Sten Even Erlandsen
Starheim, Eirin Johannessen;
Ravlo, Erlend;
Schjølberg, Jørn-Ove;
Solvang, Vanessa;
Wang, Wei;
Scrimgeour, Nathan Robert.
NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles for low-cost, efficient isolation of mammalian DNA and RNA.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Ravlo, Erlend;
Sousa, Mirta;
Andresen, Lise Lima;
Holberg-Petersen, Mona;
Klundby, Ingvild;
Aas, Per Arne.
A fast, low-cost, robust and high-throughput method for viral nucleic acid isolation based on NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Rolinski, Milosz;
Montaldo, Nicola Pietro;
Aksu, Merdane Ezgi;
Martin, Sarah Fordyce;
Brambilla, Alessandro;
Kunath, Nicolas.
Loss of Mediator complex subunit 13 (MED13) promotes resistance to alkylation through cyclin D1 upregulation.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Ianevski, Aleksandr;
Yao, Rouan;
Fenstad, Mona H.;
Biza, Svetlana;
Zusinaite, Eva;
Reisberg, Tuuli.
Potential Antiviral Options against SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Viruses.
Academic article
Rounge, Trine Ballestad;
Lauritzen, Marianne;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Langseth, Hilde;
Holmen, Oddgeir Lingaas;
Gislefoss, Randi Elin.
Ultralow amounts of DNA from long-term archived serum samples produce quality genotypes.
European Journal of Human Genetics
Academic article
Flagstad, Øystein;
Kleven, Oddmund;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Spets, Merethe Hagen;
Eriksen, Line Birkeland;
Andersskog, Ida Pernille Øystese.
DNA-basert overvåking av den skandinaviske jervebestanden 2019.
NINA rapport (1762)
Karlsson, Sten;
Florø-Larsen, Bjørn;
Sollien, Vegard Pedersen;
Brandsegg, Hege;
Eriksen, Line Birkeland;
Erlandsen, Sten Even.
Stamlakskontroll 2018.
NINA rapport (1698)
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Ryeng, Einar;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Skorpen, Frank;
Arentz Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe;
Sætrom, Pål.
Gene expression differences between PAXgene and Tempus blood RNA tubes are highly reproducible between independent samples and biobanks.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Vange, Pål;
Bruland, Torunn;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Doseth, Berit.
Genome-wide analysis of the oxyntic proliferative isthmus zone reveals ASPM as a possible gastric stem/progenitor cell marker overexpressed in cancer.
Journal of Pathology
Academic article
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Qvigstad, Gunnar;
Fossmark, Reidar;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Chen, Duan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Regulated endocrine-specific protein 18 (RESP18) is localized to and regulated in A-like cells and G-cells in rat stomach.
Regulatory Peptides
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Holmseth, Jannicke;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Gastrin upregulates the pro-survival factor secretory clusterin (sCLU) in adenocarcinoma cells and in oxyntic mucosa of hypergastrinemic rats.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Røe, Oluf Dimitri;
Szulkin, Adam;
Anderssen, Endre;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Sandeck, Helmut;
Amundsen, Tore.
Molecular Resistance Fingerprint of Pemetrexed and Platinum in a Long-Term Survivor of Mesothelioma.
Academic article
Follestad, Turid;
Jørstad, Tommy Stokmo;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bones, Atle M.;
Langaas, Mette.
A Bayesian hierarchical model for quantitative real-time PCR data.
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Juel, Ingebjørg s.;
Solligård, Erik;
Tvedt, Kåre E;
Skogvoll, Eirik;
Jynge, Per;
Beisvåg, Vidar.
Post-ischaemic restituted intestinal mucosa is more resistant to further ischaemia than normal mucosa in the pig.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
Academic article
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Fykse, Vidar;
Waldum, Helge;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Octreotide induces apoptosis in the oxyntic mucosa.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, Herman;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Falkmer, Sture Emil;
Grønbech, Jon Erik.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Erlandsen, Sten Even.
Analyse av relativt genuttrykk: en validering av DNA microarray.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Thesis at a second degree level
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, H;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Erlandsen, S.E.;
Falkmer, Sture Emil.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Journal publications
Starheim, Eirin Johannessen;
Ravlo, Erlend;
Schjølberg, Jørn-Ove;
Solvang, Vanessa;
Wang, Wei;
Scrimgeour, Nathan Robert.
NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles for low-cost, efficient isolation of mammalian DNA and RNA.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Ravlo, Erlend;
Sousa, Mirta;
Andresen, Lise Lima;
Holberg-Petersen, Mona;
Klundby, Ingvild;
Aas, Per Arne.
A fast, low-cost, robust and high-throughput method for viral nucleic acid isolation based on NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Rolinski, Milosz;
Montaldo, Nicola Pietro;
Aksu, Merdane Ezgi;
Martin, Sarah Fordyce;
Brambilla, Alessandro;
Kunath, Nicolas.
