Tobias Schmidt Slørdahl
Tobias S. Slørdahl graduated from medical school at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim in 2009. He started his training in internal medicine and hematology at St. Olavs hospital in 2013 and is a consultant at the Department of Hematology at St. Olavs hospital. He earned his PhD in molecular medicine at NTNU in 2014. Slørdahl’s research interest is translational research in multiple myeloma. Most research projects have been studying the impact of the bone marrow microenvironment on multiple myeloma pathogenesis. In recent years he has mostly been focusing on clinical trials in multiple myeloma. In 2021 he established and became director of a Clinical Academic Group (CAG) of Multiple Myeloma in Central Norway with the aim to promote and strengthen research and education on multiple myeloma in the Health Region of Central Norway. Tobias S. Slørdahl is also a highly valuated educator with an interest in assessment in higher education. He serves as the director of Center of assessment in medical education (CAME) and was in 2021 awarded the Olav Thon Foundation’s National Award for Excellence in Teaching at the University Level.
Lund, Thomas;
Gundesen, Michael Tveden;
Juul Vangsted, Annette;
Helleberg, Carsten;
Haukås, Einar;
Silkjær, Trine.
In multiple myeloma, monthly treatment with zoledronic acid beyond two years offers sustained protection against progressive bone disease.
Blood Cancer Journal
Letter to the editor
Nørgaard, Jakob Nordberg;
Moore, Kari Lenita Falck;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Vik, Anders;
Tvedt, Tor Henrik Anderson;
Schjesvold, Fredrik.
VRD versus VCD as induction therapy before autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: a nationwide population-based study.
Blood Cancer Journal
Academic article
Røra, Marie;
Solberg, Margrete Skretting;
Moore, Kari Lenita Falck;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Incidence and prevention of skeletal-related events in multiple myeloma patients: A population-based real-world experience.
Academic article
Behsen, Alenka Djarmila;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik;
Quist-Paulsen, Petter;
Misund, Kristine.
A patient with minimal myeloma treatment who survived for 20 years.
Academic article
Gundesen, Michael T.;
Asmussen, Jon Thor;
Schjesvold, Fredrik Hellem;
Vangsted, Annette Juul;
Helleberg, Carsten;
Haukås, Einar.
Potential value of pre-planned imaging of bone disease in multiple myeloma.
Blood Cancer Journal
Letter to the editor
Steiro, Ida Johnsen;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Børset, Magne.
The serine protease matriptase inhibits migration and proliferation in multiple myeloma cells.
Academic article
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Waage, Anders.
Paired miRNA- and messenger RNA-sequencing identifies novel miRNA-mRNA interactions in multiple myeloma.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bouma, Siri Anshushaug;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Comprehensive small RNA-sequencing of primary myeloma cells identifies miR-105-5p as a predictor of patient survival.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Martinsen, Susanne Skjervold Smeby;
Espeland, Torvald;
Berg, Erik Andreas Rye;
Samstad, Eivind;
Lillebo, Børge;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Examining the educational impact of the mini-CEX: a randomised controlled study.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
Håland, Erling;
Moen, Ingrid Nyhus;
Veidal, Elias;
Hella, Hanne;
Misund, Kristine;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
TAK1-inhibitors are cytotoxic for multiple myeloma cells alone and in combination with melphalan.
Academic article
Vandsemb, Esten;
Rye, Morten Beck;
Steiro, Ida Johnsen;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
PRL-3 induces a positive signaling circuit between glycolysis and activation of STAT1/2.
The FEBS Journal
Academic article
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Mjelle, Robin;
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
van den Brink, Luca Mare;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass.
Intracellular IL-32 regulates mitochondrial metabolism, proliferation, and differentiation of malignant plasma cells.
Academic article
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Waage, Anders;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Misund, Kristine;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders.
Bystander memory T cells and IMiD/checkpoint therapy in multiple myeloma: A dangerous tango?.
Frontiers in Immunology
Academic literature review
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Røst, Lisa Marie;
Yang, Rui;
Hjort, Magnus Aassved.
