Terje Rølvåg
About Terje Rølvåg
Rølvåg holds a MSc. and a Ph.D. within finite element dynamics of elastic mechanisms from NTH. His working experience includes Sintef Production Engineering, Sintef Materials Technology, Fedem Technology AS and TRAC, the latter in combination with an adjunct professorship at Department of Engineering Design and Materials (IPM), NTNU. Between 2003-2019 he had a full time professor position at the NTNU/MTP Engineering Design group. Rølvåg is currently teaching at NTNU / Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering
Research Fields.
Rølvågs research interests cover computer science applied for engineering applications focusing on simulation of behaviour and strength of electromechanical products. The simulation techniques are based on non-linear Finite Element formulations and control science (FEDEM). Since 2017, Rølvåg has developed and applied this technology in real time Digital Twin implementations for Condition (CM) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of machinery, drivelines, bridges, windmills, radar, weapon and robot systems. Rølvåg is in charge of several IoT / Digital Twin courses and imlementation projects at NTNU, OSLOMET and SINTEF OCEAN.
His research fields also includes Lean Product Development, focusing on the process of generating and generalizing knowledge that can be used (and reused) by product developers to create attractive products with maximum customer value. The relationship between design, function and manufacturability are important issues in lean product development. Rølvåg is appliying the lean principles in Configure (CM) and Engineer To Order (ETO) projects for automated design and manufacturing of customized products for SMEs.
Entrepreneurship – Innovation.
Rølvåg has been central in developing FEDEM, a finite element based modeling and simulation tool with multidisciplinary capabilities (see www.fedem.com). The company was recently acquired by SAP, and Rølvåg is engaged by Fedem to adopt the software to Digital Twins. Rølvåg has also invented several new products like Easy Roller II, and has recently patented a generic flexible mechanism. In 2009-2011, Rølvåg implemetented this mechanism in ColiCot, a cradle for infants with colic or other sleeping problems. Rølvåg is currently working with Fedem development, new patents and innovative video based teaching.
- IP500520 - Digital Twin Technologies for Condition and Structural Health Monitoring https://www.ntnu.edu/studies/courses/IP500520#tab=omEmnet
- TMM4155 - Finite Element Applications in Mechanical Engineering (http://www.ntnu.edu/studies/courses/TMM4155#tab=omEmnet) (video lectures only)
Rølvåg also supervise master students in structural, thermal, control and mechanism analysis within the automotive, offshore, robotics, windmills, defense and aerospace industries. This work include a wide range of CAE tools like NX, Nastran, Abaqus and FEDEM
Please contact Rølvåg for more information on how to initiate student projects and master thesis. You can call +47 40065114 or mail terje.rolvag@ntnu.no.
Rølvåg, Terje;
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Dos Santos Sousa Rodrigues, José Miguel;
Haugen, Bjørn.
Digital Twin supported Structural Health Monitoring of Test Rigs for Wave Energy Applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dos Santos Sousa Rodrigues, José Miguel;
Langhelle, Nina Kristin;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Cruz, João;
Atcheson Cruz, Mairead;
Martini, Michele.
Compilation of Development Metrics Applicable to Wave Energy Converters (WECs): Current Status and Proposed Next Steps.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lanza, Remi Krister Sylvain;
Haenisch, Jochen;
Bengtsson, Kjell;
Rølvåg, Terje.
ISO 10303 AP209—Why and how to embed nonlinear FEA.
Advances in Engineering Software
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Bella, Matteo;
Berto, Filippo.
Fatigue analysis of high performance race engines.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Hagen, Axel Brautaset;
Hagen, Tarald Brautaset.
Shark Attacks On Offshore Streamer Cables.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Moi, Torbjørn;
Cibicik, Andrej;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Digital Twin Based Condition Monitoring of a Knuckle Boom Crane: an Experimental Study.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Fotland, Gaute;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Trade study to select best alternative for cable and pulley simulation for cranes on offshore vessels.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Lanza, Remi Krister Sylvain;
Haenisch, Jochen;
Bengtsson, Kjell;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Relating structural test and FEA data with STEP AP209.
Advances in Engineering Software
Academic article
Ulonska, Sören;
Welo, Torgeir;
Rølvåg, Terje.
The Design Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rølvåg, Terje;
Bella, Matteo.
Dynamic test bench for motocross engines.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Welo, Torgeir;
van Houten, Rien;
Wiggenraad, Jaap.
FE simulation of soft wing impactor for aviation mast frangibility testing – sensitivity to model assumptions.
International Journal of Crashworthiness
Academic article
Liu, Cong;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Product architecture design of multi-modal products.
Research in Engineering Design
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje.
Using finite modeling and simulations to test MotoGP race bikes.
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
Academic article
Liu, Cong;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Rølvåg, Terje.
A Revision of Product Architecture Design for Multi-Modal Products.
The Design Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Cong;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Conceptual design of multi-modal products.
Research in Engineering Design
Academic article
Hoset, Martin;
Rognstad, Asgeir Bakken;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Ettema, Gertja;
Sandbakk, Øyvind.
Construction of an instrumented roller ski and validation of three-dimensional forces in the skating technique.
