Trond Amundsen
I'm a professor of Animal Behaviour, studying and teaching animal behaviour in the context of ecology and evolution. My main research interest has always been to understand behavioural and other adaptations to breed successfully - how evolution and ecology has shaped what the animals do as partners and parents, what they look like, and how they allocate their resources through life. Central topics of my research include sexual selection, parental care, and life history. Currently, I study how such processes are affected by variation in climate. I teach on these same topics, on animal behaviour broadly, and on the methods of doing science. I have also been extensively engaged in dissemination of science to the general public, and have regularly engaged in public discourse on science.
My research has been published in a range of international scientific journals, including major journals of ecology (e.g. Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, American Naturalist), evolution (e.g. Evolution, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Trends in Ecology and Evolution) and animal behaviour (e.g. Behavioral Ecology, Animal Behaviour), as well as the broader-scope journals Nature, PNAS and Proceedings of the Royal Society B. I have also co-edited an international book on Animal Signaling, along with former NTNU colleagues Yngve Espmark and Gunilla Rosenqvist.
While I love exploring nature's wonders in research, I equally much enjoy training the new generation of biologists through teaching and supervision, and to engage in dissemination of science and academic matters to the general public.
In 2019, I received the NTNU Public Dissemination of Science Award, and in 2022, I received, together with my co-manager Aline M. Lee and a team of dedicated teachers, the Faculty of Natural Sciences Outstanding Pedagogical Activity Award for the upgrade of the course BI1003 Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution. My research has been reported in major media general and popular science outlets around the World, including New York Times, National Geographic, Scientific American and Science.
Research focus: diversity and dynamics of sexual selection in a changing climate
More or less throughout my whole life as a scientist, I have been been drawn to neglected or emerging fields, most notably the neglect of females in the study of sexual selection. In my research, I have challenged the traditional notion that sexual selection mainly forms male animals, and have contributed in studying how sexual selection may act also on females, and the female role in reproductive dynamics. In recent years, my main interest has been to understand the dynamical nature of sexual behaviours, sex roles and sexual selection - and the drivers of these dynamics and the variation in sexual behaviours we see in nature. Notably, 'sexual behaviours' in this context is not so much about the act of sex as such, but more about the behaviours that precede mating - courtship of the opposite sex, and competition with same-sex individuals, in both sexes. It is also about other traits of attraction in the mating game - beautiful colours, plumes, fins and other extravaganza - and it is about traits that help males and females win contests, like body size and condition.
In the current DYNAMAR project, we explore the connections between climate and sexual selection, using the Scandinavian coastline as a "natural climate laboratory".
Education and appointments
I have worked at NTNU (and its predecessor AVH) since 1991. Before that, I did my biology studies at the University of Oslo, including most of my PhD work. I was supervised for my MSc by professor Tore Slagsvold, and for the PhD by Slagsvold and professor Nils Christian Stenseth. I also have education in Environmental Science from former Telemark College (now University of South-East Norway). I have been a visiting researcher and conducted studies in a number of countries (primarily Norway, Sweden, Finland and Australia).
I very much enjoy doing science, but equally much to teach science to the next generation and to the general public. I greatly enjoy field work - the wonderful combination of experiencing nature while handling the intellectual and logistic challenges of studying biology IRL (in the wild, or sometimes in indoor experiments). I never stop being fascinated by the overwhelming diversity of nature that we are not even close to fully understanding.
Model organisms: birds and fishes
During the first half of my career, I mostly used birds as model organisms to investigate questions related to parental care, sexual selection and related topics. Study species included seabirds (e.g. European shags, Antarctic seabirds), woodland birds (titmice, pied flycatchers), and mountain birds (bluethroats). For the last few decades, I have turned to using fishes as model organisms. This is partly because of an interest and fascination for coastal ecosystems, and because we know so much less about marine than terrestrial life. But it is also because fishes offer opportunities for studying the dynamics of sexual selection, in the wild and in captivity, that cannot easily be achieved with, for instance, birds or mammals. Fishes are also the most diverse and dynamic in their styles of life among vertebrates, offering a plethora of mysteries to be resolved and a unique scope for investigations. Most of my fish work has used small marine goby fishes, in particular the two-spotted goby, as model organisms. I have also worked on coral reef fishes (damselfishes), aiming to contribute in understanding the reasons behind their splendid colours.
I am a member of the Marine Sciences Group of the Department of Biology.
My research is focused on the evolutionary understanding of animal behaviour. I have conducted research on several issues related to parental care and sexual selection, and the interplay between the two processes. In addressing these topics, I have studied a wide range of fish and bird species. My current research is focused on three main issues: (1) Sex role dynamics, (2) Female ornamentation in relation to male mate choice and female‐female competition, and (2) Social and genetic mating systems; all of these relating to the larger issue of animal signaling. My current main model species is the two‐spotted goby (Pomatoschistus flavescens), a small but ecologically important marine fish inhabiting shallow-water kelp and seaweed forests of the East Atlantic. The research is focused on reproductive dynamics, including behavioral and ecological factors that promote or restrain reproduction. I have also studied related questions using coral reef fishes as models, with a focus on their often splendid coloration, but recently also effects of coral bleaching and coral mortality on reef fishes. While the majority of my work has aimed to understand basic biological phenomena and processes, I am also involved in projects related to conservation biology and climate change. My research involves collaboration with specialists around the world and researchers at our NTNU lab.
The research of my lab has been funded by grants from the Research Council of Norway (main source of funding, FRIFORSK and MARINFORSK programs), EU and EEA grants (mobility, networking), the Nordic Council (Nordforsk, Nordic Marine Academy), the Royal Norwegian Society for Sciences and Letters (DKNVS), the Norwegian Academy of Science (DNVA), the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (KVA), and other sources.
DYNAMAR - Dynamics of Sexual Selection in a Changing Ocean: Integrating Life History and Local Adaptation
FishNet: Network-building for global change research on fish
Goby Research Network
Animal Signals: Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication
Sex Roles and Sexual Selection: Lessons from a Dynamic Model System
Why are Female Birds Ornamented?
I have published my research in major journals of science (Nature, PNAS), in leading journals of my research fields ecology (e.g. Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Trends in Ecology and Evolution), evolution (e.g. Evolution, Journal of Evolution), and behaviour (e.g. Behavioral Ecology, Animal Behaviour). I have also published in specialized journals for the organisms I have studied (e.g. Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Fish Biology) and their environments (Marine Biology, Coral Reefs).
I have also written essays and opinion pieces for major Norwegian newspapers (e.g. Aftenposten, Dagbladet), for science websites (e.g., and for NRK (, and have often been interviewed by the same outlets, and many others, about my own and related research, and on broader matters of science or science controversies. I have often contributed to radio (NRK and other, many channels and programs) and sometimes to TV programs, reporting on own or related science, or debating/discussing in-focus or controversial science matters.
My research has been covered by a range of international newspapers (e.g. New York Times, The Independent, Folha de Sao Paulo), magazines (e.g. National Geographic) and web sites (e.g. ScienceNOW), as well as a wide variety of Norwegian outlets (local newspapers, magazines, web-based outlets).
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Hvordan studere lusebeiting i stor merd?.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Cleaning behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied using sea lice dummies in large scale sea cages.
Academic article
Norgaard, Trygve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Ratikainen, Irja Ida.
Male nest choice in the two-spotted goby (Pomatoschistus flavescens).
Masters thesis
Gavriilidi, Ioanna Aikaterini;
Amundsen, Trond;
Ratikainen, Irja Ida.
Territoriality and nest competition in the two-spotted goby
(Pomatoschistus flavescens)
Masters thesis
Amundsen, Trond.
Slideshow: Coral reefs - beauty but a bleak future?.
Klimafestivalen Trondheim 2018
Other presentation
Amundsen, Trond.
Sex roles and sexual selection: Lessons from a dynamic model system.
Current Zoology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Engelsk er forskningens språk.
Reader opinion piece
Wacker, Sebastian;
Nilsson, Sara Østlund;
Ness, Miriam Horstad;
Amundsen, Trond.
Social structure affects mating competition in a damselfish.
Coral reefs
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Korallrevene og meg: en vidunderlig og trist historie.
Ett nytt vi. Stories. Fortellerkveld på Kunsthallen, Trondheim
Other presentation
Amundsen, Trond.
Akademisk frihet er ingen selvfølge.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Akademisk frihet er ingen selvfølge.
Feature article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Nilsson, Sara Østlund;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Newport, Cait;
Amundsen, Trond.
Mate choice plasticity in a coral reef fish.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Melanie, Munroe;
Amundsen, Trond;
Utne-Palm, Anne Christine;
Kenyon B., Mobley.
Seasonal variation in male alternative reproductive tactics.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons;
Amundsen, Trond.
Sexual Behaviour.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amundsen, Trond.
Holder seg borte fra media med god grunn.
Popular scientific article
Amundsen, Trond.
Når uferdig forskning får mediedekning.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Darwin formulerte teorien 16 år før Wallace.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Darwin plagierte ikke.
Aftenposten Viten
Feature article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Mobley, Kenyon.
Within-season variation in sexual selection in a fish with dynamic sex roles.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Magnhagen, Carin;
Wacker, Sebastian;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Espy, Elisabeth;
Amundsen, Trond.
Context Consistency and Seasonal Variation in Boldness of Male Two-Spotted Gobies.
Academic article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Amundsen, Trond.
Mate competition and resource competition are inter-related in sexual selection.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Effects of habitat complexity on mating behavior and mating success in a marine fish.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Dupont, Sam;
Jutfelt, Fredrik;
Amundsen, Trond.
Elevated CO2 affects embryonic development and larval phototaxis in a temperate marine fish.
Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Mück, Isabel;
Wacker, Sebastian;
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Amundsen, Trond.
Nest distribution affects behaviour and mating success in a marine fish.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Mobley, Kenyon;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Myhre, Lise Cats;
de Jong, Karen;
Amundsen, Trond.