Phosphatase of Regenerating Liver-3 Regulates Cancer Cell Metabolism in Multiple Myeloma.
The FASEB Journal
Academic article
Elsaadi, Samah;
Steiro, Ida Johnsen;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Yang, Rui;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Targeting phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase in multiple myeloma.
Experimental Hematology & Oncology
Academic article
Westhrin, Marita;
Kovcic, Vlado;
Zejian, Zhang;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bondt, Albert.
Monoclonal immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma.
Academic article
Yang, Rui;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Moen, Siv Helen.
Conversion of ATP to adenosine by CD39 and CD73 in multiple myeloma can be successfully targeted together with adenosine receptor A2A blockade.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC)
Academic article
Smeby, Susanne Skjervold;
Lillebo, Børge;
Gynnild, Vidar;
Samstad, Eivind;
Standal, Rune;
Knobel, Heidi.
Improving assessment quality in professional higher education: Could external peer review of items be the answer?.
Cogent Medicine
Academic article
Smeby, Susanne Skjervold;
Lillebo, Børge;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Berntsen, Erik Magnus.
Express Team-Based Learning (eTBL): A Time-Efficient TBL Approach in Neuroradiology.
Academic Radiology
Academic article
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Yang, Rui;
Rustad, Even Holth;
Standal, Therese;
Thoresen, Aud;
Vo, Camilla Dao.
PD1 is expressed on exhausted T cells as well as virus specific memory CD8+ T cells in the bone marrow of myeloma patients.
Academic article
Hjort, Magnus Aasved;
Hov, Håkon;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Lund, Bendik.
Phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 (PRL-3) is overexpressed in classical Hodgkin lymphoma and promotes survival and migration.
Experimental Hematology & Oncology
Academic article
Andersen, Sigve;
Richardsen, Elin;
Rakaee, Mehrdad;
Bertilsson, Helena;
Bremnes, Roy M.;
Børset, Magne.
Expression of phosphatase of regenerating liver (PRL)-3, is independently associated with biochemical failure, clinical failure and death in prostate cancer.
Academic article
Frich, Jan C;
Andersen, Stine;
Baerheim, Anders;
Ellingsen, Maren;
Johanson, Gard Aasmund Skulstad;
Lockert, Oda.
En felles prøve for alle legestudenter i Norge.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Kildahl-Andersen, Arne.
Tabletter i vrangstrupen.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic literature review
Lillebo, Børge;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk.
Teambasert læring - en studentaktiviserende og lærerstyrt undervisningsform.
Academic article
Hjort, Magnus Aassved;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Fenstad, Mona H.;
Lund, Bendik;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 is expressed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and mediates leukemic cell adhesion, migration and drug resistance.
Academic article
Colberg, Anders Barli;
Vatn, Daniel;
Standal, Rune;
Radtke, Maria;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Hvordan kan strykprosenten ved eksamen stabiliseres?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Hjort, Magnus Aassved;
Misund, Kristine;
Holien, Toril;
Sponaas, Anne-Marit.
Src family kinases are regulated in multiple myeloma cells by phosphatase of regenerating liver-3.
Molecular Cancer Research
Academic article
Frich, Jan C;
Valestrand, Eivind Alexander;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Baerheim, Anders;
Schirmer, Henrik;
Andersen, Stine.
J. Frich og medarbeidere svarer:.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Letter to the editor
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Bertilsson, Helena;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Størkersen, Øystein;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Rye, Morten Beck.
Phosphatase of regenerating liver 3 (PRL-3) is overexpressed in human prostate cancer tissue and promotes growth and migration.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Misund, Kristine;
Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna.
The phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 (PRL-3) is importantfor IL-6-mediated survival of myeloma cells.
Academic article
Valestrand, Eivind Alexander;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Baerheim, Anders;
Schirmer, Henrik;
Andersen, Stine Lill;
Aabelvik, Hanne-Guro.
Mot en nasjonal delprøve i medisinstudiet.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Reader opinion piece
Berntsen, Erik Magnus;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Luft fra tarm til hals.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Short communication
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Størkersen, Øystein;
Slette, Morten Kristian;
Wiseth, Rune.
