Rune Sætre
309 PTS 2 Valgrinda, Trondheim
Private page:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- The Bus-OrakelAtB Trondheim
- LLM: Large Language Models (Norway, Japan)
- Health-research, Bio(-medical-)NLP
- FastlegeVakten Notification Service
Group: Information Systems and Software Engineering (Campus photos)
Union Board Member: Tekna NTNU (Akademikerne)
- Health informatics research: PAsTAs, and BioNLP
- Teaching several IT courses on BSc, MSc and PhD level
- Cristin ( Index - Norwegian Universities Research Results )
- Google Scholar, DBLP, CiteSeer
Teaching last 10 years:
- Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming.
- Python
- C++
- Java
- Semantic Web (Examiner)
Chen, Bowen;
Sætre, Rune;
Miyao, Yusuke.
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Inductive Reasoning Capabilities and Problem Solving in Large Language Models.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dev, Aamin;
Asakura, Takuto;
Sætre, Rune.
An Approach to Co-reference Resolution and Formula Grounding for Mathematical Identifiers Using Large Language Models.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krüger, Andreas;
Setalid, Marius;
Skari, Even Letting;
Sætre, Rune.
NOLAS Insights
Systemizing operational characteristics in an
organization consisting of several functional
Masters thesis
Wang, Alf Inge;
Sætre, Rune;
Rydland, Terje;
Dahl, Yngve.
Evaluation of Interactive and Gamified Approaches for Teaching ICT Theory - A Study of PowerPoint, Sembly, and Kahoot!.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Marsi, Erwin;
Sikdar, Utpal Kumar;
Marco, Cristina;
Barik, Biswanath;
Sætre, Rune.
NTNU-1@ScienceIE at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Identifying and Labelling Keyphrases with Conditional Random Fields.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Alf Inge;
Zhu, Meng;
Sætre, Rune.
The Effect of Digitizing and Gamifying Quizzing in Classrooms.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Nytrø, Øystein;
Nordbø, Stein Jakob;
Steinsbekk, Aslak.
Visual exploration and cohort identification of acute patient histories aggregated from heterogeneous sources.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøhler, Henrik;
Asla, Petter Fagerlund;
Marsi, Erwin;
Sætre, Rune.
IDI@NTNU at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Shallow Features and GloVe Vectors for Word Representation.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Unni Alice;
Johnsen, Roar;
Sætre, Rune;
Steinsbekk, Aslak.
The influence of an intermediate care hospital on health care utilization among elderly patients - a retrospective comparative cohort study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Steinsbekk, Aslak;
Berntsen, Gro Karine Rosvold;
Schrader, Per;
Sætre, Rune;
Nytrø, Øystein.
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Stav, Erlend;
Floch, Jacqueline;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Sætre, Rune.
Using Meta-modelling for Construction of an End-User Development Framework.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersstuen, Runar;
Engell, Trond Bøe;
Sætre, Rune;
Gambäck, Björn.
A Multiple Platform Approach to Building a Bus Route Information System for Mobile Devices.
GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Academic article
Marcussen, Christian Jun;
Eliassen, Lars Moland;
Sætre, Rune;
Gambäck, Björn.
Context-Awareness and Real-Time Information in an Intelligent Smartphone Application.
GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Gulla, Jon Atle.
Sætre, Rune;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Stav, Erlend;
Fernandez, Alfredo Perez;
Herrmann, Peter Michael;
Gulla, Jon Atle.
Towards Ontology-Driven End-User Composition of Personalized Mobile Services.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Kocbek, Simon;
Sætre, Rune;
Gregor, Stiglic;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Pernek, Igor;
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa.
Analysis of Gene Ranking Algorithms with Extraction of Relevant Biomedical Concepts from PubMed Publications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rinaldi, Fabio;
Kaljurand, Kaarel;
Sætre, Rune.
