Roman Hankeln
Professor for the history of music. Music, text, socio-political history from the Middle Ages to our time.
Dr. phil. habil. Roman Hankeln (*1965) is professor for music history at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. Hankeln’s main research activities centre on text, musical structure, style and socio-political context of medieval liturgical vocal music. Hankeln’s second main field of research is devoted to the German Lied and its poetry around 1800. His Habilitation (Weimar 2004, publ. 2011) centred on the composition of classical verse metres in lied-compositions of J. F. Reichardt, Ch. W. Gluck, and Ch. G. Neefe.
Hankeln is leader of the editorial board of the series HISTORIAE of the International Musicological Society. The series publishes liturgical music in honour of European saints (to date more than 30 volumes. See Institute of Mediaeval Music, series Musicological Studies).
2010-2013 Hankeln presided the IMS study group Cantus Planus as chairman.
2010-2014 Hankeln led the Norwegian research group of the international ‘Cultsymbols’ project. The project studied medieval plainchant as an element of early identity formation and was launched under the aegis of the Eurocores programme of the European Science Foundation.
Hankeln received his academic education 1985–1991 at Regensburg University under David Hiley (PhD 1996, publ. 1999), and was his assistant during a research project about saints’ offices, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1996–1999). 1999-2004 Hankeln was assistant at the newly founded Institute for Musicology, at Weimar Conservatory, and the University of Jena.
During his time at Regensburg cathedral school (1976-1985) Hankeln received an intensive singing education and participated in concerts and church music, among others as alto-soloist in recordings of the Deutsche Grammophon (J. S. Bachs Christmas oratory, and his Johannespassion). Hankeln led several groups devoted to Gregorian Chant in Regensburg and Weimar. At Trondheim university Hankeln teaches also practical courses in the performance of Gregorian Chant.
Hankeln, Roman.
Zwei Einsiedler Offiziumsrepertoires zu Ehren des Mauritius und der thebäischen Legion .
Chronos Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Morent, Stefan;
Berschin, Walter;
Hankeln, Roman.
Hermannus Contractus (1013-1054), Historia de sanctis Gordiano et Epimacho.
The Institute of Medieval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
E-mode in Theory and Practice: Comments on Tradition and Innovation in the Tonality of Saints‘ Offices.
Hankeln, Roman;
Freddi, Silvan.
Zwei Historiae zu Ehren der Solothurner Heiligen Urs, Victor und ihrer Gefährten, Märtyrer der Thebäischen Legion (11. / 15. Jh.).
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hansen, Karina Valnumsen;
Hankeln, Roman;
Tischer, Mattias;
Laurenz, Lûtteken.
Declaiming politics. W. A. Mozart's Singspiele in their contemporary historical-political context: text, music, meaning, and function.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (54)
Doctoral dissertation
Hankeln, Roman.
Holy Heroes: On the Varieties of a Metaphor and its Musical Expression in the Medieval Historiae.
Hankeln, Roman.
Aspekte liturgisch-musikalischer Artikulation des Massenmartyriums im Sittener Mauritiusoffizium (9.-13.Jh.).
Aschendorff Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Gibt's nicht? - 'Liebe' in den Offiziumsgesängen des Mittelalters .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Overgangen: fire liturgiske kilder i Danmark-Norge 1519-1573.
Syddansk Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Music and text in saints' offices: two approaches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
St. Dionysius' many images: aspects of the liturgical articulation of a European saint.
Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Musikk i renessansen.
Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven)
Popular scientific article
Hankeln, Roman.
Musikk i middelalderen.
Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven)
Popular scientific article
Hankeln, Roman.
Singing the dream king: ideal monarchy and its articulation in St. Olaf's Historia.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Officium sancti Mauritii sociorumque eius Thebaicae legionis (traditione Sedunensis ecclesiae).
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Text, Music and Ideality in the Office in Honour of St Ketillus of Viborg.
Odense Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Zum musikalischen Stil der Anno-Offizien.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Liturgy and plainchant, 1150 to 1570.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Saints, their Societies and their Chants: Corporate Identity and its Representation in Medieval Saints’ Offices (“historiae”).
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Gregoriansk sang.
Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven)
Popular scientific article
Hankeln, Roman.
Music and its significance for the articulation of history in twelfth-century Scandinavian Historiae for sainted rulers.
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
St Olaf. Booklet (innledning), faglig konsepsjon til innspillingen av Historia sancti Olavi. Consortium Vocale / Graces and Voices. LAWO Classics LWC1106.
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Hankeln, Roman.
The earliest office-chants in honour of St Maurice and his companions and their relations to older text-corpora (Website).