Sports Engineering
Academic article
Bratland, Magne;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Modal analysis of active flexible multibody systems containing PID controllers with non-collocated sensors and actuators.
Finite elements in analysis and design
Academic article
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nysveen, Arne;
Nilssen, Robert;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Slot harmonic effect on magnetic forces and vibration in low-speed permanent-magnet machine with concentrated windings.
IEEE transactions on industry applications
Academic article
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nysveen, Arne;
Nilssen, Robert;
Lorenz, Robert D.;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Influence of pole and slot combinations on magnetic forces and vibration in low-speed PM wind generators.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Welo, Torgeir;
Tonning, Oluf Roar Bjørset;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Lean Systems Engineering (LSE): Hands-on Experiences in Applying LSE to a Student Eco-Car Build Project.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Bratland, Magne;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Rølvåg, Terje.
A method for controller parameter estimation based on perturbations.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Bratland, Magne;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Modal analysis of active flexible multibody systems.
Computers & structures
Academic article
Welo, Torgeir;
Rølvåg, Terje.
A Framework for application of the lean concept within new-product innovation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bratland, Magne;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Sivertsen, Ole Ivar;
Okstad, Knut Morten.
Modal Analysis of Active Flexible Multibody Systems in a Finite Element Environment.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (119)
Doctoral dissertation
Rølvåg, Terje;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Sivertsen, Ole Ivar.
Updated multidiscipline simulation : user's guide.
Rapport / ESPRIT-prosjekt # 5524 MDS (D2106)
Vesterheim, Vegard;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Sivertsen, Ole Ivar.
Software documentation document.
Rapport / ESPRIT-prosjekt # 5524 MDS (D2107)
Journal publications
Lanza, Remi Krister Sylvain;
Haenisch, Jochen;
Bengtsson, Kjell;
Rølvåg, Terje.
ISO 10303 AP209—Why and how to embed nonlinear FEA.
Advances in Engineering Software
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Bella, Matteo;
Berto, Filippo.
Fatigue analysis of high performance race engines.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Hagen, Axel Brautaset;
Hagen, Tarald Brautaset.
Shark Attacks On Offshore Streamer Cables.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Moi, Torbjørn;
Cibicik, Andrej;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Digital Twin Based Condition Monitoring of a Knuckle Boom Crane: an Experimental Study.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Fotland, Gaute;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Trade study to select best alternative for cable and pulley simulation for cranes on offshore vessels.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Lanza, Remi Krister Sylvain;
Haenisch, Jochen;
Bengtsson, Kjell;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Relating structural test and FEA data with STEP AP209.
Advances in Engineering Software
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Bella, Matteo.
Dynamic test bench for motocross engines.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje;
Welo, Torgeir;
van Houten, Rien;
Wiggenraad, Jaap.
FE simulation of soft wing impactor for aviation mast frangibility testing – sensitivity to model assumptions.
International Journal of Crashworthiness
Academic article
Liu, Cong;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Product architecture design of multi-modal products.
Research in Engineering Design
Academic article
Rølvåg, Terje.
Using finite modeling and simulations to test MotoGP race bikes.
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
Academic article
Liu, Cong;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Conceptual design of multi-modal products.
Research in Engineering Design
Academic article
Hoset, Martin;
Rognstad, Asgeir Bakken;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Ettema, Gertja;
Sandbakk, Øyvind.
Construction of an instrumented roller ski and validation of three-dimensional forces in the skating technique.
Sports Engineering
Academic article
Bratland, Magne;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Modal analysis of active flexible multibody systems containing PID controllers with non-collocated sensors and actuators.
Finite elements in analysis and design
Academic article
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nysveen, Arne;
Nilssen, Robert;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Slot harmonic effect on magnetic forces and vibration in low-speed permanent-magnet machine with concentrated windings.
IEEE transactions on industry applications
Academic article
Valavi, Mostafa;
Nysveen, Arne;
Nilssen, Robert;
Lorenz, Robert D.;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Influence of pole and slot combinations on magnetic forces and vibration in low-speed PM wind generators.
IEEE transactions on magnetics
Academic article
Welo, Torgeir;
Tonning, Oluf Roar Bjørset;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Lean Systems Engineering (LSE): Hands-on Experiences in Applying LSE to a Student Eco-Car Build Project.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Bratland, Magne;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Rølvåg, Terje.
A method for controller parameter estimation based on perturbations.
Engineering with Computers
Academic article
Bratland, Magne;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Modal analysis of active flexible multibody systems.
Computers & structures
Academic article
Part of book/report
Rølvåg, Terje;
Alessandri, Giacomo;
Dos Santos Sousa Rodrigues, José Miguel;
Haugen, Bjørn.
Digital Twin supported Structural Health Monitoring of Test Rigs for Wave Energy Applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dos Santos Sousa Rodrigues, José Miguel;
Langhelle, Nina Kristin;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Cruz, João;
Atcheson Cruz, Mairead;
Martini, Michele.
Compilation of Development Metrics Applicable to Wave Energy Converters (WECs): Current Status and Proposed Next Steps.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulonska, Sören;
Welo, Torgeir;
Rølvåg, Terje.