Operational sex ratio but not density affects sexual selection in a fish.
Academic article
Myhre, Lise Cats;
de Jong, Karen;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Sex roles and mutual mate choice matter during mate sampling.
The American Naturalist
Academic article
Wacker, Sebastian;
de Jong, Karen;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Large males fight and court more across a range of social environments: an experiment on the two spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens.
Journal of Fish Biology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Håp for Darwins korallrev?.
Website (informational material)
de Jong, Karen;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Sandvik, Hanno;
Amundsen, Trond.
Measuring mating competition correctly: available evidence supports operational sex ratio theory.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Den farlige biologien.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Den farlige biologien.
Aftenposten Innsikt
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Vitenskap med skylapper.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Spør Adressa: Hvordan kan dyr skifte farge?.
Interview Journal
Amundsen, Trond.
Ole Brumm, gener og kultur.
Reader opinion piece
Amundsen, Trond.
For en friere forskning: det er den som gir de store gjennombruddene.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Forskning og frihet.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Gi forskerne frihet.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Det var i skogen vi lærte å gå.
Interview Journal
Amundsen, Trond;
Folstad, Ivar;
Giske, Jarl;
Slagsvold, Tore;
Stenseth, Nils Christian.
"Ida" er oversolgt.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Svensson, Andreas;
Pelabon, Christophe;
Blount, Jonathan D.;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Bjerkeng, Bjørn;
Amundsen, Trond.
Temporal variability in a multicomponent trait: nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Barber, Iain;
Davies, Angela J.;
Ironside, Joe E.;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
First record of a Kabatana sp. microsporidium infecting fish in the Atlantic Ocean.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Academic article
Mobley, Kenyon;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Svensson, Andreas;
Jones, Adam G..
Multiple mating and a low incidence of cuckoldry for nest-holding males in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female mate sampling in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens, in relation to sexual competition.
Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
de Jong, Karen;
Wacker, Sebastian;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Do operational sex ratio and density affect mating behaviour? An experiment on the two-spotted goby.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Svensson, Andreas;
Blount, Jonathan D.;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female ornamentation and egg carotenoids of six sympatric gobies.
Journal of Fish Biology
Academic article
Sköld, Helen Nilsson;
Skold, HN;
Amundsen, Trond;
Svensson, Per Andreas;
Mayer, Ian;
Bjelvenmark, Jens.
Hormonal regulation of female nuptial coloration in a fish.
Hormones and Behavior
Academic article
Parn, Henrik;
Lindstrom, KM;
Sandell, M;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female aggressive response and hormonal correlates - an intrusion experiment in a free-living passerine.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Eriksen, Jorunn Mittet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Parental care behaviour and costs in male two-spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens).
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Brevik, Camilla;
Amundsen, Trond.
Reirplassvalg hos tangkutling Gobiusculus flavescens.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Borg, Åsa;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Seasonal change in female choice for male size in the two-spotted goby.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Svensson, Andreas;
Pelabon, Christophe;
Blount, Jonathan D.;
Surai, Peter F.;
Amundsen, Trond.
Does female nuptial coloration reflect egg carotenoids and clutch quality in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens, Gobiidae)?.
Functional Ecology
Academic article
Borg, Åsa;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Presence of same sex individuals negatively affects egg maturation in female guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
Academic article
Johansen, Aleksandra I.;
Amundsen, Trond.
Change in male mate choice in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens) over the course of the breeding season.
Institutt for biologi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Amundsen, Trond;
Parn, Henrik.
Female coloration in birds: a review of functional and non-functional hypotheses.
Harvard University Press (HUP)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pelabon, Christophe;
Borg, Åsa;
Bjelvenmark, Jens;
Barber, Iain;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Do microsporidian parasites affect courtship in two-spotted gobies?.
Marine Biology
Academic article
Pärn, Henrik;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female throat ornamentation does not reflect cell-mediated immune response in bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica.
Academic article
Svensson, Andreas;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond;
Sköld, Helen Nilsson.
Chromatic interaction between egg pigmentation and skin chromatophores in the nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Academic article
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, J.
Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish.
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Male preference for colourful females affected by male size in a marine fish.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Fishes as models in studies of sexual selection and parental care.
Journal of Fish Biology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per terje;
Bu, Rolf Jørund;
Eikenaes, AK;
Amundsen, Trond.
Food limitation in asynchronous bluethroat broods: effects on food distribution, nestling begging, and parental provisioning rules.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, Jens;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Barber, Iain;
Amundsen, Trond.
Do male two-spotted gobies prefer large fecund females?.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Brobakken, Paul T.;
Moksnes, Arne;
Røskaft, Eivin.
Rejection of cuckoo Cuculus canorus eggs in relation to female age in the bluethroat Luscinia svecica.
Journal of Avian Biology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per terje;
Amundsen, Trond.
Senior and junior nestlings in asynchronous bluethroat broods differ in their effectiveness of begging.
Evolutionary Ecology Research
Academic article
Røskaft, Eivin;
Moksnes, Arne;
Amundsen, Trond;
Brobakken, Paul.
Rejection of common cuckoo Cuculus canorus eggs in relation to female age in the bluethroat Luscinia svecica.
Journal of Avian Biology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per terje;
Örnborg, Jonas;
Andersson, Staffan;
Amundsen, Trond.
Is male plumage reflectance correlated with paternal care in bluethroats?.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Male mate choice selects for female coloration in a fish.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Andersson, Staffan;
Örnborg, Jonas;
Amundsen, Trond.
Male characteristics and fertilization success in bluethroats.
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Andersson, Staffan;
Örnborg, J.;
Amundsen, T.
Male characteristics and fertilisation success in bluethroats.
Academic article
Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon;
Amundsen, Trond;
Anthonisen, Kristin;
Lifjeld, Jan T..
Molecular evidence for extrapair paternity and female-female pairs in Antarctic petrels.
The AUK: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Female ornamentation, mate choice, and sexual selection. Reply.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Fiske, Peder;
Amundsen, Trond;
Lifjeld, Jan T.;
Rohde, Percy A..
Colour bands, mate choice and paternity in the bluethroat.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Why are female birds ornamented?.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Academic article
Smiseth, Per Terje;
Amundsen, Trond.
Does female plumage coloration signal parental quality? A male removal experiment with the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica).
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Fiske, P.;
Amundsen, T;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Rohde, P.A..
Colour bands, mate choice and paternity in the bluethroat.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Lorentsen, S.H.;
Amundsen, T;
Anthonisen, K.;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje.
Molecular evidence for extrapair paternity and female-female pairs in Antarctic Petrels.
The AUK: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology
Academic article
Espmark, Yngve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla.
Animal Signals: Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Espmark, Yngve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla.
Animal Signals: Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Espmark, Yngve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla.
Animal Signals. Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication.
Proc. DKNVS' Stiftelse Kongsvoll Symp.
Non-fiction book
Amundsen, Trond.
Female ornaments: genetically correlated or sexually selected?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Lars T.T.;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Symmetry: attractive not only to females.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B
Academic article
Smiseth, Per Terje;
Amundsen, Trond;
Hansen, Lars T. T..
Do males and females differ in the feeding of large and small siblings? An experiment with the bluethroat.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per Terje;
Amundsen, Trond;
Hansen, Lars T. T..
Do males and females differ in the feeding of large and small siblings? An experiment with the bluethroat.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Slagsvold, Tore.
Hatching asynchrony in great tits : a bet-hedging strategy?.
Academic article
Andersson, Staffan;
Amundsen, Trond.
Ultraviolet colour vision and ornamentation in bluethroats.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Hansen, Lars T.T..
On the function of female ornaments : male bluethroats prefer colourful females.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B
Academic article
Rohde, Percy A.;
Amundsen, Trond;
Fiske, Peder.
Fluctuating asymmetry, mate choice and experimental designs.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Fiske, Peder;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female bluethroats prefer males with symmetric colour bands.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Slagsvold, Tore;
Amundsen, Trond;
Dale, Svein.
Costs and benefits of hatching asynchrony in blue tits Parus caeruleus.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Academic article
Slagsvold, Tore;
Amundsen, Trond;
Dale, Svein.
Selection by sexual conflict for evenly spaced offspring in blue tits.
Academic article
Slagsvold, Tore;
Amundsen, Trond;
Dale, Svein;
Lampe, Helene M..
Female-female aggression explains polyterritoriality in male pied flycatchers.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Dale, Sven;
Amundsen, Trond;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Slagsvold, Tore.
Mate sampling behaviour of female pied flycatchers: evidence for active mate choice.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Journal publications
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Hvordan studere lusebeiting i stor merd?.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Kaland, Håvard;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Amundsen, Trond;
Gansel, Lars Christian;
Tuene, Stig Atle.
Cleaning behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied using sea lice dummies in large scale sea cages.
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Sex roles and sexual selection: Lessons from a dynamic model system.
Current Zoology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Engelsk er forskningens språk.
Reader opinion piece
Wacker, Sebastian;
Nilsson, Sara Østlund;
Ness, Miriam Horstad;
Amundsen, Trond.
Social structure affects mating competition in a damselfish.
Coral reefs
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Akademisk frihet er ingen selvfølge.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Akademisk frihet er ingen selvfølge.
Feature article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Nilsson, Sara Østlund;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Newport, Cait;
Amundsen, Trond.
Mate choice plasticity in a coral reef fish.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Melanie, Munroe;
Amundsen, Trond;
Utne-Palm, Anne Christine;
Kenyon B., Mobley.
Seasonal variation in male alternative reproductive tactics.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Holder seg borte fra media med god grunn.
Popular scientific article
Amundsen, Trond.
Når uferdig forskning får mediedekning.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Darwin formulerte teorien 16 år før Wallace.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Darwin plagierte ikke.
Aftenposten Viten
Feature article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Mobley, Kenyon.
Within-season variation in sexual selection in a fish with dynamic sex roles.