Website (informational material)
Hankeln, Roman;
Hiley, David;
Pörnbacher, Mechthild;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Haggh, Barbara.
Balther von Säckingen, Bischof von Speyer, Historia sancti Fridolini (ca. 970).
The Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Modes of Articulating Identity in Medieval Saints’ Offices.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Fingergull. In festo susceptionis sanguinis Domini. Schola Sanctae Sunnivae.2L 2015 2L-114-SACD Liner Notes.
Hankeln, Roman.
Die Offiziumsrepertoires am Fest des Patrons Mauritius.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Chants from the Divine Office liturgy for St Liudger. Gregorian Chant in the Grey Collection (National Library of South Africa, Cape Town).
Musical performance
Hankeln, Roman.
Ein Ebstorfer Mauritiusfragment (14. Jahrhundert).
Beiträge zur Gregorianik
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Kingship and Sanctity in the Historia in Honour of St Canutus Rex.
Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aas, Ranveig;
Hankeln, Roman.
O che nuovo miracolo! -En studie av det politiske aspektet til tekst og musikk i La Pellegrinas intermedier.
Masters thesis
Hankeln, Roman;
Haagh, Barbara;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Maurey, Yossi.
Historia sancti Gatiani episcopi Turonensis.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Reflections of war and violence in early and high medieval saints' offices.
Plainsong and Medieval Music
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman;
Borders, James.
Plainsong and Medieval Music
Hankeln, Roman.
Heilige Helden: Zu den Spielarten einer Metapher und ihrer musikalischen Artikulation in den Historiae des Mittelalters.
De musica disserenda
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Sense structures sound? Analysing facets of text-music-interrelation in three chant cycles for St. Maurice and the Theban legion (11th-14th century).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Intertextual strategies in the chants of medieval saints' offices (historiae).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Nasjonal kulturarv? Olavsofficiets relevans for et norsk middelalderbilde.
Musikk & Historie
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Czagany, Zsuza;
Hankeln, Roman.
Historia sancti Demetrii Thessalonicensis.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hiley, David;
Berschin, Walter;
Hankeln, Roman.
Hermannus Contractus (1013-1054)Historia sancti Magni.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Tremp, Ernst;
Berschin, Walter;
Hiley, David.
Historia sancti Galli circa 900.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Arnaud, Brigitte;
Dennery, Annie.
L'office de la couronne d'Épines à Sens.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
'Eysteins liturgi og dens europeiske musikk'.
Nidaros Domkirkes Restaureringsarbeiders Forlag
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hankeln, Roman;
Hope, Steffen.
The king's three images. The representation of St. Edward the Confessor in historiography, hagiography, and liturgy.
Ntnu, Historie og klassiske fag, Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Hankeln, Roman.
Music, scholasticism and reform. Salian Germany, 1024-1125.
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Book review
Koren, Marièl Eikeset;
Bergheim, Irene;
Hankeln, Roman.
Niels Jesperssøns Graduale 1573 -plassering i europeisk kyrkjemusikalsk tradisjon og nyskaping.
Masters thesis
Hankeln, Roman.
Kompositionsproblem Klassik: antikeorientierte Versmetren im Liedschaffen J. F. Reichardts und einiger Zeitgenossen.
Academic monograph
Hankeln, Roman.
Eystein's liturgy and its European music.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikkelsen, Steinar;
Hankeln, Roman.
Tekst og musikk i Stravinskijs latinske vokalverk. «In the beginning was the word...».
Masters thesis
Hankeln, Roman.
Offertorienverse in A, Y & Co.: Probleme und Potenziale aquitanischer Offertorienüberlieferung (11. bis 12. Jahrhundert).
Beiträge zur Gregorianik
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Schwerter und Pflugscharen: Zum Reflex des Geschichtlichen in der liturgischen Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters.
Georg Olms Verlag AG
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
"Exulta civitas Ratisbona!..." – Reflexe politisch-sozialer Identität in den Offiziumsgesängen zur Ehre der Regensburger Stadtpatrone und ihr mittelalterlicher europäischer Kontext.
Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László.
Historia sancti Stephani regis 1190-1270.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Dobszay, László;
Haggh, Barbara;
Bezuidenhout, Morné.
Historia sancti Ludgeri.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László;
Bergsagel, John.
The Offices and Masses of St. Knud Lavard (d. 1131).
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László;
Brand, Benjamin.
Historia sancti Reguli episcopi et martiris.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Political plainchant? Music, text and historical context of medieval saints' offices.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hankeln, Roman.
Zur musikstilistischen Einordnung mittelalterlicher Heiligenoffizien.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
St. Olav's Augustine-responsories: contrafactum technique and political message.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
A blasphemous paradox? Approaches to socio-political aspects of medieval Western plainchant.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Report on the series 'Historiae'.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hankeln, Roman.
