Thomas Haupt
Thomas Haupt is a graduate architect MArch/BSc (Hons) from the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland and holds a PhD in architecture from NTNU. He is a member of RIBA, the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIAS, the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland and TICCIH, The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage. Thomas is also a master stonemason and he has extensive experience in the conservation and restoration of historic buildings both in planning, design work and practical execution.
Both as an architect and master stonemason, he has been responsible for preparing conditional reports and conservation plans for various projects within the conservation and restoration of heritage buildings. He has experience from many different types of projects, both with detailed design from small to large buildings and constructions and he has participated in preparatory work for the UNESCO nomination process for Rjukan and Notodden industrial heritage, which he is still actively working on as a PhD research project.
The projects he has worked on as an architect and/or contractor include, among other things, registration, surveying and planning of restoration and conservation projects, specification of stone conservation, stonemasons, and masonry work on listed buildings such as cathedrals, churches, public buildings and other buildings in England, Scotland, Germany and Norway. Thomas has also worked with analysis and assessments of individual cultural monuments as well as large cultural heritage areas, for example through the National Heritage Authorities (Riksantikvaren) cultural historical site analysis tool DIVE.
At NTNU, at the department of architecture and technology, Thomas is part of the building conservation and adaptive re-use group which works predominantly with existing buildings and structures. There he participates in the teaching of craftsmen in the study program Traditional building crafts, Architecture 4 course which is a transformation course and in the master's course in architectural education. In addition, he supervises diploma students and participates as an examiner.
My research focuses on existing buildings and explores the subjects of building systems development, construction technology and the history of architecture.
My recently, in January 2025 completed Phd project investigated industrial buildings and structures between 1905 and 1929 at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Rjukan and Notodden in Norway. The research establishes how the development of industrial buildings and structures in Norway was influenced by international developments with regards to architectural style and construction technology. Norway was a very young nation when the company Norsk Hydro was established, and a monumental industrial enterprise unfolded after its inception in 1905. Architecture and engineering were the perfect means to express that to the world.
This research is mainly concerned with structures made from brick-masonry; reinforced concrete structures and prefabricated steel-framed structures. Industrial architecture is a subject that has not been researched to a great extent in Norway and that is mainly because ancient timber structures have dominated Norwegian cultural heritage research. Industrial buildings, however, have more recently been given cultural heritage status not least because of the UNESCO status conferred on Rjukan and Notodden in 2015. Despite this, there is still little research that can point to international influence that defined the development of these industrial buildings. This is especially the case related to the development and innovation processes of construction technology.
Haupt, Thomas.
Constructing Industrial Architecture: The Evolution of Technology and Architecture Style at the Rjukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site in Norway (1905–1929).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic monograph
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August;
Živanović, Zdravko;
Braaten, Bjørn Otto;
Sjøgren, Emily Hochlin;
Haupt, Thomas.
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Haupt, Thomas;
Eide, Trond;
Ådnanes, Nora.
Dismantling former storage house at Brekstad/ demontering av tidligere stabbur.
Haupt, Thomas.
Brickwork in norway: tradition encounters a new age of industrial construction 1905-1912.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
Concrete touch down: new material technology influences industrial buildings in Norway, 1912-1920.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
Rationalisation of factories in Norway: from classical to modern architecture 1920 - 1929.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
A case study of industrial heritage buildings at the Rjukan and Notodden Site in Norway (1905 - 1929).
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Feragen, Samuel Billaud;
Johansen, Daniel;
Haupt, Thomas.
Hus på "naturlig" vandring.
Årbok - Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring
Academic article
Swensen, Grete;
Haupt, Thomas.
Coastal Cultural Heritage in Norway: Between function-deprivation and over-utilization. Exemplified by the two costal villages Nyksund and Kalvåg.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haupt, Thomas.
Traditional and contemporary timber structures and their application in multi-storey buildings; A comparison of the different construction techniques of Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Great Britain
Scott Sutherland School of Architecture
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Haupt, Thomas.
Brickwork in norway: tradition encounters a new age of industrial construction 1905-1912.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
Concrete touch down: new material technology influences industrial buildings in Norway, 1912-1920.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
Rationalisation of factories in Norway: from classical to modern architecture 1920 - 1929.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
A case study of industrial heritage buildings at the Rjukan and Notodden Site in Norway (1905 - 1929).
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage
Academic article
Feragen, Samuel Billaud;
Johansen, Daniel;
Haupt, Thomas.
Hus på "naturlig" vandring.
Årbok - Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring
Academic article
Haupt, Thomas.
Constructing Industrial Architecture: The Evolution of Technology and Architecture Style at the Rjukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site in Norway (1905–1929).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Swensen, Grete;
Haupt, Thomas.
Coastal Cultural Heritage in Norway: Between function-deprivation and over-utilization. Exemplified by the two costal villages Nyksund and Kalvåg.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haupt, Thomas.
Traditional and contemporary timber structures and their application in multi-storey buildings; A comparison of the different construction techniques of Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Great Britain
Scott Sutherland School of Architecture
Thesis at a second degree level
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August;
Živanović, Zdravko;
Braaten, Bjørn Otto;
Sjøgren, Emily Hochlin;
Haupt, Thomas.
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Haupt, Thomas;
Eide, Trond;
Ådnanes, Nora.
Dismantling former storage house at Brekstad/ demontering av tidligere stabbur.
InterviewHaarsaker, Nina Katrine; Haupt, Thomas. (2019) NTNUTNYTTMaterialer som ressurs; NRK P1 radio, NRK TV midtnytt, NRK s facebookside, NRK P3 nyheter på Insta, Nyhetssak på fremsiden av januar 2019. NRK NRK [Internet] 2019-01-28
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2018) Mandheimen – Utfordringer knyttet til en 100 år gammel boligblokk i betong og mur . NTNU - Institutt for Arkitektur og Teknologi Arkitekturarven i endring - Architectural heritage under change , Trondheim 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-15
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2015) Veileder bygningsvern, Rjukan, Bygningstype 11, 11A, 11E og 11F. Tinn kommune planavdeling Levering av rapport , Rjukan 2015-02-03 -
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2014) Veileder bygningsvern, Rjukan, Bygningstype 11B. Levering av rapport til Tinn kommune planavdeling , Rjukan 2014-12-12 -
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2014) Veileder bygningsvern, Rjukan, Bygningstype H. Levering av rapport til Tinn kommune planavdeling , Rjukan 2014-06-13 -
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2014) Bevaring av Støttemur langs Vemorksporet, Rjukanbanen. Hydro energi AS, Såheim kraftverk Levering av rapport , Rjukan 2014-12-09 -
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2014) Bevaring av Lukehus Skarfossdammen, Øvre Månavassdrag, Rjukan. Hydro energi AS, Såheim kraftverk Levering av rapport , Rjukan 2014-12-09 -
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2013) DIVE-analyse Strømsø, Drammen. Drammen kommune Internmøte med byplan Drammen kommune , Drammen 2013-12-05 -
LectureHaupt, Thomas. (2008) Thermal mass as a principle in buildings - What can we learn from the past. Riksantikvaren Riksantikvaren Workshop - Klimaendringer og Kulturarv 2008-12-18 -