Tore Øivin Sager
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Grassroots urban labs: experimentation and radical planning in alternative microsocieties.
Nordic Journal of Urban Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Activist planning case studies 1990-2020.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore.
Advocacy planning: were expectations fulfilled?.
Planning Perspectives
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Stanse svake prosjektforslag oftere og tidligere? Gjennomgang av internasjonal litteratur.
Concept rapport (68)
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore.
Populists and planners: "We are the people. Who are you?".
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore;
Samset, Knut Fredrik.
Ex ante akademisk forlag
Sager, Tore.
Activism by Lay and Professional Planners:
Types, Research Issues, and Ongoing Analysis.
Planext: Next Generation Planning
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Planning by intentional communities: an understudied form of activist planning.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Communicative planning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore.
Enduring the neo-liberal rollercoaster: resilience or sustainability as planning theory's response?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Bull-Berg, Heidi;
Tyholt Grindvoll, Inger Lise.
Transportpakker. Litteraturgjennomgang og kartlegging av transportpakker som store offentlige investeringsprosjekter.
Concept-programmet, NTNU
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Ex ante akademisk forlag
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Bull-Berg, Heidi;
Tyholt Grindvoll, Inger Lise.
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Why don't cost-benefit results count for more? The case of Norwegian road investment priorities.
Urban, Planning and Transport Research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Activist planning: a response to the woes of neo-liberalism?.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Ideological traces in plans for compact cities: Is neo-liberalism hegemonic?.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Politisk vilkårlighet eller byråkratisk diktat? Om prioritering av riksvegprosjekt.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Dialogical incrementalism.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Cost-benefit analysis in participatory planning: a critical perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planlegging av kompakt byutvikling - hvordan kommer ulike ideologiske verdier til syne?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Reviving Critical Planning Theory.
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Hibbard, Michael;
Freestone, Robert.
Introduction: Issues and options for the twenty-first century.
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Hibbard, Michael;
Freestone, Robert.
Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning: Volume 5.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Forgotten Classics: Reason in Society.
Regional Insights
Short communication
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The Comprehensiveness Dilemma of Cost-Benefit Analysis.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Comment: Adapting planners' professionalism for inclusive processes in neo-liberal environments.
Town Planning Review
Short communication
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Collective action: balancing public and particularistic interests.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Sørensen, Claus H..
Planning Analysis and Political Steering with New Public Management.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Neo-liberal urban planning policies: a literature survey 1990-2010.
Progress in Planning
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Role conflict: planners torn between dialogical ideals and neo-liberal realities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
How to prevent communicative planners from unwittingly serving neo-liberalism?.
Centre for Urban and Regional Studies Publications B
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Responsibilities of theorists: The case of communicative planning theory.
Progress in Planning
Academic literature review
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planners' Role: Torn between Dialogical Ideals and Neo-liberal Realities.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Review of Antarin Chakrabarty's "Communicative Planning and Democratic Decentralisation in India -- Case of Kolkata City".
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Book review
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Mobility as stress regulation: A challenge to dialogue in planning?.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Book review of Harper and Stein: Dialogical Planning in a Fragmented Society.
Journal of Urban Affairs
Book review
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The Ethics of Mobilities Rethinking Place, Exclusion, Freedom and Environment.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Hoff, Thomas;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Spaces of Mobility The Planning, Ethics, Engineering and Religion of Human Motion.
Equinox Publishing
Equinox Publishing
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Hoff, Thomas;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Equinox Publishing
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
In Between Standstill and Hypermobility - Introductory Remarks to a broader Discourse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The logic of critical communicative planning: Transaction cost alteration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Mobility as stress regulation: A challenge to dialogue in planning?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The logic of critical communicative planning: Transaction cost alteration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Freedom as mobility: Implications of the distinction between actual and potential travelling.
Equinox Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Hypermobility and the forecast-free planning of society.
Equinox Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Dialogical values in public goods provision.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The logic of critical communicative planning: Transaction cost alteration.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Freedom as mobility: Implications of the distinction between actual and potential travelling.
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Communicative planners as naive mandarins of the neo-liberal state?.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Short communication
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Footloose and forecast-free: hypermobility and the planning of society.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning through inclusive dialogue: no escape from social choice dilemmas.
Economic Affairs
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Ravlum, Inger-Anne.
From projects to strategies: a transaction cost approach to politicians' problems with strategic transport planning.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Ravlum, Inger-Anne.