'Old and new in medieval chant: finding methods of investigating an unknown region'.
Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Die Patroklus-Neumenfragmente der Universitätsbibliothek Helsinki: Spuren einer westfälischen Lokalhistoria als Indiz überregionaler liturgisch-musikalischer Beziehungen während des Mittelalters?.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman;
Dobszay, László;
Haggh, Barbara;
Klugseder, Robert.
Historia sancti Quirini. Historia sancti Chrysogoni aus dem Benediktinerkloster Tegernsee.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Einführung in die lateinisch-liturgische Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters: Quellenforschung, Analyse und Aufführungspraxis, Workshop at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, Weimar, 8-10 Feb. 2007.
Einführung in die lateinisch-liturgische Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Choralforschung in Skandinavien: Probleme und Perspektiven, Guestlecture at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar, 7.2.2007.
Choralforschung in Skandinavien
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Deltakelse som sanger i konsert med Gregoriansk sang; 26.5.2007. Alte Kapelle, Regensburg.
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Aktiv sanger i konsert med Gregoriansk sang i San Lorenzo, Firenze i forbindelse med VIII congresso internazionale di AISCGRE, Firenze 28.5.-2.6.2007.
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Skrifter - NTNU, Senter for middelalderstudier
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
What does the prosula tell? Aquitanian Offertory-Prosulas and their Significance for the History of Offertory-Melismas.
Skrifter - NTNU, Senter for middelalderstudier
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Texting Techniques in St Olav's Augustine-Responsories.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Ars musica / ars sacra / ars politica: Questions about the representation of political power in the offices of Henry II, Saint and Emperor.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Intertextualität als liturgische Legitimationsstrategie? Zu den kommunikativen Aspekten mittelalterlicher liturgischer Einstimmigkeit am Beispiel der Olavshistoria (Nidaros, 1161-1188).
Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Konrad von Megenberg, der Musiker?.
C.H. Beck
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
"Identität und Internationalität: Geistliche Einstimmigkeit im mittelalterlichen Regensburg".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
"Der Blick zurück?" Zur Bedeutung aquitanischer Offertoriumsprosulae für eine Historiographie des Offertoriums.
ConBrio Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Fidelis Caesar: Arnolf-"memoria" in the rhymed office for Saint Dionysius of St. Emmeram (12th-13th century).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László;
Fickett, Martha.
Historia sancti Martini.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Political plainchant? - The relationship of music, text and political context in medieval historiae for rulers. A symposion at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Trondheim, Norway, September 16 – 18 2005.
Political Plainchant?
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Mohr Siebeck
Encyclopedia article
Hankeln, Roman.
2004The Offertory and its Verses: State of Research - some Guidelines for Future Exploration A Symposion at the Center for Medieval Studies’, Trondheim, Norway, September 25 – 26 2004.
The Offertory and its Verses
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Red-hot ploughshares, imperial feet and music for a saint: On the historia for saint Kunigunde, CD-booklet 'Kunigunde', Nova historia. Gregorian Chants for an empress.
Other product
Hankeln, Roman.
Article "Tropus", RGG4, vol. 8, 2005, c. 636.
Encyclopedia article
Journal publications
Hankeln, Roman.
Musikk i renessansen.
Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven)
Popular scientific article
Hankeln, Roman.
Musikk i middelalderen.
Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven)
Popular scientific article
Hankeln, Roman.
Gregoriansk sang.
Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven)
Popular scientific article
Hankeln, Roman.
Ein Ebstorfer Mauritiusfragment (14. Jahrhundert).
Beiträge zur Gregorianik
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Reflections of war and violence in early and high medieval saints' offices.
Plainsong and Medieval Music
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman;
Borders, James.
Plainsong and Medieval Music
Hankeln, Roman.
Heilige Helden: Zu den Spielarten einer Metapher und ihrer musikalischen Artikulation in den Historiae des Mittelalters.
De musica disserenda
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Nasjonal kulturarv? Olavsofficiets relevans for et norsk middelalderbilde.
Musikk & Historie
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hankeln, Roman.
Music, scholasticism and reform. Salian Germany, 1024-1125.
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Book review
Hankeln, Roman.
Offertorienverse in A, Y & Co.: Probleme und Potenziale aquitanischer Offertorienüberlieferung (11. bis 12. Jahrhundert).
Beiträge zur Gregorianik
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
Skrifter - NTNU, Senter for middelalderstudier
Academic article
Hankeln, Roman.
What does the prosula tell? Aquitanian Offertory-Prosulas and their Significance for the History of Offertory-Melismas.