Terminological resources for text mining over biomedical scientific literature.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Academic article
Arighi, Cecilia N;
Roberts, Phoebe M;
Shashank, Agarwal;
Bhattacharya, Sanmitra;
Gianni, Cesareni;
Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew.
BioCreative III interactive task: an overview.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Kano, Yoshinobu;
Björne, Jari;
Ginter, Filip;
Salakoski, Tapio;
Buyko, Ekaterina;
Hahn, Udo.
U-Compare bio-event meta-service: compatible BioNLP event extraction services.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Riedel, Sebastian;
Sætre, Rune;
Chun, Hong-Woo;
Takagi, Toshihisa;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Computational Intelligence
Academic article
Kocbek, Simon;
Sætre, Rune;
Stiglic, Gregor;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Pernek, Igor;
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa.
AGRA: analysis of gene ranking algorithms.
Academic article
Floch, Jacqueline;
Herrmann, Peter Michael;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Sanders, Richard;
Stav, Erlend;
Sætre, Rune.
End-User Service Composition in Mobile Pervasive Environments.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Sætre, Rune;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Herrmann, Peter Michael.
End-user Composition of Web-based Services: The “Plus Alpha” Approach.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Ohta, Tomoko;
Matsuzaki, Takuya;
Okazaki, Naoaki;
Miwa, Makoto;
Sætre, Rune;
Pyysalo, Sampo.
Medie and Info-pubmed: 2010 update.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Yoshida, Kazuhiro;
Miwa, Makoto;
Matsuzaki, Takuya;
Yoshinobu, Kano;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Extracting Protein-Interactions from Text with the Unified AkaneRE Event Extraction System.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Academic article
Wang, Yue;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Sætre, Rune;
Pyysalo, Sampo;
Ohta, Tomoko;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Improving the Inter-corpora Compatibility for Protein Annotations.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Academic article
Miwa, Makoto;
Sætre, Rune;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Event Extraction with Complex Event Classification Using Rich Features.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Academic article
Wang, Yue;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Sætre, Rune;
Pyysalo, Sampo;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Investigating heterogeneous protein annotations toward cross-corpora utilization.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Miwa, Makoto;
Sætre, Rune;
Miyao, Yusuke;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction by Leveraging Multiple Kernels and Parsers.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Leitner, Florian;
Krallinger, Martin;
Rodriguez-Penagos, Carlos;
Hakenberg, Jörg;
Plake, Conrad;
Kuo, Cheng-Ju.
Introducing meta-services for biomedical information extraction.
Genome Biology
Academic article
Miyao, Yusuke;
Sagae, Kenji;
Sætre, Rune;
Matsuzaki, Takuya;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Evaluating Contributions of Natural Language Parsers to Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction.
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Stunes, Kamilla;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv.
Webprot : online mining and annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Søvik, Harald;
Amble, Tore;
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa.
GeneTUC, GENIA and Google: Natural Language Understanding in Molecular Biology Literature.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Amble, Tore.
GeneTUC: Natural Language Understanding in Medical Text.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (59)
Doctoral dissertation
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating protein interactions using Google and Gene Ontology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Astrid Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating Protein Interactions Using Google and Gene Ontology.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Semantic annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Tveit, Amund;
Sætre, Rune;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
ProtChew: Automatic Extraction of Protein Names from Biomedical Literature.
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
Academic article
Journal publications
Wang, Alf Inge;
Sætre, Rune;
Rydland, Terje;
Dahl, Yngve.
Evaluation of Interactive and Gamified Approaches for Teaching ICT Theory - A Study of PowerPoint, Sembly, and Kahoot!.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Dahl, Unni Alice;
Johnsen, Roar;
Sætre, Rune;
Steinsbekk, Aslak.
The influence of an intermediate care hospital on health care utilization among elderly patients - a retrospective comparative cohort study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Steinsbekk, Aslak;
Berntsen, Gro Karine Rosvold;
Schrader, Per;
Sætre, Rune;
Nytrø, Øystein.
