Sigrid Anna Aalberg Vikjord
Sigrid Vikjord is a resident physician specializing in respiratory medicine at Trondheim University Hospital and a researcher at the HUNT Research Centre. She is involved in the HUNT Lung and Osteoporosis Project, as well as the HUNT COVID study, and leads the lung project as it moves toward HUNT5 (2027-29). She heads the BREATHE CAG research group, a clinical academic group aimed at addressing unmet needs in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and COPD.
Vikjord completed her PhD at NTNU in 2020 with the dissertation "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Influence of comorbidities on health status, morbidity and mortality in a 25 years follow-up population based study. The HUNT Study", focusing on the relationship between COPD and comorbidities such as osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression, as well as morbidity and mortality. She has a keen interest in applied statistics, as well as various forms of artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning. Other areas of interest include Bayesian trajectory analysis.
Vikjord holds an M.D. from the University of Pécs, Hungary (2015), and a BSc in Health Management and Health Economics from the University of Oslo. She is an active member of several international consortia for clinical and epidemiological lung research, including CADSET and NSAN/Nordstar, as well as osteoporosis research via the FRAX group. She also participates in the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s NCD Indicator Group and is a member of the Young Academy of Norway for the period 2022-2026.
Lung-function trajectories: relevance and implementation in clinical practice.
The HUNT study: Association of comorbidity clusters with long-term survival and incidence of exacerbation in a population-based Norwegian COPD cohort
Changes in lung function in European adults born between 1884 and 1996 and implications for the diagnosis of lung disease: a cross-sectional analysis of ten population-based studies
Aarhus, Lisa;
Skare, Øivind;
Nordby, Karl-Christian;
Gulsvik, Anne Kristine;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Hedman, L..
Occupation and 11-year lung function decline in the HUNT Study.
Occupational Medicine
Academic article
Tronstad, Ingebjørg;
Hoff, Mari;
Horn, Julie;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Videm, Vibeke;
Johansson, Jonas Lars.
Rheumatoid arthritis, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and risk of major osteoporotic fracture: prospective data from the HUNT Study, Norway.
RMD Open
Academic article
Backman, Helena;
Bhatta, Laxmi;
Hedman, Linnea;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Vähätalo, Iida;
Lassmann-Klee, Paul G..
Level of Education Modifies Asthma Mortality in Norway and Sweden. The Nordic EpiLung Study.
Journal of Asthma and Allergy
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Fyllingen, Even Hovig;
Krauss-Schilling, Michael.
Anatomisk variant i bronkialtreet.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Jacobsen, Ragnhild Irene;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Reymert, Ingvild.
Vet vi mindre om kvinnekroppen?.
Short communication
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard;
Lund, Bjarte Aarmo.
Hva er høstens farger?.
Short communication
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Otterbring, Tobias;
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard.
Hvorfor får vi godteri bare på lørdager?
Short communication
Tjønndal, Anne ;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Moen, Ole Martin.
Må vi virkelig drive med kalde dusjer og fasting?.
Short communication
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Hansen, Kai Arne.
Trenger vi egentlig bøker?.
Feature article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Romundstad, Solfrid;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Vanfleteren, Lowie.
The HUNT study: Association of comorbidity clusters with long-term survival and incidence of exacerbation in a population-based Norwegian COPD cohort.
Respirology (Carlton South. Print)
Academic article
Aspli, Sigrid;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Horn, Julie.
Association between pelvic floor disorders and bone mineral density: Findings from the HUNT study.
European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
Academic article
Allinson, James P;
Afzal, Shoaib;
Çolak, Yunus;
Jarvis, Debbie;
Backman, Helena;
van den Berge, Maarten.
Changes in lung function in European adults born between 1884 and 1996 and implications for the diagnosis of lung disease: a cross-sectional analysis of ten population-based studies.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Academic article
Åsvold, Bjørn Olav;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Rehn, Tommy Aune;
Kjelvik, Grete;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Sørgjerd, Elin Pettersen.
Cohort Profile Update: The HUNT Study, Norway.
International Journal of Epidemiology
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen.
Hvorfor blir noen så sure når julebrusen kommer tidlig i butikk?.
Feature article
Otterbring, Anders Emil Tobias;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen.
Hva er den beste julesangen?.