Skrifter - NTNU, Senter for middelalderstudier
Academic article
Artistic productions
Hankeln, Roman.
Chants from the Divine Office liturgy for St Liudger. Gregorian Chant in the Grey Collection (National Library of South Africa, Cape Town).
Musical performance
Morent, Stefan;
Berschin, Walter;
Hankeln, Roman.
Hermannus Contractus (1013-1054), Historia de sanctis Gordiano et Epimacho.
The Institute of Medieval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Freddi, Silvan.
Zwei Historiae zu Ehren der Solothurner Heiligen Urs, Victor und ihrer Gefährten, Märtyrer der Thebäischen Legion (11. / 15. Jh.).
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Officium sancti Mauritii sociorumque eius Thebaicae legionis (traditione Sedunensis ecclesiae).
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Hiley, David;
Pörnbacher, Mechthild;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Haggh, Barbara.
Balther von Säckingen, Bischof von Speyer, Historia sancti Fridolini (ca. 970).
The Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haagh, Barbara;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Maurey, Yossi.
Historia sancti Gatiani episcopi Turonensis.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Czagany, Zsuza;
Hankeln, Roman.
Historia sancti Demetrii Thessalonicensis.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hiley, David;
Berschin, Walter;
Hankeln, Roman.
Hermannus Contractus (1013-1054)Historia sancti Magni.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Tremp, Ernst;
Berschin, Walter;
Hiley, David.
Historia sancti Galli circa 900.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Czagany, Zsuzsa;
Arnaud, Brigitte;
Dennery, Annie.
L'office de la couronne d'Épines à Sens.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Kompositionsproblem Klassik: antikeorientierte Versmetren im Liedschaffen J. F. Reichardts und einiger Zeitgenossen.
Academic monograph
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László.
Historia sancti Stephani regis 1190-1270.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Dobszay, László;
Haggh, Barbara;
Bezuidenhout, Morné.
Historia sancti Ludgeri.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László;
Bergsagel, John.
The Offices and Masses of St. Knud Lavard (d. 1131).
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László;
Brand, Benjamin.
Historia sancti Reguli episcopi et martiris.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman.
Political plainchant? Music, text and historical context of medieval saints' offices.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hankeln, Roman;
Dobszay, László;
Haggh, Barbara;
Klugseder, Robert.
Historia sancti Quirini. Historia sancti Chrysogoni aus dem Benediktinerkloster Tegernsee.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Hankeln, Roman;
Haggh, Barbara;
Dobszay, László;
Fickett, Martha.
Historia sancti Martini.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic commentary
Part of book/report
Hankeln, Roman.
Zwei Einsiedler Offiziumsrepertoires zu Ehren des Mauritius und der thebäischen Legion .
Chronos Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
E-mode in Theory and Practice: Comments on Tradition and Innovation in the Tonality of Saints‘ Offices.
Hankeln, Roman.
Holy Heroes: On the Varieties of a Metaphor and its Musical Expression in the Medieval Historiae.
Hankeln, Roman.
Aspekte liturgisch-musikalischer Artikulation des Massenmartyriums im Sittener Mauritiusoffizium (9.-13.Jh.).
Aschendorff Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Gibt's nicht? - 'Liebe' in den Offiziumsgesängen des Mittelalters .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Overgangen: fire liturgiske kilder i Danmark-Norge 1519-1573.
Syddansk Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Music and text in saints' offices: two approaches.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
St. Dionysius' many images: aspects of the liturgical articulation of a European saint.
Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Singing the dream king: ideal monarchy and its articulation in St. Olaf's Historia.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Text, Music and Ideality in the Office in Honour of St Ketillus of Viborg.
Odense Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Zum musikalischen Stil der Anno-Offizien.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Liturgy and plainchant, 1150 to 1570.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Saints, their Societies and their Chants: Corporate Identity and its Representation in Medieval Saints’ Offices (“historiae”).
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Music and its significance for the articulation of history in twelfth-century Scandinavian Historiae for sainted rulers.
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
St Olaf. Booklet (innledning), faglig konsepsjon til innspillingen av Historia sancti Olavi. Consortium Vocale / Graces and Voices. LAWO Classics LWC1106.
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Hankeln, Roman.
Modes of Articulating Identity in Medieval Saints’ Offices.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Die Offiziumsrepertoires am Fest des Patrons Mauritius.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Kingship and Sanctity in the Historia in Honour of St Canutus Rex.
Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Sense structures sound? Analysing facets of text-music-interrelation in three chant cycles for St. Maurice and the Theban legion (11th-14th century).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Intertextual strategies in the chants of medieval saints' offices (historiae).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
'Eysteins liturgi og dens europeiske musikk'.