The political relevance of planners' analysis: the case of a parliamentary standing committee.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Tørset, Trude;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Kollektivtransportmodellering. Kan eksisterende transportmodeller utvikles slik at de blir mer egnet til analyser av kollektivtransport?.
Doctoral dissertation
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Ravlum, Inger-Anne.
Inter-agency transport planning: cooperation in a loose policy network.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Inter-agency transport planning: Co-ordination and governance structures.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Rationality types in evaluation techniques.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Deliberative planning and decision making: an impossibility result.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Democratic Planning and Social Choice Dilemmas. Prelude to institutional planning theory.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Academic monograph
Bråthen, Svein;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Essays on economic appraisal of transport infrastructure : examples from aviation and fixed fjord links.
Doktor Ingenioeravhandling (2001:5)
Doctoral dissertation
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning style and agency properties.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Manipulative features of planning styles.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Positive theory of planning: the social choice approach.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning style and agency properties.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
A planning theory perspective on the EIA.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Manipulation in planning: The social choice approach.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The rationality issue in land-use planning.
Journal of Management History
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Rhetoric of economic rationality: the foundation of Norwegian transport planning.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Langmyhr, Tore;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Institusjonelle forhold og planprosesser i samferdselssektoren: Analyse av kunnskapsstatus.
SINTEF Rapport
Alkadi, Abdulrahim;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Teknisk effektivitet i lokal busstransport: En ikke-parametrisk DEA-analyse.
Doctoral dissertation
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Loyalty and the impossibility of Paretian advocacy planning.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Meaningful collective choice? : public planning and arrow's theorem.
Progress in Planning
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Privacy as a planning problem : some transport-related problems.
Scandinavian housing & planning research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Strategisk planlegging i vegetaten : problemfelt og planleggingsteoretiske kommentarer.
Institutt for samferdselsteknikk, NTNU
Wahl, Ragnhild;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Bedrifters valg av transportløsning. En studie av langsiktige transportløsninger i norsk fiskeri- og havbruksnæring.
Doctoral dissertation
Langmyhr, Tore;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Implementing the improbable urban road pricing scheme.
Journal of Advanced Transportation
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Incremental planning for a pluralistic democracy.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning and the liberal paradox : a democratic dilemma in social choice.
Journal of planning literature
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Metamorfose i gjøkeredet : fra påhitt til avhandling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Dialogical incrementalism : competing rationalities and the cultivation of the synoptic/incremental distinction.
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Teaching planning theory as order or fragments?.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
From impact assessment to recommendation : how are the impact assessment results presented and used?.
Environmental impact assessment review
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Communicative planning theory.
Non-fiction book
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Paradigms for planning : a rationality-based classification.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Why plan?.
Scandinavian housing & planning research
Academic article
Journal publications
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Grassroots urban labs: experimentation and radical planning in alternative microsocieties.
Nordic Journal of Urban Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Advocacy planning: were expectations fulfilled?.
Planning Perspectives
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Populists and planners: "We are the people. Who are you?".
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Activism by Lay and Professional Planners:
Types, Research Issues, and Ongoing Analysis.
Planext: Next Generation Planning
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Planning by intentional communities: an understudied form of activist planning.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Why don't cost-benefit results count for more? The case of Norwegian road investment priorities.
Urban, Planning and Transport Research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Activist planning: a response to the woes of neo-liberalism?.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Ideological traces in plans for compact cities: Is neo-liberalism hegemonic?.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Forgotten Classics: Reason in Society.
Regional Insights
Short communication
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The Comprehensiveness Dilemma of Cost-Benefit Analysis.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Comment: Adapting planners' professionalism for inclusive processes in neo-liberal environments.
Town Planning Review
Short communication
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Sørensen, Claus H..
Planning Analysis and Political Steering with New Public Management.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Neo-liberal urban planning policies: a literature survey 1990-2010.
Progress in Planning
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
How to prevent communicative planners from unwittingly serving neo-liberalism?.
Centre for Urban and Regional Studies Publications B
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Responsibilities of theorists: The case of communicative planning theory.
Progress in Planning
Academic literature review
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planners' Role: Torn between Dialogical Ideals and Neo-liberal Realities.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Review of Antarin Chakrabarty's "Communicative Planning and Democratic Decentralisation in India -- Case of Kolkata City".
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Book review
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Mobility as stress regulation: A challenge to dialogue in planning?.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Book review of Harper and Stein: Dialogical Planning in a Fragmented Society.