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories.
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
Andersstuen, Runar;
Engell, Trond Bøe;
Sætre, Rune;
Gambäck, Björn.
A Multiple Platform Approach to Building a Bus Route Information System for Mobile Devices.
GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Academic article
Marcussen, Christian Jun;
Eliassen, Lars Moland;
Sætre, Rune;
Gambäck, Björn.
Context-Awareness and Real-Time Information in an Intelligent Smartphone Application.
GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Stav, Erlend;
Fernandez, Alfredo Perez;
Herrmann, Peter Michael;
Gulla, Jon Atle.
Towards Ontology-Driven End-User Composition of Personalized Mobile Services.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Rinaldi, Fabio;
Kaljurand, Kaarel;
Sætre, Rune.
Terminological resources for text mining over biomedical scientific literature.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Academic article
Arighi, Cecilia N;
Roberts, Phoebe M;
Shashank, Agarwal;
Bhattacharya, Sanmitra;
Gianni, Cesareni;
Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew.
BioCreative III interactive task: an overview.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Kano, Yoshinobu;
Björne, Jari;
Ginter, Filip;
Salakoski, Tapio;
Buyko, Ekaterina;
Hahn, Udo.
U-Compare bio-event meta-service: compatible BioNLP event extraction services.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Riedel, Sebastian;
Sætre, Rune;
Chun, Hong-Woo;
Takagi, Toshihisa;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Computational Intelligence
Academic article
Kocbek, Simon;
Sætre, Rune;
Stiglic, Gregor;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Pernek, Igor;
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa.
AGRA: analysis of gene ranking algorithms.
Academic article
Floch, Jacqueline;
Herrmann, Peter Michael;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Sanders, Richard;
Stav, Erlend;
Sætre, Rune.
End-User Service Composition in Mobile Pervasive Environments.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Ohta, Tomoko;
Matsuzaki, Takuya;
Okazaki, Naoaki;
Miwa, Makoto;
Sætre, Rune;
Pyysalo, Sampo.
Medie and Info-pubmed: 2010 update.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Yoshida, Kazuhiro;
Miwa, Makoto;
Matsuzaki, Takuya;
Yoshinobu, Kano;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Extracting Protein-Interactions from Text with the Unified AkaneRE Event Extraction System.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Academic article
Wang, Yue;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Sætre, Rune;
Pyysalo, Sampo;
Ohta, Tomoko;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Improving the Inter-corpora Compatibility for Protein Annotations.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Academic article
Miwa, Makoto;
Sætre, Rune;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Event Extraction with Complex Event Classification Using Rich Features.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Academic article
Wang, Yue;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Sætre, Rune;
Pyysalo, Sampo;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Investigating heterogeneous protein annotations toward cross-corpora utilization.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Miwa, Makoto;
Sætre, Rune;
Miyao, Yusuke;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction by Leveraging Multiple Kernels and Parsers.
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Academic article
Leitner, Florian;
Krallinger, Martin;
Rodriguez-Penagos, Carlos;
Hakenberg, Jörg;
Plake, Conrad;
Kuo, Cheng-Ju.
Introducing meta-services for biomedical information extraction.
Genome Biology
Academic article
Miyao, Yusuke;
Sagae, Kenji;
Sætre, Rune;
Matsuzaki, Takuya;
Tsujii, Jun'ichi.
Evaluating Contributions of Natural Language Parsers to Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction.
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Søvik, Harald;
Amble, Tore;
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa.
GeneTUC, GENIA and Google: Natural Language Understanding in Molecular Biology Literature.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Astrid Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating Protein Interactions Using Google and Gene Ontology.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Semantic annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Tveit, Amund;
Sætre, Rune;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
ProtChew: Automatic Extraction of Protein Names from Biomedical Literature.
