Pieter Jelle Toussaint
Pieter Jelle Toussaint (1965) is a Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science.
He belongs to the Information Systems and Software Engineering research group.
Professor Toussaint has a Msc in both Informatics and General Linguistics from the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, and a PhD in Medical Informatics from the same University.
Fields of interest and present research activities
Most of my research is related to the medical domain. My research interest is mostly covered by the overall theme Collaboration and Coordination of the IS group profile. Within that theme I focused on what can be seen as two sub-themes:
Computer-mediated communication
In 2003 I initiated a research programme at the clinical informatics group where I worked that focused on Computer-mediated communication in health care. Several research projects were initiated within this programme. In 2005 I co-edited a special issue for the International Journal of Medical Informatics on communication in health care, together with prof. E. Coiera from UNSW in Sydney. At NTNU I supervised a PhD-student (Ero Karlsen) who has a project on computer-mediated communication and at the moment we are in the process of hiring a postdoc and a PhD-candidate for a new computer-mediated communication project. This project is a collaboration with the telematics departement at NTNU.
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
The COSTT project, for which I am the project manager, focuses on supporting coordination of clinical work. Some of the PhD candidates I supervise position their research explicitly in the CSCW research field. At the CSCW conference in Savannah in 2010 I presented a paper on a workshop on CSCW in health care, that was later reworked into an article that was accepted for a special issue of the International Journal of Medical Informatics (Level 2).
Membership in academic and professional committees, scientific review work including peer-review, outreach activities, and other professional merits
Recent grants acquired
- 2,4 million NOK in the EVASAM program of the Norwegian Research Council for the SIKT project (2014-2015)
- 23 million NOK in the stor IKT program of the Norwegian Research Council for the COSTT project (2008-2012)
- 3 Ph.D. positions within the ToKeN2000 program of the Dutch Council of Scientific Research, for a project called Narrator (2003-2007)
- 225.000 Euro for the development of an Internet based information system that supports patient education within elderly care. Project name; Geriwijzer (2002-2005)
- 60.000 Euro within the man-Machine Interaction program from the Dutch funding organization Senter/Novem, for a postdoc position on the development and evaluation of Agent-technology in assisting patients in selfcare (2003-2007)
Scientific management
- Assistant head of the Clinical Informatics group of the Leiden University medical center
- Project leader of the Geriwijzer project
- Project leader of the Narrator project
- Project leader of the COSTT project
- Head of the IS-group at IDI/NTNU
- Scientific leader for the Health Informatics master at NTNU
- Member of the steering board of the strategic area NTNU Health
- International Journal of Medical Informatics
- Computer methods and programs in Bio-medicine
- Methods of Information in Medicine
- Behaviour & Information Technology
Professional Organizations
- Member of the board of the Dutch Organization for Medical Informatics till July 2007
- Member of the track committee for IEEE CBMS “Supporting Collaboration in Healthcare” at CBMS 2009, 2010 and 2011
Professor Toussaint has supervised 3 doctoral students, and is currently supervising 5 PhD candidates.
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Ellingsen, Gunnar Adelsten;
Hertzum, Morten;
Melby, Line Kari.
The Role of Health Informatics Research: A Case of a Large-Scale Implementation in Norway.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Munoz-Gama, Jorge;
Martin, Niels;
Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos;
Johnson, Owen A.;
Sepúlveda, Marcos;
Helm, Emmanuel.
Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Academic article
Goday Verdaguer, Aina;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
van der Kooij, Rimmert Bessel Koert.
Drivers and Barriers for the Implementation of Integral Capacity Management in Norwegian Hospitals.
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Petersen, Per Storrø.
Helseplattform i sol og regn.
Feature article
Gilstad, Heidi;
Skogen, Martha Rice;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Larsen, Cathrin Brøndbo;
Faxvaag, Arild.
Negotiating scientific knowledge in the development of an eHealth MOOC.
Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education
Academic article
Mogård, Hans Tore;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Epic's implementation of the Willow module and the healthcare workers involving in standardization.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Gilstad, Heidi;
Skogen, Martha Rice;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Larsen, Cathrin Brøndbo;
Faxvaag, Arild.
MOOC Smart digital helsekommunikasjon.
Digital learning tools
Milanes, Anolan;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Krogstie, John.
NOKOBIT 2021 Preface.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo;
Langaas, Mette;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Gråwe, Rolf W..
Mobile Sensing in Substance Use Research: A Scoping Review.
Telemedicine journal and e-health
Academic literature review
Melby, Line;
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Brattheim, Berit J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Irrelevant, dårlig strukturert og forsinket informasjon – en analyse av utfordringer knyttet til samhandling mellom sykehus og kommuner .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duc, Anh Nguyen;
Eikebrokk, Tom Roar;
Johannessen, Trond Vegard;
Karlsen, Anniken Th;
Kaasbøll, Jens Johan;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Vol. 27 No. 1 (2019): Proceedings from the annual NOKOBIT conference held in Narvik 26-27 November 2019.
Melby, Line;
Sand, Kari;
Midtgård, Trude Mariane;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Karlstrøm, Henrik.
Digitaliseringens konsekvenser for samhandlingen og kvaliteten på helse-, velferds- og omsorgstjenestene. Kunnskapsnotat. .
Norges forskningsråd
Norges forskningsråd
Mannhardt, Felix;
de Leoni, Massimiliano;
Reijers, Hajo A.;
van der Aalst, Wil M.P.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Guided Process Discovery - A pattern-based approach.
Information Systems
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Revealing Work Practices in Hospitals Using Process Mining.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woldaregay, Ashenafi Zebene;
Chomutare, Taridzo;
Albers, Dave;
Mamykina, Lena;
Hejlesen, Ole Kristian;
Lovis, Christian.
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes.
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Melby, Line;
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Brattheim, Berit J.
Does Information Quality matter?.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
de Leoni, Massimiliano;
Reijers, Hajo A;
van der Aalst, Wil M. P.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
From low-level events to activities - A pattern-based approach.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
"We walk straight past the screens": The Power of the Non-Users of a Hospital Information System.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Melby, Line;
Brattheim, Berit J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Exchange of information between hospital and home health care: A longitudinal perspective.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Brattheim, Berit J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Melby, Line;
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Osmundsen, Tonje.
Samhandling med IKT (SIKT), prosjekt 229623
Sluttrapport til Forskningsrådet.
Klemets, Joakim Henrik M;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Does revealing contextual knowledge of the patient’s intention help nurses’ handling of nurse calls?.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Klemets, Joakim Henrik M;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Availability communication: requirements for an awareness system to support nurses' handling of nurse calls.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus;
Preuveneers, Davy;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Berbers, Yolande.
Event quality awareness for contextualized decision support in e-health applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Melby, Line Maria Haugen;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Hellesø, Ragnhild.
Patients in transition: e-messages as a tool for collaboration between hospital and community healthcare - a Norwegian Case.
Computer-Based Medical Systems
Håland, Erna;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Kommunikasjon, samarbeid og læring: Erfaringer fra et nettbasert læringsprogram for helsepersonell på Fosen.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Iversen, Tobias Buschmann;
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Instant Messaging at the Hopsital: supporting articulation work?.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Iversen, Tobias Buschmann;
Melby, Line;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Managing variations from surgical care plans: Challenges for coordination.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Wienhofen, Leendert W. M.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Challenges in Designing Technology for Reducing the Need for Synchronous Communication in the Perioperative Environment.
GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Academic article
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Coping with the unforeseen in surgical work.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus;
Preuveneers, Davy;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Berbers, Yolande.
A Notion of Event Quality for Contextualized Planning and Decision Support Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gjære, Erlend Andreas;
Tøndel, Inger Anne;
Line, Maria Bartnes;
Andresen, Herbjørn;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Personal Health Information on Display: Balancing Needs, Usability and Legislative Requirements.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Faxvaag, Arild;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Johansen, Trond Stillaug.