Journal of Urban Affairs
Book review
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Dialogical values in public goods provision.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The logic of critical communicative planning: Transaction cost alteration.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Freedom as mobility: Implications of the distinction between actual and potential travelling.
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Communicative planners as naive mandarins of the neo-liberal state?.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Short communication
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Footloose and forecast-free: hypermobility and the planning of society.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning through inclusive dialogue: no escape from social choice dilemmas.
Economic Affairs
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Ravlum, Inger-Anne.
From projects to strategies: a transaction cost approach to politicians' problems with strategic transport planning.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Ravlum, Inger-Anne.
The political relevance of planners' analysis: the case of a parliamentary standing committee.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Inter-agency transport planning: Co-ordination and governance structures.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Rationality types in evaluation techniques.
European Journal of Spatial Development
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Deliberative planning and decision making: an impossibility result.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning style and agency properties.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Manipulative features of planning styles.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Positive theory of planning: the social choice approach.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning style and agency properties.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Manipulation in planning: The social choice approach.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The rationality issue in land-use planning.
Journal of Management History
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Rhetoric of economic rationality: the foundation of Norwegian transport planning.
European Planning Studies
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Loyalty and the impossibility of Paretian advocacy planning.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Meaningful collective choice? : public planning and arrow's theorem.
Progress in Planning
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Privacy as a planning problem : some transport-related problems.
Scandinavian housing & planning research
Academic article
Langmyhr, Tore;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Implementing the improbable urban road pricing scheme.
Journal of Advanced Transportation
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Incremental planning for a pluralistic democracy.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planning and the liberal paradox : a democratic dilemma in social choice.
Journal of planning literature
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Dialogical incrementalism : competing rationalities and the cultivation of the synoptic/incremental distinction.
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Teaching planning theory as order or fragments?.
Journal of planning education and research
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
From impact assessment to recommendation : how are the impact assessment results presented and used?.
Environmental impact assessment review
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Paradigms for planning : a rationality-based classification.
Planning Theory
Academic article
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Why plan?.
Scandinavian housing & planning research
Academic article
Sager, Tore.
Activist planning case studies 1990-2020.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore.
Stanse svake prosjektforslag oftere og tidligere? Gjennomgang av internasjonal litteratur.
Concept rapport (68)
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Reviving Critical Planning Theory.
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Hibbard, Michael;
Freestone, Robert.
Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning: Volume 5.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The Ethics of Mobilities Rethinking Place, Exclusion, Freedom and Environment.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Hoff, Thomas;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Spaces of Mobility The Planning, Ethics, Engineering and Religion of Human Motion.
Equinox Publishing
Equinox Publishing
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Democratic Planning and Social Choice Dilemmas. Prelude to institutional planning theory.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Academic monograph
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Communicative planning theory.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Sager, Tore.
Communicative planning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore.
Enduring the neo-liberal rollercoaster: resilience or sustainability as planning theory's response?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Politisk vilkårlighet eller byråkratisk diktat? Om prioritering av riksvegprosjekt.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Dialogical incrementalism.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Cost-benefit analysis in participatory planning: a critical perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Planlegging av kompakt byutvikling - hvordan kommer ulike ideologiske verdier til syne?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Hibbard, Michael;
Freestone, Robert.
Introduction: Issues and options for the twenty-first century.
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Collective action: balancing public and particularistic interests.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Role conflict: planners torn between dialogical ideals and neo-liberal realities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Hoff, Thomas;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Equinox Publishing
Bergmann, Sigurd;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
In Between Standstill and Hypermobility - Introductory Remarks to a broader Discourse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The logic of critical communicative planning: Transaction cost alteration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Mobility as stress regulation: A challenge to dialogue in planning?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
The logic of critical communicative planning: Transaction cost alteration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Freedom as mobility: Implications of the distinction between actual and potential travelling.
Equinox Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Hypermobility and the forecast-free planning of society.
Equinox Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Ravlum, Inger-Anne.
Inter-agency transport planning: cooperation in a loose policy network.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
A planning theory perspective on the EIA.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Metamorfose i gjøkeredet : fra påhitt til avhandling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sager, Tore;
Samset, Knut Fredrik.
Ex ante akademisk forlag
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Bull-Berg, Heidi;
Tyholt Grindvoll, Inger Lise.
Transportpakker. Litteraturgjennomgang og kartlegging av transportpakker som store offentlige investeringsprosjekter.
Concept-programmet, NTNU
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Ex ante akademisk forlag
Sager, Tore Øivin;
Bull-Berg, Heidi;
Tyholt Grindvoll, Inger Lise.
