Stine Thordarson Moltubakk
Stine Thordarson Moltubakk
Research Librarian, subject librarian architecture and design
- Subject librarian for Architecture, Urban Planning, Design and Real Estate Development and Management
- Study support and teaching (information literacy, reference management)
- Research support (literature search, publishing, Open data, Open Access)
- Systematic reviews
- Master's degree in Science and Technology Studies (STS) Thesis: Estetikkens programmering. Spilldesign mellom kunst og kode (= The Programming of Aesthetics. Game Design between Art and Code.
- Bachelor's degree in Art and Media Studies (Art History).
- Editor at (= and former Subject Editor at
- 3 years of Illustration and Graphic Design education.
Nogueira, Leticia Antunes ;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Fagervik, Andreas;
Langfeldt , Inga Buset.
Cutting through the noise: Assessing tools that employ artificial intelligence.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Crivellari, Ilaria;
Grøder, Charlotte Husom;
Parmiggiani, Elena;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth.
Socially Sustainable Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: a Systematic Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The involved and responsible outsiders: Norwegian gamer-parents expanding and reinforcing contemporary norms of parenthood.
Journal of Children and Media
Academic article
Saghafian, Mina;
Vatn, Dorthea Mathilde Kristin;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Johnsen, Stig Ole.
Understanding automation transparency and its adaptive design implications in safety–critical systems.
Safety Science
Academic article
Saghafian, Mina;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth;
Vatn, Dorthea Mathilde Kristin;
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Alsos, Ole Andreas.
The Effectiveness of Adaptive Automation in Human-Technology Interaction.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Gamer-parent identity: Positioning parenthood between fun screentime and ideals of responsibility.
Games+Learning+Society Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The struggle and enrichment of play: Domestications and overflows in the everyday life of gamer parents.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Agdestein, Maren.
Å spille på arven.
REPLIKK – Tidsskrift for samfunnsvitskap og humaniora
Popular scientific article
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Absolutt pang pang? Om krig og dataspill.
Z filmtidsskrift
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Halvorsen, Kristina.
Leken teknologi.
Faktafyk : om saker ungdom er opptekne av
Popular scientific article
Ask, Kristine;
Agdestein, Maren;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Trygge jente-gamere.
Reader opinion piece
Levold, Nora;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Estetikkens programmering. Spilldesign mellom kunst og kode.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Nogueira, Leticia Antunes ;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Fagervik, Andreas;
Langfeldt , Inga Buset.
Cutting through the noise: Assessing tools that employ artificial intelligence.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The involved and responsible outsiders: Norwegian gamer-parents expanding and reinforcing contemporary norms of parenthood.
Journal of Children and Media
Academic article
Saghafian, Mina;
Vatn, Dorthea Mathilde Kristin;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Johnsen, Stig Ole.
Understanding automation transparency and its adaptive design implications in safety–critical systems.
Safety Science
Academic article
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Gamer-parent identity: Positioning parenthood between fun screentime and ideals of responsibility.
Games+Learning+Society Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Ask, Kristine;
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
The struggle and enrichment of play: Domestications and overflows in the everyday life of gamer parents.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Agdestein, Maren.
Å spille på arven.
REPLIKK – Tidsskrift for samfunnsvitskap og humaniora
Popular scientific article
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Absolutt pang pang? Om krig og dataspill.
Z filmtidsskrift
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Halvorsen, Kristina.
Leken teknologi.
Faktafyk : om saker ungdom er opptekne av
Popular scientific article
Ask, Kristine;
Agdestein, Maren;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Trygge jente-gamere.
Reader opinion piece
Part of book/report
Crivellari, Ilaria;
Grøder, Charlotte Husom;
Parmiggiani, Elena;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth.
Socially Sustainable Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: a Systematic Literature Review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Saghafian, Mina;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson;
Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth;
Vatn, Dorthea Mathilde Kristin;
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Alsos, Ole Andreas.
The Effectiveness of Adaptive Automation in Human-Technology Interaction.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Levold, Nora;
Ask, Kristine;
Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson.
Estetikkens programmering. Spilldesign mellom kunst og kode.
