Ranik Raaen Wahlstrøm, Ph.D., serves as an Associate Professor at the NTNU Business School. He is the course coordinator and lecturer for master’s level courses, a supervisor of master’s theses, and a co-supervisor for Ph.D. candidates.
His research interests include data science, machine learning, quantitative finance, bankruptcy and default prediction, FinTech, and accounting. His doctoral thesis is titled "Financial data science for exploring and explaining the ever-increasing amount of data".
Prior to his academic career, he held various positions in the private IT sector, including roles as a CFO, advisor, board member, and a certified public accountant.
Member of
- Capital Markets and Uncertainty - IF440 (second degree level)
- FinTech og Blockchain - Experts in Teamwork (EiT) - BEIT4011 (second degree level)
- Data Science - BBAN4001 (second degree level)
- Advanced Data- and Transaction Analysis - BMRR4015 (second degree level)
- Statistics for Business - MET1002 (foundation courses, level I)