Nidaros Domkirkes Restaureringsarbeiders Forlag
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hankeln, Roman.
Eystein's liturgy and its European music.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Schwerter und Pflugscharen: Zum Reflex des Geschichtlichen in der liturgischen Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters.
Georg Olms Verlag AG
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
"Exulta civitas Ratisbona!..." – Reflexe politisch-sozialer Identität in den Offiziumsgesängen zur Ehre der Regensburger Stadtpatrone und ihr mittelalterlicher europäischer Kontext.
Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Zur musikstilistischen Einordnung mittelalterlicher Heiligenoffizien.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
St. Olav's Augustine-responsories: contrafactum technique and political message.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
A blasphemous paradox? Approaches to socio-political aspects of medieval Western plainchant.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Report on the series 'Historiae'.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hankeln, Roman.
'Old and new in medieval chant: finding methods of investigating an unknown region'.
Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Die Patroklus-Neumenfragmente der Universitätsbibliothek Helsinki: Spuren einer westfälischen Lokalhistoria als Indiz überregionaler liturgisch-musikalischer Beziehungen während des Mittelalters?.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Texting Techniques in St Olav's Augustine-Responsories.
Institute of Mediæval Music
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Ars musica / ars sacra / ars politica: Questions about the representation of political power in the offices of Henry II, Saint and Emperor.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Intertextualität als liturgische Legitimationsstrategie? Zu den kommunikativen Aspekten mittelalterlicher liturgischer Einstimmigkeit am Beispiel der Olavshistoria (Nidaros, 1161-1188).
Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Konrad von Megenberg, der Musiker?.
C.H. Beck
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
"Identität und Internationalität: Geistliche Einstimmigkeit im mittelalterlichen Regensburg".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
"Der Blick zurück?" Zur Bedeutung aquitanischer Offertoriumsprosulae für eine Historiographie des Offertoriums.
ConBrio Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Fidelis Caesar: Arnolf-"memoria" in the rhymed office for Saint Dionysius of St. Emmeram (12th-13th century).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hankeln, Roman.
Mohr Siebeck
Encyclopedia article
Hankeln, Roman.
Article "Tropus", RGG4, vol. 8, 2005, c. 636.
Encyclopedia article
Hansen, Karina Valnumsen;
Hankeln, Roman;
Tischer, Mattias;
Laurenz, Lûtteken.
Declaiming politics. W. A. Mozart's Singspiele in their contemporary historical-political context: text, music, meaning, and function.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (54)
Doctoral dissertation
Aas, Ranveig;
Hankeln, Roman.
O che nuovo miracolo! -En studie av det politiske aspektet til tekst og musikk i La Pellegrinas intermedier.
Masters thesis
Hankeln, Roman;
Hope, Steffen.
The king's three images. The representation of St. Edward the Confessor in historiography, hagiography, and liturgy.
Ntnu, Historie og klassiske fag, Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Koren, Marièl Eikeset;
Bergheim, Irene;
Hankeln, Roman.
Niels Jesperssøns Graduale 1573 -plassering i europeisk kyrkjemusikalsk tradisjon og nyskaping.
Masters thesis
Mikkelsen, Steinar;
Hankeln, Roman.
Tekst og musikk i Stravinskijs latinske vokalverk. «In the beginning was the word...».
Masters thesis
Hankeln, Roman.
Einführung in die lateinisch-liturgische Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters: Quellenforschung, Analyse und Aufführungspraxis, Workshop at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, Weimar, 8-10 Feb. 2007.
Einführung in die lateinisch-liturgische Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Choralforschung in Skandinavien: Probleme und Perspektiven, Guestlecture at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar, 7.2.2007.
Choralforschung in Skandinavien
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Deltakelse som sanger i konsert med Gregoriansk sang; 26.5.2007. Alte Kapelle, Regensburg.
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Aktiv sanger i konsert med Gregoriansk sang i San Lorenzo, Firenze i forbindelse med VIII congresso internazionale di AISCGRE, Firenze 28.5.-2.6.2007.
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Political plainchant? - The relationship of music, text and political context in medieval historiae for rulers. A symposion at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Trondheim, Norway, September 16 – 18 2005.
Political Plainchant?
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
2004The Offertory and its Verses: State of Research - some Guidelines for Future Exploration A Symposion at the Center for Medieval Studies’, Trondheim, Norway, September 25 – 26 2004.
The Offertory and its Verses
Other presentation
Hankeln, Roman.
Red-hot ploughshares, imperial feet and music for a saint: On the historia for saint Kunigunde, CD-booklet 'Kunigunde', Nova historia. Gregorian Chants for an empress.
Other product
Hankeln, Roman.
