Størker T. Moe
- TKP4180 Biofuels and biorefineries
- TKP4850 Experts in Teamwork: Mindre klimautslipp med biodrivstoff?
Research motivation
Utilization of renewable raw materials for the production of materials, chemicals and energy for a sustainable future
Research topics
- Physical chemistry of plant polysaccharides
- Wood chemistry with emphasis on polysaccharide chemistry
- Pretreatment and hydrolysis of lignocellulosics for second generation biofuels and biorefineries
- Biorefinery processes
Registered publications
Education/work experience
- Board member, Stiftelsen PFI since 2017
- Sabbatical at Norske Skog Skogn 2000-2001
- Scientific advisor, PFI 1998-2007
- Associate Professor, NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering since 1998
- Post doc, Institute of Paper Science and Technology (Atlanta GA, USA) 1996-1997
- Assistant Professor, NTH Department of Chemical Engineering 1995-1996
- Research Scientist, NTH Department of Biotechnology 1993-1995
- PhD, NTH Department of Biotechnology 1993
- MSc, NTH Department of Biotechnology 1988
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Ghoreishi, Solmaz;
Hermundsgård, Dag Helge;
Barth, Tanja;
Moe, Størker T.;
Brusletto, Rune.
Steam explosion of lignocellulosic residues for co-production of value-added chemicals and high-quality pellets.
Biomass & Bioenergy
Academic article
Hermundsgård, Dag Helge;
Ghoreishi, Solmaz;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Moe, Størker T.;
Brusletto, Rune;
Barth, Tanja.
Maximizing yields of furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in side streams from steam explosion of lignocellulosic residues.
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
Academic article
Moe, Størker T.;
Hermundsgård, Dag Helge;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Brusletto, Rune.
A Norwegian steam explosion biorefinery.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Joseph, Prajin;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Moe, Størker T..
Polymer properties of softwood organosolv lignins produced in two different reactor systems.
Academic article
Joseph, Prajin;
Moe, Størker T.;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela.
Organosolv pretreatment of Norway spruce: Ethanol pretreatment for Biorefinery applications.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (385)
Doctoral dissertation
Joseph, Prajin;
Ottesen, Vegar;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Moe, Størker T..
Morphology of lignin structures on fiber surfaces after organosolv pretreatment.
Academic article
Moe, Størker T.;
Marcotullio, Gianluca;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Brusletto, Rune.
Formation of 5-methylfurfural and 2-acetylfuran from lignocellulosic biomass and by Cr3+-catalyzed dehydration of 6-deoxyhexoses.
Carbohydrate Research
Academic article
Moe, Størker T.;
Wagner, Martin.
Hvor miljøvennlige er egentlig plast-alternativene?.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Interview Journal
Moe, Størker T.;
Wagner, Martin.
Hvor miljøvennlige er egentlig plast-alternativene?.
Interview Journal
Hashemi, Seyedbehnam;
Joseph, Prajin;
Mialon, Antoine;
Moe, Størker;
Lamb, Jacob J.;
Lien, Kristian M..
Enzymatic pretreatment of steam-exploded birch wood for increased biogas production and lignin degradation.
Bioresource Technology Reports
Academic article
Joseph, Prajin;
Opedal, Mihaela Tanase;
Moe, Størker.
The O-factor: using the H-factor concept to predict the outcome of organosolv pretreatment.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Academic article
Klevstrand, Agnete;
Feratovic, Leila;
Moe, Størker T..
Eksadvokat har hentet millioner til å lage verdensnyhet fra Sarpsborg – sliter med milliongjeld og inkasso.
Dagens næringsliv
Interview Journal
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Dyrset, Nils;
Øyaas, Karin;
Moe, Størker T..
Fermentability of Concentrated Sulfuric acid Hydrolyzates from Aspenwood and Pinewood.
Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET)
Academic article
Agnihotri, Swarnima;
Johnsen, Ingvild Andersen;
Bøe, Maren Seljenes;
Øyaas, Karin;
Moe, Størker.
Ethanol organosolv pretreatment of softwood (Picea abies) and sugarcane bagasse for biofuel and biorefinery applications.
Wood Science and Technology
Academic article
Kes, Murside;
Christensen, Bjørn Erik;
Moe, Størker T..
Ageing of Cellulosic Insulations in Transformer Oil.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (80)
Doctoral dissertation
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Hagg, May-Britt;
Moe, Størker.