Feature article
Bhatta, Laxmi;
Cepelis, Aivaras;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Malmo, Vegard;
Laugsand, Lars Erik;
Dalen, Håvard.
Bone mineral density and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women: the HUNT study.
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE)
Academic article
Wang, Gang;
Hallberg, Jenny;
Charalampopoulos, Dimitrios;
Sanahuja, Maribel Casas;
Breyer-Kohansal, Robab;
Langhammer, Arnulf.
Spirometric phenotypes from early childhood to young adulthood: a Chronic Airway Disease Early Stratification study.
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research)
Academic article
Bermúdez Barón, Nicolás;
Lindberg, Anne;
Stridsman, Caroline;
Andersson, Martin;
Hedman, Linnea;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg.
Among respiratory symptoms, wheeze associates most strongly with impaired lung function in adults with asthma: A long-term prospective cohort study.
BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Academic article
Buttery, Sara C.;
Zysman, Maéva;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Hopkinson, Nicholas S.;
Jenkins, Christine;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W..
Contemporary perspectives in COPD: Patient burden, the role of gender and trajectories of multimorbidity.
Respirology (Carlton South. Print)
Academic literature review
Jervell, Fredrik;
Lyngen, Bjørn Arnt;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann.
Nei, norske pasienter «jukser» seg ikke til sykefravær.
Aftenposten Viten
Reader opinion piece
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.;
Langhammer, Arnulf.
The association of anxiety and depression with mortality in a COPD cohort. The HUNT study, Norway. .
Respiratory Medicine
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W..
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Influence of comorbidities on health status, morbidity and mortality in a 25 years follow-up population based study. The HUNT Study.
Doctoral dissertation
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.;
Ingvar, Martin;
Fabbri, Leonardo.
From systemic effects of COPD to COPD as pulmonary component of multimorbidity. .
Barcelona Respiratory Network Reviews (BRN Reviews)
Academic literature review
Castillo, Elena García;
Pérez, Tamara Alonso;
Ancochea, Julio;
Sanz, Maria Teresa Pastor;
Almagro, Pere;
Martínez-Camblor, Pablo.
Mortality prediction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comparing the gold 2015 and gold 2019 staging: A pooled analysis of individual patient data.
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research)
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Bhatta, Laxmi;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.;
Langhammer, Arnulf.
The Association of Bone Mineral Density with Mortality in a COPD Cohort. The HUNT Study, Norway.
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Academic article
Journal publications
Aarhus, Lisa;
Skare, Øivind;
Nordby, Karl-Christian;
Gulsvik, Anne Kristine;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Hedman, L..
Occupation and 11-year lung function decline in the HUNT Study.
Occupational Medicine
Academic article
Tronstad, Ingebjørg;
Hoff, Mari;
Horn, Julie;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Videm, Vibeke;
Johansson, Jonas Lars.
Rheumatoid arthritis, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and risk of major osteoporotic fracture: prospective data from the HUNT Study, Norway.
RMD Open
Academic article
Backman, Helena;
Bhatta, Laxmi;
Hedman, Linnea;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Vähätalo, Iida;
Lassmann-Klee, Paul G..
Level of Education Modifies Asthma Mortality in Norway and Sweden. The Nordic EpiLung Study.
Journal of Asthma and Allergy
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Fyllingen, Even Hovig;
Krauss-Schilling, Michael.
Anatomisk variant i bronkialtreet.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Jacobsen, Ragnhild Irene;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Reymert, Ingvild.
Vet vi mindre om kvinnekroppen?.
Short communication
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard;
Lund, Bjarte Aarmo.
Hva er høstens farger?.
Short communication
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Otterbring, Tobias;
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard.
Hvorfor får vi godteri bare på lørdager?
Short communication
Tjønndal, Anne ;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Moen, Ole Martin.
Må vi virkelig drive med kalde dusjer og fasting?.
Short communication
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Hansen, Kai Arne.
Trenger vi egentlig bøker?.
Feature article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Romundstad, Solfrid;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Vanfleteren, Lowie.
The HUNT study: Association of comorbidity clusters with long-term survival and incidence of exacerbation in a population-based Norwegian COPD cohort.
Respirology (Carlton South. Print)
Academic article
Aspli, Sigrid;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Horn, Julie.