En mann i 60-årene med brystsmerter og funksjonsdyspné.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vansemb, Esten;
Hagen, Lars;
Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna.
PRL-3 Mediates Survival of Primary Myeloma Cells.
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Tian, Erming;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Buene, Glenn;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Børset, Magne.
Identification of the source of elevated hepatocyte growth factor levels in multiple myeloma patients.
Biomarker Research
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Tumor Microenvironment in Multiple Myeloma.
Doctoral dissertation
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Størkersen, Øystein;
Slette, Morten Kristian;
Wiseth, Rune.
En mann i 60-årene med brystsmerter og funksjonsdyspné.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Wader, Karin Fahl;
Berntsen, Erik Magnus.
Månedens billede.
Ugeskrift for Læger
Short communication
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
En mann i 60-årene med brystsmerter og funksjonsdyspné 2167 – 71
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Denayer, Tinneke;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Ververken, Cedric.
Anti-c-MET Nanobody® – a new potential drug in multiple myeloma treatment.
European Journal of Haematology
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Misund, Kristine;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Børset, Magne.
PRL-3 Regulates Myeloma Cell Survival, Proliferation, Adhesion and Migration.
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Hov, Håkon;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Baykov, Vadim;
Syversen, Tore;
Sundan, Anders.
Mn2+ regulates myeloma cell adhesion differently than the proadhesive cytokines HGF, IGF-1, and SDF-1 alpha.
European Journal of Haematology
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias S.;
Hov, Håkon;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Baykov, Vadim;
Syversen, Tore;
Sundan, Anders.
Mn2+ regulates myeloma cell adhesion differently than the proadhesive cytokines HGF, IGF-1, and SDF-1 alpha.
European Journal of Haematology
Academic article
Journal publications
Lund, Thomas;
Gundesen, Michael Tveden;
Juul Vangsted, Annette;
Helleberg, Carsten;
Haukås, Einar;
Silkjær, Trine.
In multiple myeloma, monthly treatment with zoledronic acid beyond two years offers sustained protection against progressive bone disease.
Blood Cancer Journal
Letter to the editor
Nørgaard, Jakob Nordberg;
Moore, Kari Lenita Falck;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Vik, Anders;
Tvedt, Tor Henrik Anderson;
Schjesvold, Fredrik.
VRD versus VCD as induction therapy before autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: a nationwide population-based study.
Blood Cancer Journal
Academic article
Røra, Marie;
Solberg, Margrete Skretting;
Moore, Kari Lenita Falck;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Incidence and prevention of skeletal-related events in multiple myeloma patients: A population-based real-world experience.
Academic article
Behsen, Alenka Djarmila;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik;
Quist-Paulsen, Petter;
Misund, Kristine.
A patient with minimal myeloma treatment who survived for 20 years.
Academic article
Gundesen, Michael T.;
Asmussen, Jon Thor;
Schjesvold, Fredrik Hellem;
Vangsted, Annette Juul;
Helleberg, Carsten;
Haukås, Einar.
Potential value of pre-planned imaging of bone disease in multiple myeloma.
Blood Cancer Journal
Letter to the editor
Steiro, Ida Johnsen;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Børset, Magne.
The serine protease matriptase inhibits migration and proliferation in multiple myeloma cells.
Academic article
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Waage, Anders.
Paired miRNA- and messenger RNA-sequencing identifies novel miRNA-mRNA interactions in multiple myeloma.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bouma, Siri Anshushaug;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Comprehensive small RNA-sequencing of primary myeloma cells identifies miR-105-5p as a predictor of patient survival.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Martinsen, Susanne Skjervold Smeby;
Espeland, Torvald;
Berg, Erik Andreas Rye;
Samstad, Eivind;
Lillebo, Børge;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Examining the educational impact of the mini-CEX: a randomised controlled study.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
Håland, Erling;
Moen, Ingrid Nyhus;
Veidal, Elias;
Hella, Hanne;
Misund, Kristine;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
TAK1-inhibitors are cytotoxic for multiple myeloma cells alone and in combination with melphalan.