Tørset, Trude;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Kollektivtransportmodellering. Kan eksisterende transportmodeller utvikles slik at de blir mer egnet til analyser av kollektivtransport?.
Doctoral dissertation
Bråthen, Svein;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Essays on economic appraisal of transport infrastructure : examples from aviation and fixed fjord links.
Doktor Ingenioeravhandling (2001:5)
Doctoral dissertation
Langmyhr, Tore;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Institusjonelle forhold og planprosesser i samferdselssektoren: Analyse av kunnskapsstatus.
SINTEF Rapport
Alkadi, Abdulrahim;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Teknisk effektivitet i lokal busstransport: En ikke-parametrisk DEA-analyse.
Doctoral dissertation
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Strategisk planlegging i vegetaten : problemfelt og planleggingsteoretiske kommentarer.
Institutt for samferdselsteknikk, NTNU
Wahl, Ragnhild;
Sager, Tore Øivin.
Bedrifters valg av transportløsning. En studie av langsiktige transportløsninger i norsk fiskeri- og havbruksnæring.
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2024) Grassroots urban labs: experimentation and radical planning in an alternative microsociety. Plannord The 11th Nordic Planning Research Symposium , Reykjavik 2024-08-21 - 2024-08-23
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2023) Non-partisan activist planning. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Annual Congress , Lodz 2023-07-11 - 2023-07-15
LectureSager, Tore. (2023) Planning in opposition to authorities: classification and examples. AD Researcher Forum AD Researcher Forum , NTNU 2023-10-06 - 2023-10-06
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2022) Kan man stanse svake prosjektforslag i tide?. Samfunnsøkonomene Møte for Samfunnsøkonomene , Trondheim 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-29
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2022) Did Advocacy Planning Perform as Expected?. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Annual Congress , Tartu 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-29
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2019) Inability to foresee trend distortions: can foresight methods help? . NMBU Plannord 2019. The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium , Oscarsborg 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2019) Community-based activist planning: socially innovative, identity-oriented, or simply improving local living conditions?. Association of the European Schools of Planning AESOP annual conference , Venezia 2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13
LectureSager, Tore. (2019) Nordic sociotechnical transitions in mobility: technologies and urban environments. Electrification of the active modes of transport. . Association of the European Schools of Planning AESOP annual conference, Roundtable , Venezia 2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2019) Activist roles for planners working in local government or the civil society. Department of Urban and Rural Development Open lecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Uppsala 2019-06-13 - 2019-06-13
LectureSager, Tore. (2019) Svartlamon i lys av globale erfaringer: Utfordringer for aktivistiske alternativsamfunn. . Svartlamon boligstiftelse Styremøte i Svartlamon boligstiftelse , Trondheim 2019-11-09 - 2019-11-09
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2018) Svartlamon: activist planning, intentional community, and urban sustainability. NMBU Seminar for the Research Group on Urban Sustainability , Ås 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-18
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2018) Car traffic reduction by urban policy packaging? The case of Trondheim. Swedish National Road and Transport Institute, VTI VTI forskermøte , Linkøping 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-25
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2018) Populist challenges to planning in liberal democracies. Association of the European Schools of Planning AESOP annual conference , Gøteborg 2018-07-10 - 2018-07-14
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2018) Activist roles for planners working for the local authority and the civil society. Association of the European Schools of Planning AESOP PhD conference , Karlskrona 2018-07-06 - 2018-07-08
LectureSager, Tore. (2018) Writing: detailing the paper contents. Association of the European Schools of Planning AESOP PhD conference , Karlskrona 2018-07-06 - 2018-07-08
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2018) Fremsynsmetodenes bidrag til samfunnsøkonomiske analyser. Nettverk for samfunnsøkonomisk analyse Møte i Nettverk for samfunnsøkonomisk analyse , Oslo 2018-06-15 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSager, Tore. (2018) Populists and planners. Main points. University of Reading Symposium at the University of Reading , Reading 2018-05-18 - 2018-05-18
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) Intentional communities: their relevance for activist planning theory. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Annual Congress 2017 , Lisboa 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) Planning by policy packages in Norwegian cities. Plannord 8th Nordic Planning Research Symposium , Helsinki 2017-08-15 - 2017-08-18
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) On the theory/practice gap in planning. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Annual Congress 2017 , Lisboa 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) Neoliberalism: Does planners' hate-object have redeeming features?. Queen's University, Belfast UK and Ireland Planning Research Conference , Belfast 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-13