Influence of acid concentration, temperature, and time on decrystallization in two-stage concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysis of Pinewood and Aspenwood: A statistical Approach.
Academic article
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Øyaas, Karin;
Hertzberg, Terje;
Moe, Størker.
Application of a Pseudo-Kinetic Generalized Serverity Model to the Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis of Pinewood and Aspenwood.
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Hertzberg, Terje;
Hagg, May-Britt;
Øyaas, Karin;
Dyrset, Nils.
Saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel and biorefinery applications - A renaissance for the concentrated acid hydrolysis?.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Hagg, May-Britt;
Moe, Størker T..
Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis of Hardwood Aspen and Softwood Pine for Bioethanol Production.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Iotti, Marco;
Gregersen, Øyvind Weiby;
Moe, Størker;
Lenes, Marianne.
Rheological Studies of Microfibrillar Cellulose Water Dispersions.
Journal of Polymers and the Environment
Academic article
Moe, Størker.
Myter om biodrivstoff.
Reader opinion piece
Moe, Størker.
Biodrivstoff: Hva, hvorfor og hvordan.
Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen
Popular scientific article
Smidsrød, Olav;
Moe, Størker.
Biopolymer Chemistry.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vaaler, David;
Moe, Størker T..
Yield-increasing additives in kraft pulping: Effect on carbohydrate retention, composition and handsheet properties.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Lyngstad, Hilde;
Moe, Størker;
Johannson, Lars.
Seasonal variations in mechanical pulp quality.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Draget, Kurt Ingar;
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vaaler, David;
Syverud, Kristin;
Seem, Berit;
Moe, Størker.
Estimating the pulping yield by carbohydrate analysis.
TAPPI Journal
Academic article
Mosbye, J;
Moe, Størker;
Tammelin, T;
Saarinen, T;
Laine, J.
The ability of PEO to remove model colloidal extractives from solutions with different types of fines.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Mosbye, John;
Laine, Janne;
Moe, Størker.
The effect of dissolved substances on the adsorption of colloidal extractives to fines.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Mosbye, John;
Foss, Marit Holtermann;
Laine, Janne;
Moe, Størker.
Interaction between model colloidal wood resin, fillers and dissolved substances.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Vaaler, David;
Toven, Kai;
Syverud, Kristin.
Norsk treforedlingsforskning i godt selskap.
Popular scientific article
Mosbye, John;
Moe, Størker T.;
Laine, Janne.
Colloidal wood resin:Analyses and interactions.
Doctoral dissertation
Mosbye, John;
Moe, Størker T.;
Laine, Janne.
Colloidal wood resin: Analyses and interactions.
Doctoral dissertation
Toven, Kai;
Gellerstedt, Göran;
Kleppe, Peder J;
Moe, Størker.
Use of Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone in Combination in Prebleaching.
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science
Academic article
Schult, Tove;
Hjerde, Torgeir;
Optun, Odd Inge;
Kleppe, Peder J;
Moe, Størker.
Characterization of cellulose by SEC-MALLS.
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Holen, Anne Kristin;
Schult, Tove.
4-O-beta-d-glucopyranosyl-gluconic acid (cellobionic acid)produced by ozonation of cellobiose: Isolation by HPLC and assignment of NMR chemical shifts.
Journal of carbohydrate chemistry
Academic article
Mosbye, John;
Moe, Størker T.;
Laine, Janne.
The charge and chemical composition of fines in mechanical pulp.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Sjöholm, Elisabeth;
Norman, E.;
Moe, Størker;
Colmsjö, A..
A method for evaluating lignin mobility distributions obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis.
Journal of wood chemistry and technology
Academic article
Schult, Tove;
Moe, Størker;
Hjerde, Torgeir;
Christensen, Bjørn Erik.
Size exclusion chromatography of cellulose dissolved in LiCl/DMAc using macroporous monodisperse poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) particles.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies
Academic article
Sjoholm, E.;
Norman, E.;
Moe, Størker;
Colmsjo, A..
A method for evaluating lignin mobility distributions obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis.
Journal of wood chemistry and technology
Academic article
Schult, T.;
Moe, Størker;
Hjerde, T.;
Christensen, B.E..
Size exclusion chromatography of cellulose dissolved in LiCi/DMAc using macroporous monodisperse poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) particles.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies
Academic article
Moe, Størker.