The earliest office-chants in honour of St Maurice and his companions and their relations to older text-corpora (Website).
Website (informational material)
Hankeln, Roman.
Fingergull. In festo susceptionis sanguinis Domini. Schola Sanctae Sunnivae.2L 2015 2L-114-SACD Liner Notes.
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2024) Heinrich II. als Monument im gesungenen Stundengebet. Willibald-Pirckheimer-Gesellschaft, Philipps-Univ. Marburg Heinrich II. und das mittelalterliche Kaisertum in Humanismus und Renaissance, ca. 1450–1550. , Bamberg, Bistumshaus St. Otto 2024-09-27 - 2024-09-27
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2024) Notated medieval liturgical fragments in the Gunnerus-library, Trondheim (Norway). IMS Study Group Cantus Planus, Hungarian Academy of Sciences International Musicological Society Study Group "Cantus Planus". Conference at Gödöllő, Ungarn, 31 July – 3 August 2024. , Gödöllő 2024-08-02 - 2024-08-02
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2024) Reflecting and legitimizing mission in the chants of the medieval Divine Office. Bergen University Moster 2024: Crossroads of religion and law in the conversion of Norway , Bergen, University Aula 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-18
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2021) Pater noster-melodies in the Bratislava-Missal in their Nordic and European context. Lund University, Stephan Borgehammar Celebration and Devotion in Lund Cathedral 1123–2023. Conference in Lund, August 26–29, 2021 , Lund 2021-08-26 - 2021-08-29
Popular scientific lectureThorsen, Thea Selliaas; Hankeln, Roman. (2019) Samtale om Missale Nidrosiense og Breviarium Nidrosiense i anledning 500-årsjubileet for disse Norges første trykte bøker. 500-årsjubileum for Norges første trykte bøker 2019-01-28 -
Programme managementThorsen, Thea Selliaas; Hankeln, Roman. (2019) Norges første trykte bøker er 500 år: Missale Nodrosiense og Breviarium Nidrosiense . Youtube Youtube [Internet] 2019-12-12
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2019) Gewalt, Glorie, Gregorianik: Aspekte liturgisch-musikalischer Artikulation des Massenmartyriums im Sittener Mauritiusoffizium. Römisches Institut der Görres-Gesellschaft, Univ. Eichstätt Sterben und Töten für Gott? Das Martyrium in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter , Roma 2019-02-20 - 2019-02-23
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2019) Communicating religio-political values in St Olaf's office. Växjö Universitet First Meeting Early Musicologists in the Nordic Countries , Växjö 2019-10-15 - 2019-10-16
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2019) E-Modus zwischen Theorie und Praxis: Bemerkungen zu Tradition und Innovation in der Tonalität der Heiligenoffizien. Universität Regensburg Liturgie und Musik in St. Emmeram vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit , Regensburg 2019-09-22 - 2019-09-25
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2019) Zwei Einsielder Offiziumsrepertoires zu Ehren des heiligen Mauritius under der Thebäischen Legion. Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Zürich Gregorianik in Wissenschaft und Praxis an der Universität Zürich , Zürich 2019-09-20 - 2019-09-21
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2018) King AND martyr: representing ideal rulership in St. Olaf's Office. Nexus Nidaros, NTNU Royal Saints, Kings and People. St Olaf in Context , Trondheim, Erkebispegården 2018-11-29 - 2018-11-30
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2018) The forged saint and his chants: reflections of identity in text and music in honour of St. Dionysius of St. Emmeram. Universitet Odense Saints and their several images , Odense 2018-05-31 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2017) Music and text in saints’ offices. Two approaches. Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi Conference: Historiae. Repertory and research in medieval chant for the Divine Office , Venezia 2017-01-27 - 2017-01-27
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2017) ‘Sanctus Dionisius’: Zu den Facetten liturgischer Artikulation eines europäischen Heiligen. Hochschule für Katholische Kirchenmusik und Musikpädagogik Tagung: Gottesdienst in Regensburger Institutionen. Zur Vielfalt liturgischer Traditionen in der Vormoderne , Regensburg 2017-07-07 - 2017-07-07
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2016) Die Offiziumsgesänge des hl. Mauritius und der thebäischen Legion. Fondation des archives historiques de l'abbaye de St-Maurice Sur les traces de saint Maurice. Historie et légende , Saint-Maurice 2016-09-29 - 2016-09-29
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2016) Gibt’s nicht? ‘Liebe’ in der geistlichen Vokalmusik des Mittelalters. Hochschule für Musik und Theater Ringvorlesung Musik / Mensch: Musik und Liebe , Hamburg 2016-12-13 - 2016-12-13
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2015) Liudger: the saint and his music. South African College of Music Chants from the Divine Office liturgy for St Liudger , Cape Town 2015-10-24 - 2015-10-24