Molecular Ecology
Academic article
Magnhagen, Carin;
Wacker, Sebastian;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Espy, Elisabeth;
Amundsen, Trond.
Context Consistency and Seasonal Variation in Boldness of Male Two-Spotted Gobies.
Academic article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Amundsen, Trond.
Mate competition and resource competition are inter-related in sexual selection.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Effects of habitat complexity on mating behavior and mating success in a marine fish.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Dupont, Sam;
Jutfelt, Fredrik;
Amundsen, Trond.
Elevated CO2 affects embryonic development and larval phototaxis in a temperate marine fish.
Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Mück, Isabel;
Wacker, Sebastian;
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Amundsen, Trond.
Nest distribution affects behaviour and mating success in a marine fish.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Wacker, Sebastian;
Mobley, Kenyon;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Myhre, Lise Cats;
de Jong, Karen;
Amundsen, Trond.
Operational sex ratio but not density affects sexual selection in a fish.
Academic article
Myhre, Lise Cats;
de Jong, Karen;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Sex roles and mutual mate choice matter during mate sampling.
The American Naturalist
Academic article
Wacker, Sebastian;
de Jong, Karen;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Large males fight and court more across a range of social environments: an experiment on the two spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens.
Journal of Fish Biology
Academic article
de Jong, Karen;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Sandvik, Hanno;
Amundsen, Trond.
Measuring mating competition correctly: available evidence supports operational sex ratio theory.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Den farlige biologien.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Den farlige biologien.
Aftenposten Innsikt
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Vitenskap med skylapper.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Spør Adressa: Hvordan kan dyr skifte farge?.
Interview Journal
Amundsen, Trond.
Ole Brumm, gener og kultur.
Reader opinion piece
Amundsen, Trond.
For en friere forskning: det er den som gir de store gjennombruddene.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Forskning og frihet.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Gi forskerne frihet.
Feature article
Amundsen, Trond.
Det var i skogen vi lærte å gå.
Interview Journal
Amundsen, Trond;
Folstad, Ivar;
Giske, Jarl;
Slagsvold, Tore;
Stenseth, Nils Christian.
"Ida" er oversolgt.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Svensson, Andreas;
Pelabon, Christophe;
Blount, Jonathan D.;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Bjerkeng, Bjørn;
Amundsen, Trond.
Temporal variability in a multicomponent trait: nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Barber, Iain;
Davies, Angela J.;
Ironside, Joe E.;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
First record of a Kabatana sp. microsporidium infecting fish in the Atlantic Ocean.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Academic article
Mobley, Kenyon;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Svensson, Andreas;
Jones, Adam G..
Multiple mating and a low incidence of cuckoldry for nest-holding males in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
Academic article
de Jong, Karen;
Wacker, Sebastian;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Do operational sex ratio and density affect mating behaviour? An experiment on the two-spotted goby.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Svensson, Andreas;
Blount, Jonathan D.;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female ornamentation and egg carotenoids of six sympatric gobies.
Journal of Fish Biology
Academic article
Sköld, Helen Nilsson;
Skold, HN;
Amundsen, Trond;
Svensson, Per Andreas;
Mayer, Ian;
Bjelvenmark, Jens.
Hormonal regulation of female nuptial coloration in a fish.
Hormones and Behavior
Academic article
Parn, Henrik;
Lindstrom, KM;
Sandell, M;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female aggressive response and hormonal correlates - an intrusion experiment in a free-living passerine.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Borg, Åsa;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Seasonal change in female choice for male size in the two-spotted goby.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Svensson, Andreas;
Pelabon, Christophe;
Blount, Jonathan D.;
Surai, Peter F.;
Amundsen, Trond.
Does female nuptial coloration reflect egg carotenoids and clutch quality in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens, Gobiidae)?.
Functional Ecology
Academic article
Borg, Åsa;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Presence of same sex individuals negatively affects egg maturation in female guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Borg, Åsa;
Bjelvenmark, Jens;
Barber, Iain;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Do microsporidian parasites affect courtship in two-spotted gobies?.
Marine Biology
Academic article
Pärn, Henrik;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female throat ornamentation does not reflect cell-mediated immune response in bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica.
Academic article
Svensson, Andreas;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond;
Sköld, Helen Nilsson.
Chromatic interaction between egg pigmentation and skin chromatophores in the nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Academic article
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Amundsen, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, J.
Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish.
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Male preference for colourful females affected by male size in a marine fish.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Fishes as models in studies of sexual selection and parental care.
Journal of Fish Biology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per terje;
Bu, Rolf Jørund;
Eikenaes, AK;
Amundsen, Trond.
Food limitation in asynchronous bluethroat broods: effects on food distribution, nestling begging, and parental provisioning rules.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Borg, Anne;
Bjelvenmark, Jens;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Barber, Iain;
Amundsen, Trond.
Do male two-spotted gobies prefer large fecund females?.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Brobakken, Paul T.;
Moksnes, Arne;
Røskaft, Eivin.
Rejection of cuckoo Cuculus canorus eggs in relation to female age in the bluethroat Luscinia svecica.
Journal of Avian Biology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per terje;
Amundsen, Trond.
Senior and junior nestlings in asynchronous bluethroat broods differ in their effectiveness of begging.
Evolutionary Ecology Research
Academic article
Røskaft, Eivin;
Moksnes, Arne;
Amundsen, Trond;
Brobakken, Paul.
Rejection of common cuckoo Cuculus canorus eggs in relation to female age in the bluethroat Luscinia svecica.
Journal of Avian Biology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per terje;
Örnborg, Jonas;
Andersson, Staffan;
Amundsen, Trond.
Is male plumage reflectance correlated with paternal care in bluethroats?.
Behavioral Ecology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Male mate choice selects for female coloration in a fish.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Andersson, Staffan;
Örnborg, Jonas;
Amundsen, Trond.
Male characteristics and fertilization success in bluethroats.
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Andersson, Staffan;
Örnborg, J.;
Amundsen, T.
Male characteristics and fertilisation success in bluethroats.
Academic article
Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon;
Amundsen, Trond;
Anthonisen, Kristin;
Lifjeld, Jan T..
Molecular evidence for extrapair paternity and female-female pairs in Antarctic petrels.
The AUK: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Female ornamentation, mate choice, and sexual selection. Reply.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Fiske, Peder;
Amundsen, Trond;
Lifjeld, Jan T.;
Rohde, Percy A..
Colour bands, mate choice and paternity in the bluethroat.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond.
Why are female birds ornamented?.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Academic article
Smiseth, Per Terje;
Amundsen, Trond.
Does female plumage coloration signal parental quality? A male removal experiment with the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica).
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Johnsen, Arild;
Fiske, P.;
Amundsen, T;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Rohde, P.A..
Colour bands, mate choice and paternity in the bluethroat.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Lorentsen, S.H.;
Amundsen, T;
Anthonisen, K.;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje.
Molecular evidence for extrapair paternity and female-female pairs in Antarctic Petrels.
The AUK: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology
Academic article
Hansen, Lars T.T.;
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet.
Symmetry: attractive not only to females.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B
Academic article
Smiseth, Per Terje;
Amundsen, Trond;
Hansen, Lars T. T..
Do males and females differ in the feeding of large and small siblings? An experiment with the bluethroat.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Smiseth, Per Terje;
Amundsen, Trond;
Hansen, Lars T. T..
Do males and females differ in the feeding of large and small siblings? An experiment with the bluethroat.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Slagsvold, Tore.
Hatching asynchrony in great tits : a bet-hedging strategy?.
Academic article
Andersson, Staffan;
Amundsen, Trond.
Ultraviolet colour vision and ornamentation in bluethroats.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B
Academic article
Amundsen, Trond;
Forsgren, Elisabet;
Hansen, Lars T.T..
On the function of female ornaments : male bluethroats prefer colourful females.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B
Academic article
Rohde, Percy A.;
Amundsen, Trond;
Fiske, Peder.
Fluctuating asymmetry, mate choice and experimental designs.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Fiske, Peder;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female bluethroats prefer males with symmetric colour bands.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Slagsvold, Tore;
Amundsen, Trond;
Dale, Svein.
Costs and benefits of hatching asynchrony in blue tits Parus caeruleus.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Academic article
Slagsvold, Tore;
Amundsen, Trond;
Dale, Svein.
Selection by sexual conflict for evenly spaced offspring in blue tits.
Academic article
Slagsvold, Tore;
Amundsen, Trond;
Dale, Svein;
Lampe, Helene M..
Female-female aggression explains polyterritoriality in male pied flycatchers.
Animal Behaviour
Academic article
Dale, Sven;
Amundsen, Trond;
Lifjeld, Jan Terje;
Slagsvold, Tore.
Mate sampling behaviour of female pied flycatchers: evidence for active mate choice.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Academic article
Espmark, Yngve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla.
Animal Signals: Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Espmark, Yngve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla.
Animal Signals: Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Espmark, Yngve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Rosenqvist, Gunilla.
Animal Signals. Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication.
Proc. DKNVS' Stiftelse Kongsvoll Symp.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo;
Bendixen, Mons;
Amundsen, Trond.
Sexual Behaviour.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amundsen, Trond;
Parn, Henrik.
Female coloration in birds: a review of functional and non-functional hypotheses.
Harvard University Press (HUP)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Amundsen, Trond.
Female ornaments: genetically correlated or sexually selected?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Norgaard, Trygve;
Amundsen, Trond;
Ratikainen, Irja Ida.
Male nest choice in the two-spotted goby (Pomatoschistus flavescens).
Masters thesis
Gavriilidi, Ioanna Aikaterini;
Amundsen, Trond;
Ratikainen, Irja Ida.
Territoriality and nest competition in the two-spotted goby
(Pomatoschistus flavescens)
Masters thesis
Myhre, Lise Cats;
Amundsen, Trond.
Female mate sampling in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens, in relation to sexual competition.
Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Eriksen, Jorunn Mittet;
Amundsen, Trond.