Høyere utdanning innenfor treforedling i Norge: Nytt femårig sivilingeniørstudium.
Popular scientific article
Moe, Størker T.;
Schult, Tove.
Properties of acid sulfite cellulose for cellulose derivatives.
Doktor Ingenioeravhandling (x)
Doctoral dissertation
Moe, Størker;
Ragauskas, Arthur J..
Oxygen delignification of high-yield kraft pulp. Part 1, Structural properties of residual lignins.
Academic article
Moe, Størker.
Suksess med papir.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Minja, Rwaichi John Alexander;
Kleppe, Peder Johan;
Moe, Størker T..
Basic studies of modified kraft cooking and oxygen delignificaiton of softwood.
Doctoral dissertation
Holen, Anne kristin;
Kleppe, Peder Johan;
Moe, Størker T..
Studies of the reactions between ozone and carbohydrates.
Doktor ingeniøravhandling 1998:49 (49)
Doctoral dissertation
Smidsrød, Olav;
Moe, Størker.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
Calcium alginate gel fibers : influence of alginate source and gel structure on fiber strength.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav;
Elgsæter, Arnljot.
A new approach for estimating the crosslink density of covalently crosslinked ionic polysaccharide gels.
Carbohydrate Polymers
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav;
Elgsæter, Arnljot.
Swelling of covalently crosslinked alginate gels : influence of ionic solutes and nonpolar solvents.
Academic article
Moe, Størker T.;
Smidsrød, Olav;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund.
Superswelling alginate gels: Preparation and some physical properties.
Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian Institute of Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Knutsen, Svein Halvor;
Moe, Størker T.;
Grasdalen, Hans.
Molecular cut-off values of dialysis membranes for alginate and kappa-carrageenan oligosaccharides.
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Draget, Kurt Ingar;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
Temperature dependence of the elastic modulus of alginate gels.
Carbohydrate Polymers
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
Covalently cross-linked sodium alginate beads.
Food Hydrocolloids
Academic article
Journal publications
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Ghoreishi, Solmaz;
Hermundsgård, Dag Helge;
Barth, Tanja;
Moe, Størker T.;
Brusletto, Rune.
Steam explosion of lignocellulosic residues for co-production of value-added chemicals and high-quality pellets.
Biomass & Bioenergy
Academic article
Hermundsgård, Dag Helge;
Ghoreishi, Solmaz;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Moe, Størker T.;
Brusletto, Rune;
Barth, Tanja.
Maximizing yields of furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in side streams from steam explosion of lignocellulosic residues.
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
Academic article
Joseph, Prajin;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Moe, Størker T..
Polymer properties of softwood organosolv lignins produced in two different reactor systems.
Academic article
Joseph, Prajin;
Ottesen, Vegar;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Moe, Størker T..
Morphology of lignin structures on fiber surfaces after organosolv pretreatment.
Academic article
Moe, Størker T.;
Marcotullio, Gianluca;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Brusletto, Rune.
Formation of 5-methylfurfural and 2-acetylfuran from lignocellulosic biomass and by Cr3+-catalyzed dehydration of 6-deoxyhexoses.
Carbohydrate Research
Academic article
Moe, Størker T.;
Wagner, Martin.
Hvor miljøvennlige er egentlig plast-alternativene?.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Interview Journal
Moe, Størker T.;
Wagner, Martin.
Hvor miljøvennlige er egentlig plast-alternativene?.
Interview Journal
Hashemi, Seyedbehnam;
Joseph, Prajin;
Mialon, Antoine;
Moe, Størker;
Lamb, Jacob J.;
Lien, Kristian M..
Enzymatic pretreatment of steam-exploded birch wood for increased biogas production and lignin degradation.
Bioresource Technology Reports
Academic article
Joseph, Prajin;
Opedal, Mihaela Tanase;
Moe, Størker.
The O-factor: using the H-factor concept to predict the outcome of organosolv pretreatment.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Academic article
Klevstrand, Agnete;
Feratovic, Leila;
Moe, Størker T..
Eksadvokat har hentet millioner til å lage verdensnyhet fra Sarpsborg – sliter med milliongjeld og inkasso.
Dagens næringsliv
Interview Journal
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Dyrset, Nils;
Øyaas, Karin;
Moe, Størker T..
Fermentability of Concentrated Sulfuric acid Hydrolyzates from Aspenwood and Pinewood.
Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET)
Academic article
Agnihotri, Swarnima;
Johnsen, Ingvild Andersen;
Bøe, Maren Seljenes;
Øyaas, Karin;
Moe, Størker.
Ethanol organosolv pretreatment of softwood (Picea abies) and sugarcane bagasse for biofuel and biorefinery applications.
Wood Science and Technology
Academic article
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Hagg, May-Britt;
Moe, Størker.
Influence of acid concentration, temperature, and time on decrystallization in two-stage concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysis of Pinewood and Aspenwood: A statistical Approach.
Academic article
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Øyaas, Karin;
Hertzberg, Terje;
Moe, Størker.
Application of a Pseudo-Kinetic Generalized Serverity Model to the Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis of Pinewood and Aspenwood.
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Hertzberg, Terje;
Hagg, May-Britt;
Øyaas, Karin;
Dyrset, Nils.
Saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel and biorefinery applications - A renaissance for the concentrated acid hydrolysis?.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Iotti, Marco;
Gregersen, Øyvind Weiby;
Moe, Størker;
Lenes, Marianne.
Rheological Studies of Microfibrillar Cellulose Water Dispersions.
Journal of Polymers and the Environment
Academic article
Moe, Størker.
Myter om biodrivstoff.
Reader opinion piece
Moe, Størker.
Biodrivstoff: Hva, hvorfor og hvordan.
Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen
Popular scientific article
Vaaler, David;
Syverud, Kristin;
Seem, Berit;
Moe, Størker.
Estimating the pulping yield by carbohydrate analysis.
TAPPI Journal
Academic article
Mosbye, J;
Moe, Størker;
Tammelin, T;
Saarinen, T;
Laine, J.
The ability of PEO to remove model colloidal extractives from solutions with different types of fines.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Mosbye, John;
Laine, Janne;
Moe, Størker.
The effect of dissolved substances on the adsorption of colloidal extractives to fines.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Mosbye, John;
Foss, Marit Holtermann;
Laine, Janne;
Moe, Størker.
Interaction between model colloidal wood resin, fillers and dissolved substances.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Vaaler, David;
Toven, Kai;
Syverud, Kristin.
Norsk treforedlingsforskning i godt selskap.
Popular scientific article
Toven, Kai;
Gellerstedt, Göran;
Kleppe, Peder J;
Moe, Størker.
Use of Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone in Combination in Prebleaching.
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science
Academic article
Schult, Tove;
Hjerde, Torgeir;
Optun, Odd Inge;
Kleppe, Peder J;
Moe, Størker.
Characterization of cellulose by SEC-MALLS.
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Holen, Anne Kristin;
Schult, Tove.
4-O-beta-d-glucopyranosyl-gluconic acid (cellobionic acid)produced by ozonation of cellobiose: Isolation by HPLC and assignment of NMR chemical shifts.
Journal of carbohydrate chemistry
Academic article
Mosbye, John;
Moe, Størker T.;
Laine, Janne.
The charge and chemical composition of fines in mechanical pulp.
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (NPPRJ)
Academic article
Sjöholm, Elisabeth;
Norman, E.;
Moe, Størker;
Colmsjö, A..
A method for evaluating lignin mobility distributions obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis.
Journal of wood chemistry and technology
Academic article
Schult, Tove;
Moe, Størker;
Hjerde, Torgeir;
Christensen, Bjørn Erik.
Size exclusion chromatography of cellulose dissolved in LiCl/DMAc using macroporous monodisperse poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) particles.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies
Academic article
Sjoholm, E.;
Norman, E.;
Moe, Størker;
Colmsjo, A..
A method for evaluating lignin mobility distributions obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis.
Journal of wood chemistry and technology
Academic article
Schult, T.;
Moe, Størker;
Hjerde, T.;
Christensen, B.E..
Size exclusion chromatography of cellulose dissolved in LiCi/DMAc using macroporous monodisperse poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) particles.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies
Academic article
Moe, Størker.
Høyere utdanning innenfor treforedling i Norge: Nytt femårig sivilingeniørstudium.
Popular scientific article
Moe, Størker;
Ragauskas, Arthur J..
Oxygen delignification of high-yield kraft pulp. Part 1, Structural properties of residual lignins.
Academic article
Moe, Størker.
Suksess med papir.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
Calcium alginate gel fibers : influence of alginate source and gel structure on fiber strength.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav;
Elgsæter, Arnljot.
