Chromatic adaptation in colour management.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John.
Spectral estimation of chromatically adapted corresponding colors.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John.
Spectral Estimation of Chromatically Adapted Corresponding Colors.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Midtfjord, Helene B.;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Perception of Vividness of Emissive Colours by Norwegian Observers.
Steering committee of ACA 2019 Nagoya
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Midtfjord, Helene Benedicte;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Vividness as a Colour Appearance Attribute.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Midtfjord, Helene B.;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
A Model of Visual Opacity for Translucent Colorants.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Conni, Michele;
Helene, Midtfjord;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
Dependence of texture classification accuracy on spectral information.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Oddløkken, Henrik;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Methods for psychophysical assessment of colour difference by observers with a colour vision deficiency.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Revie, Craig;
Green, Philip John.
New gamut boundary target for defining the colour gamut of a
printing system.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Derhak, Max;
Green, Philip John;
Conni, Michele.
Color appearance processing using iccMAX.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Khan, Haris Ahmad;
Green, Philip John.
Color characterization methods for a multispectral camera.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Deshpande, Kiran;
Gaykema, Frans;
Revie, Craig.
Methods of describing a gamut boundary based on a face/vertex encoding.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Content-dependent adaptation in a soft proof matching experiment.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Characterizing coated paper surface for modeling apparent dot area of halftone prints.
Optics Express
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Colour vision deficiency transforms using ICC profiles.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Røise, Anne Kari;
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Green, Phil.
Colour Coding of Maps for Colour Deficient Observers.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Revie, W. Craig;
Green, Philip John.
Current problems and perspectives on colour in medical imaging.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Rizzi, Alessandro;
Lebowsky, Fritz;
Green, Phil.
The dark side of color VII.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Gamut evaluation of an n-colour printing process with the minimum number of measurements.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Metrics for comparing and analyzing two colour gamuts.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Green, Phil.
Baseline gamut mapping method for the perceptual reference medium gamut.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Derhak, Max;
Green, Phil;
Lianza, Tom.
Introducing iccMAX: new frontiers in color management.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
False-colour palette generation using a reference colour gamut.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
Why simulations of colour for CVD observers might not be what they seem.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Characterizing unprinted paperboard surface for
predicting optically induced halftone mottle.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Green, Phil;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
Adaptive colour rendering of maps for users with colour vision deficiencies.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil;
Nudurumati, Srikrishna;
Farup, Ivar.
Variability in colour matches between displays.
The International Colour Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rizzi, Alessandro;
Lebowsky, Fritz;
Green, Phil.
The Dark Side of Color VII.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Wang, Xingbo;
Green, Phil;
Thomas, Jean-Baptiste;
Hardeberg, Jon Yngve;
Gouton, Pierre.
Evaluation of the Colorimetric Performance of Single-Sensor Image Acquisition Systems Employing Colour and Multispectral Filter Array.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Color separation of an n-color printing process using inverse printer models.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Characterisation of the n-colour printing process using the spot colour overprint model.
Optics Express
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Modeling optically induced halftone mottle from the variability of lateral light scattering by the unprinted paper surface.
Journal of Print and Media Technology Research
Academic literature review
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Modeling optically induced halftone mottle from variability of lateral light scattering of unprinted paper surface.
Advances in Printing and Media Technology
Badano, Aldo;
Revie, Craig;
Casertano, Andrew;
Cheng, Wei-Chung;
Green, Phil;
Kimpe, Tom.
Consistency and Standardization of Color in Medical Imaging: a Consensus Report.
Journal of digital imaging
Academic article
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Colour separation of n-colour printing process using inverse printer models.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slavuj, Radovan;
Green, Phil.
To develop a method of estimating spectral reflectance from camera RGB values.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
Gamut mapping for the Perceptual Reference Medium Gamut.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baah, Kwame;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Perceived acceptability of colour matching for changing substrate white point.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Changjun;
Luo, M. Ronnier;
Pointer, M.R.;
Green, Phil.
Comparison of Real Colour Gamuts Using A New Reflectance Database.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Sun, Pei -Li;
Li, Hung - Chung;
Green, Phil.
Estimating CRIs using a Calibrated Digital Camera.