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Chen, Bowen;
Sætre, Rune;
Miyao, Yusuke.
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Inductive Reasoning Capabilities and Problem Solving in Large Language Models.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dev, Aamin;
Asakura, Takuto;
Sætre, Rune.
An Approach to Co-reference Resolution and Formula Grounding for Mathematical Identifiers Using Large Language Models.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marsi, Erwin;
Sikdar, Utpal Kumar;
Marco, Cristina;
Barik, Biswanath;
Sætre, Rune.
NTNU-1@ScienceIE at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Identifying and Labelling Keyphrases with Conditional Random Fields.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Alf Inge;
Zhu, Meng;
Sætre, Rune.
The Effect of Digitizing and Gamifying Quizzing in Classrooms.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Nytrø, Øystein;
Nordbø, Stein Jakob;
Steinsbekk, Aslak.
Visual exploration and cohort identification of acute patient histories aggregated from heterogeneous sources.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bøhler, Henrik;
Asla, Petter Fagerlund;
Marsi, Erwin;
Sætre, Rune.
IDI@NTNU at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Shallow Features and GloVe Vectors for Word Representation.
Association for Computational Linguistics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stav, Erlend;
Floch, Jacqueline;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Sætre, Rune.
Using Meta-modelling for Construction of an End-User Development Framework.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kocbek, Simon;
Sætre, Rune;
Gregor, Stiglic;
Kim, Jin-Dong;
Pernek, Igor;
Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa.
Analysis of Gene Ranking Algorithms with Extraction of Relevant Biomedical Concepts from PubMed Publications.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Khan, Mohammad Ullah;
Herrmann, Peter Michael.
End-user Composition of Web-based Services: The “Plus Alpha” Approach.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Sætre, Rune;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Stunes, Kamilla;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv.
Webprot : online mining and annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating protein interactions using Google and Gene Ontology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krüger, Andreas;
Setalid, Marius;
Skari, Even Letting;
Sætre, Rune.
NOLAS Insights
Systemizing operational characteristics in an
organization consisting of several functional
Masters thesis
Sætre, Rune;
Amble, Tore.
GeneTUC: Natural Language Understanding in Medical Text.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (59)
Doctoral dissertation
Sætre, Rune;
Gulla, Jon Atle.
Academic lectureChen, Bowen; Sætre, Rune; Miyao, Yusuke. (2024) A Comprehensive Evaluation of Inductive Reasoning Capabilities and Problem Solving in Large Language Models. EACL - Association for Computational Linguistics Europe EACL 2024 , St. Julian's 2024-03-17 - 2024-03-22
Academic lectureDev, Aamin; Asakura, Takuto; Sætre, Rune. (2024) An Approach to Co-reference Resolution and Formula Grounding for Mathematical Identifiers Using Large Language Models. LREC / CoLING 2024 MATHNLP 2024 , Torino 2024-05-21 - 2024-05-25
InterviewSteen Angell, Vilde Marie; Haugann, Håkon; Farshchian, Veronica; Sætre, Rune; Rye, Johan Fredrik; Reitan, Marit. (2021) Ujevn arbeidsmengde skaper frustrasjon blant studenter. Under Dusken, Nr 11, 107. årgang Under Dusken, Nr 11, 107. årgang [Journal] 2021-11-02
Popular scientific lectureSætre, Rune; Mcmillan, Michael David. (2018) "Minority Report – Behind the scenes". BRAIN NTNU BRAIN Talks , FRAM, Gløshaugen, Trondheim 2018-10-09 - 2018-10-09