A new approach for estimating the crosslink density of covalently crosslinked ionic polysaccharide gels.
Carbohydrate Polymers
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav;
Elgsæter, Arnljot.
Swelling of covalently crosslinked alginate gels : influence of ionic solutes and nonpolar solvents.
Academic article
Knutsen, Svein Halvor;
Moe, Størker T.;
Grasdalen, Hans.
Molecular cut-off values of dialysis membranes for alginate and kappa-carrageenan oligosaccharides.
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Draget, Kurt Ingar;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
Temperature dependence of the elastic modulus of alginate gels.
Carbohydrate Polymers
Academic article
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
Covalently cross-linked sodium alginate beads.
Food Hydrocolloids
Academic article
Smidsrød, Olav;
Moe, Størker.
Biopolymer Chemistry.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Smidsrød, Olav;
Moe, Størker.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Moe, Størker T.;
Hermundsgård, Dag Helge;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela;
Brusletto, Rune.
A Norwegian steam explosion biorefinery.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Draget, Kurt Ingar;
Moe, Størker;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Smidsrød, Olav.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Joseph, Prajin;
Moe, Størker T.;
Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela.
Organosolv pretreatment of Norway spruce: Ethanol pretreatment for Biorefinery applications.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (385)
Doctoral dissertation
Kes, Murside;
Christensen, Bjørn Erik;
Moe, Størker T..
Ageing of Cellulosic Insulations in Transformer Oil.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (80)
Doctoral dissertation
Janga, Kando Khalifa;
Hagg, May-Britt;
Moe, Størker T..
Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis of Hardwood Aspen and Softwood Pine for Bioethanol Production.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Vaaler, David;
Moe, Størker T..
Yield-increasing additives in kraft pulping: Effect on carbohydrate retention, composition and handsheet properties.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Lyngstad, Hilde;
Moe, Størker;
Johannson, Lars.
Seasonal variations in mechanical pulp quality.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Mosbye, John;
Moe, Størker T.;
Laine, Janne.
Colloidal wood resin:Analyses and interactions.
Doctoral dissertation
Mosbye, John;
Moe, Størker T.;
Laine, Janne.
Colloidal wood resin: Analyses and interactions.
Doctoral dissertation
Moe, Størker T.;
Schult, Tove.
Properties of acid sulfite cellulose for cellulose derivatives.
Doktor Ingenioeravhandling (x)
Doctoral dissertation
Minja, Rwaichi John Alexander;
Kleppe, Peder Johan;
Moe, Størker T..
Basic studies of modified kraft cooking and oxygen delignificaiton of softwood.
Doctoral dissertation
Holen, Anne kristin;
Kleppe, Peder Johan;
Moe, Størker T..
Studies of the reactions between ozone and carbohydrates.
Doktor ingeniøravhandling 1998:49 (49)
Doctoral dissertation
Moe, Størker T.;
Smidsrød, Olav;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund.
Superswelling alginate gels: Preparation and some physical properties.
Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian Institute of Technology
Doctoral dissertation
- TKP4580 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4581 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- KP6005 - Prosessteknologi for trefordelingsindustrien
- TKP4180 - Biodrivstoff og bioraffinering
- TKP4535 - Miljø- og reaktorteknologi, fordypningsemne
- TKP4850 - Eksperter i team - Mindre klimautslipp med biodrivstoff
F-35 skal fly med biodrivstoff: – Færre kilometer per liter
Det nye drivstoffet betyr en flerdobling i pris og noen færre kilometer på full tank, ifølge forsker. Forsvaret aviser at det går ut over stridsevnen.
Jon Håvard (24) betaler ingenting for drivstoff
Hvor miljøvennlige er egentlig plast-alternativene?
Eksadvokat har hentet millioner til å lage verdensnyhet fra Sarpsborg – sliter med milliongjeld og inkasso
InterviewMoe, Størker T.; Røyne, Henrik Hokaasen. (2025) F-35 skal fly med biodrivstoff: – Færre kilometer per liter. [Internet] 2025-01-17
Academic lectureHermundsgård, Dag Helge; Tanase-Opedal, Mihaela; Ghoreishi, Solmaz; Moe, Størker Torvald; Brusletto, Rune; Barth, Tanja. (2023) Examination of pretreatment variables for co-production of black pellets and valuable platform chemicals. EUBCE 31th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition , Bologna, Italy 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-09