Masters thesis
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2023) Når gamere blir foreldre - ikke bare "fun and games?". Gjøvik folkebibliotek Spilldag , Gjøvik 2023-11-17 - 2023-11-17
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2023) Collaboration is Key: Teaching Research Data Literacy Skills at NTNU. European Conference on Information Literacy , Krakow 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-12
LectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson; Faber, Hege Charlotte. (2023) Kunstig intelligens: Kunsten å balansere mellom nye muligheter og etikk (og dessuten få roboter til å lage god kaffe). NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket Kompetansehalvtimen , Det virtuelle biblioteket 2023-05-31 - 2023-05-31
LectureLangfeldt, Inga Buset; Hegle, Johan Philip; Fagervik, Andreas; Kaalvik, Hilde; Jensen, Magnus Rom; Faber, Hege Charlotte. (2023) NVivo courses in The Virtual Library. and NTNU EAHIL 2023: Radical Positive Change Agents , Trondheim 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-12
Academic lectureSørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Ask, Kristine; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2022) Gamer-parent identity: Positioning parenthood between fun screentime and ideals of responsibility. UC Irvine Games Learning SOciety , UC Irvine 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17
LectureAndreassen, Helene N.; Arnesen, Sondre Strandskog; Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth; Ebeltoft, Nini; Ekanger, Aysa; Faber, Hege Charlotte. (2022) Forskningsintegritet og åpen vitenskap i ph.d.undervisningen: Praktiske spørsmål og etisk refleksjon. NTNU Virak , Trondheim 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09
LectureLorange, Anne Lillevoll; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2022) Finner du fram? Skiltpolitikk og velkomstsoner ved NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket. NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket VIRAK 2022 , Trondheim 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2022) Spillavhengig - eller bare veldig engasjert?. Fretex jobb og oppfølging Seminar 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-28
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2022) The programming of aesthetics. Game design between art and code. NITJA senter for samtidskunst Ingen død, bare respawn , Lillestrøm 2022-11-01 - 2022-11-01
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2020) Spillkultur fra 2000-2020. Nasjonalbiblioteket Spillformidling NÅ! , Digitalt 2020-09-03 - 2020-09-03
Popular scientific lectureAsk, Kristine; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2020) Bug or feature? Seksuell trakassering i online dataspill. Hyperion Foredrag , Zoom 2020-11-04 - 2020-11-04
Academic lectureAsk, Kristine; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2020) Balanse i lidenskap - Gamer-foreldre, regulering og hverdag. UiO og Medieforskerlaget Medieforskerkonferansen 2020 2020-10-22 - 2020-10-23
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2019) Spillavhengig - eller bare veldig engasjert?. Fretex Jobb & Oppfølging Foredrag Fretex Jobb & Oppfølging , Trondheim 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-18
Academic lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson; Ask, Kristine. (2019) Control for the sake of Freedom: Negotiating play in Norwegian Gamer-families. Malmö University NordMedia 2019 , Malmö 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson; Ask, Kristine. (2019) Foreldre og gaming: På tide med en fredsavtale?. Torucon Torucon 2019 , Trondheim 2019-08-10 - 2019-08-11
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2017) Feminisme og spillkritikk. Tønsberg og Nøtterøy bibliotek Game along , Tønsberg 2017-02-23 - 2017-02-23
InterviewMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2017) Distriktsnyhetene: Innslag om trakassering i digitale spill. NRK Vestfold NRK Vestfold [Radio] 2017-02-23
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2017) New policy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Incentives for publishing Open Access. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden Open Access Tage 2017 , Dresden 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-13
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2017) Open Access ved NTNU. NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket International Open Access Week , Trondheim 2017-10-23 - 2017-10-27
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2016) GamerGate. Trakassering, netthat og veien videre. Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival Film 2.0. Games People Play , Tromsø 2016-01-19 - 2016-01-19
Popular scientific lectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2016) Karakterkreasjon - Hvorfor vi bør bry oss om representasjon i spill. Gjøvik bibliotek Popkult Gjøvik , Gjøvik bibliotek 2016-06-16 - 2016-06-16
InterviewMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2015) Nesten like mange kvinner som menn spiller dataspill. NRK NRK [TV] 2015-07-09
LectureMoltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2014) Online-spill - er det så farlig, da? En titt på en mangfoldig spillkultur i vekst. BUFF - Barne og ungdomsfaglig forum Generasjon Millennium - trender og kulturer , Sandefjord 2014-05-26 - 2014-05-27