Academic article
Vandsemb, Esten;
Rye, Morten Beck;
Steiro, Ida Johnsen;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
PRL-3 induces a positive signaling circuit between glycolysis and activation of STAT1/2.
The FEBS Journal
Academic article
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Mjelle, Robin;
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
van den Brink, Luca Mare;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass.
Intracellular IL-32 regulates mitochondrial metabolism, proliferation, and differentiation of malignant plasma cells.
Academic article
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Waage, Anders;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Misund, Kristine;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders.
Bystander memory T cells and IMiD/checkpoint therapy in multiple myeloma: A dangerous tango?.
Frontiers in Immunology
Academic literature review
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Røst, Lisa Marie;
Yang, Rui;
Hjort, Magnus Aassved.
Phosphatase of Regenerating Liver-3 Regulates Cancer Cell Metabolism in Multiple Myeloma.
The FASEB Journal
Academic article
Elsaadi, Samah;
Steiro, Ida Johnsen;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Yang, Rui;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Targeting phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase in multiple myeloma.
Experimental Hematology & Oncology
Academic article
Westhrin, Marita;
Kovcic, Vlado;
Zejian, Zhang;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bondt, Albert.
Monoclonal immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma.
Academic article
Yang, Rui;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Moen, Siv Helen.
Conversion of ATP to adenosine by CD39 and CD73 in multiple myeloma can be successfully targeted together with adenosine receptor A2A blockade.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC)
Academic article
Smeby, Susanne Skjervold;
Lillebo, Børge;
Gynnild, Vidar;
Samstad, Eivind;
Standal, Rune;
Knobel, Heidi.
Improving assessment quality in professional higher education: Could external peer review of items be the answer?.
Cogent Medicine
Academic article
Smeby, Susanne Skjervold;
Lillebo, Børge;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Berntsen, Erik Magnus.
Express Team-Based Learning (eTBL): A Time-Efficient TBL Approach in Neuroradiology.
Academic Radiology
Academic article
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Yang, Rui;
Rustad, Even Holth;
Standal, Therese;
Thoresen, Aud;
Vo, Camilla Dao.
PD1 is expressed on exhausted T cells as well as virus specific memory CD8+ T cells in the bone marrow of myeloma patients.
Academic article
Hjort, Magnus Aasved;
Hov, Håkon;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Lund, Bendik.
Phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 (PRL-3) is overexpressed in classical Hodgkin lymphoma and promotes survival and migration.
Experimental Hematology & Oncology
Academic article
Andersen, Sigve;
Richardsen, Elin;
Rakaee, Mehrdad;
Bertilsson, Helena;
Bremnes, Roy M.;
Børset, Magne.
Expression of phosphatase of regenerating liver (PRL)-3, is independently associated with biochemical failure, clinical failure and death in prostate cancer.
Academic article
Frich, Jan C;
Andersen, Stine;
Baerheim, Anders;
Ellingsen, Maren;
Johanson, Gard Aasmund Skulstad;
Lockert, Oda.
En felles prøve for alle legestudenter i Norge.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Kildahl-Andersen, Arne.
Tabletter i vrangstrupen.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic literature review
Lillebo, Børge;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk.
Teambasert læring - en studentaktiviserende og lærerstyrt undervisningsform.
Academic article
Hjort, Magnus Aassved;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Fenstad, Mona H.;
Lund, Bendik;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 is expressed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and mediates leukemic cell adhesion, migration and drug resistance.
Academic article
Colberg, Anders Barli;
Vatn, Daniel;
Standal, Rune;
Radtke, Maria;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Hvordan kan strykprosenten ved eksamen stabiliseres?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Hjort, Magnus Aassved;
Misund, Kristine;
Holien, Toril;
Sponaas, Anne-Marit.
Src family kinases are regulated in multiple myeloma cells by phosphatase of regenerating liver-3.
Molecular Cancer Research
Academic article
Frich, Jan C;
Valestrand, Eivind Alexander;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Baerheim, Anders;
Schirmer, Henrik;
Andersen, Stine.