Parental care behaviour and costs in male two-spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens).
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Brevik, Camilla;
Amundsen, Trond.
Reirplassvalg hos tangkutling Gobiusculus flavescens.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Masters thesis
Johansen, Aleksandra I.;
Amundsen, Trond.
Change in male mate choice in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens) over the course of the breeding season.
Institutt for biologi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Amundsen, Trond.
Slideshow: Coral reefs - beauty but a bleak future?.
Klimafestivalen Trondheim 2018
Other presentation
Amundsen, Trond.
Korallrevene og meg: en vidunderlig og trist historie.
Ett nytt vi. Stories. Fortellerkveld på Kunsthallen, Trondheim
Other presentation
Amundsen, Trond.
Håp for Darwins korallrev?.
Website (informational material)
- BI3910 - Master Thesis in Ocean Resources
- BI1003 - Økologi, atferd, evolusjon og bærekraft
- BI8091 - Avansert biologi
- BI2045 - Seksuell seleksjon og kommunikasjon
- BI3062 - Forskningsseminar, marin
Teaching and supervision
I enjoy teaching and teach at all levels, from introductory undergraduate to PhD level. Topics for courses teach or have taught include general animal behaviour, communication and reproductive behaviour, sexual selection, and the theory and philosophy of biological science. I also enjoy supervising MSc and PhD students, and mentoring postdocs and researchers.
In 2020, I was the manager of a major upgrade of the first-year BI1003 Ecology, Behaviour & Evolution course (below), including pedagogical upgrades (a diversity of student-active learning tools and activities), improved topical integration, a new team of teachers, and introducing Global Environmental Challenges and Sustainability as an overarching theme for the course. I was supported by co-manager Aline M. Lee and an excellent team of teachers. In 2021, Aline took over as main manager of the course.
In 2022, the BI1003 Team received the Outstanding Pedagogical Activity Award of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU, for the course revision implemented in 2020/21 (and later followed up), emphasizing sustainability, pedagogical diversity and student-active learning.
Main current courses
BI1003 Ecology, Behaviour og Evolution
First-year course in evolution, behaviour and ecology - the very first biology course in the study program of the Department. I am responsible for teaching behaviour, life history (and a bit evolution. The course is tought in Norwegian, and includes lectures and a supervised student group project on an assigned topic related to environmental challenges sustainability. The current (2022 onwards) main course manager is Associate Professor Aline M. Lee.
BI2045 Sexual Selection and Communication
This course explores communication, sexual selection and reproductive behaviour in animals. It fits into the curriculum towards the end of a BSc degree. The course is based on lectures and a supervised literature review project, and is taught in English. I am the manager and main teacher of the course.
A selection of courses previously taught (and developed)
How To Do Science
Introductory course for the MSc in biology. I am responsible for teaching Theory of Science. The course is taught in English. The course manager is Martin Wagner.
BI3052 Study Design
This MSc course aims to provide an extensive and hands-on introduction to good study design for MSc projects and in general. I developed the couurse along with professors Jon Wright and Christophe Pélabon. My part of the course was on "Testing Hypotheses in Science", "Experimental vs Observational Studies", and "Laboratory vs Field Studies". Currently, the course is taught (and updated) by a new team of teachers, but with the same overarching aims. The current course manager is Professor Cameron Ghalambor. The course is taught in English, and involves extensive student-teacher interaction and group assignments.
MN 8000 Doing science: methods, ethics and dissemination
This course provides a down-to-earth introduction to the fundamental issues of doing science - the challenges and potentials of the scientific endeavour. It also deals with contemporary controversial issues related to the interaction between science and society. I was once instrumental in initiating and developing this course, which to a large extent was modelled on my previous course BI8092 Theory of Science in Biology, for biology PhD students. The current BI8000 course is a PhD course that is mandatory for all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology (the "NT Faculty"), normally to be taken at the start of the PhD study. The course is intensive course and is taught during January - February. The course includes plenary sessions for all students (e.g. scientific writing, dissemination, history of science) and seminar sessions focusing on fundamental issues of doing science. These seminars are split by topic/department. I am responsible for the seminars for biology and biotechnology candidates (and potentially for biophysics). The current course manager is Professor Brian Grimes.
I have extensive experience from supervising MSc and BSc projects, and from mentoring/hosting postdocs and researchers.
I currently supervise or host the following:
Ivain Martinossi, postdoc 2021-2025, DYNAMAR project (host)
Håvard Kaland, PhD candidate, NTNU Ålesund (co-supervisor, main supervisor: Grethe Hansen Aas).
Linn Amalie Sveen Aaresvik, MSc student Ocean Resources
Eirin Jetmundsen Eknes, MSc student Ocean Resources
Tilde Tveraa Røilid, MSc student Ocean Resources
(The PhD-students are co-supervised with Postdoc Ivain Martinossi as main supervisor)
Outreach: important & enjoyable
Artenes utryddelse (Samfundet, Trondheim)
Nordiske Mediedager: Om netthets og netthat
"World record in mating"
Academic lectureKaland, Håvard Blindheim; Banno, Kana; Gansel, Lars Christian; Amundsen, Trond; Tuene, Stig Atle; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen. (2024) Does farmed Atlantic salmon get frightened of wild fish around sea cages?. AQUA 2024 , København 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureKaland, Håvard; Aas, Grete Hansen; Amundsen, Trond; Gansel, Lars Christian; Tuene, Stig Atle. (2022) Delousing behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied by a sea lice model in commercial sea cages. Fiskaaling Sealice conference international 2022 2022-05-09 - 2022-05-13
LectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Bjelvenmark, Jens; Pedersen, Åsa Alexandra Borg; Wallin, Jan Konrad; Wacker, Sebastian. (2021) Climate-driven dynamics of sex ratio, mating competition and sexual selection. FishNet (EEA-funded network, host ISPA, Portugal) Human Impacts on Fish Biology and Marine Ecosystems (Workshop) , Lisbon 2021-09-21 - 2021-09-24
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2021) Will coral reefs survive a warming ocean? An eyewitness account. FishNet (EEA-funded network, host ISPA, Portugal) Human Impacts on Fish Biology and Marine Ecosystems (Workshop) , Lisbon 2021-09-21 - 2021-09-24
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; de Jong, Karen; Myhre, Lise Cats; Wacker, Sebastian; Mobley, Kenyon Brice. (2021) Reproductive dynamics, sexual selection and the environment: What have we learnt from two-spotted gobies. ISPA Human Impacts on Fish Biology and Marine Ecosystems , Lisbon 2021-09-21 - 2021-09-24
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2020) EKKO: Korallrevsfisk blir ikke forvirret likevel. NRK P2 Ekko NRK P2 Ekko [Radio] 2020-02-12
PosterGavriilidi, Ioanna Aikaterini; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Norgaard, Trygve; Amundsen, Trond. (2020) Quality housing overruns costs of competition: a study of two-spotted gobies . Bavarian State Collection of Zoology 8th International Goby Meeting , Starnberg 2020-02-26 - 2020-02-28
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2020) Havet blir surere, men korallrevfisk ser ikke ut til å bli påvirket. [Internet] 2020-01-18
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Bøckman, Petter. (2020) Dyr med naboer er smartere, ifølge studie. [Internet] 2020-10-12
InterviewBøckman, Petter; Amundsen, Trond. (2020) Hvilke dyr er de smarteste?. [Internet] 2020-08-13
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2019) Mating competition and sex roles: what have we learnt from the two-spotted goby?. University of Debrecen New directions in evolutionary research of sex roles , Debrecen 2019-01-10 - 2019-01-13
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2019) Sex roles and sexual selection: lessons from a dynamic model system. Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for biologi Gjesteforelesning , Institutt for biologi, UiO, Blindern, Kristine Bonnevies hus 2019-06-13 - 2019-06-13
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2019) INSTINTO BASICO: 5.3 copulas per hora. National Geographic - Spanish Edition National Geographic - Spanish Edition [Business/trade/industry journal] 2019-11-15
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2019) GIZ Asks: What's the horniest animal?. GIZMODO GIZMODO [Internet] 2019-05-27
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond; Jackson, Jeremy B. C.; Ahmed, Nabil. (2019) Ocean Talk with Jeremy Jackson, Trond Amundsen and Nabil Ahmed (TA moderator). NTNU, Trondheim Kommune and Trøndelag Fylkeskommune The Big Challenge (Trondheim Science Festival) , Krigsseilerplassen, Trondheim 2019-09-16 - 2019-09-16
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2019) Tropical paradise lost? An eyewitness account. NTNU, Trondheim Kommune and Trøndelag Fylkeskommune The Big Challenge (Trondheim Science Festival) , Olavshallen, Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-17
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2018) The Future of Coral Reefs. Klimafestivalen Klimafestivalen Trondheim 2018 , Trondheim 2018-09-08 - 2018-09-08
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2018) Vil lage kunstige korallrev i Great Barrier Reef. [Internet] 2018-09-27
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2018) Samfundsmøte Artenes Utryddelse - foredrag om korallrevenes framtid og paneldebatt om trusler mot verdens biologiske mangfold. Studentersamfundet i Trondheim Samfundsmøte: Artenes Utryddelse , Trondheim 2018-02-17 - 2018-02-17
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2018) Våryr? Om dyrenes mangfoldige sexliv. Realfagskonferansen Realfagskonferansen 2018 , Trondheim 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-07
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2018) Dyrenes mangfoldige sexliv. NTNU Fagdag 3. klasse , Trondheim 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-20
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Dupont, Sam; Jutfelt, Fredrik; Amundsen, Trond. (2018) Elevated CO2 affects embryonic development and larval phototaxis in the two-spotted goby. University of Padova Goby meeting 2018 , Chioggia (Venice) 2018-03-07 - 2018-03-09
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Wacker, Sebastian. (2018) Spatiotemporal variation in sexual dynamics and life history of Gobiusculus flavescens: is mid-Norway a different story?. University of Padova 7th International Goby Meeting 2018 , Chioggia 2018-03-07 - 2018-03-09
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2018) Great Barrier Reef - Vil redde verdens største korallrev med tre milliarder: - Ikke i nærheten av nok. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2018-04-30