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) Kommunikativ planlegging: Hva er det egentlig i teori og praksis?. Forum for kommunal planlegging Kommuneplankonferansen Planrock 17 , Trondheim 2017-02-13 - 2017-02-14
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) The role of activism in and for planning. Institutt for geografi, NTNU Svartlamon in planning, memory and the everyday productions and mobilisations of landscapes , Trondheim 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-06
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2017) Compact city and neoliberal planning. Research Group for Urban Sustainability, NMBU Reseach seminar , Ås 2017-11-01 - 2017-11-01
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2016) Planning by intentional communities: an understudied form of activist planning. Global Planning Education Association Network Fourth World Planning Schools Congress , Rio de Janeiro 2016-07-03 - 2016-07-08
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2016) Planning and policy: Neoliberalism as the decisive influence?. Blekinge Tekniska Høgskola Open lecture as part of workshop preparing AESOP phd seminar , Karlskrona 2016-10-06 - 2016-10-07
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2016) Alternativitet som varig prosjekt: Svartlamonittenes planleggingsstrategi. Trondheim bolig- og byplanforening Møte i bolig- og byplanforeningen , Svartlamon, Trondheim 2016-09-08 - 2016-09-08
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Riksvegprosjekter i NTP: Hvorfoe betyr ikke NKA mer for prioriteringen?. Finansdepartementet Kvalitetssikringsforum (KS-forum) , Holmen Fjordhotell, Asker 2015-10-29 - 2015-10-30
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Activist planning as response to the woes of neo-liberalism. KTH PLANNORD 2015 , Stockholm 2015-08-20 - 2015-08-22
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Om prioritering av riksvegprosjekt. Concept-programmet Åpent Concept-seminar ved lansering av rapport , Transportøkonomisk institutt, Forskningsparken 2015-09-02 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Roundtable: Critical discussion of the concept of neo-liberalism. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP 2015 Annual Conference , Praha 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-16
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Highway investment planning: Why CBA scarcely affects the prioritization of projects in Norway. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP 2015 Annual Conference , Praha 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-16
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Is there a planning research agenda?. KTH PLANNORD 2015 , Stockholm 2015-08-20 - 2015-08-22
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Motsetningsfylte ideer, men er Svartlamoen likevel eksperimentet verdt?. Breidablikk, Nasjonalt forum for kulturarv Hva skal skje med Svartlamon? , Verkstedhallen, Svartlamon i Trondheim 2015-09-10 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2015) Is neoliberalsm an hegemonic influence on planning? Nedre Elvehavn. NTNU Waterfront development in Gdansk and Trondheim , NTNU 2015-02-25 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2014) Towards the just city: challenges for contemporary planning (Presentation at roundtable). Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Annual Congress , Utrecht 2014-07-09 - 2014-07-12
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2014) Modes of resistance in our field: activist planning. Swedish School of Planning, Blekinge Institute of Technology International Seminar on Planning for Sustainable Urban Form , Karlskrona 2014-11-12 - 2014-11-14
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2014) Critical-alternative initiatives. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Annual Congress , Utrecht 2014-07-09 - 2014-07-12
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) Fullstendighetsdilemmaet i nytte-kostnadsanalyse. CONCEPT-programmet CONCEPT Forskergruppe , Trondheim 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-25
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) Trading zones in planning theory. AESOP og ACSP AESOP/ACSP Joint Conference , Dublin 2013-07-15 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) Planning for Resilience: Between Policy Frameworks and Planning Theories. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Young Academics Conference , Wien 2013-02-26 - 2013-03-01
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) Is neo-liberalism an hegemonic influence on planning?. AESOP og ACSP AESOP/ACSP Joint Conference , Dublin 2013-07-15 - 2013-07-19
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) Neo-liberalism in compact city development: Is it hegemonic?. SUSPLAN prosjekt for Norges Forskningsråd SUSPLAN-møte , London School of Economics 2013-11-18 - 2013-11-19
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) Enduring the neo-liberal roller coaster. PLANNORD PLANNORD Sustainability in Nordic planning , Reykjavik 2013-08-18 - 2013-08-21
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2013) The comprehensiveness dilemma of cost-benefit analysis. University of Amsterdam Improving the cost-benefit analysis for spatial infrastructure plans , Amsterdam 2013-09-11 - 2013-09-11
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2012) Green, neoliberal and dialogical planning ideas in compact city development: How are values and ideological conflicts reflected in types of planning documents?. NIBR Åpent seminar ved Institutt for by- og regionforskning , Oslo 2012-03-14 - 2012-03-16
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2012) Cost-benefit analysis in participatory planning: Deliberative theory coming to use. Association of the European Schools of Planning 26th AESOP Congress , Ankara 2012-07-11 - 2012-07-15
