Thomas Nguyen
Salvesen, Kjersti;
Nguyen, Thomas.
Ny doktorgrad: Manglende forståelse kan føre til at barnehagelærere undervurderer musikkens betydning .
Første steg
Interview Journal
Nguyen, Thomas;
Angelo, Elin;
Sæther, Morten;
Gåsbakk, Berit.
MiU23: Utfordringer og muligheter innen musikk og utdanning. Konferanse.
Other product
Bæverfjord, Hanne;
Sæther, Morten;
Eriksen, Grete Storbekk;
Nguyen, Thomas;
Torgersen, Jan Ketil;
Fjellseth, Martin.
Hurra for Dronning Maud!.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
Norsk flid. Husfliden, promoteringsfilmer: Film score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
Gamification and Formal Practice: A Pilot Study on Gamification’s Contributions to Kindergarten Students’ Musical Practice.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Thomas.
DMMH ‘Det er her det begynner’, Promoteringsfilm - kinoreklame: Film Music.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
NTNU Revolve ‘Atmos & Eld’, Promotion Film: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘Batteriet’, Documentary: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘SINTEF Ocean: Tørkeprosessen for klippfisk’, Short documentary: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘Nocturne’: Film score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘Bangla’, Documentary: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
'Teknologihovedstaden Bjorgar Ljosland’, Short Documentary.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
Moments of Clarity, Symphonic poem No. 1.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
First movement, Symphonic poem No. 2.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
The unveiling of Revolve NTNU's 2015 electric car, Vilje: Film score.
Music - composition
Journal publications
Salvesen, Kjersti;
Nguyen, Thomas.
Ny doktorgrad: Manglende forståelse kan føre til at barnehagelærere undervurderer musikkens betydning .
Første steg
Interview Journal
Artistic productions
Bæverfjord, Hanne;
Sæther, Morten;
Eriksen, Grete Storbekk;
Nguyen, Thomas;
Torgersen, Jan Ketil;
Fjellseth, Martin.
Hurra for Dronning Maud!.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
Norsk flid. Husfliden, promoteringsfilmer: Film score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
DMMH ‘Det er her det begynner’, Promoteringsfilm - kinoreklame: Film Music.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
NTNU Revolve ‘Atmos & Eld’, Promotion Film: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘Batteriet’, Documentary: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘SINTEF Ocean: Tørkeprosessen for klippfisk’, Short documentary: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘Nocturne’: Film score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
‘Bangla’, Documentary: Film Score.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
'Teknologihovedstaden Bjorgar Ljosland’, Short Documentary.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
Moments of Clarity, Symphonic poem No. 1.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
First movement, Symphonic poem No. 2.
Music - composition
Nguyen, Thomas.
The unveiling of Revolve NTNU's 2015 electric car, Vilje: Film score.
Music - composition
Part of book/report
Nguyen, Thomas.
Gamification and Formal Practice: A Pilot Study on Gamification’s Contributions to Kindergarten Students’ Musical Practice.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nguyen, Thomas;
Angelo, Elin;
Sæther, Morten;
Gåsbakk, Berit.
MiU23: Utfordringer og muligheter innen musikk og utdanning. Konferanse.
Other product
Academic lectureNguyen, Thomas; Knigge, Jens; Sæther, Morten. (2024) The road to success in facilitating music: a meta-narrative review of generalist teachers’ musical competence. Nordic Network for Research in Music Education NNRME Conference , Bodø 2024-03-19 - 2024-03-21
Academic lectureNguyen, Thomas. (2023) The Musical Motivations of In-service and Pre-service Early Childhood and Primary Generalist Teachers: A Meta-Narrative Review . Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education MiU2023 - Challenges and opportunities in music and education , Trondheim, Norway 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-27
Academic lectureNguyen, Thomas. (2022) Gamification, Motivation and Music Practice. Nord University, Levanger Miu22: Explorative perspectives in music and education. , Nord University at Røstad, Levanger, Norway, October, 2022 2022-10-26 - 2022-10-27