Research management in healthcare informatics - experiences from Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Håland, Erna;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Lokale og fleksible læringsarenaer.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Karlsen, Ero Stig;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Peri-operative Communication Patterns and Media Usage - Implications for Systems Design.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Wienhofen, Leendert W. M.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Enriching events to support hospital care.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Seim, Andreas Røsland;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Use of Events in Clinical Software.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Karlsen, Ero Stig;
Seim, Andreas Røsland;
Faxvaag, Arild;
Sandberg, Warren;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Technologies for coordination support in hospitals – a review.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Brattheim, Berit Johanne;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Faxvaag, Arild.
Extending PACS by adapting messaging for clinical practice: a case study related to after-EVAR follow-ups.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Karpati, Peter;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Nytrø, Øystein.
Computer Mediated Mobile Messaging as Collaboration Support for Nurses.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brattheim, Berit Johanne;
Karlsen, Ero Stig;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Trans-organizational care processes: the need for a shared information space.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørby, Inger Dybdahl;
Melby, Line;
Dahl, Yngve;
Seland, Gry;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Nytrø, Øystein.
The MOBEL Project: Experiences from Applying User-Centered Methods for Designing Mobile ICT for Hospitals.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Verhoef, J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Putter, H;
Zwetsloot-Schonk, JHM;
Vlieland, TPMV.
Validity and responsiveness of the Rehabilitation Activities Profile (RAP) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Clinical Rehabilitation
Academic article
Grimson, Bill;
Toussaint, Pieter;
Kalra, Dipak;
Hurlen, Petter;
Skifjeld, Knut;
Andersen, Egil Paulin.
Synapses federated healthcare record server, ODP specification of Synapses.
Journal publications
Munoz-Gama, Jorge;
Martin, Niels;
Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos;
Johnson, Owen A.;
Sepúlveda, Marcos;
Helm, Emmanuel.
Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Academic article
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Petersen, Per Storrø.
Helseplattform i sol og regn.
Feature article
Gilstad, Heidi;
Skogen, Martha Rice;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Larsen, Cathrin Brøndbo;
Faxvaag, Arild.
Negotiating scientific knowledge in the development of an eHealth MOOC.
Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education
Academic article
Mogård, Hans Tore;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Epic's implementation of the Willow module and the healthcare workers involving in standardization.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Milanes, Anolan;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Krogstie, John.
NOKOBIT 2021 Preface.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo;
Langaas, Mette;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Gråwe, Rolf W..
Mobile Sensing in Substance Use Research: A Scoping Review.
Telemedicine journal and e-health
Academic literature review
Mannhardt, Felix;
de Leoni, Massimiliano;
Reijers, Hajo A.;
van der Aalst, Wil M.P.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Guided Process Discovery - A pattern-based approach.
Information Systems
Academic article
Woldaregay, Ashenafi Zebene;
Chomutare, Taridzo;
Albers, Dave;
Mamykina, Lena;
Hejlesen, Ole Kristian;
Lovis, Christian.
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes.
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Melby, Line;
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Brattheim, Berit J.
Does Information Quality matter?.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
de Leoni, Massimiliano;
Reijers, Hajo A;
van der Aalst, Wil M. P.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
From low-level events to activities - A pattern-based approach.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Melby, Line;
Brattheim, Berit J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Exchange of information between hospital and home health care: A longitudinal perspective.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Klemets, Joakim Henrik M;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Does revealing contextual knowledge of the patient’s intention help nurses’ handling of nurse calls?.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Klemets, Joakim Henrik M;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Availability communication: requirements for an awareness system to support nurses' handling of nurse calls.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Melby, Line Maria Haugen;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Hellesø, Ragnhild.
Patients in transition: e-messages as a tool for collaboration between hospital and community healthcare - a Norwegian Case.
Computer-Based Medical Systems
Iversen, Tobias Buschmann;
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Instant Messaging at the Hopsital: supporting articulation work?.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Iversen, Tobias Buschmann;
Melby, Line;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Managing variations from surgical care plans: Challenges for coordination.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Wienhofen, Leendert W. M.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Challenges in Designing Technology for Reducing the Need for Synchronous Communication in the Perioperative Environment.
GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Academic article
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Coping with the unforeseen in surgical work.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Gjære, Erlend Andreas;
Tøndel, Inger Anne;
Line, Maria Bartnes;
Andresen, Herbjørn;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Personal Health Information on Display: Balancing Needs, Usability and Legislative Requirements.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Faxvaag, Arild;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Johansen, Trond Stillaug.
Research management in healthcare informatics - experiences from Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Håland, Erna;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Lokale og fleksible læringsarenaer.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Karlsen, Ero Stig;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Peri-operative Communication Patterns and Media Usage - Implications for Systems Design.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Academic article
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Seim, Andreas Røsland;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Use of Events in Clinical Software.
MITAT. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies
Karlsen, Ero Stig;
Seim, Andreas Røsland;
Faxvaag, Arild;
Sandberg, Warren;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Technologies for coordination support in hospitals – a review.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Brattheim, Berit Johanne;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Faxvaag, Arild.
Extending PACS by adapting messaging for clinical practice: a case study related to after-EVAR follow-ups.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Verhoef, J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Putter, H;
Zwetsloot-Schonk, JHM;
Vlieland, TPMV.
Validity and responsiveness of the Rehabilitation Activities Profile (RAP) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Clinical Rehabilitation
Academic article
Part of book/report
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Ellingsen, Gunnar Adelsten;
Hertzum, Morten;
Melby, Line Kari.
The Role of Health Informatics Research: A Case of a Large-Scale Implementation in Norway.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Melby, Line;
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Brattheim, Berit J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Irrelevant, dårlig strukturert og forsinket informasjon – en analyse av utfordringer knyttet til samhandling mellom sykehus og kommuner .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mannhardt, Felix;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Revealing Work Practices in Hospitals Using Process Mining.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Melby, Line;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
"We walk straight past the screens": The Power of the Non-Users of a Hospital Information System.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus;
Preuveneers, Davy;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Berbers, Yolande.
Event quality awareness for contextualized decision support in e-health applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Håland, Erna;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Kommunikasjon, samarbeid og læring: Erfaringer fra et nettbasert læringsprogram for helsepersonell på Fosen.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus;
Preuveneers, Davy;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Berbers, Yolande.
A Notion of Event Quality for Contextualized Planning and Decision Support Systems.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wienhofen, Leendert W. M.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Enriching events to support hospital care.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Karpati, Peter;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Nytrø, Øystein.
Computer Mediated Mobile Messaging as Collaboration Support for Nurses.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brattheim, Berit Johanne;
Karlsen, Ero Stig;
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Trans-organizational care processes: the need for a shared information space.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørby, Inger Dybdahl;
Melby, Line;
Dahl, Yngve;
Seland, Gry;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Nytrø, Øystein.
The MOBEL Project: Experiences from Applying User-Centered Methods for Designing Mobile ICT for Hospitals.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Goday Verdaguer, Aina;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
van der Kooij, Rimmert Bessel Koert.
Drivers and Barriers for the Implementation of Integral Capacity Management in Norwegian Hospitals.
Duc, Anh Nguyen;
Eikebrokk, Tom Roar;
Johannessen, Trond Vegard;
Karlsen, Anniken Th;
Kaasbøll, Jens Johan;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle.
Vol. 27 No. 1 (2019): Proceedings from the annual NOKOBIT conference held in Narvik 26-27 November 2019.
Melby, Line;
Sand, Kari;
Midtgård, Trude Mariane;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Karlstrøm, Henrik.
Digitaliseringens konsekvenser for samhandlingen og kvaliteten på helse-, velferds- og omsorgstjenestene. Kunnskapsnotat. .
Norges forskningsråd
Norges forskningsråd
Brattheim, Berit J;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Melby, Line;
Hellesø, Ragnhild;
Osmundsen, Tonje.