LectureAmundsen, Trond; Moser, Edvard Ingjald; Hansen, Alex. (2018) Debattmøte om Plan S, arr av Forskningsrådet og NTNU. innledning av Jon Arne Røttingen, kommentarer/diskusjonsinnlegg fra Edvard Moser, Trond Amundsen, Alex Hansen. Norges Forskningsråd og NTNU Debattmøte om Plan S , NTNU 2018-11-29 - 2018-11-29
Academic lectureGavriilidi, Ioanna Aikaterini; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Amundsen, Trond. (2018) Territorial behaviour and competition in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens). Göteborgs Universitet og Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin Workshop "Interplay Between Parental Care and Sexual Selection" , Fiskebäckskil (SLC Kristineberg) 2018-02-26 - 2018-03-03
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Wacker, Sebastian. (2018) Spatiotemporal dynamics of parental care, sexual selection and life history in a goby model species. Göteborgs Universitet og Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin Workshop "Interplay Between Parental Care and Sexual Selection" , Fiskebäckskil (SLC Kristineberg) 2018-02-26 - 2018-03-03
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: - Det beste er å trene naken (innslag 4:5 i serie om svette på Norgesglasset NRK P1). Norgesglasset, NRK P1 Norgesglasset, NRK P1 [Internet] 2017-04-11
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitte: - Utan hadde me ikkje overlevd (del 1:5 i svette-serie på Norgesglasset NRK P1). Norgesglasset, NRK P1 Norgesglasset, NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-04-10
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sex roles, sexual selection and female ornaments. ASAB and IEC 35th Conference Behaviour 2017 , Estoril 2017-07-30 - 2017-08-04
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Nilsson, Sara Østlund; Forsgren, Elisabet; Cait, Newport; Wacker, Sebastian. (2017) Mate choice plasticity in a coral reef fish. ASAB and IEC 35th Conference Behaviour 2017 , Estoril 2017-07-30 - 2017-08-04
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Derfor kan et mannebrøl tiltrekke en dame. [Internet] 2017-08-31
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Det løner seg å lukte (del 2:5 i programserie om svette). Norgesglasset, NRK P1 Norgesglasset, NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-04-10
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Menneskene og Great Barrier Reef. NRK P2 Studio 2 NRK P2 Studio 2 [Radio] 2017-03-20
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Hvorfor være alfahann når du i stedet kan være en "sneaky fucker"?. [Internet] 2017-09-06
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Svette 1: Uten hadde vi ikke overlevd. Frokostradio NRK P1 Frokostradio NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-07-25
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Svette 3: Det beste er å trene naken. Frokostradio NRK P1 Frokostradio NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-08-08
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Utan hadde me ikkje overlevd. NRK P1+ Radiolangs NRK P1+ Radiolangs [Radio] 2017-04-24
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Svette 2: Det lønner seg å svette. Frokostradio NRK P1 Frokostradio NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-08-01
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Fuglesangen ligger i genene. [Internet] 2017-06-23
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Det beste er å trene naken. NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise [Radio] 2017-04-28
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Det løner seg å svette. NRK P1+ Radiolangs NRK P1+ Radiolangs [Radio] 2017-04-25
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Det løner seg å lukte. Del 2. NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise [Radio] 2017-04-26
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Utan hadde me ikkje overlevd. NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise [Radio] 2017-04-25
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Utan hadde me ikkje overlevd. NRK P1 Distriktsprogram Trøndelag NRK P1 Distriktsprogram Trøndelag [Radio] 2017-04-20
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Svette 4: Mange desiliter svette, takk!. Frokostradio NRK P1 Frokostradio NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-08-15
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Mange desiliter sveitte, takk!. NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise NRK P1 Radiolangs Nattreprise [Radio] 2017-04-27
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Det spøker for verdens korallrev. Ekko NRK P2 Ekko NRK P2 [Radio] 2017-10-11
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Det beste er å trene naken. NRK P1+ Radiolangs NRK P1+ Radiolangs [Radio] 2017-04-27
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Det løner seg å lukte. NRK P1 Distriktsprogram Trøndelag NRK P1 Distriktsprogram Trøndelag [Radio] 2017-04-26
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: Mange desiliter sveitte, takk!. NRK P1+ Radiolangs NRK P1+ Radiolangs [Radio] 2017-04-26
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Mensen var lenge siste skanse, men det er dette som er det siste tabu (intervju om biologiske forklaringer på menopause). Dagens Næringsliv D2 Dagens Næringsliv D2 [Newspaper] 2017-12-14
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Liland, Ørjan. (2017) To tredjedeler av korallene i Great Barrier Reef er rammet av korallbleking: - Ødelagt for alltid. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2017-04-14
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2017) Sveitt: - Mange desiliter sveitte, takk! (del 3:5 i svette-serie på Norgesglasset NRK P1). Norgesglasset, NRK P1 Norgesglasset, NRK P1 [Radio] 2017-04-11
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Frokostradio: Hvordan påvirker våren oss og dyrene rundt oss? (NRK P1+). NRK P1+ NRK P1+ [Radio] 2016-04-04
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Dynamikk i kjønnsroller og seksuell seleksjon: lærdommer fra et tangkutling-prosjekt. Foreningen Norske Etologer Årsmøte, Foreningen Norske Etologer , Trondheim 2016-03-12 - 2016-03-12
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Hva er sosiobiologi? Sosiologisk Salong # 6 Samtale om sosiobiologi (foredrag + paneldebatt). Sosiologisk Salong Sosiologisk Salong, Trondheim , Trondheim 2016-03-11 - 2016-03-11
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Female fish lose interest in colourful males. Science Nordic Science Nordic [Internet] 2016-11-02
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Hunnfisk byttet ut jålebukkene med de kjedelige hannene. [Internet] 2016-10-30
Programme participation
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Kråkeplage i Honningsvåg. Finnmarksposten Finnmarksposten [Newspaper] 2016-10-24
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Bildene av Great Barrier Reef er tatt med én måneds mellomrom. - Knapt mulig å fatte. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2016-06-20
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Korallbleking og truslene mot verdens korallrev. Norgesglasset (NRK P1) Norgesglasset (NRK P1) [Radio] 2016-06-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2016) Sexforedrag på Dokkhuset ga publikum noen aha-opplevelser og bekreftet noen fordommer (omtale av foredrag på NTNU Kveld på Dokkhuset). Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2016-04-27
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Hvorfor blir vi forelska?. NRK P3 Juntafil NRK P3 Juntafil [Radio] 2016-05-19
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) 1000 kilometer korallrev kan gå tapt. [Internet] 2016-04-15
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2016) Sexy mangfold hos mennesker og dyr (NRK Ekko med bakgrunn i felles foredrag på NTNU Kveld). EKKO (NRK P2) EKKO (NRK P2) [Radio] 2016-05-20
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Bryceson, Ian; Furevik, Tore. (2016) Kva om korallreva forsvinn? Korallreva og det rike artsmangfaldet i og rundt dei er truga når temperaturen i havet stig. NRK P2 EKKO NRK P2 EKKO [Radio] 2016-04-11
LectureAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Dynamics of sex roles and sexual selection: lessons from goby fishes. University of Bergen Guest lecture, University of Bergen , Department of Biology 2016-01-08 - 2016-01-08
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) The Great Barrier Reef is in Trouble. NutsoNews NutsoNews [Internet] 2016-04-25
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) 1000 km korallrev kan bli borte (artikkel med bakgrunn i oppslag i MiljøNytt MiljøNytt [Internet] 2016-04-11
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2016) Våryr? Om sexlivets mangfold hos dyr og mennesker (populærforedrag i serien NTNU Kveld på Dokkhuset i Trondheim). NTNU, Vitenskapsmuseet NTNU Kveld, Dokkhuset , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2016-04-27 - 2016-04-27
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2016) Disse fuglene overlevde ikke den kalde starten på sommeren i nord. [Internet] 2016-06-10
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) NTNU-forskere i ekstase over verdensrekord i befruktning (MidtNytt KortNytt 20.55). NRK MidtNytt Kortnytt 2055 NRK MidtNytt Kortnytt 2055 [TV] 2015-08-24
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) NTNU-forskere i ekstase over verdensrekord i befruktning (Dagsrevyen 21). Dagsrevyen 21 Dagsrevyen 21 [TV] 2015-08-24
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Papegøyen nektet å spise før jordskjelvet. [Internet] 2015-10-13
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Verdensrekord i befruktning på Hitra. [Internet] 2015-08-17
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) NTNU-forskere i ekstase over verdensrekord i befruktning. NRK MidtNytt 1845 NRK MidtNytt 1845 [TV] 2015-08-24
DocumentaryAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Ukas High Five: Fisken som trolig har verdensrekord i befruktning. Natt og Dag Natt og Dag [Journal] 2015-08-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Wacker, Sebastian. (2015) Fisken parrer seg på andre måter i Sverige. [Internet] 2015-05-26
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Goby behaviour says much about sexual selection. ScienceNordic ScienceNordic [Internet] 2015-08-26
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Verdensrekord i befruktning på Hitra. Nationen Nationen [Newspaper] 2015-08-17
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Seksuell sensasjon på Hitra. Klassekampen Klassekampen [Newspaper] 2015-08-18
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Wacker, Sebastian. (2015) Hvorfor svensker og trøndere er ulike. Gemini Gemini [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-05-26
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Utne-Palm, Anne Christine; Kvarnemo, Lotta; Lindström, Kai; de Jong, Karen. (2015) Who limits who? Skewed sex ratios in Nordic gobies – preliminary results from transect investigations in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The goby meeting 2015: Gobies as a model for invasion biology, evolutionary ecology, and reproductive strategies – A Marcus Wallenberg symposium , Umeå 2015-02-24 - 2015-02-27
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; de Jong, Karen; Mobley, Kenyon; Myhre, Lise Cats; Wacker, Sebastian; Amundsen, Trond. (2015) Hvem begrenser hvem? Skjeve kjønnsrater og reproduksjonsøkologi hos en liten fisk i algebeltet. Norges forskningsråd Havet og kysten avslutningskonferanse , Oslo 2015-04-07 - 2015-04-09
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Denne fuglen danser raskere enn vi klarer å se. [Internet] 2015-11-26
