I am a PhD Candidate at the Department of Language and Literature. I received my MA in Scandinavian Studies and German Philology from Kiel University, Germany, in 2019. My MA dissertation investigates the vernacular adaptations of the Latin Evangelium Nicodemi in Iceland and Scandinavia, primarily the Old Norse-Icelandic Niðrstigningar saga. I have previously worked as a research assistant at the Department of Scandinavian Studies, Frisian Studies and General Linguistics in Kiel as well as for the Hanseatic Museum in Bergen, Norway.
PhD project
My PhD project examines fragments of liturgical books produced in Iceland during the Middle Ages. It integrates methodology from material philology, fragment studies, book history and historical sociolinguistics in an interdisciplinary approach to virtually reconstruct the liturgical books preserved in the Icelandic fragment material and to study those reconstructed liturgical books in their respective historical sociocultural and sociolinguistic contexts.
Research interests
- Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe
- Material Philology
- Codicology
- Fragment Studies
- Historical Sociolinguistics
- Stemmatology
- Digital Humanities