Tove Carstensen
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Tannoubi, Amayra;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Carstensen, Tove;
Mørk, Gry.
Study approaches mediate associations between learning environment and academic performance.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Tannoubi, Amayra;
Mørk, Gry;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove.
Occupational Therapy students’ Concepts of Learning: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations With Deep, Strategic, and Surface Study Approaches.
Occupational Therapy in Health Care
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Stigen, Linda;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Associations Between Learning Environment and Study Satisfaction Across Time: Two Cross-Sectional Analyses of Occupational Therapy Students.
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Mørk, Gry;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem.
Læringsmiljøstudien ved ergoterapeututdanningene 2017-2020:
oppsummering av foreløpige resultater.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stigen, Linda;
Mørk, Gry;
Carstensen, Tove;
Magne, Trine A;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem.
Perceptions of the academic learning environment among occupational therapy students – changes across a three-year undergraduate study program.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Carstensen, Tove;
Renå, Camilla;
Mesteig, Marianne;
Nervik, Cecilie;
Lysø, Nina Christin.
Ergoterapi. Helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid i kommunen.
Digital learning tools
Mørk, Gry;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Stable and unstable associations between learning environment factors and study approaches: two consecutive cross-sectional analyses of Norwegian occupational therapy students.
Learning Environments Research
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Stigen, Linda;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Magne, Trine A.
Approaches to studying: changes during a three-year undergraduate study program.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
DaLomba, Elaina;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Mørk, Gry.
Replication Data for: Predictors of students’ participation in a learning environment survey with annual follow-ups.
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Magne, Trine A;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Mørk, Gry.
Associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance and their study approaches and perceptions of the learning environment.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
DaLomba, Elaina;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Mørk, Gry.
Predictors of students’ participation in a learning environment survey with annual follow-ups.
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Gramstad, Astrid.
Associations between learning environment variables and students’ approaches to studying: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Mørk, Gry.
Approaches to Studying: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Occupational Therapy Students in Six Education Programs in Norway.
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Fan, Chia-Wei;
Carstensen, Tove;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Occupational therapy students’ self-efficacy for therapeutic use of self: Development and associated factors.
Journal of Occupational Therapy Education
Academic article
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus;
Mørk, Gry;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Stigen, Linda;
Magne, Trine A.
Student characteristics associated with dominant approaches to studying: Comparing a national and an international sample .
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Fan, Chia-Wei;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Psychometric Properties of the Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self Questionnaire.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
Thygesen, Hilde;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Stigen, Linda;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove.
Associations between learning environment factors and student satisfaction among occupational therapy students.
Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy (IJOT)
Academic article
Fan, Chia-Wei;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Rasch analysis of the Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self questionnaire in Norwegian occupational therapy students.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
DaLomba, Elaina;
Stigen, Linda;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Mørk, Gry;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Magne, Trine A.
Psychometric properties and associations between subscales of a study approach measure.
Nursing and Health Sciences
Academic article
Midjo, Turid;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Carstensen, Tove.
The complexity of work expectations of staff in supported housing.
Social Work in Mental Health
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Carstensen, Tove.
Terapeutisk samhandling blant ergoterapeuter og ergoterapistudenter - funn fra to norske prosjekter.
Popular scientific article
Carstensen, Tove;
Lysø, Nina Christin.
Ergoterapeutstudenters kartlegging av kommunikasjonsferdigheter. Et skritt på veien til å bli profesjonelle fagutøvere? .
Academic article
Carstensen, Tove;
Ødegaard, Nina Bjerketveit;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Approaches to studying – associations with learning conceptions and preferences for teaching.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Ellingham, Brian;
Carstensen, Tove.
Factors Associated With Academic Performance Among Second-Year Undergraduate Occupational Therapy Students.
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Hussain, Ratna;
Carstensen, Tove;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Short-term changes in occupational therapy students’ self-efficacy for therapeutic use of self.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Factors Associated with Therapeutic Approaches Among Norwegian Occupational Therapists: An Exploratory Study.
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Carstensen, Tove.
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian self-efficacy for managing interpersonal events (N-SEMIE)
Academic article
Ritter, Victoria Croke;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Psychometric Properties of an Instrument Derived from the Intentional Relationship Model: the Self-Efficacy for Recognizing Clients’ Interpersonal Characteristics (N-SERIC).
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Schwank, Kathrin;
Carstensen, Tove;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
The Course of Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self in Norwegian Occupational Therapy Students: A 10-Month Follow-Up Study.