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Naturens pornostjerne: Dette dyr har 25 sexpartnere på få dage. [Newspaper] 2015-09-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Denne fuglen danser raskere enn vi klarer å se. [Internet] 2015-11-24
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Mus lukter seg fram til slektningene sine. [Internet] 2015-11-08
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Parringsparat fisk klarer 25 hunner på få dage. Jyllands-Posten Jyllands-Posten [Newspaper] 2015-09-24
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Ny forskning om korallrev og havforsuring. EKKO NRK P2 (Reprise) EKKO NRK P2 (Reprise) [Radio] 2015-11-15
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2015) Ny forskning om korallrev og havforsuring. EKKO NRK P2 (Hovedsending) EKKO NRK P2 (Hovedsending) [Radio] 2015-11-25
PosterAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Wacker, Sebastian; Utne-Palm, Anne Christine; Kvarnemo, Charlotta; Lindström, Kai. (2015) Spatial and temporal variation in sex ratio and sexual size dimorphism in two species of gobies. Umeå University and SLU Umeå Gobies as a model for invasion biology, evolutionary ecology, and reproductive strategies. A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium , Umeå 2015-02-24 - 2015-02-27
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Hvorfor kan noen fugler snakke?. [Internet] 2014-11-01
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Utrolig fantasidyr i havdypet. [Internet] 2014-10-22
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Hvorfor kan noen fugler snakke?. Norsk Datakunnskap Network Norsk Datakunnskap Network [Internet] 2014-11-01
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Troverdigheten til norske forskere kan ha fått seg en bulk. Viten Viten [Internet] 2014-05-19
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Kommunikasjon, farger og sex i dyreverdenen. NTNU Researcher's Night, NTNU (Ungdommens Forskernatt) , Realfagbygget, NTNU 2014-09-29 - 2014-09-29
LectureAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Formidling (foredrag om formidling under Motivator-arrangement, NTNU). Motivator (studentorganisasjon NTNU) Formidling (Motivator-møte) , Realfagbygget, NTNU 2014-11-19 - 2014-11-19
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Utroligt fantasidyr observeret på havets bund. [Internet] 2014-10-28
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Videoptagelser av underligt dyr forbløffer forskere. BT (Berlingske Tidende; DK) BT (Berlingske Tidende; DK) [Newspaper] 2014-11-01
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2014) Mystisk dyr forbløffer forskere. EkstraBladet (DK) EkstraBladet (DK) [Newspaper] 2014-10-29
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2013) Paneldebatt om netthets, Nordiske Mediedager i Bergen og NRK Ekko. Ekko/youtube Ekko/youtube [Radio] 2013-05-13
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2013) Fann forklaring på penismysterium. Viten Viten [Internet] 2013-06-08
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2013) Fann forklaring på penismangel hos fugler. [Internet] 2013-06-09
Programme participation
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Desperate fishwives search for goby males. Science Daily (USA) Science Daily (USA) [Internet] 2012-04-27
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Desperate fishwives. AlphaGalilio AlphaGalilio [Internet] 2012-04-27
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Desperate fishwives: goby girls go gaga for goby boys. Constantine Alexander's Blog Constantine Alexander's Blog [Internet] 2012-05-03
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Abels Tårn (NRK Ekko) - spesialsending fra Trondheim. NRK Ekko Abels Tårn NRK Ekko Abels Tårn [Radio] 2012-06-08
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Desperate fishwives. ScienceNordic ScienceNordic [Internet] 2012-04-27
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) These little fish swap their gender roles every season. [Internet] 2012-04-29
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Slikt ein ikkje gjer. Forskerforum Forskerforum [Business/trade/industry journal] 2012-11-08
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Goby girls go gaga over guys. Marine Biology Marine Biology [Internet] 2012-05-11
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Er det mye kjærlighet blant dyrene på Valentine's day?. Student-TV NTNU Student-TV NTNU [TV] 2012-02-15
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Om våryrhet og våryre dyr. NRK P1 Norgesglasset NRK P1 Norgesglasset [Radio] 2012-04-11
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Nå kommer varmebølgen - og derfor blir du våryr. VG VG [Newspaper] 2012-03-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Turning the tables of the mating game. ScienceNOW (tidsskriftet Science på nett) ScienceNOW (tidsskriftet Science på nett) [Internet] 2012-05-31
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Myhre, Lise Cats. (2012) Frustrerte fiskefruer. [Internet] 2012-05-02
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Etter hjernevask: hvem kan lære oss hva om mennesket?. FANT - Forum for Arkeologisk og Naturvitenskapelig forskning Fant-aften , Vitenskapsmuseet, Trondheim 2012-03-23 -
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Morten Fyhn, Amundsen; Helen Nilsson, Sköld. (2012) The fastest fish in the World - to change colour. International Society of Behavioral Ecology ISBE Conference , Lund 2012-08-12 - 2012-08-18
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Newport, Caitlin; Sara Östlund, Nilsson. (2012) Coloration signals dominance in a coral reef fish. International Society for Reef Studies 12th International Coral Reef Symposium , Cairns 2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Dyrenes mangfoldige sexliv. Studentersamfundet i Trondheim Excenteraften , Samfundet, Trondheim 2012-03-21 -
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Caitlin, Newport. (2012) Conflict resolution in territorial reef fish: interactions between body size and behaviour. International Society for Reef Studies 12th International Coral Reef Symposium , Cairns 2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Morten Fyhn, Amundsen; Helen Nilsson, Sköld. (2012) The fastest fish in the World - to change colour. International Society for Coral Reef Studies International Coral Reef Symposium , Cairns 2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2012) Is journalism taking over the universities?. Biologer Uten Grenser Biologer Uten Grenser - foredrag , Realfagbygget, NTNU 2012-10-19 -
PosterWacker, Sebastian; Mobley, Kenyon; Forsgren, Elisabet; Myhre, Lise Cats; de Jong, Karen; Amundsen, Trond. (2012) Sexual selection in a marine fish: affected by OSR but not density. ASSEMBLE Conference 2012-10-23 - 2012-10-25
Academic lectureWacker, Sebastian; Mobley, Kenyon; Forsgren, Elisabet; Myhre, Lise Cats; de Jong, Karen; Amundsen, Trond. (2012) OSR but not density affects the strength of sexual selection in a marine fish. ISBE 2012 2012-08-12 - 2012-08-18
Academic lecturede Jong, Karen; Amundsen, Trond; Bouton, Niels; Forsgren, Elisabet; Heubel, Katja; Sandvik, Hanno. (2012) The love life of gobies and rockpool blennies: About sounds and other forms of mating competition. group seminar , University of Tübingen 2012-03-26 -
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Vitenstjerner rockar i England. Viten Viten [Internet] 2011-06-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Blåstrupe mister damedraget. Listen to Birds Listen to Birds [Internet] 2011-05-02
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Fuglene i farger. Norges Jeger og Fiskerforbund Norges Jeger og Fiskerforbund [Internet] 2011-07-22
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Fuglene eventyrlige fargeverden. [Internet] 2011-09-26
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Havforsuring gjør Nemo døv. NRK P2 Ekko Verdt å Vite NRK P2 Ekko Verdt å Vite [Radio] 2011-06-07
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Kime til høne. Norsk Telegrambyrå NTB Norsk Telegrambyrå NTB [Internet] 2011-04-20
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Blåstrupe med solkrem mister damedraget. [Internet] 2011-05-02
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Kime til høne. Oppland Arbeiderblad Oppland Arbeiderblad [Newspaper] 2011-04-20
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2011) Våren kommer - kommer du?. Nærnett, Volda Nærnett, Volda [Internet] 2011-04-14
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) "Tøffere enn noen gang å være korallrevsfisk". Verdt Å Vite Spesial om korallrev. NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite [Radio] 2010-01-11
Academic lecturede Jong, Karen; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2010) How to test sex-role theory: A novel experimental approach. International society for behavioral ecology ISBE , Perth 2010-09-26 - 2010-10-01
Academic lecturede Jong, Karen; Myhre, Lise Cats; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2010) A "nest box" study on two-spotted gobies. Gothenburg University The 4th Nordic Goby Meeting , Gothenburg 2010-11-29 - 2010-12-01
Academic lectureMyhre, Lise Cats; de Jong, Karen; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2010) Female mate sampling in a fish with dynamic sex roles. Internasjonal Society of Behavioral Ecology ISBE , Perth 2010-09-26 - 2010-10-01
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Korallrevene. Tema-program om korallrev (30 min), basert på intervju med T. Amundsen, G. Nilsson og K. B. Døving. Sendt formiddag og kveld. Verdt Å Vite, NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite, NRK P2 [Radio] 2010-01-11
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Intervju om kråker som kan gjenkjenne mennesker på ansiktstrekk. NRK Radio P1 Kveldsåpent NRK Radio P1 Kveldsåpent [Radio] 2010-02-03
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Korallrev (spesialprogram Verdt å Vite). NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite [Radio] 2010-07-19
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2010) «The coral reef conundrum. New project: life in coral reefs. Why are coral reef fishes coloured the way they are?». Gemini Gemini [Journal] 2010-10-01
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Hunder er smartere enn katter. Viten Viten [Internet] 2010-11-24
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Livet på korallrevene: det har blitt tøffere å være korallrevsfisk. NRK På Livet Laus NRK På Livet Laus [Radio] 2010-11-20
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Harvard-professor gransket for juks. [Internet] 2010-10-28
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Hva skal korallfisk med så flotte farger? Nytt prosjekt: Livet rundt korallrevene. Hvorfor ser fisken der ut som den gjør?. Gemini Gemini [Journal] 2010-02-24
Programme participation
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Hva nå? Debatt etter Hjernevask 7. NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite [Radio] 2010-04-20
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Livet på korallrevene: Det har blitt tøffere å være korallrevsfisk. NRK På Livet Laus NRK På Livet Laus [Radio] 2010-11-14
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2010) Kråker gjenkjenner ansikter. NRK P1 Kveldsåpent NRK P1 Kveldsåpent [Radio] 2010-02-03
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Debatt om Ida-fossilet med Jørn Hurum. NRK Radio P2 Verdt å Vite NRK Radio P2 Verdt å Vite [Radio] 2009-06-03
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Omstridt i utlandet. Schrödingers Katt, NRK (nettsted) Schrödingers Katt, NRK (nettsted) [Internet] 2009-05-20