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2015) St. Maurice's office chants 800-1500: thematic and functional constants and changes before the "age of the reformations". University of Copenhagen / National Museum at Copenhagen Ora pro nobis II. Space, place and the practice of saints' cults across the reformations , Copenhagen 2015-03-13 - 2015-03-13
Popular scientific lectureHankeln, Roman. (2014) Singing the dream king: ideal monarchy and its articulation in St Olaf's Nova Historia. Prof. Alexander M. Schweitzer, Consortium Vocale, Oslo Konferanse: 'Cantus posterior', Lifelong Learning Programme , Oslo Domkirke 2014-09-13 - 2014-09-13
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Saints, music, and holy space: medieval saints’ offices as sources of early identity formation. European Science Foundation Eurocores Eurocorecode-programme European comparisons in regional cohesion, dynamics and expressions , Arnhem 2013-08-31 - 2013-08-31
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Auf Erden – im Himmel. Zwei Fallbeispiele zu den Verfahren textlich-musikalischer Inszenierung herrscherlicher Heiligkeit in den Historiae des Mittelalters. Universität Regensburg, Institut für Musikwissenschaft Gjesteforelesning , Regensburg 2013-01-18 - 2013-01-18
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Modes of articulating identity in medieval saints' offices. Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre Sociocultural crossings and borders. Musical microhistories. , Vilnius 2013-09-07 - 2013-09-07
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Sense structures sound? Analysing facets of text-music-interrelation in three chant cycles for S. Maurice and the Theban legion (11–14th century). Medieval and Renaissance Music Society Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference , Certaldo 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-07
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Earthly pain – heavenly pleasure: musical reflections of joy in medieval saints’ offices. Leeds University International Medieval Congress, Leeds 2013, Session 1704: Symbolic Identity and the Cultural Memory of Saints, IV: Saints in Liturgy and Preaching. , Leeds 2013-07-04 - 2013-07-04
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Music and its significance for the articulation of history in 12th-century Scandinavian offices for sainted rulers. Saxo-Institute Conference: The Writing of History in Scandinavia 1050–1220, and its European Context. , Copenhagen 2013-06-06 - 2013-06-06
Popular scientific lectureHankeln, Roman. (2013) Nasjonal kulturarv? Olavsoffisiets relevans for et norsk middelalderbilde. Consortium Vocale, Oslo Rex Olavus. Olav den hellige i nasjonalt og internasjonalt perspektiv , Oslo 2013-10-19 - 2013-10-19
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2012) 'Saints, their societies, and their chants: corporate identity and its representation in medieval saints' offices ("historiae")'. Internat Musicological Society Study Group Cantus Planus Cantus Planus IMS Study Group session 'Western plainchant and its relevance for medieval and modern identity formation', International Musicological Society Congress Roma 2012 , Roma 2012-07-07 - 2012-07-07
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2012) 'Zur musikalischen Artikulation des Heroischen in den Heiligenoffizien des Mittelalters'. Universität Leipzig, Institut für Musikwissenschaft Conference 'Das Heroische in der Musik / The heroic in music', Leipzig University, 2012. , Leipzig 2012-09-14 - 2012-09-14
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2012) 'Intertextual strategies in the chants of medieval saints’ offices («historiae»)'. Centre franco-norvégien en sciences sociales et humaines, Fo Conference 'Biblical Typology as a mode of thinking in medieval historiography', Paris 2012. , Paris 2012-11-15 - 2012-11-15
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2012) 'Bellum iustum – militia Christi? Conflicting values and their articulation in three office cycles in honour of St. Maurice and the Theban legion’. NTNU, Roman Hankeln Conference 'Music of war? Reflections of violence, aggression and suffering in the chants of the medieval Divine Office, Hell, Norway. , Rica Hotel, Hell 2012-08-16 - 2012-08-16
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2012) 'Kingship and sanctity in the historia in honour of St Canutus rex'. The Royal Library, Copenhagen Symposion 'Of chronicles and kings', Copenhagen, The Royal Library, 2012. , Copenhagen 2012-10-19 - 2012-10-19
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2011) Reflections of war and violence in early and high medieval saints’ offices. Leeds University Leeds, International Medieval Congress , Leeds 2011-07-14 -
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2011) Die Offiziumsgesänge am Festtag des Patrons Mauritius: Identität und Internationalität in den Liturgien Medingens und Ebstorfs. Linda Maria Koldau (Aarhus), Kloster Ebstorf Weltbild und Lebenswirklichkeit in den Lüneburger Klöstern , Kloster Ebstorf 2011-03-24 -