Loss of Mediator complex subunit 13 (MED13) promotes resistance to alkylation through cyclin D1 upregulation.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Ianevski, Aleksandr;
Yao, Rouan;
Fenstad, Mona H.;
Biza, Svetlana;
Zusinaite, Eva;
Reisberg, Tuuli.
Potential Antiviral Options against SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Viruses.
Academic article
Rounge, Trine Ballestad;
Lauritzen, Marianne;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Langseth, Hilde;
Holmen, Oddgeir Lingaas;
Gislefoss, Randi Elin.
Ultralow amounts of DNA from long-term archived serum samples produce quality genotypes.
European Journal of Human Genetics
Academic article
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Ryeng, Einar;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Skorpen, Frank;
Arentz Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe;
Sætrom, Pål.
Gene expression differences between PAXgene and Tempus blood RNA tubes are highly reproducible between independent samples and biobanks.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Vange, Pål;
Bruland, Torunn;
Beisvag, Vidar;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Doseth, Berit.
Genome-wide analysis of the oxyntic proliferative isthmus zone reveals ASPM as a possible gastric stem/progenitor cell marker overexpressed in cancer.
Journal of Pathology
Academic article
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Qvigstad, Gunnar;
Fossmark, Reidar;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Chen, Duan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Regulated endocrine-specific protein 18 (RESP18) is localized to and regulated in A-like cells and G-cells in rat stomach.
Regulatory Peptides
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Holmseth, Jannicke;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Gastrin upregulates the pro-survival factor secretory clusterin (sCLU) in adenocarcinoma cells and in oxyntic mucosa of hypergastrinemic rats.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Røe, Oluf Dimitri;
Szulkin, Adam;
Anderssen, Endre;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Sandeck, Helmut;
Amundsen, Tore.
Molecular Resistance Fingerprint of Pemetrexed and Platinum in a Long-Term Survivor of Mesothelioma.
Academic article
Follestad, Turid;
Jørstad, Tommy Stokmo;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bones, Atle M.;
Langaas, Mette.
A Bayesian hierarchical model for quantitative real-time PCR data.
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Juel, Ingebjørg s.;
Solligård, Erik;
Tvedt, Kåre E;
Skogvoll, Eirik;
Jynge, Per;
Beisvåg, Vidar.
Post-ischaemic restituted intestinal mucosa is more resistant to further ischaemia than normal mucosa in the pig.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
Academic article
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Fykse, Vidar;
Waldum, Helge;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Octreotide induces apoptosis in the oxyntic mucosa.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, Herman;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Falkmer, Sture Emil;
Grønbech, Jon Erik.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, H;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Erlandsen, S.E.;
Falkmer, Sture Emil.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Flagstad, Øystein;
Kleven, Oddmund;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Spets, Merethe Hagen;
Eriksen, Line Birkeland;
Andersskog, Ida Pernille Øystese.
DNA-basert overvåking av den skandinaviske jervebestanden 2019.
NINA rapport (1762)
Karlsson, Sten;
Florø-Larsen, Bjørn;
Sollien, Vegard Pedersen;
Brandsegg, Hege;
Eriksen, Line Birkeland;
Erlandsen, Sten Even.
Stamlakskontroll 2018.
NINA rapport (1698)
Erlandsen, Sten Even.
Analyse av relativt genuttrykk: en validering av DNA microarray.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Thesis at a second degree level
PosterAli, Zeeshan; Ravlo, Erlend; Aas, Per Arne; Hagen, Lars; Erlandsen, Sten Even; Ottesen, Vegar. (2022) Scalable Production of Silica-coated Magnetic Nanobeads and their Applications in Viral Diagnostics. European Colloid & Interface Society 36th European Colloid & Interface Society Conference , Chania, Crete 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09
Academic lectureVange, Pål; Bruland, Torunn; Beisvag, Vidar; Erlandsen, Sten Even; Doseth, Berit; Sandvik, Arne Kristian. (2015) Genome-wide analysis of the oxyntic proliferative isthmus zone reveals ASPM as a putative gastric stem/progenitor cell marker overexpressed in cancer. AASLD, AGA, ASGE, SSAT Digestive Disease Week 2015 , Washington DC 2015-05-16 - 2015-05-19
Academic lectureVange, Pål; Erlandsen, Sten Even; Flatberg, Arnar; Beisvag, Vidar; Bruland, Torunn; Sandvik, Arne. (2013) Gene expression analysis of the proliferative zone in gastric oxyntic mucosa. Medisinske forskerlinjestudenter ved UiT; Frampeik 2013 Legestudentenes forskningskonferanse (Frampeik) , Oslo 2013-10-18 - 2013-10-20