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2012) Differences between communicative planning theory and neoliberalism. Universitetet i Tromsø International Symposium on Planning with Difference , Tromsø 2012-05-31 - 2012-06-02
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2012) Activist communicative planning: meaningful hybrids of dialogue and strategy?. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 53rd Annual Conference of ACSP , Cincinnati, Ohio 2012-11-01 - 2012-11-04
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2012) Contrasting values of communicative planning theory and neoliberalism: what is neoliberal urban planning, and how can planners serve the values of deliberative democracy instead?. Aalto University Open Seminar on Urban Planners Serving Managerialism , Espoo 2012-03-08 - 2012-03-09
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2011) Conflicting values of communicative planning theory and new public management. Institutt for landskapsplanlegging, UMB Open planning theory seminar , Ås 2011-10-20 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2011) Planning-related neo-liberal policies for urban development: a literature survey. ACSP 52nd Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning , Salt Lake City, Utah 2011-10-13 - 2011-10-16
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2011) Activist modes of planning: a systematic overview. Global Planning Education Association Network 3rd World Planning Schools Congress , Perth, WA 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) Transportfaglige innspill til politiske prosesser. SINTEF Transportforskning og NTNU Faggruppe Veg og transport Tore Knudsen: over 40 år i transportens tjeneste , Trondheim 2010-04-15 - 2010-04-15
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) How to prevent communicative planners from unwittingly serving neo-liberalism?. Association of European Schools of Planning 24th AESOP Annual Conference , Aalto University, Espoo 2010-07-07 - 2010-07-10
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) Critique of the CBA method. Molde University College International PhD workshop on "Cost-benefit Analysis" , Molde 2010-08-31 - 2010-08-31
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) Skriving av konferanseforedrag og internasjonale artikler. SINTEF Produkt og produksjon Foredrag , Trondheim 2010-01-27 - 2010-01-27
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) Planning styles and agency properties: are there organizational profiles facilitating the use of analytic techniques?. Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University International PhD workshop on "The Role of Quantitative Scientific Decision Support Tools in Decision Making Processes" , Aalborg 2010-08-18 - 2010-08-20
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) How to avoid that communicative planning unintentionally serves neo-liberalism. Institutt for landskapsplanlegging, UMB Åpent foredrag for ansatte og masterstudenter , Ås 2010-10-05 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) Planners' role: torn between dialogical ideals and neo-liberal realities. Institutt for landskapsplanlegging, UMB Åpent foredrag of ansatte og materstudenter , Ås 2010-10-05 - 2010-10-05
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2010) Planning in neo-liberal times: literature survey 1990-2010 of neo-liberal policies for urban development. OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on "Planning for Soft Spaces across Europe" , Delft 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2009) Balancing public and particularistic interests. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 50th Anniversary Annual Conference of ACSP , Crystal City, Virginia 2009-10-01 - 2009-10-04
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2009) Legitimation of communicative planning. Association of European Schools of Planning 23rd Congress of AESOP , Liverpool 2009-07-15 - 2009-07-18
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2009) Neo-liberalism and urban planning: a literature survey of the main policies. Forum for utdanning i samfunnsplanlegging Fourth Nordic Planning Research Symposium , Tromsø 2009-08-12 - 2009-08-15
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2009) The responsibility of planning theorists for end-use. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 50th Anniversary Annual Conference of ACSP , Crystal City, Virginia 2009-10-01 - 2009-10-04
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2008) Communicative Planning Theory. School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics Lecture at the University of Cape Town , Cape Town 2008-03-13 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2008) The Norwegian National Transport Plan: Politicians' Use of Analytic Planning Input. The Transport Centre at the University of Cape Town Open lecture at the Transport Centre at the University of Cape Town , Cape Town 2008-05-12 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2008) Planning analysis and political steering with new public management. American Collegiate Schools of Planning ACSP/AESOP Fourth Joint Congress , Chicago, Illinois 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2008) Internasjonal artikkelskriving. SINTEF Foredrag for SINTEF Bygg og miljø , Valgrinda, Trondheim 2008-01-30 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2007) Planning analysis and political steering. School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland Åpent foredrag , Auckland 2007-10-23 - 2007-10-23
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2007) Dual planning theory: Communicative but lethal? On the responsibility of planning theorists. Association of European Schools of Planning 21st AESOP Conference , Napoli 2007-07-10 - 2007-07-14