Occupational Therapy International
Academic article
Opseth, Thea M.;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Job satisfaction, interest and control among Norwegian occupational therapists.
Academic article
Opseth, Thea Moos;
Carstensen, Tove;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Self-efficacy for therapeutic mode use among occupational therapy students in Norway.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Differences and similarities in therapeutic mode use between occupational therapists and occupational therapy students in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Carstensen, Tove.
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian self-efficacy for therapeutic mode use (N-SETMU).
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Therapeutic mode preferences and associated factors among Norwegian undergraduate occupational therapy students: A cross-sectional exploratory study.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Jakobsen, Klara;
Carstensen, Tove.
Virksomme virkemidler når unge med tegnspråk skal bistås til arbeid - en kunnskapsoversikt.
Senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU
Carstensen, Tove.
Med Brukers mestring i fokus. En veileder for ansatte ved botiltak psykisk helse i Trondheim Kommune.
Jakobsen, Klara;
Carstensen, Tove.
Virksomme virkemidler når unge med tegnspråk skal bistås til arbeid - en kunnskapsoversikt.
Senter for helsefremmende forskning.
Journal publications
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Tannoubi, Amayra;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Carstensen, Tove;
Mørk, Gry.
Study approaches mediate associations between learning environment and academic performance.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Tannoubi, Amayra;
Mørk, Gry;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove.
Occupational Therapy students’ Concepts of Learning: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations With Deep, Strategic, and Surface Study Approaches.
Occupational Therapy in Health Care
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Stigen, Linda;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Associations Between Learning Environment and Study Satisfaction Across Time: Two Cross-Sectional Analyses of Occupational Therapy Students.
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Mørk, Gry;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem.
Læringsmiljøstudien ved ergoterapeututdanningene 2017-2020:
oppsummering av foreløpige resultater.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stigen, Linda;
Mørk, Gry;
Carstensen, Tove;
Magne, Trine A;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem.
Perceptions of the academic learning environment among occupational therapy students – changes across a three-year undergraduate study program.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Stable and unstable associations between learning environment factors and study approaches: two consecutive cross-sectional analyses of Norwegian occupational therapy students.
Learning Environments Research
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Stigen, Linda;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Magne, Trine A.
Approaches to studying: changes during a three-year undergraduate study program.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Magne, Trine A;
Stigen, Linda;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Mørk, Gry.
Associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance and their study approaches and perceptions of the learning environment.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
DaLomba, Elaina;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Mørk, Gry.
Predictors of students’ participation in a learning environment survey with annual follow-ups.
Academic article
Mørk, Gry;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Gramstad, Astrid.
Associations between learning environment variables and students’ approaches to studying: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Medical Education
Academic article
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove;
Mørk, Gry.
Approaches to Studying: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Occupational Therapy Students in Six Education Programs in Norway.
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Fan, Chia-Wei;
Carstensen, Tove;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Occupational therapy students’ self-efficacy for therapeutic use of self: Development and associated factors.
Journal of Occupational Therapy Education
Academic article
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus;
Mørk, Gry;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Stigen, Linda;
Magne, Trine A.
Student characteristics associated with dominant approaches to studying: Comparing a national and an international sample .
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Fan, Chia-Wei;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Psychometric Properties of the Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self Questionnaire.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
Thygesen, Hilde;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Åsli, Lene Angel;
Stigen, Linda;
Magne, Trine A;
Carstensen, Tove.
Associations between learning environment factors and student satisfaction among occupational therapy students.
Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy (IJOT)
Academic article
Fan, Chia-Wei;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Rasch analysis of the Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self questionnaire in Norwegian occupational therapy students.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
DaLomba, Elaina;
Stigen, Linda;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Mørk, Gry;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Magne, Trine A.
Psychometric properties and associations between subscales of a study approach measure.
Nursing and Health Sciences
Academic article
Midjo, Turid;
Redzovic, Skender Elez;
Carstensen, Tove.
The complexity of work expectations of staff in supported housing.
Social Work in Mental Health
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Carstensen, Tove.
Terapeutisk samhandling blant ergoterapeuter og ergoterapistudenter - funn fra to norske prosjekter.
Popular scientific article
Carstensen, Tove;
Lysø, Nina Christin.
Ergoterapeutstudenters kartlegging av kommunikasjonsferdigheter. Et skritt på veien til å bli profesjonelle fagutøvere? .
