Tatiana Korneeva
Korneeva, Tatiana.
To the Court of the Tsarinas and Back Again: Italian Performers’ Itineraries, Careers, and Networks across Europe.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
WeltLiteraturen (23)
Academic monograph
Korneeva, Tatiana.
To the Court of the Tsarinas and Back Again: Italian Performers’ Itineraries, Careers, and Networks across Europe.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
WeltLiteraturen (23)
Academic monograph
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureKorneeva, Tatiana. (2023) Al merito singolarissimo dell’eccellentissime dame venete: Dediche ‘femminili’ al teatro Sant’Angelo al tempo di Vivaldi. Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Fondazione Cini Il Tearo Sant’Angelo al tempo di Vivaldi (1700-1740)international conference Il Teatro Sant’Angelo al tempo di Vivaldi (1700-1740), organizzato da Melania Bucciarelli, Reinhard Strohm, Giada Viviani. , Venice 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-18
Academic lectureKorneeva, Tatiana. (2023) “Ahead of Their Time? Women and Italian Opera in the Eighteenth Century” panel organized. 16th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS-SIEDS), Rome , Rome 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-07
Academic lectureKorneeva, Tatiana. (2022) Giovanni Camillo Canzachi: precursore di Goldoni e suo ambasciatore in Sassonia. Javier Gutiérrez Carou, Maria Ida Biggi, Piermario Vescovo, Goldoni «avant la lettre»: evoluzione, involuzione, trasformazione dei generi teatrali (1650–1750) , Venice 2022-07-01 - 2023-07-02