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2007) Om å skrive og publisere internasjonale artikler. Arkitektfakultetet, NTNU Skrivekurs for Arkitektfakultetet , Hitra 2007-06-20 - 2007-06-21
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2006) Planners' role: Torn between dialogical ideals and neo-liberal realities. Global Planning Education Network Second World Planning Schools Congress , Mexico City 2006-07-12 - 2006-07-16
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2006) Kritikk av den samfunnsøkonomiske analysen. Nordisk Vegteknisk Forbund NVF-konferanse , Stockholm 2006-03-15 - 2006-03-16
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2006) Mobility as stress regulation: A challenge to dialogue in planning?. NTNU International Symposium on Mobilities in Transit , Lerkendal Gård, Trondheim 2006-06-14 - 2006-06-17
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2006) Communicative planners as naive mandarins of the neo-liberal state?. American Collegiate Schools of Planning 47th annual ACSP conference , Fort Worth, Texas 2006-11-09 - 2006-11-12
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2006) Critique of the method of cost-benefit analysis. Høgskolen i Molde Seminar at Molde University College , Molde 2006-12-04 - 2006-12-08
Academic lectureBohne, Rolf André; Hovde, Per Jostein; Sager, Tore Øivin; Holden, Erling. (2006) The development in eco-efficiency of personal mobility in Norway. CML - Center for Environmental Sciences, Leiden University 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability , Egmond aan Zee 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Planners' role: torn between dialogical ideals and neo-liberal realities. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Nordic Symposium on Planning in Theory and Practice , Ultuna 2005-08-18 - 2005-08-20
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Hypermobility and the planning of society. Association of the European Schools of Planning The Dream of a Greater Europe , Wien 2005-07-13 - 2005-07-17
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Communicative planning: Principles and concepts. NTNU Course on building local planning capacity in Iraq , Trondheim 2005-06-07 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Dialogical values in public goods provision. American Collegiate Schools of Planning Beyond City Beautiful , Kansas City, Missouri 2005-10-27 - 2005-10-30
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Planning theory for the naive: a response to Bengs. Nordregio Annual Meeting: EJSD , Paris 2005-11-25 - 2005-11-26
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Vurdering av forskerkvalitet. Transportøkonomisk institutt Seminar ved Transportøkonomisk institutt , Oslo 2005-06-01 -
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2005) Planleggingsteori og planleggingsrolle. Statens Vegvesen Planleggerskolen 2005/2006 , Trondheim 2005-10-03 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2004) Public goods provision and communicative planning. Nordregio/European Journal of Spatial Development Environment as a Public Good , Milano 2004-05-14 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2004) Planleggerrollen i endring. Samplan, Kommunenes sentralforbund Samplankurs , Trondheim 2004-03-02 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2004) From projects to strategies. Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP 18th annual conference , Grenoble 2004-07-01 - 2004-07-04
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2004) The logic of critical communicative planniing: transaction cost alteration. American Collegiate Schools of Planning ACSP 45th annual conference , Portland 2004-10-21 - 2004-10-24
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2004) Politikernes aksept av metodebruk. NTNU/SINTEF Åpent, eksternt seminar for Bjørn Høsøien , Trondheim 2004-11-10 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Transaction cost alteration: a rationale for critical communicative planning. Seventh International Congress of APSA, Asian Planning Schools Association , Hanoi Architectural University, Hanoi, Vietnam 2003-09-14 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Demokratisk planlegging og samfunnsmessige dilemmaer. Planteoretisk Forum , Norsk institutt for by- og regionforskning 2003-03-04 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Coordination, governance structures, and an interagency transport planning case. ACSP-AESOP Third Joint Congress. , Leuven, Belgia 2003-07-12 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Career Development Workshop: Designing Your Research Program. ACSP-AESOP Third Joint Congress , Leuven, Belgia 2003-07-12 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Transaction cost alteration: a rationale for critical communicative planning. Forum for utdanning i samfunnsplanlegging: Nordisk Symposium om kommunal planlegging i forandring, nye muligheter og roller i kommunal og lokal planlegging , Høgskolen i Lillehammer 2003-08-16 -
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Planleggerrollen i endring: Utviklingstrekk og nye rollekonflikter. Statens vegvesen: Plankonferansen , M/S Polarlys mellom Bodø og Tromsø og Arktika konferansesenter i Troms 2003-10-08 -
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Muligheter for manipulasjon i transportmodeller. Transportmodellgruppa i Trondheim , SINTEF Bygg og miljøteknikk, Valgrinda 2003-05-21 -
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Planners' analysis: Does it have political relevance?. Open PhD Forum , Aalborg University 2003-04-01 -