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Intervju om fuglers intelligens med utgangspunkt i ny forskning. NRK Radio P1 Kveldsåpent NRK Radio P1 Kveldsåpent [Radio] 2009-05-28
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Intervju om dyphavsfisk med unikt synssystem - kommentar til ny forskning. NRK P2 - Verdt Å Vite NRK P2 - Verdt Å Vite [Radio] 2009-01-09
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Pussefisk - om velværesentre i havet. Verdt Å Vite, NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite, NRK P2 [Radio] 2009-08-28
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Er fugler intelligente - og hvilke fugler er smartest?. Norgesglasset, NRK Radio Norgesglasset, NRK Radio [Radio] 2009-09-25
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2009) When feminine beauty thrives on competition (nyhetsoppslag på Science News med kommentar/intervju med meg). Science News (Washington, US), web edition Science News (Washington, US), web edition [Internet] 2009-12-09
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Fisk som flørter. Nysgjerrigper (blad)/ Nysgjerrigper (blad)/ [Internet] 2009-09-07
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Stor familie - vakrere hunner (nyhetsoppslag i med kommentar fra meg). [Internet] 2009-12-23
Academic lectureWacker, Sebastian; Mobley, Kenyon B.; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2009) Do OSR and density affect the genetic mating system of the two-spotted goby?. EMPSEB , Schoorl 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-19
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2009) Fant ukjent kjemperotte og over 40 nye dyrearter i vulkan. [Internet] 2009-09-13
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2008) Osenbanden: Intervju "Hvorfor er vi (menneskene) her?" - et "Darwinistisk" syn. Osenbanden Osenbanden [Radio] 2008-11-13
Academic lectureBarber, Iain; Bjelvenmark, Jens; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Davies, Angela J.; Forsgren, Elisabet; Ironside, Joe. (2008) A newly described Kabatana sp. microsporidium from two-spotted gobies: pathology of infection, ecology and consequences for host behaviour and evolution. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureDe, Jong Karen; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2008) The influence of having many partners on the frequency of courtship behaviour: How does the assumption that frequency = eagerness affect the outcome of our experiments?. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureMyhre, Lise C.; Forsgren, Elisabet; De, Jong Karen; Amundsen, Trond. (2008) Female mate sampling in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens, in relation to sexual competition. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureMobley, Kenyon B.; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Svensson, P. Andreas; Jones, Adam G.. (2008) The genetic mating system of the two-spotted goby during sex-role reversal. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureWacker, Sebastian; Mobley, Kenyon B.; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2008) Do OSR and density affect the genetic mating system of two-spotted gobies? A mesocosm experiment. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2008) Mate choice and sexual selection: what have we learnt from studies of Nordic gobies?. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureDe, Jong Karen; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2008) A marking study on two-spotted gobies. forskningsradet Havet og kystens doktorgradsseminar , oslo 2008-11-19 - 2008-11-20
Academic lectureDe, Jong Karen; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2008) OSR, density and mating competition: insights from the two-spotted goby. Cornell university 12th Biennial Congress of the International Behavioral Ecology Society , Ithaca, New York 2008-08-09 - 2008-08-15
Academic lectureRostad, H.; Naalsund, Anne; Strand, TE; Hummerfelt, S; Amundsen, T; Steinshamn, SL. (2008) Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) in Norway. A population-based study. ERS Congress , Berlin 2008-10-04 -
PosterForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2008) The Trondheim Goby Group. Nordic Goby Network (GobyNet) Gobies as Models in Evolutionary Ecology , Herrankukkaro, Åbo 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureRostad, H.; Naalsund, Anne; Strand, Trond-Eirik; Hummelfelt, S; Ekholt, P-F; Amundsen, T. (2007) Sex-associated differences in patients undergoing resection for lung cancer. A population-based study of 1856 patients. European Respiratory Society Annual Conference , Stockholm 2007-09-15 - 2007-09-19
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2006) Hvorfor galer hanen? (intervju). Radio 1 Trøndelag Radio 1 Trøndelag [Radio] 2006-01-31
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2006) Intervju om evolusjon og "intelligent design". NRK P3, Osenbanden NRK P3, Osenbanden [Radio] 2006-10-04
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2006) Intervju om evolusjon og "intelligent design". Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2006-10-25
Academic lectureCamilla, Brevik; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Nest site choice in two-spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens). NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureEriksen, Jorunn Mittet; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2006) Costs of paternal care in the two-spotted goby: a research plan. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Discussion on variability in sexual selection and sex roles in gobies. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureBjelvenmark, Jens; Pelabon, Christophe; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Barber, Iain; Svensson, Andreas; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Do microsporidian parasites affect parental care in two-spotted gobies?. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureJohansen, Aleksandra I.; Svensson, Andreas; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Seasonal variation in male mate choice for female coloration in two-spotted gobies. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) The Trondheim group. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Pelabon, Christophe; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Techniques for incubating and analyzing goby eggs. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Pelabon, Christophe; Blount, Jonathan D.; Surai, Peter F.; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Female coloration and egg carotenoids in gobies. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Eriksen, Jorunn Mittet. (2006) Discussion on function and costs of care in gobies. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Svensson, Andreas. (2006) Can we mark gobies for lab and field investigations?. NTNU, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureSagebakken, Gry Gunnarsdatter; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Pelabon, Christophe; Barber, Iain; Amundsen, Trond. (2006) Female mate discrimination in the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens) in relation to male parasite status and season. NTNU, Dept. of Biology, The Goby Research Group 2nd Nordic Goby Workshop , Songli 2006-03-16 - 2006-03-19
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2006) Kjønnsroller i dyreverdenen. DKNVS Akademimøte, DKNVS , Trondheim 2006-03-27 - 2006-03-27
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2006) Darwin - falsk profet? Evolusjonsteoriens status i dag. Studentersamfundet, Trondheim Darwin - falsk profet? Debattmøte om evolusjon og "intelligent design" , Storsalen, Studentersamfundet 2006-09-25 - 2006-09-25
Academic lectureBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Rosenqvist, Gunilla. (2005) Presence of same sex individuals negatively affects egg maturaion in female guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Institutt for biologi, Gunilla Rosenqvist 2nd European Poeciliid conference , NTNU, Trondheim 2005-12-04 - 2005-12-06
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2005) Blåstrupe med solkrem mistet draget. [Internet] 2005-06-29
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2005) Ter seg ikke som en dame. [Internet] 2005-09-27
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2005) Ter seg ikke som en dame. Gemini (trykt tidskrift og internett ) Gemini (trykt tidskrift og internett ) [Newspaper] 2005-09-16
PosterForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2005) Dynamic sex roles in a goby: the unexpected timing of a sex role shift. International Ethological Society XXIX International Ethological Conference , Budapest 2005-08-20 - 2005-08-27
PosterForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2005) Dynamic sex roles in a goby: the unexpected timing of a sex role shift. NTNU, Department of Biology 2nd European Poeciliidae Conference , Trondheim 2005-12-04 - 2005-12-06
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Östlund-Nilsson, Sara. (2005) Reef fish colours: males select for female beauty. International Ethological Society XXIX International Ethological Conference , Budapest 2005-08-20 - 2005-08-27
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Avslørte flørtende fisker (omtale). Nettavisen TV2 Nettavisen TV2 [Newspaper] 2004-06-04
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Fisk bytter kjønnsroller (omtale, intervju). Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2004-06-07
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Skriver i "Nature" om kjønnsroller hos fisk (omtale, intervju). Universitetsavisa, nettbasert, Trondheim Universitetsavisa, nettbasert, Trondheim [Newspaper] 2004-06-07
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Macho fisk blir myke! (omtale). Adresseavisen nettutgave Adresseavisen nettutgave [Internet] 2004-06-04
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Sex roles reversible (omtale, Nature Highlights). Nature Nature [Newspaper] 2004-06-03
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Unik västsvensk studie av smörbultens sexliv. Göteborgsposten Göteborgsposten [Newspaper] 2004-06-26
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Rollentausch: Schwimmgrundeln wechseln sich ab in der Partnerwerbung (omtale). SpektrumDirekt - Die Wissenschaftzeitung am Internet (omtale SpektrumDirekt - Die Wissenschaftzeitung am Internet (omtale [Internet] 2004-06-04
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Auch Damen können Machos sein (omtale). [Internet] 2004-06-03
InterviewForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Smörbultar växler könsroller. Dagens Nyheter (omtale) Dagens Nyheter (omtale) [Newspaper] 2004-06-06
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2004) Reproductive dynamics in two-spotted gobies. University of Stockholm 1st Nordic Goby Meeting , Helsinki 2004-03-01 - 2004-03-03
Academic lectureJohansen, Aleksandra I.; Svensson, Andreas; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Male mate choice for female color: seasonally flexible?. Stockholms Univsersitet 1st Nordic Goby Workshop , Silja Line, Sverige-Finland 2004-03-01 - 2004-03-03
Academic lectureBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2004) Sex roles and reproductive behaviour in the two-spotted goby. University of Oulu Seminar, University of Oulu , Oulu 2004-12-02 - 2004-12-02
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Blount, Jonathan; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Carotenoids and reproductive performance in fish: gobies as a model system. NFR-MARE Doktorgradsseminare NFR-MARE , Olso 2004-10-14 -