Association between pelvic floor disorders and bone mineral density: Findings from the HUNT study.
European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
Academic article
Allinson, James P;
Afzal, Shoaib;
Çolak, Yunus;
Jarvis, Debbie;
Backman, Helena;
van den Berge, Maarten.
Changes in lung function in European adults born between 1884 and 1996 and implications for the diagnosis of lung disease: a cross-sectional analysis of ten population-based studies.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Academic article
Åsvold, Bjørn Olav;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Rehn, Tommy Aune;
Kjelvik, Grete;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Sørgjerd, Elin Pettersen.
Cohort Profile Update: The HUNT Study, Norway.
International Journal of Epidemiology
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen.
Hvorfor blir noen så sure når julebrusen kommer tidlig i butikk?.
Feature article
Otterbring, Anders Emil Tobias;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen.
Hva er den beste julesangen?.
Feature article
Bhatta, Laxmi;
Cepelis, Aivaras;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Malmo, Vegard;
Laugsand, Lars Erik;
Dalen, Håvard.
Bone mineral density and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women: the HUNT study.
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE)
Academic article
Wang, Gang;
Hallberg, Jenny;
Charalampopoulos, Dimitrios;
Sanahuja, Maribel Casas;
Breyer-Kohansal, Robab;
Langhammer, Arnulf.
Spirometric phenotypes from early childhood to young adulthood: a Chronic Airway Disease Early Stratification study.
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research)
Academic article
Bermúdez Barón, Nicolás;
Lindberg, Anne;
Stridsman, Caroline;
Andersson, Martin;
Hedman, Linnea;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg.
Among respiratory symptoms, wheeze associates most strongly with impaired lung function in adults with asthma: A long-term prospective cohort study.
BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Academic article
Buttery, Sara C.;
Zysman, Maéva;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Hopkinson, Nicholas S.;
Jenkins, Christine;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W..
Contemporary perspectives in COPD: Patient burden, the role of gender and trajectories of multimorbidity.
Respirology (Carlton South. Print)
Academic literature review
Jervell, Fredrik;
Lyngen, Bjørn Arnt;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann.
Nei, norske pasienter «jukser» seg ikke til sykefravær.
Aftenposten Viten
Reader opinion piece
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.;
Langhammer, Arnulf.
The association of anxiety and depression with mortality in a COPD cohort. The HUNT study, Norway. .
Respiratory Medicine
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.;
Ingvar, Martin;
Fabbri, Leonardo.
From systemic effects of COPD to COPD as pulmonary component of multimorbidity. .
Barcelona Respiratory Network Reviews (BRN Reviews)
Academic literature review
Castillo, Elena García;
Pérez, Tamara Alonso;
Ancochea, Julio;
Sanz, Maria Teresa Pastor;
Almagro, Pere;
Martínez-Camblor, Pablo.
Mortality prediction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comparing the gold 2015 and gold 2019 staging: A pooled analysis of individual patient data.
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research)
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Bhatta, Laxmi;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.;
Langhammer, Arnulf.
The Association of Bone Mineral Density with Mortality in a COPD Cohort. The HUNT Study, Norway.
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Academic article
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Brumpton, Ben Michael;
Mai, Xiao-Mei;
Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W..
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Influence of comorbidities on health status, morbidity and mortality in a 25 years follow-up population based study. The HUNT Study.
Doctoral dissertation
Currently supervising seven PhD students as a main supervisor or co-supervisor.
Intervju i
Intervju i Dagbladet+
Intervju i Dagens, NRK P1
Interview in Times Higher Education
Intervju i Dagbladet+
PosterBackman, Helena; Bhatta, Laxmi; Hedman, Linnea; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Vähätalo, Iida; Lassman-Klee, Paul G.. (2019) Asthma is still a risk factor for mortality in Sweden and Norway – the Nordic EpiLung Study. European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress 2019 2019-09-28 -
PosterVikjord, Sigrid Anna; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Mai, Xiao-Mei; Bhatta, Laxmi; Vanfleteren, Lowie E.G.W.; Langhammer, Arnulf. (2019) The association of anxiety and depression with mortality, symptom burden and health care utilization in a COPD cohort. The HUNT Study, Norway. European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress 2019 2019-09-28 -