The International Colour Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil;
Baah, Kwame.
White point adaptation issues in colour management.
China Printing and Packaging Study
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Lightfastness of Paperboards Coated with UV-Cured Varnish.
TAGA Journal
Academic article
Baah, Kwame;
Green, Phil.
Colour perception with changes in levels of illumination.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Green, Phil;
Baah, Kwame;
Pointer, M.R.;
Sun, P.-L..
Effect of differences in substrate white point on the acceptability of colour matches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Hung - Chunh;
Sun, Pei - Li;
Green, Phil.
Evaluating Color Appearance and Visual Comfort of a Living Environment Using a Panoramic Camera.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Deshpande, K.;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, M. R..
Gamut Comparison Index: A Metric for Comparing Colour Gamuts.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Green, Philip John.
Towards a Model of Color Reproduction Difference.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Green, Philip John.
Grey Balance in Cross Media Reproductions.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan;
Green, Philip John.
Building a metric of color reproduction difference by combining multiple observers in a modular online experiment.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Habib, Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
Spectral Estimation: Its Behaviour as a SAT and Implementation in Colour Management.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Habib, Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
An Appearance Reproduction Framework for Printed 3D Surfaces.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
The Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect on display-based light colors and simulated substrate colors.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Nussbaum, Peter;
Kresović, Milan;
Green, Philip John.
Non-standard colorimetry in ICC colour management.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Babini, Agnese;
Green, Philip John;
George, Sony;
Hardeberg, Jon Yngve.
Comparison of Hyperspectral Imaging and Fiber-Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy for Reflectance and Transmittance Measurements of Colored Glass.
Academic article
Conni, Michele;
Deborah, Hilda;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
Visual and data stationarity of texture images.
Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)
Academic article
Saric, Donatela;
Kraushaar, Andreas;
Mattuschka, Marco;
Green, Philip John.
Benchmarking modern gloss correlators with established ISO 2813 standard and visual judgement of gloss.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Gjærde, Kari Bjerke;
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
How accurate is an online test for colour vision deficiency?.
Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Estimation of BRDF Measurements for Printed Colour Samples.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Golhin, Ali Payami;
Strandlie, Are;
Green, Philip John.
The Influence of Wedge Angle, Feedstock Color, and Infill Density on the Color Difference of FDM Objects.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Conni, Michele;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
The effect of camera calibration on multichannel texture classification.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Xiang, Changying;
Green, Philip John;
Matusiak, Barbara Szybinska.
The impact of surface properties on photovoltaics' colour angular sensitivity: A comparison study for façade integration.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
BRDF rendering by interpolation of optimised model parameters.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Daltonization by spectral filtering.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Habib, Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
BRDF rendering by interpolation of optimised model parameters.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Lundekvam, Susann;
Green, Philip John.
How is colour harmony perceived by observers with a colour vision deficiency?.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Habib, Syeda Tanzima.
Chromatic adaptation in colour management.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John.
Spectral estimation of chromatically adapted corresponding colors.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Midtfjord, Helene Benedicte;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Vividness as a Colour Appearance Attribute.
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC)
Academic article
Midtfjord, Helene B.;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
A Model of Visual Opacity for Translucent Colorants.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Revie, Craig;
Green, Philip John.
New gamut boundary target for defining the colour gamut of a
printing system.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Derhak, Max;
Green, Philip John;
Conni, Michele.
Color appearance processing using iccMAX.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Khan, Haris Ahmad;
Green, Philip John.
Color characterization methods for a multispectral camera.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Deshpande, Kiran;
Gaykema, Frans;
Revie, Craig.
Methods of describing a gamut boundary based on a face/vertex encoding.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Content-dependent adaptation in a soft proof matching experiment.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Characterizing coated paper surface for modeling apparent dot area of halftone prints.
Optics Express
Academic article
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Colour vision deficiency transforms using ICC profiles.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Revie, W. Craig;
Green, Philip John.
Current problems and perspectives on colour in medical imaging.
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Rizzi, Alessandro;
Lebowsky, Fritz;
Green, Phil.