J. Frich og medarbeidere svarer:.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Letter to the editor
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Bertilsson, Helena;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Størkersen, Øystein;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Rye, Morten Beck.
Phosphatase of regenerating liver 3 (PRL-3) is overexpressed in human prostate cancer tissue and promotes growth and migration.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen;
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Misund, Kristine;
Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna.
The phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 (PRL-3) is importantfor IL-6-mediated survival of myeloma cells.
Academic article
Valestrand, Eivind Alexander;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Baerheim, Anders;
Schirmer, Henrik;
Andersen, Stine Lill;
Aabelvik, Hanne-Guro.
Mot en nasjonal delprøve i medisinstudiet.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Reader opinion piece
Berntsen, Erik Magnus;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Luft fra tarm til hals.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Short communication
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Størkersen, Øystein;
Slette, Morten Kristian;
Wiseth, Rune.
En mann i 60-årene med brystsmerter og funksjonsdyspné.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vansemb, Esten;
Hagen, Lars;
Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna.
PRL-3 Mediates Survival of Primary Myeloma Cells.
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Tian, Erming;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Buene, Glenn;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Børset, Magne.
Identification of the source of elevated hepatocyte growth factor levels in multiple myeloma patients.
Biomarker Research
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Størkersen, Øystein;
Slette, Morten Kristian;
Wiseth, Rune.
En mann i 60-årene med brystsmerter og funksjonsdyspné.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Wader, Karin Fahl;
Berntsen, Erik Magnus.
Månedens billede.
Ugeskrift for Læger
Short communication
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
En mann i 60-årene med brystsmerter og funksjonsdyspné 2167 – 71
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Denayer, Tinneke;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Ververken, Cedric.
Anti-c-MET Nanobody® – a new potential drug in multiple myeloma treatment.
European Journal of Haematology
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Misund, Kristine;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Børset, Magne.
PRL-3 Regulates Myeloma Cell Survival, Proliferation, Adhesion and Migration.
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Hov, Håkon;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Baykov, Vadim;
Syversen, Tore;
Sundan, Anders.
Mn2+ regulates myeloma cell adhesion differently than the proadhesive cytokines HGF, IGF-1, and SDF-1 alpha.
European Journal of Haematology
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias S.;
Hov, Håkon;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Baykov, Vadim;
Syversen, Tore;
Sundan, Anders.
Mn2+ regulates myeloma cell adhesion differently than the proadhesive cytokines HGF, IGF-1, and SDF-1 alpha.
European Journal of Haematology
Academic article
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Tumor Microenvironment in Multiple Myeloma.
Doctoral dissertation
Dr. Slørdahl is an associate professor of medicine teaching hematology at the MD program at NTNU. In addition he is responsible for and teach in multiple post-graduate courses in hematology, oncology and internal medicine in Norway. Dr. Slørdahl was awarded the Olav Thon national prize for teaching excellence in higher education in 2021.