Academic article
Carstensen, Tove;
Ødegaard, Nina Bjerketveit;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Approaches to studying – associations with learning conceptions and preferences for teaching.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Ellingham, Brian;
Carstensen, Tove.
Factors Associated With Academic Performance Among Second-Year Undergraduate Occupational Therapy Students.
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Hussain, Ratna;
Carstensen, Tove;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Short-term changes in occupational therapy students’ self-efficacy for therapeutic use of self.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Factors Associated with Therapeutic Approaches Among Norwegian Occupational Therapists: An Exploratory Study.
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Carstensen, Tove.
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian self-efficacy for managing interpersonal events (N-SEMIE)
Academic article
Ritter, Victoria Croke;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Psychometric Properties of an Instrument Derived from the Intentional Relationship Model: the Self-Efficacy for Recognizing Clients’ Interpersonal Characteristics (N-SERIC).
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Schwank, Kathrin;
Carstensen, Tove;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
The Course of Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self in Norwegian Occupational Therapy Students: A 10-Month Follow-Up Study.
Occupational Therapy International
Academic article
Opseth, Thea M.;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Job satisfaction, interest and control among Norwegian occupational therapists.
Academic article
Opseth, Thea Moos;
Carstensen, Tove;
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Ellingham, Brian;
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Self-efficacy for therapeutic mode use among occupational therapy students in Norway.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Differences and similarities in therapeutic mode use between occupational therapists and occupational therapy students in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Bonsaksen, Tore;
Carstensen, Tove.
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian self-efficacy for therapeutic mode use (N-SETMU).
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Yazdani, Farzaneh;
Carstensen, Tove;
Bonsaksen, Tore.
Therapeutic mode preferences and associated factors among Norwegian undergraduate occupational therapy students: A cross-sectional exploratory study.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Academic article
Jakobsen, Klara;
Carstensen, Tove.
Virksomme virkemidler når unge med tegnspråk skal bistås til arbeid - en kunnskapsoversikt.
Senter for helsefremmende forskning HiST/NTNU
Jakobsen, Klara;
Carstensen, Tove.
Virksomme virkemidler når unge med tegnspråk skal bistås til arbeid - en kunnskapsoversikt.
Senter for helsefremmende forskning.
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Carstensen, Tove;
Renå, Camilla;
Mesteig, Marianne;
Nervik, Cecilie;
Lysø, Nina Christin.
Ergoterapi. Helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid i kommunen.
Digital learning tools
DaLomba, Elaina;
Gramstad, Astrid;
Johnson, Susanne Grødem;
Carstensen, Tove;
Stigen, Linda;
Mørk, Gry.
Replication Data for: Predictors of students’ participation in a learning environment survey with annual follow-ups.
Carstensen, Tove.
Med Brukers mestring i fokus. En veileder for ansatte ved botiltak psykisk helse i Trondheim Kommune.
Academic lectureMørk, Gry; Hinderaker, Liv Elisabeth; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Gramstad, Astrid; Stigen, Linda; Carstensen, Tove. (2024) Associations between occupational therapy students’ perceptions of learning environment and study satisfaction. ENOTHE, COTEC, ROTOS 1st Occupational Therapy Europe Congress , Krakow 2024-10-15 - 2024-10-19
Academic lectureMørk, Gry; Stigen, Linda; Gramstad, Astrid; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Bonsaksen, Tore. (2023) Stable and unstable associations between learning environment factors and study approaches . ENOTHE 27th ENOTHE Annual Meeting , Oviedo 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-28
Academic lectureBonsaksen, Tore; Gramstad, Astrid; Stigen, Linda; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Mygland, Jenny Solveig. (2023) Learning environment, study approaches and student performance: repeated cross-sectional analyses of associations. ENOTHE 27th ENOTHE annual meeting , Oviedo 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-28
Academic lectureMørk, Gry; Gramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angel; Stigen, Linda; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Magne, Trine A. (2023) Approaches to studying: Changes during a three-year undergraduate study program. ENOTHE 27th ENOTHE Annual Meeting , Oviedo 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-28