PosterMarsi, Erwin; Skidar, Utpal; Marco, Cristina; Barik, Biswanath; Sætre, Rune. (2017) NTNU-1@ScienceIE at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Identifying and Labelling Keyphrases with Conditional Random Fields. ACL 2017 SemEval 2017 , Vancouver 2017-08-03 - 2017-08-04
Academic lectureWang, Alf Inge; Zhu, Meng; Sætre, Rune. (2016) The Effect of Digitizing and Gamifying Quizzing in Classrooms. The University of the West of Scotland The 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning , Paisley, Scotland 2016-10-06 - 2016-10-07
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Nytrø, Øystein; Nordbø, Stein Jakob; Steinsbekk, Aslak. (2016) Visual Exploration and Cohort Identification of Acute Patient Histories Aggregated from Heterogeneous Sources. IEEE HDMM @ ICDE 2016 , Helsinki 2016-05-16 - 2016-05-16
LectureSætre, Rune; Nytrø, Øystein. (2014) PAsTAs: Fra store helsedata til forståelig informasjon. NTNU Videre HelsIT 2014 , Trondheim 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-15
PosterBerntsen, Gro Karine Rosvold; Nytrøe, Øystein; Sætre, Rune; Schrader, Per; Steinsbekk, Aslak. (2013) Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol. Clinical Practice Research Database Data Quality workshop , London 2013-09-06 - 2013-09-06
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Nytrø, Øystein. (2012) HEXAnord2, Proposal for a pipeline for capturing, cleaning and reasoning about patient events. Danish Technical University, Department of Systems Biology Last HexaNord Meeting , Copenhagen 2012-09-12 - 2012-09-14
InterviewBeltesbrekke, Ingvild Sættem; Sætre, Rune. (2012) Venteliste på Fastlegeordningen. P1: Her og Nå P1: Her og Nå [Radio] 2012-08-22
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Nytrø, Øystein. (2012) «Keeping patients out of hospital» Capturing care trajectories. Computer and Systems Sciences @ Stockholm University & KTH Clinical NLP Workshop 2012 , Stockholm 2012-06-20 - 2012-06-21
PosterSætre, Rune; Khan, Mohammad Ullah; Stav, Erlend; Fernandez, Alfredo Perez; Herrmann, Peter Michael; Gulla, Jon Atle. (2011) Towards Ontology-Driven Composition of Personalized Mobile Services by End-users. NLDB Natural Language Processing and Information Systems , Alicante 2011-06-28 - 2011-06-30
PosterKocbek, Simon; Sætre, Rune; Gregor, Stiglic; Kim, Jin-Dong; Pernek, Igor; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa. (2011) Analysis of Gene Ranking Algorithms with Extraction of Relevant Biomedical Concepts from PubMed Publications. IEEE IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences (ICCABS) , Orlando, Florida 2011-02-03 - 2011-02-05
Academic lectureFloch, Jacqueline; Stav, Erlend; Khan, Mohammad Ullah; Herrmann, Peter Michael; Sanders, Richard; Sætre, Rune. (2011) End-User Service Composition in Mobile Pervasive Environments. End-User Development, EUD4Services Third International Symposium, IS-EUD 2011 , Torre Canne (BR) 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-07
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Khan, Mohammad Ullah; Herrmann, Peter Michael. (2011) End-user Composition of Web-based Services: The “Plus Alpha” Approach. Norwegian University of Science and technology India-Norway Workshop on Web Concepts and Technologies 2011 , Trondheim 2011-10-03 - 2011-10-03
Academic lectureMiwa, Makoto; Miyao, Yusuke; Sætre, Rune; Tsujii, Jun'ichi. (2010) Entity-Focused Sentence Simplification for Relation Extraction. COLING 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics , Beijing 2010-08-23 - 2010-08-27
Academic lectureOkazaki, Naoaki; Cho, Han-Cheol; Sætre, Rune; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Tsujii, Jun'ichi. (2010) The gene normalization and interactive systems of the University of Tokyo in the BioCreative III challenge. NLM BioCreative III , Bethesda, Maryland 2010-09-13 - 2010-09-15