Samhandling med IKT (SIKT), prosjekt 229623
Sluttrapport til Forskningsrådet.
Grimson, Bill;
Toussaint, Pieter;
Kalra, Dipak;
Hurlen, Petter;
Skifjeld, Knut;
Andersen, Egil Paulin.
Synapses federated healthcare record server, ODP specification of Synapses.
Gilstad, Heidi;
Skogen, Martha Rice;
Toussaint, Pieter Jelle;
Larsen, Cathrin Brøndbo;
Faxvaag, Arild.
MOOC Smart digital helsekommunikasjon.
Digital learning tools
- IT6103 - IT, Organization and Cooperation in Healthcare
- HELG8001 - Digitalisation in the municipal health care services
- IT6191 - Master Thesis in Healthcare Informatics
- MDV6120 - Method in Health Care Informatics
- MDV6191 - Master Thesis in Healthcare Informatics
- TDMA4007 - Digitalization and Business Processes
- IT6101 - Healthcare Informatics, Introduction
- IT6121 - User-centered software engineering
LectureToussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2024) The role of health informatics research in practice A case of a large-scale implementation in central Norway. European Federation of Medical Informatics Medical Informatics Europe 2024 , Athens, Greece 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-29
LectureToussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2024) Implementing a large-scale electronic record system in central Norway - the REAL project. Research seminar Department of People and Technology, University Roskilde 2024-09-20 - 2024-09-20
Academic lectureSkogen, Martha Gail Rice; Gilstad, Heidi; Faxvaag, Arild; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2023) The Use of Visual Tools in Face-to-face Patient-Physician Consultations. EFMI & Vitalis Medical Informatics Europe 2023 , Gothenburg 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
Academic lectureNaeimaei Aali, Milad; Mannhardt, Felix; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2021) Discovering care pathways for multi-morbid patients using event graphs. 3rd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2021) The 4th International Workshop on Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare 2021 (PODS4H 2021) , Eindhoven University of Technology 2021-01-31 - 2021-11-04
PosterWoldaregay, Ashenafi Zebene; Chomutare, Taridzo; Albers, Dave; Mamykina, Lena; Hejlesen, Ole Kristian; Lovis, Christian. (2017) An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes. Kenes International ATTD 2017 , Paris 2017-02-15 - 2017-02-18
Academic lectureBrattheim, Berit J; Melby, Line; Hellesø, Ragnhild; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2017) Does Information Quality Matter? (PAHI2017 presentation). NTNU/Eina-nettverket Universitet Nord PAHI2017: The Fourth European Workshop on Practical aspects of Health Informaticsic , Levanger 2017-05-15 - 2017-05-16
Academic lectureBrattheim, Berit J; Melby, Line; Hellesø, Ragnhild; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2016) Sårbare systemer: Sykepleiernes strategier når PLO-meldinger kommer til kort. NTNU HELSIT2016 , Trondheim 2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28
Academic lectureHellesø, Ragnhild; Melby, Line; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle; Brattheim, Berit J. (2016) Elektronisk samhandlingen for bedre pasientforløp – en utforskende studie. Senter for omsorgsforskning Omsorgstjenestekonferansen 2016 , Gardermoen 2016-10-26 - 2016-10-27
Academic lectureHellesø, Ragnhild; Melby, Line; Brattheim, Berit J; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2016) Integrating patient care across Norwegian healthcare settings – a ten-year perspective. ICIC 16th International Conference on Integrated Care , Barcelona 2016-05-23 - 2016-05-25
PosterHellesø, Ragnhild; Melby, Line; Brattheim, Berit J; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2016) Den røde tråden. Norsk sykepleierforbund Sykepleierkongressen , Gardermoen 2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28
Academic lectureMelby, Line; Brattheim, Berit; Hellesø, Ragnhild; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2015) Effektivt kommunikasjonsverktøy, men hva med innholdet? Helsepersonells erfaringer med bruk av PLO-meldinger. NTNU HelsIT 2015 , Trondheim 2015-10-20 - 2015-10-21
Academic lectureKane, Bridget; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle; Luz, Saturnino. (2013) Shared Decision Making Needs a Communication Record. ACM CSCW 2013 , San Antonio, Texas 2013-02-23 - 2013-02-27
Academic lectureToussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2013) Process Oriented Information Systems in Health Care. NTNU HelsIT 2013 , Trondheim 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-20