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2010) 'Chants that bind and break...: methods and more'. Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage Cultsymbols-meeting , København 2010-11-12 - 2010-11-14
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2009) Zum Reflex von Geschichte in den Historiae des Mittelalters. IMS Study Group CANTUS PLANUS IMS Study Group CANTUS PLANUS 15th metting , Dobogokö, Ungarn 2009-08-23 -
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2009) '"Exulta, civitas Ratispona!" – Reflexe politisch-sozialer Identität in den Offiziumsgesängen zur Ehre der Regensburger Stadtpatrone und ihr mittelalterlicher europäischer Kontext'. Universität Regensburg, Forum Mittelalter Städtische Kulte im Mittelalter. Internationale Jahrestagung des Forums Mittelalter der Universität Regensburg, 12.-14.11.2009 , Regensburg 2009-11-13 - 2009-11-13
Popular scientific lectureHankeln, Roman. (2009) Gregorianikkens makt: om kirkemusikkens rolle i middelaldersk politisk kommunikasjon. NTNU Lunsjseminar, NTNU, Historisk Institutt, Dragvoll , Trondheim 2009-04-28 - 2009-04-28
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2008) Offertorienverse in A, Y & Co.: Probleme und Potentiale aquitanischer Offertorienüberlieferung (11.-12. Jh.). Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Graz Symposium "100 Jahre Graduale Romanum". Entstehung, Wirkungsgeschichte, Zukunft , Graz 2008-11-14 - 2008-11-16
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2008) Schwerter und Pflugscharen: Zum Reflex des Geschichtlichen in der liturgischen Einstimmigkeit des Mittelalters. Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena Vortrag auf Einladung der Friedrich Schiller Universität , Jena 2008-05-22 - 2008-05-22
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2008) Fragments, fjords and databases: Exploring the earliest sources of ecclesiastical music in the North. Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical CESEM-conference, Lisboa, January 2008 , Lissabon 2008-01-16 - 2008-01-19
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2006) Liturgische Kommunikationswege: Nidaros und die Augustiner. Forum Mittelalter der Universität Regensburg Kommunikation im städtischen Raum , Regensburg 2006-11-17 - 2006-11-18
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2006) "A New Fragment of the Regensburg Dionysius Office". IMS Study Group, CANTUS PLANUS, Prof. Dr. David Hiley IMS Study Group, CANTUS PLANUS, 13th Meeting, Niederaltaich , Regensburg 2006-08-29 - 2006-09-04
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2005) St Olaf’s Augustine-responsories: Musical emphasis of a political message?. Roman Hankeln, Senter for middelalderstudier, NTNU “Political Plainchant? The relationship of music, text and political context in medieval historiae for rulers.” A symposion at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Trondheim, Norway, September 17 - 18 2005. , Trondheim 2005-09-17 - 2005-09-18
InterviewHankeln, Roman. (2004) Presentation of the Nidaros office of the Holy blood,(with performance of chants from the office in the kapitelshuset of Nidaros-cathedral). NRK 2 NRK 2 [Radio] 2004-12-26
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2004) �Fidelis Caesar�. Arnolf-�memoria� in the rhymed office for St Dionysius of St Emmeram (12.-13.Jh.). Study Group CANTUS PLANUS The 12th conference of the International Musicological Society , Lillafüred 2004-08-26 -
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2004) Some criteria for an analytical approach to offertory-melodies. Senter for Medieval Studies The Offertory and its Verses: State of Research - some Guidelines for Future Exploration A Symposion at the Center for Medieval Studies� , Trondheim 2004-09-25 - 2004-09-26
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2004) What the prosula tells...: Aquitanian offertory-prosulas and their significance for the history of offertory-melismas. Center for Medieval Studies The Offertory and its Verses: State of Research - some Guidelines for Future Exploration , Trondheim 2004-09-25 - 2004-09-26
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2004) Musik Macht Heilige - Musikalische Instrumentarien kirchenpolitischer Machtrepräsentation im Herrscheroffizium des Mittelalters. Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Dr. grads opponent , Weimar 2004-10-18 -
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2004) �Bruckner, ein Cäcilianer...?� Überlegungen zur Frage stilistischer Unterscheidungskriterien im Bereich liturgischer Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Dr. gradsopponent , Weimar 2004-10-11 -
Academic lectureHankeln, Roman. (2003) Konrad von Megenberg, der Musiker?. Tagung des Projekforums Mittelalter der Ludwig-Maximilians-U Das Wissen der Zeit. Konrad von Megenberg (1309-1374) und sein Werk , Munchen 2003-10-08 - 2003-10-10