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Blount, Jonathan; Pelabon, Christophe; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Female two-spotted gobies display egg carotenoid status. PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology 10th Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology , Preston Montford Field Centre 2004-08-30 -
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Blount, Jonathan; Pelabon, Christophe; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Female two-spotted gobies display egg carotenoid status. Kristineberg Marine Research Station Guest Researcher Seminar , Fiskebäckskil 2004-07-27 -
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Blount, Jonathan; Pelabon, Christophe; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Understanding the colorful belly of the two-spotted goby. Institutt for Biologi NTNU Forskningsseminar , Trondheim 2004-04-01 -
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Blount, Jonathan; Pelabon, Christophe; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Female two-spotted gobies display egg carotenoid status. Holar University College Iceland Ecological & Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes , Saudarkrokur 2004-08-16 -
Academic lectureSvensson, Andreas; Pelabon, Christophe; Blount, Jonathan; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Female ornaments and offspring quality. Lotta Kvarnemo, Stockholms Universitet 1st Nordic goby meeting , Helsinki 2004-03-02 -
PosterParn, Henrik; Amundsen, Trond. (2004) Better big than blue (or brown): plumage colour and cell-mediated immune response in female bluethroats. International Society for Behavioral Ecology ISBE 2004 , Jyväskylä 2004-07-10 - 2004-07-15
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2003) Fish as models in studies of sexual selection and parental care. Fisheries Society of the British Isles Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Conference , University of East Anglia, Norwich 2003-07-01 - 2003-07-04
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2002) Intervju om hvordan dyr bruker farger som status-signaler og til å tiltrekke maker. Schrödingers Katt Schrödingers Katt [TV] 2002-04-25
Programme participationAmundsen, Trond. (2002) Invervju om hunnlig fargeprakt i dyreriket. Verdt Å Vite, NRK P2 Verdt Å Vite, NRK P2 [Radio] 2002-08-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2002) Jåleri i dyreriket vekker oppsikt (omtale, intervju). Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2002-07-04
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2002) In the animal kingdom, a new look at female beauty. New York Times New York Times [Newspaper] 2002-06-25
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2002) Forsker på fiskers og fuglers kjærlighetsliv (intervju, omtale). Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2002-07-04
Academic lectureBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Rosenqvist, Gunilla; Forsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Åsmul, Tommy. (2002) Preference of consexuals affects fecundity in female guppies. European Behavioural Ecology Conference , Muenster 2002-08-15 -
InterviewAmundsen, Trond. (2001) A blind spot for female beauty. The Independent (London) The Independent (London) [Newspaper] 2001-02-02
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2001) Lady in Red (omtale, intervju). ScienceNOW (Science på nett) ScienceNOW (Science på nett) [Internet] 2001-10-22
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2001) Herrenwahl (omtale). SpektrumDirekt-Die Wissenschaftzeitung am Internet (omtale) SpektrumDirekt-Die Wissenschaftzeitung am Internet (omtale) [Internet] 2001-10-21
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2001) Fish study finds that male mate choice matters (omtale). Scientific American Scientific American [Internet] 2001-10-17
InterviewAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2001) Wow! Se den dama!/Også fisk går etter utseendet". Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2001-10-21
Academic lectureBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2001) Seasonal changes in female choosiness. XXVII International Ethological Conference , Tübingen, Tyskland 2001-08-29 -
PosterBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Rosenqvist, Gunilla; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2000) Effects of female-female competition on female reproduction in guppies. ISBE2000, 8th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , Zürich, Schweitz, 8-12 august 2000
PosterBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Rosenqvist, Gunilla; Amundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (2000) Effects of female-female competition on female reproduction in guppies. Oikos 18 , Lund, Sverige, 7-9 februar 2000
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2000) Reproductive dynamics of the two-spotted goby. , Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden, June 2000
Academic lectureSmiseth, Per Terje; Örnborg, Jonas; Andersson, Staffan; Amundsen, Trond. (2000) Is plumage reflectance of bluethroats correlated with the level of parental care?. 8th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , Zürich, Switzerland, 8-12 August 2000
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Smiseth, Per Terje; Bu, Rolf Jørund; Eikenæs, Aase Kristin. (2000) Begging and provisioning when offspring differ in size. International Workshop on Begging in Birds , Gregynog, Wales, August 2000
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2000) Dynamic sex roles in the two-spotted goby. 8th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , Zürich, Switzerland, 8-12 August 2000
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Bu, Rolf Jørund; Smiseth, Per Terje; Eikenæs, Aase Kristin. (2000) Who rules? The roles of parents and offspring in food distribution among avian siblings. 8th International Behavioural Ecology Congress , Zürich, 8-12 August 2000
Academic lectureBarber, Iain; Amundsen, Trond. (2000) Host-parasite relationships and reproductive dynamics of introduced minnows in Northern European lakes. EEEF Conference , Georgia, USA, May 2000
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond; Borg, Åsa A.; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (2000) Dynamic sex roles in the two-spotted goby. 8th Ibero-American Congress of Ethology , Granada, Spain, September 2000
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (2000) Fuglenes hemmelige prakt: om synlige og usynlige ornamenter. , Trondheim, 15.3.2000
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (1999) Male bluethroats prefer colourful females. 26nd International Ethological Conference , Bangalore, India, 2-9 August 1999
Academic lectureForsgren, Elisabet; Amundsen, Trond. (1999) On the function of female ornaments � male two-spotted gobies prefer colourful females. European Science Foundation Workshop on Evolution and Behaviour of Shallow-water Fishes , Tvärminne, Finland, March 1999
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1999) Hvorfor er hunner ornamenterte?. , Dept. of Zoology, Göteborg University, 22 Februar 1999
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1999) Sexual conflict and hatching asynchrony : a review. 22nd International Ornithological Congress , Durban, South Africa, 16-22 August 1998
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet. (1999) Sexual selection on female coloration in fish: experiments with two-spotted gobies. 26nd International Ethological Conference , Bangalore, India, 2-9 August 1999
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Borg, Åsa; Bjelvenmark, Jens. (1999) Sexual selection on female coloration in fish: experiments with two-spotted gobies. 5th Swedish Fish Biology Meeting , Dept. of Zoology, Göteborg University, 22 Februar 1999
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1998) Ultraviolet ornamentation and mate choice in birds. Seminarserie , NINA, Trondheim
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1998) Why are female animals ornamented?. International Symposium on The Adaptive Function of Signals and Signalling in Animal Communication , Kongsvoll, Norway
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1998) Female ornaments: genetically correlated or sexually selected?. International Symposium: Adaptive Significance of Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication , Kongsvoll, Norway, 15-20 September 1998
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Haraldseth, O.; Kvaerness, J.; Waage, Anders; Bjermer, L.. (1998) MR-perfusion imaging of human lung disease: Pulmonary emboli, pneumonia and chronic obstructive lung disease. ERS , Geneva, Switzerland
Academic lectureSmiseth, Per Terje; Amundsen, Trond. (1998) Female plumage coloration does not signal parental quality in bluethroats: a mate removal experiment. 7th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSmiseth, Per Terje; Amundsen, Trond. (1998) Female plumage coloration does not signal parental quality in bluethroats: a mate removal experiment. 7th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1998) Sexual conflict and hatching asynchrony. 22nd International Ornithological Congress , Durban, South Africa
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Irwin, Rebecca. (1998) Female ornaments: sexually selected or genetically correlated?. 22nd International Ornithological Congress , Durban, South Africa
Academic lectureBu, Rolf J.; Smiseth, Per T.; Amundsen, Trond; Eikenæs, Aase K.. (1998) Effects of reduced food availability on sibling competition and parental food distribution in the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica). 7th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , Monterey, USA
Academic lectureEikenæs, Aase K.; Smiseth, Per T.; Amundsen, Trond; Bu, Rolf J.. (1998) Begging behaviour in relation to short- and long-term need in the bluethroat, Luscinia s. svecica. 7th International Behavioural Ecology Conference , Monterey, USA
Academic lectureSmiseth, Per T.; Amundsen, Trond. (1998) Female plumage coloration does not signal parental quality in bluethroats: a mate removal experiment. 7th International Behavioral Ecology Congress , Monterey, USA
PosterSæther, Stein Are; Amundsen, Trond. (1998) The adaptive significance of female song in different mating systems. International Symposium on The Adaptive Significance of Signals and Signalling in Animal Communication , Kongsvoll, Norway
PosterSmiseth, Per T.; Amundsen, Trond; Eikenæs, Aase K.; Bu, Rolf J.. (1998) Signalling among family members in the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica). International Symposium on The Adaptive Significance of Signals and Signalling in Animal Communication , Kongsvoll, Norway
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1998) Hvorfor er hunner ornamenterte?. , Kristineberg Marine Forskningsstasjon, Sverige
Programme participation
Programme participation
Popular scientific lectureAmundsen, Trond. (1997) The active female : an introductory overview. Oikos Course "Animal Mating Strategies : a Female Perspective , Songli, 15-20.3. 1997
Academic lectureAmundsen, Trond; Forsgren, Elisabet; Hansen, L.T.T.. (1997) Male bluethroats prefer colourful females. Oikos Course "Animal Mating Strategies : a Female Perspective , Songli, 15-20.3. 1997
Academic lectureDullerud, Reidar; Amundsen, T; Lie, Håkon; Juel, Nils Gunnar; Magnæs, Bjørn A.. (1996) CT-discography with manometry and MRI as predictors of outcome of lumbar percutaneous automated mucleotomy. Advanced Course of the European Society of Neuroradiology 1996-01-01 -