Academic lectureMelby, Line; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2012) The paradoxical powers of anti-users: examples from a pilot implementation of a hospital information system. Society for the social study of science (4S) og EASST 4S & Easst Conference , København 2012-10-17 - 2012-10-20
Academic lectureWienhofen, Leendert W. M.; Preuveneers, Davy; Landmark, Andreas D.; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle; Berbers, Yolande. (2011) A notion of event quality for contextualized planning and decision support systems. CONTEXT 11 , Karlsruhe 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureHåland, Erna; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2011) Communication and cooperation; experiences with net-based learning among health personnel at Fosen. NTNU 7th Annual Norwegian Health Sociology Conference , Trondheim 2011-04-27 - 2011-04-28
Academic lectureHåland, Erna; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2011) Cooperation and learning; experiences with net-based learning among health personnel at Fosen. NTNU The Fourth Nordic Conference on Adult Learning , Trondheim 2011-04-11 - 2011-04-13
Academic lectureWienhofen, Leendert W. M.; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2011) Challenges in Designing Technology for Reducing the Need for Synchronous Communication in the Perioperative Environment. 11th International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Systems 2011-06-15 - 2011-06-17
Academic lectureBrattheim, Berit Johanne; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle; Faxvaag, Arild. (2011) When Information Sharing is not Enough. MIE2011 - XXIII International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics , Oslo 2011-08-28 - 2011-08-31
Academic lectureKarlsen, Ero Stig; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2010) Peri-operative Communication Patterns and Media Usage — Implications for Systems Design. MedInfo 2010 , Cape Town 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15
Academic lectureLandmark, Andreas D.; Seim, Andreas Røsland; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2010) Use of Events in Clinical Software. The Society for Medical Innovation and Technology SMIT 2010 , Trondheim 2010-09-02 - 2010-09-04
PosterIversen, Tobias Buschmann; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle; Melby, Line. (2010) Patient Trajectories and the Coordination of Work. IMIA MedInfo2010 , Cape Town 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15
Academic lectureBrattheim, Berit Johanne; Karlsen, Ero Stig; Landmark, Andreas D.; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2009) Trans-organizational care processes: the need for a shared information space. Universitetet i Agder m fl Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics , Arendal 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureToussaint, Pieter Jelle; Faxvaag, Arild; Seim, Andreas Røsland. (2009) Co-operation Support Through Transparency: COSTT. University of Agder Scandinavian Conference on health Informatics , Arendal 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-26
Academic lectureMelby, Line; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2009) Supporting operating nurses’ collaborative work: preventing information overload and tailoring information access. IEEE IEEE International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems , Albuquerque 2009-08-03 - 2009-08-04
Academic lectureKarpati, Peter; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle; Nytrø, Øystein. (2009) Computer Mediated Mobile Messaging as Collaboration Support for Nurses. The XXII International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics - MIE 2009 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-02
Academic lectureFaxvaag, Arild; Røstad, Lillian; Tøndel, Inger Anne; Seim, Andreas Røsland; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2009) Visualizing patient trajectories on wall-mounted boards — information security challenges. European federation of health informatics MIE 2009 , Sarajevo 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-02
Academic lectureFaxvaag, Arild; Seim, Andreas Røsland; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2008) Koordinering og samarbeid i perioperativt arbeid. KITH / NTNU helsit 2008 , Trondheim 2008-09-24 - 2008-09-25
Academic lectureSeim, Andreas Røsland; Faxvaag, Arild; Sandberg, Warren; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle. (2008) CO-OPERATION SUPPORT THROUGH TRANSPARENCY. European Operations management association 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference , Groningen 2008-06-13 - 2008-06-14