The dark side of color VII.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Gamut evaluation of an n-colour printing process with the minimum number of measurements.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Metrics for comparing and analyzing two colour gamuts.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Characterizing unprinted paperboard surface for
predicting optically induced halftone mottle.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Color separation of an n-color printing process using inverse printer models.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Academic article
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Characterisation of the n-colour printing process using the spot colour overprint model.
Optics Express
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Modeling optically induced halftone mottle from the variability of lateral light scattering by the unprinted paper surface.
Journal of Print and Media Technology Research
Academic literature review
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandhyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Modeling optically induced halftone mottle from variability of lateral light scattering of unprinted paper surface.
Advances in Printing and Media Technology
Badano, Aldo;
Revie, Craig;
Casertano, Andrew;
Cheng, Wei-Chung;
Green, Phil;
Kimpe, Tom.
Consistency and Standardization of Color in Medical Imaging: a Consensus Report.
Journal of digital imaging
Academic article
Li, Changjun;
Luo, M. Ronnier;
Pointer, M.R.;
Green, Phil.
Comparison of Real Colour Gamuts Using A New Reflectance Database.
Color Research and Application
Academic article
Green, Phil;
Baah, Kwame.
White point adaptation issues in colour management.
China Printing and Packaging Study
Academic article
Bhattacharya, Abhijit;
Bandyopadhyay, Swati;
Green, Phil.
Lightfastness of Paperboards Coated with UV-Cured Varnish.
TAGA Journal
Academic article
Baah, Kwame;
Green, Phil.
Colour perception with changes in levels of illumination.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Green, Philip John.
Fundamentals and Applications of Colour Engineering.
John Wiley & Sons
John Wiley & Sons
Midtfjord, Helene B.;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Perception of Vividness of Emissive Colours by Norwegian Observers.
Steering committee of ACA 2019 Nagoya
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Ullah, Ehsan;
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John.
Quantifying and Evaluating Colour Appearance Models based on Helmholtz Kohlrausch Effect.
The International Colour Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
High, Gregory Paul;
Green, Philip John.
The impact of the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect on the appearance of near-white paper colours.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
High, Gregory Paul;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
Estimating visual difference between reproduction gamuts:
moving our pilot study from the lab to online delivery.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John;
Sole, Aditya Suneel.
Implementing Directional Reflectance in a Colour Managed Workflow.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Derhak, Maxim W.;
Luo, Eric Lin;
Green, Philip John.
Fast chromatic adaptation transform utilizing Wpt (Waypoint) based spectral reconstruction.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Habib, Syeda Tanzima;
Green, Philip John.
Spectral Estimation of Chromatically Adapted Corresponding Colors.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Conni, Michele;
Helene, Midtfjord;
Nussbaum, Peter;
Green, Philip John.
Dependence of texture classification accuracy on spectral information.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Oddløkken, Henrik;
Green, Philip John;
Nussbaum, Peter.
Methods for psychophysical assessment of colour difference by observers with a colour vision deficiency.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Røise, Anne Kari;
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Green, Phil.
Colour Coding of Maps for Colour Deficient Observers.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
Baseline gamut mapping method for the perceptual reference medium gamut.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Derhak, Max;
Green, Phil;
Lianza, Tom.
Introducing iccMAX: new frontiers in color management.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
False-colour palette generation using a reference colour gamut.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
Why simulations of colour for CVD observers might not be what they seem.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvitle, Anne Kristin;
Green, Phil;
Nussbaum, Peter Stefan.
Adaptive colour rendering of maps for users with colour vision deficiencies.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil;
Nudurumati, Srikrishna;
Farup, Ivar.
Variability in colour matches between displays.
The International Colour Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rizzi, Alessandro;
Lebowsky, Fritz;
Green, Phil.
The Dark Side of Color VII.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Wang, Xingbo;
Green, Phil;
Thomas, Jean-Baptiste;
Hardeberg, Jon Yngve;
Gouton, Pierre.
Evaluation of the Colorimetric Performance of Single-Sensor Image Acquisition Systems Employing Colour and Multispectral Filter Array.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Deshpande, Kiran;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Colour separation of n-colour printing process using inverse printer models.
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slavuj, Radovan;
Green, Phil.