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2003) Bompenger og andre økonomiske virkemidler: Hvordan påvirker de reisemønster og reisemiddelvalg i Trondheim?. Norsk Veg og Trafikkfaglig Forening, avdeling Midt-Norge , Trondheim 2003-03-27 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2002) Evaluation and arguments: Balancing procedural values of priority setting techniques. Spatial Development in Europe. Conference at Nordregio , Skeppsholmen, Stockholm 2002-01-04 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2002) Political use of analytic results from planning models. Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy, Murdoch University , Perth, WA 2002-05-16 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2002) The political relevance of formal analysis: The case of Norwegian national transport planning. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 44th Annual Conference , Baltimore, USA 2002-11-24 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2001) The economics of communicative planning: what is gained by accepting some manipulation?. First World Planning Schools Congress , Shanghai, Kina, 11-15 juli, 2001
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2001) Planning styles under authoritarian regimes. FUS 5th Research Symposium , Tromsø, Norway, June 18-19, 2001
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2001) Contingency planning. , Aalborg universitet, Institutt for planlegging, 19. april 2001
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2001) The economics of dialogue: hard trade-offs in communicative planning. 43. American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference , Cleveland, USA 2001-11-11 -
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2000) Kommunikativ planlegging: Dialog som kollektiv beslutningsprosess. , Aalborg Universitet, 27. mars 2000
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2000) Planning styles and agency properties: toward institutionally enriched planning theory. The 14th Annual Conference of the Association of European Schools of Planning , Brno, Czech Republic, July 18-23, 2000
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2000) Planning styles and agency properties: Toward institutionally enriched planning theory. XIV Congress AESOP , Brno, Czech Republic, 18-23 July, 2000
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2000) Deliberative planning and decision-making: an impossibility result. 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning , Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-5, 2000
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2000) Institutionalising the use of planning techniques in political decision-making. , Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Haifa, 30 Nov
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (2000) Transport policy in Norway : the National Transport Plan 2000-2011. , Department of Transport, Technion, Haifa, 27 November 2000
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1999) Evaluation and dialogue. European Network for Research on Urban Density and Green Struct ure, Conference on Communication in Urban Planning , Gothenburg
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1999) Positive theory of planning based on institutionally-enriched social choice. The 41th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning , Chicago, October 21-24, 1999
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1998) Utfordringer for norsk planforskning fra et planleggingsteoretisk ståsted. Avslutningskonferansen for MILKOM , Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, Steinkjer
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1998) Structured group processes from a social choice perspective. Oxford Planning Theory Conference , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1998) Rationality in the modes and techniques of planning : a retrospective view. 50 years of planning in Israel : theory and practice , Technion, Haifa, Israel
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1998) Privacy as a problem in transport planning. XII AESOP Congress , Aveiro, Protugal
Academic lecture
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1997) The rhetoric of economic rationality : the case of Norwegian transport planning. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. 39th Annual Conf erence , Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1997) Communicative rationality in planning practice. Division of Urban Research and Policy Studies Research Seminar , [Mangler data]
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1996) Forholdet mellom økonomisk rasjonalitet og samferdsel. Transportdagene 1996 , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1996) On communicative distortion : the ubiquity of manipulation in planning and social choice. ACSP-AESOP Joint International Congress , [Mangler data]
Popular scientific lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1996) Kommunikasjon eller kalkulasjon - nyere tanker innen planleggingsteori. Samplankurset , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1995) Planning for the Paretian liberal : a democratic dilemma in social choice theory and planning. 9th Annual AESOP Congress , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1994) Teaching planning theory. 36th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1994) The power/knowledge dilemma in planning theory and transportation. 36th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning , [Mangler data]
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1993) Communicative distortions in urban transportation planning : towards a theory of accumulated irrationalities. AESOP Congress (7 : 1993 : Lodz) , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1993) From impact assessment to recommendation : presentation and use of IA-results in urban transportation planning. FUS-konferansen (1993 : Tromsø) , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSager, Tore Øivin. (1993) The power/knowledge dilemma in planning theory and transportation. Nordplan 25 Year Anniversary Seminar (1993 : Stockholm) , [Mangler data]