PosterMestvedt, Ingvild Bergdal; Yurchenko, Maria; Espevik, Terje; Standal, Therese; Wolowczyk, Camilla Izabel; Rasheed, Kashif. (2024) Exploring peptide derived from Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Family 1 as novel treatment for multiple myeloma. EORTC NCI and AACR (ENA) ENA 2024 Symposium on molecular targets and cancer therapeutics , Barcelona 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-25
Academic lectureBehsen, Alenka Djarmila; Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen; Waage, Anders; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Sponaas, Anne Marit; Misund, Kristine. (2022) Altered composition of CD8 T cell subsets over time in the bone marrow of multiple myeloma patients with long- and short-term disease control. International Myeloma Society (IMS) International Myeloma Society Annual Meeting , Los Angeles, CA, USA 2022-08-25 - 2022-08-27
Academic lectureBehsen, Alenka Djarmila; Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen; Waage, Anders; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Sponaas, Anne-Marit; Misund, Kristine. (2021) Altered composition of CD8 T cells subsets over time in the bone marrow of multiple myeloma patients with long-term disease control and short-term disease control. Nordic Myeloma Study Group NMSG Meeting , Stockholm 2021-09-16 - 2021-09-17
PosterUlsaker, Håvard; Johnsen, Ida Sara; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Sørgjerd, Sverre Heimstad; Standal, Rune; Lillebo, Børge. (2020) Testing, spacing and interleaving improve exam scores among medical students. AMEE AMEE 2020 , Virtual 2020-09-07 - 2020-09-09
PosterSteiro, Ida Johnsen; Abdollahi, Pegah; Børset, Magne; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2020) The Serine Protease Matriptase Acts As a Tumour Suppressor in Multiple Myeloma. ASH ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition , Virtual 2020-12-05 - 2020-12-08
Academic lectureWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Wuhrer, Manfred; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian. (2019) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. IFMR Herbert Fleisch workshop , Brugge 2019-03-17 - 2019-03-19
Academic lectureWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian; Sundan, Anders. (2019) Glycosylation of immunoglobulins determine bone loss in multiple myeloma. American association for bone and mineral research American association for bone and mineral research annual meeting , Orlando 2019-09-20 - 2019-09-23
PosterAass, Kristin Roseth; Mjelle, Robin; Zahoor, Muhammad; Yurchenko, Mariya; Westhrin, Marita; Buene, Glenn. (2019) IL-32 is a novel growth factor and metabolic regulator for multiple myeloma cells. Keystone Cancer Metastasis: The Role of Metabolism, Immunity and the Microenvironment. , Florence 2019-03-15 - 2019-03-19
Academic lectureStandal, Therese; Westhrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Zhang, Zejian; Bondt, Albert; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2019) Multiple myeloma bone disease. Do immunoglobulins play a role?. CEMIR International Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation , Trondheim 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-06
PosterAass, Kristin Roseth; Mjelle, Robin; Westhrin, Marita; Zahoor, Muhammad; Yurchenko, Mariya; Buene, Glenn. (2019) IL-32 is a novel growth factor and metabolic regulator in multiple myeloma cells. The Second Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation in Trondheim June 3-6, 2019. 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-06
Academic lectureWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zeijan, Zhang; Buene, Glenn. (2018) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. 2nd International NTNU Symposium Current and Future Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer , Trondheim 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15
PosterStandal, Therese; Westhrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian. (2018) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. ASBMR American association for bone and mineral research annual meeting , Montreal 2018-09-28 - 2018-10-01
Academic lectureWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian; Buene, Glenn. (2018) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. 2nd International NTNU Symposium Current and Future Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer , Trondheim 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSmeby, Susanne Skjervold; Standal, Rune; Gynnild, Vidar; Vik, Anne; Lillebo, Børge; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2018) External Peer Review of Multiple Choice Questions: A Novel Method for Quality Assurance of Medical Examinations. OTTAWA 2018 & ICME 2018 , Abu Dhabi 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-14
Academic lectureWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Buene, Glenn; Sundan, Anders; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Waage, Anders. (2018) Do immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma?. 1st Norwegian Myeloma Workshop , Bergen 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-14
PosterHjort, Magnus Aasved; Hov, Håkon; Abdollahi, Pegah; Vandsemb, Esten; Fagerli, Unn-Merete; Lund, Bendik. (2018) Phosphatase of regenerating liver -3 (PRL-3) is overexpressed in classical Hodgkin lymphoma and promotes survival and migration. SIOP SIOP 2018 , Kyoto 2018-11-16 - 2018-11-19
