Rizwan Rafique Syed
Rizwan Rafique Syed was born in 1981. He received is M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from TU Delft, Netherlands, and M.Sc in Wind Energy from NTNU, Norway in 2015. He has more than 12+ years of industrial experience in different roles in Oil and Gas and Power Utility sector.
Scientific, academic and artistic work
Automatic Generation, Execution, and Assessment of Interlocking Tests; B. Tahincioglu – OMICRON electronics GmbH Austria; J. Kruse-Hansen – NTNU Norway, TU Delft The Netherlands; R. Rafique Syed – NTNU Norway, 2024.
R. R. Syed and H. K. Høidalen, "Dependability and performance analysis of redundant DSAS architectures using FEH and MRM," 17th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2024), Manchester, UK, 2024, pp. 228-234, doi: 10.1049/icp.2024.0986.
R. R. Syed and H. K. Høidalen, "A Review on Reliability Analysis: Approaches and Tools for Digital Substation," 2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES), Vaasa, Finland, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/FES57669.2023.10182937.
Syed, Furqan & Jianhua, Zhang & Rafique, Rizwan & Guo, Jing & Jamil, Irfan. (2018). Renewable Generation (Wind/Solar) and Load Modeling through Modified Fuzzy Prediction Interval. International Journal of Photoenergy. 2018. 1-14. 10.1155/2018/4178286.
Syed, Furqan & Shen, Pei & Wang, Zhe & Rafique, Rizwan & Iqbal, Tahir & Ijaz, Salman & Javaid, Umair. (2018). Global Power Grid Interconnection for Sustainable Growth: Concept, Project and Research Direction. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. 12. 10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.1536.
S. F. Rafique, Zhang Jianhua, Zheng Dehua and S. R. Rafique, "Optimization and operational management of renewable Goldwind Microgrid test bed," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE), 2016, pp. 409-414, doi: 10.1109/ICPRE.2016.7871242.
S. F. Rafique, S. R. Rafique, M. Kamran, M. Tahir, Z. Ahmed and M. Yaqoob, "Modeling, simulation and implementation of helicopter pitch control system," Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2014, pp. 1937-1942, doi: 10.1109/CGNCC.2014.7007475.
R. R. Syed and H. K. Høidalen, "A Review on Reliability Analysis: Approaches and Tools for Digital Substation," 2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES), Vaasa, Finland, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/FES57669.2023.10182937.
Academic lectureSyed, Rizwan Rafique; Hoidalen, Hans Kristian. (2024) Dependability and performance analysis of redundant DSAS architectures using FEH and MRM. IET 17th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2024) , Manchester 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-07
Academic lectureSyed, Rizwan Rafique; Hoidalen, Hans Kristian. (2023) A Review on Reliability Analysis: Approaches and Tools for Digital Substation. FES (Future Energy Solution) Conference 2023 , Vaasa 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-14