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Miwa, Makoto; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Kano, Yoshinobu; Tsujii, Jun'ichi. (2009) AkaneRE Relation Extraction: Protein Interaction and Normalization in the BioCreAtIvE II.5 Challenge. CNIO BioCreative II.5 , Madrid 2009-10-07 - 2009-10-09
PosterSætre, Rune; Miwa, Makoto; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi. (2009) From Protein-Protein Interaction to Molecular Event Extraction. ACL Proceedings of Natural Language Processing in Biomedicine , Boulder, Colorado 2009-06-04 - 2009-06-05
PosterSætre, Rune; Kemper, Brian; Oda, Kanae; Okazaki, Naoaki; Matsuoka, Yukiko; Kikuchi, Norihiro. (2008) PathText: Text Mining Tools Integrated with Biological Pathway. G2S Genomes to Systems Conference 2008 Handbook , Manchester 2008-03-17 - 2008-03-19
PosterSætre, Rune; Kemper, Brian; Oda, Kanae; Okazaki, Naoaki; Matsuoka, Yukiko; Kikuchi, Norihiro. (2008) Connecting Text Mining and Pathways using the PathText Resource. LREC Language Resources and Evaluation Conference , Marrakech 2008-05-26 - 2008-06-01
PosterSætre, Rune; Kemper, Brian; Oda, Kanae; Matsuoka, Yukiko; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Kitano, Hiroaki. (2008) PathText/payao development: Text/pathway annotations. ICSB, Gothenburg University 9th International Conference on Systems Biology , Gothenburg 2008-08-22 - 2008-08-28
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Yakushiji, Akane; Miyao, Yusuke; Matsubayashi, Yuichiro; Ohta, Tomoko. (2007) AKANE System: Protein-Protein Interaction Pairs in BioCreAtIvE2 Challenge, PPI-IPS subtask. CNIO Second BioCreative Challenge Evaluation Workshop , Madrid 2007-04-23 - 2007-04-25
Academic lectureYan Hua, Chen; Ramampiaro, Heri; Lægreid, Astrid; Sætre, Rune. (2007) ProtIR prototype: abstract relevance for Protein-Protein Interaction in BioCreAtIvE2 Challenge, PPI-IAS subtask. CNIO BioCreAtIvE II , Madrid 2007-04-23 - 2007-04-25
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Sagae, Kenji; Tsujii, Jun'ichi. (2007) Syntactic features for protein-protein interaction extraction. LBM 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine , Singapore 2007-12-06 - 2007-12-07
InterviewSætre, Rune. (2006) Mitt Funn: Leseautomat. Om Doktorgradsarbeidet. A-magasinet, fredagstillegg til Aftenposten A-magasinet, fredagstillegg til Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2006-07-14
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Tveit, Amund; Strømmen, Tonje; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Semantic Annotation of Biomedical Literature Using Google. The Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) Data Mining and Bioinformatics Workshop (DMBIO 2005, In conjunction with ICCSA 2005) , Singapore 2005-05-09 - 2005-05-12
Academic lectureTveit, Amund; Sætre, Rune; Strømmen, Tonje; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) ProtChew: Automatic Extraction of Protein Names from Biomedical Literature. IEEE, Shunsuke UEMURA (NAIST) International Workshop on Biomedical Data Engineering (BMDE 2005, In conjunction with ICDE 2005) , Tokyo 2005-04-03 - 2005-04-04
Popular scientific lectureSætre, Rune; Tveit, Amund; Ranang, Martin Thorsen; Strømmen, Tonje; Thommesen, Liv; Stunes, Astrid Kamilla. (2005) gProt: Annotating Protein Interactions Using Google and Gene Ontology. Rajiv Khosla, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 9th International Conference, KES 2005 , Melbourne 2005-09-14 - 2005-09-16
Academic lectureSandstå, Olav; Andersen, Thomas Maukon; Midtstraum, Roger; Sætre, Rune. (1997) Access time modeling of a MLR1 tape drive. Norsk informatikkonferanse , Voss