The Design Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Cong;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Zhang, Houxiang;
Rølvåg, Terje.
A Revision of Product Architecture Design for Multi-Modal Products.
The Design Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Welo, Torgeir;
Rølvåg, Terje.
A Framework for application of the lean concept within new-product innovation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bratland, Magne;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Haugen, Bjørn;
Sivertsen, Ole Ivar;
Okstad, Knut Morten.
Modal Analysis of Active Flexible Multibody Systems in a Finite Element Environment.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (119)
Doctoral dissertation
Rølvåg, Terje;
Hildre, Hans-Petter;
Sivertsen, Ole Ivar.
Updated multidiscipline simulation : user's guide.
Rapport / ESPRIT-prosjekt # 5524 MDS (D2106)
Vesterheim, Vegard;
Rølvåg, Terje;
Sivertsen, Ole Ivar.
Software documentation document.
Rapport / ESPRIT-prosjekt # 5524 MDS (D2107)
Academic lectureRodrigues, José Miguel; Langhelle, Nina Kristin; Rølvåg, Terje; Cruz, João; Mairead, Atcheson Cruz; Martini, Michele. (2023) Compilation of Development Metrics Applicable to Wave Energy Converters (WECs): Current Status and Proposed Next Steps. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - 2023 , Ottawa 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-23
Academic lectureRølvåg, Terje; Stranden, Øystein. (2022) Digital Twin Based Structural health Monitoring of Offshore Crane. ASME OMAE 2022 - 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering , Hamburg 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-10
Academic lectureFotland, Gaute; Rølvåg, Terje; Haugen, Bjørn. (2019) STUDY OF NUMERICAL INTEGRATION ALGORITHMS FOR THE ABSOLUTE LAGRANGIAN EULERIAN FORMULATION. University of Zagreb International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability , Dubrovnik 2019-06-04 - 2019-06-07
DocumentaryRølvåg, Terje. (2019) Finite Element Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 38 YouTube videos on Advanced FEA. YouTube YouTube [Internet] 2019-12-15
Academic lectureRølvåg, Terje; Axel B., Hagen; Tarald B., Hagen. (2019) Shark Attacks on Offshore Streamer Cables. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and ICSID 2019 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability , Dubrovnik 2019-06-04 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureRølvåg, Terje; Haugen, Bjørn; Bella, Matteo; Berto, Filippo. (2019) Fatigue Analysis of High Performance Race Engines. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and ICSID 2019 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability , Dubrovnik 2019-06-04 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureMoi, Torbjørn; Cibicik, Andrej; Rølvåg, Terje. (2019) Digital Twin Based Fatigue Monitoring of Knuckle Boom Crane. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and ICSID 2019 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability , Dubrovnik 2019-06-04 - 2019-06-07
Popular scientific lectureRølvåg, Terje. (2017) Finite Element Applications in Mechanical Engineering. NTNU/MTP - TMM4155 24 YouTube video lectures , YouTube 2017-01-01 - 2017-12-31
LectureRølvåg, Terje. (2017) SAP Fedem and NTNU Digital Twins for Structural Dynamics, a NextGen proposal. SAP 22nd SAP Academic Conference , Karlsruhe 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-15
Academic lectureWelo, Torgeir; Rølvåg, Terje. (2011) A Framework for Application of the Lean Concept within New-Product Innovation. ISO 9000/Lean Six Sigma Conference 2011 International Conference on Lean & Six Sigma , San Antonio, Texas, 2011-03-15 - 2011-03-17
Academic lectureBratland, Magne; Rølvåg, Terje. (2008) Modal Analysis of Lumped Flexible Active Systems (Part 1). SIMS 2008: The 48th Scandinavian Conference on Simulation and Modeling 2008-10-07 - 2008-10-08
PosterLangen, Ivar; Than, Thuong Kim; Birkeland, Oddvar; Rølvåg, Terje. (2000) Simulation of Dynamic Behaviour of a FPSO Crane. The 5th North Sea Offshore Cranes Conference, , Stakis Hilton Treetops Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland, 26. -28. April 2000
Academic lectureHildre, Hans-Petter; Rølvåg, Terje. (1996) Mechatronic design and modelling. Produktmodeller -96 , Linköping, Sverige
Academic lectureHildre, Hans-Petter; Rølvåg, Terje. (1996) Mechatronic design and simulation. SIMS '96 , NTNU, Trondheim
Academic lectureRølvåg, Terje; Sivertsen, Ole Ivar; Hildre, Hans-Petter; Waløen, Åge Ø.. (1996) Multidiscipline dynamic simulation of the new Veslefrikk personnel transfer bridge. 5th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSivertsen, Ole Ivar; Moholdt, G.; Rølvåg, Terje; Hildre, Hans-Petter. (1994) Interdisciplinary modelling language for multi body systems. 1st MATHMOD , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureHildre, Hans-Petter; Rølvåg, Terje; Sellesbakk, R. H.. (1993) Efficient design of machines and mechanisms by multidiscipline simulation and optimization capabilities. International Conference on Simulation (35 : 1993 : Kongsberg) , [Mangler data]