Academic lectureBonsaksen, Tore; Magne, Trine A; Stigen, Linda; Gramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angell; Mørk, Gry. (2022) Associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance and their study approaches and perceptions of the learning environment . World Federation of Occupational Therapists 18th WFOT Congress , Paris 2022-08-28 - 2022-08-31
Academic lectureMaass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Renå, Camilla; Carstensen, Tove; Mesteig, Marianne; Nervik, Cecilie. (2022) Helsefremming og forebygging. Muligheter og utfordringer i kommunal ergoterapi. ergoterapeutene nasjonal fagkongress ergoterapi , Stavanger 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
Academic lectureBonsaksen, Tore; Magne, Trine A; Stigen, Linda; Gramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angel; Mørk, Gry. (2022) Eksamensprestasjoner blant ergoterapistudenter - sammenhenger med læringsmiljø og studietilnærminger. Norsk Ergoterapeutforbund Norsk Fagkongress i Ergoterapi , Stavanger 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
Academic lectureStigen, Linda; Mørk, Gry; Carstensen, Tove; Magne, Trine A; Gramstad, Astrid; Johnson, Susanne Grødem. (2022) Oppfatninger av læringsmiljøet blant ergoterapistudenter- endringer i løpet av det treårige bachelorprogrammet. Ergoterapeutene 7. Fagkongress i ergoterapi , Stavanger 2022-09-17 - 2022-09-21
Academic lectureMagne, Trine A; Bonsaksen, Tore; Carstensen, Tove. (2022) Do the students' have all the answers? -a qualitative study of students' experience of learning environment. WFOT 18th WFOT International congress , Paris 2022-08-28 - 2022-08-31
Academic lectureGramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angel; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Mørk, Gry. (2021) Do approaches to studying differ between students at different educational programs?. 2nd Cotec-Enothe congress 2021 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-18
Academic lectureMørk, Gry; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Stigen, Linda; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Bonsaksen, Tore. (2021) Associations between learning environment variables and students' approaches to studying: A cross-sectional study. COTEC-ENOTHE COTEC-ENOTHE Congress , Prauge 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-18
LectureCarstensen, Tove; Renå, Camilla. (2020) Fagdag for ergoterapeuter i Trondheim Kommune: Helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid i den kommunale ergoterapitjenesten. NTNU; Trondheim kommune, Enhet for ergoterapi Helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid i den kommunale ergoterapitjenesten , Scandic Hotell Nidelven, Trondheim, Norge 2020-09-30 - 2020-09-30
Academic lectureAsbjørnslett, Mona; Bull, Helen; Mørk, Gry; Gramstad, Astrid; Carstensen, Tove; Bonsaksen, Tore. (2019) New modules - new shocks. Experiences and perspectives of Learning. . Department of Occupational Therapy, Metropolitan College ENOTHE 25th Annual Meeting , Athen 2019-10-17 - 2019-10-19
PosterBonsaksen, Tore; Carstensen, Tove. (2018) Differences and similarities in therapeutic mode use between occupational therapists and occupational therapy students in Norway. WFOT WFOT Congress 2018 , Cape Town 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureCarstensen, Tove; Opseth, Thea M.; Bonsaksen, Tore. (2017) Koss terapeut e du?. Ergoterapeutene Norsk Fagkongress i Ergoterapi , Trondheim 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-08
Academic lectureOpseth, Thea M.; Carstensen, Tove; Bonsaksen, Tore. (2017) Trivsel i arbeidet blant norske ergoterapeuter. Ergoterapeutene Norsk Fagkongress i Ergoterapi , Trondheim 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-08
PosterCarstensen, Tove; Lysø, Nina Christin. (2017) Kartlegging av kommunikasjonsferdigheter. Assesment of Communication and Interaction Skills (ACIS). Norsk Ergoterapeutforbund Fagkongress i ergoterapi , Trondheim 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-08
LectureCarstensen, Tove. (2015) Med brukers mestring i fokus. Faglig konferanse om brukers mestring i Enhet for botiltak, psykisk helse. Trondheim kommune. Fagdag. 2015-11-17 - 2015-11-17
LectureCarstensen, Tove. (2015) Presentasjon av litteratursøk. Virksomme virkemidler når unge døve med tegnspråk skal bistås til arbeid. NAV Søkekonferanse , Trondheim 2015-01-21 - 2015-01-21
Popular scientific lectureStrand , Gaute Erik; Carstensen , Tove. (2013) Samhandling i akutte situasjoner. Sykehuset Innlandet interkommunalt samhandlingsmøte , Toten 2013-06-13 -
Academic lectureCarstensen , Tove. (2012) Praksisutvikling i nettverk - hva sier litteraturen?. NAPHA Erfaringsseminar knyttet til nettverk innen psykisk helse , Trondheim 2012-01-17 - 2012-01-18