PosterSmeby, Susanne Skjervold; Gaustad, Andreas; Knobel, Heidi; Lillebo, Børge; Vik, Anne; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2017) External peer review of MCQs: A novel method for quality assurance of medical examinations. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) AMEE Conference 2017 , Helsinki 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-30
Academic lectureSmeby, Susanne Skjervold; Lillebo, Børge; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2017) Fagfellevurdering av eksamensoppgaver i medisinstudiet ved NTNU. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2017-05-08 - 2017-05-09
Academic lectureSmeby, Susanne Skjervold; Lillebo, Børge; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2017) «Peer instruction» - Utprøving og evaluering av aktiviserende undervisning i legers videreutdanning. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2017-05-08 - 2017-05-09
Popular scientific lectureSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes; Holien, Toril. (2016) Forskning på myelomatose. Klassebesøk, 3. trinn v.g.s. med fordypning i biologi 2016-05-03 - 2016-05-03
Academic lectureHjort, Magnus Aasved; Abdollahi, Pegah; Vandsemb, Esten; Fenstad, Mona H.; Lund, Bendik; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2016) PRL-3 dependent cell adhesion and migration in B-ALL. NOPHO Annual Meeting 2016-05-27 - 2016-05-31
PosterHjort, Magnus Aasved; Abdollahi, Pegah; Vandsemb, Esten; Fenstad, Mona H.; Lund, Bendik; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2016) The phosphatase PRL-3 is expressed in primary B-ALL cells and is important for adhesion and migration. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2016-04-16 - 2016-04-20
LectureSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2016) Eksamen i medisinstudiet. Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Tromsø Seminar om flervalgsoppgaver , Tromsø 2016-02-25 - 2016-02-25
PosterAbdollahi, Pegah; Vandsemb, Esten Nymoen; Hjort, Magnus Aassved; Misund, Kristine; Rø, Torstein Baade; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2015) PRL-3 increases survival of Multiple Myeloma cells through Src activation. 15th International Myeloma Workshop , Roma 2015-09-23 - 2015-09-25
PosterRø, Torstein Baade; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Abdollahi, Pegah; Vansemb, Esten; Hagen, Lars; Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna. (2014) PRL-3 Mediates Survival of Primary Myeloma Cells. American Society of Hematology American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting , San Francisco 2014-12-06 - 2014-12-09
PosterSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Denayer, Tinneke; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese; Børset, Magne; Ververken, Cedric. (2013) Anti-c-Met Nanobody. A new potential drug in multiple myeloma treatment. The 14th International Myeloma Workshop , Kyoto 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-07
PosterSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Denayer, Tinneke; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese; Børset, Magne; Ververken, Cedric. (2013) Anti-c-Met Nanobody. A potential new drug in cancer treatment. American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) AACR 104th Annual conference , Washington D.C. 2013-04-06 - 2013-04-10
PosterSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Misund, Kristine; Rø, Torstein Baade; Børset, Magne. (2013) The Phosphatase of Regenerating Liver-3 (PRL-3) Is Essential for IL-6-mediated Survival of Myeloma Cells. 14th International Myeloma Workshop , Kyoto 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-07
Academic lectureVandsemb, Esten Nymoen; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Børset, Magne; Angelsen, Anders; Bertilsson, Helena. (2013) PRL-3 - En potensiell markør for vurdering av risiko for metastasering ved prostatakreft. Norsk Urologisk Forening Kirurgisk høstmøte , Oslo 2013-10-24 -
Academic lectureBørset, Magne; Holt, Randi Utne; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Holien, Toril; Dai, Hong Yan; Sundan, Anders. (2012) PRL-3 - A Microenvironment-responsive Phosphatase in Myeloma Cells with Oncogenic Capacity. BIT’s 1st Annual International Symposium of Hematology-2012 (AISH2012) , Beijing 2012-06-15 -
PosterSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Misund, Kristine; Rø, Torstein Baade; Børset, Magne. (2012) PRL-3 Regulates Myeloma Cell Survival, Proliferation, Adhesion and Migration. American Society of Hematology The 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) , Atlanta 2012-12-07 - 2012-12-11
Academic lectureMørkedal, Bjørn; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Vik, Torstein. (2010) How does item writing flaws (IWF), cognitive level and re-use of items (RI) affect the quality of multiple choice questions (MCQ) and the students’ performance?. Associaton of Medical Education in Europe AMEE 2010 , Glasgow 2010-09-04 - 2010-09-08
PosterMørkedal, Bjørn; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Vik, Torstein; Ware, James. (2009) The quality of multiple choice questions (MCQ). A follow-up study three years after the introduction in a Norwegian undergraduate medical curriculum. AMEE , Malaga 2009-08-29 - 2009-09-02