To develop a method of estimating spectral reflectance from camera RGB values.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil.
Gamut mapping for the Perceptual Reference Medium Gamut.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baah, Kwame;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, Michael.
Perceived acceptability of colour matching for changing substrate white point.
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Pei -Li;
Li, Hung - Chung;
Green, Phil.
Estimating CRIs using a Calibrated Digital Camera.
The International Colour Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Green, Phil;
Baah, Kwame;
Pointer, M.R.;
Sun, P.-L..
Effect of differences in substrate white point on the acceptability of colour matches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Hung - Chunh;
Sun, Pei - Li;
Green, Phil.
Evaluating Color Appearance and Visual Comfort of a Living Environment Using a Panoramic Camera.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Deshpande, K.;
Green, Phil;
Pointer, M. R..
Gamut Comparison Index: A Metric for Comparing Colour Gamuts.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
LectureHabib, Tanzima; Green, Philip John. (2021) Procedures for estimating spectral reflectance from colorimetric data (N0593). ISO/TC 130/JWG 7 ISO TC 130 JWG 7 Teleconference 2021-10-22 - 2021-10-22
LectureHabib, Tanzima; Green, Philip John. (2020) Ad hoc meeting on spectral reconstruction (N564). ISO/TC 130/JWG 7 Joint TC 130 - ICC WG: colour management , Online 2020-11-27 - 2020-11-27
LectureHabib, Syeda Tanzima; Green, Philip John. (2020) Ad hoc meeting on spectral reconstruction. ISO/TC 130/JWG 7 Joint TC 130 - ICC WG: colour management , Online 2020-11-27 - 2020-11-27
Academic lectureXiang, Changying; Green, Philip John; Matusiak, Barbara Szybinska. (2020) The Impact of Surface Properties on Photovoltaics’ Colour Angular Sensitivity- A Comparison Study for Facade Integration . AIC2020 Natural Colours -- Digital Colours 2020-11-20 - 2020-11-27
PosterHabib, Syeda Tanzima; Green, Philip John; Sole, Aditya Suneel. (2020) Implementing Directional Reflectance in a Colour Managed Workflow. Society for Imaging Science and Technology London Imaging Meeting 2020 , London 2020-09-30 - 2020-10-01
LectureHabib, Syeda Tanzima; Green, Philip John; Nussbaum, Peter. (2020) Spectral reproduction: drivers, use cases and workflow. . Society for Imaging Science and Technology Electronic Imaging 2020 , San Francisco 2020-01-26 - 2020-01-30
Academic lectureHabib, Syeda Tanzima; Green, Philip John. (2019) Spectral Estimation of Chromatically Adapted Corresponding Colors. Computational Color Imaging Workshop , Chiba 2019-03-27 - 2019-03-29
Academic lectureMidtfjord, Helene B.; Green, Philip John; Nussbaum, Peter. (2018) A model of visual opacity for translucent colorants. Society for Imaging Science and Technology Electronic Imaging, Material Appearance 2018 , San Francisco 2018-01-28 - 2018-02-02
Academic lectureHigh, Gregory Paul; Green, Philip John; Nussbaum, Peter. (2017) Content-dependent adaptation in a soft proof matching experiment. Society for Imaging Science and Technology Color Imaging XXII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications , Burlingame 2017-01-29 - 2017-02-02
Academic lectureKvitle, Anne Kristin; Green, Philip John; Nussbaum, Peter. (2017) A color difference data set for observers with color vision deficiency. ICVS THE 24TH SYMPOSIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLOUR VISION SOCIETY , Erlangen 2017-08-18 - 2017-08-22
Academic lectureGreen, Philip John; Deshpande, Kiran; Gaykema, Frans; Revie, Craig. (2017) Methods of describing a gamut boundary based on a face/vertex encoding. Color Imaging XXII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications , Burlingame, CA 2017-01-29 - 2017-02-01
PosterAnne Kari, Røise; Kvitle, Anne Kristin; Green, Phil. (2016) Colour Coding of Maps for Colour Deficient Observers. 3rd International Conference on Universal Design "Universal Design 2016 Learning from the past, designing for the future" 2016-08-21 - 2016-08-24