Trond Aalberg
Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence Group.
My main research is on methods and techniques to make content available, searchable and accessible in the context of user needs. Current research is on metadata and ontologies, covering semantic descriptions of contents, search services and search strategies, and crowdsourcing and collaborative creation. Additionally, I have a focus on learning technologies and innovative learning activities environments.
I have been teaching various courses at the bachelor and master level specialization. Many students know me from the introductory course in C++, but currently I am responsible for a course in Web Development (IT2810) and a continuing education course in programming for teachers (IT6201).
In the period 2013-2016 I have been deputy head of the Department of Computer and Information Science with responsibility for teaching and education and I have been head of Computer and Information Science study program board and leader of the study programs in Informatics, Computer Science and Information Systems in the period 2009-2017.
Currently, I am participating in the nationally funded Excited SFU as leader for the project "Projects of becoming" and leader for NTNU Beta project on early adoptation of innovative learning technologies.
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
Exploring Player Engagement in Social and Pervasive Learning Games.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (334)
Doctoral dissertation
Bayat Esfandani, Somayeh;
Aalberg, Trond.
Students' perceptions toward essential functionalities and qualities of peer code assessment tools.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Farrokhnia, Maliheh;
Aalberg, Trond.
What Information Are Researchers Looking for? Patterns of users’ Information Needs in CIDOC CRM.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Skaug, Johanna;
Aalberg, Trond.
The Concept of Work in Theater Performances.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Riva, Pat;
Zumer, Maja.
Presenting Compounds to End Users in Search Results.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Trætteberg, Hallvard;
Aalberg, Trond.
Study Behavior in Computing Education—A Systematic Literature Review.
ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Hall, Mark;
Merc̆un, Tanja;
Risse, Thomas.
Current Research on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Best Papers from TPDL 2019 & 2020.
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Characteristics of the Student-Driven Learning Environment in Computing Education: A Case Study on the Interaction between Educational Design and Study Behavior.
Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
O´Neill, Ed;
Zumer, Maja.
Extending the LRM Model to Integrating Resources.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Creating Learning Environments Within the Constraints of Higher Education - a Case Study of a First-Year Computing Program.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
Den Eksterne Sensoren – akademias superhelt?.
Reader opinion piece
Haugse, Åsmund;
Aalberg, Trond.
Git in an Educational Context.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Understanding the Relation Between Study Behaviors and Educational Design: Research in Computing Education.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Pløhn, Trygve;
Iversen, Kjærand;
Aalberg, Trond.
A Dynamic Bonus System to Increase Player Participation in Pervasive Learning Games.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
First Year Computing Study Behavior: Effects of Educational Design.
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
Branch Filtering of Tree-Structured Search Results.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doucet, Antoine;
Isaac, Antoine;
Golub, Koraljka;
Aalberg, Trond;
Jatowt, Adam.
Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge : 23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2019, Oslo, Norway, September 9-12, 2019, Proceedings.
Springer Nature
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (na)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aalberg, Trond;
Tallerås, Kim;
Massey, David.
The impact of new bibliographic models on the search experience.
Information research
Academic article
Vennesland, Audun;
Aalberg, Trond.
False-positive reduction in ontology matching based on concepts? domain similarity.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Lorås, Madeleine.
Active learning and student peer assessment in a web development course.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Duchateau, Fabien;
Lumineau, Nicolas;
Aalberg, Trond.
Impact des données ouvertes et liées sur les
catalogues bibliographiques.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Aalberg, Trond.
First year computer science education in Norway.
NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Informatics study day: helping CS students become better students.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
Benchmarking and evaluating the interpretation of bibliographic records.
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Academic article
Salaba, Athena;
Mercun, Tanja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Complexity of Work Families and Entity-Based Visualization Displays.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Sindre, Guttorm;
Giannakos, Michail;
Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke;
Munkvold, Robin Isfold;
Aalberg, Trond.
Project-based learning in IT education : definitions and qualities .
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Mercun, Tanja;
Zumer, Maja.
Interactive displays for the next generation of entity-centric bibliographic models.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Giannakos, Michail;
Aalberg, Trond;
Divitini, Monica;
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Mikalef, Patrick;
Pappas, Ilias.
Identifying Dropout Factors in Information
Technology Education: A Case Study.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Presenting bibliographic families using information visualization: Evaluation of FRBR-based prototype and hierarchical visualizations.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Mercun, Tanja;
Zumer, Maja.
BIBSURF - Discover bibliographic entities by searching for units of interest, ranking and filtering.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Academic article
Farrokhnia, Maliheh;
Aalberg, Trond.
Finding user need patterns in the world of complex semantic cultural heritage data.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Giannakos, Michail;
Krogstie, John;
Aalberg, Trond.
Video-based learning ecosystem to support active learning: application to an introductory computer science course.
Smart Learning Environments
Academic article
Pappas, Ilias;
Aalberg, Trond;
Giannakos, Michail;
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Mikalef, Patrik;
Sindre, Guttorm.
Gender Differences in Computer Science Education: Lessons Learnt from an Empirical Study at NTNU.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
Open datasets for evaluating the interpretation of bibliographic records.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Academic article
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
BIB-R: A benchmark for the interpretation of bibliographic records.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Presenting bibliographic families: Designing an FRBR-based prototype using information visualization.
Journal of Documentation
Academic article
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Vennesland, Audun;
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
A novel vision for navigation and enrichment in cultural heritage collections.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Vennesland, Audun;
Farrokhnia, Maliheh.
A pattern-based framework for best practice implementation of CRM/FRBROO.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
Using Gamification to Motivate Smoking Cessation.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Giannakos, Michail;
Krogstie, John;
Aalberg, Trond.
Toward a learning ecosystem to support flipped classroom: A conceptual framework and early results.
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology
Academic article
Pløhn, Trygve;
Louchart, Sandy;
Aalberg, Trond.
Dynamic Pervasive Storytelling in Long Lasting Learning Games
The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Papatheodorou, Christos.
Introduction to the focused issue on the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2013).
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik.
KIEV: a Tool for Extracting Semantic Relations from the World Wide Web.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pløhn, Trygve;
Louchart, Sandy;
Aalberg, Trond.
Nuclear Mayhem Learning and Dynamic Pervasive Storytelling.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
Increasing Player Participation in Pervasive Educational Games.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik.
An Integrated Approach for Large-Scale Relation Extraction from the Web.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Christos, Papatheodorou;
Milena, Dobreva;
Giannis, Tsakonas;
Charles J., Farrugia.
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2013, Valetta, Malta, September 2013, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (8092)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Ramampiaro, Heri.
Extracting Knowledge for Cultural Heritage Knowledge Base Population.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (289)
Doctoral dissertation
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
HiNTHunt - A Pervasive Game to Support and Encourage Desired Activites for New Students.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Trond;
Zumer, Maja.
The value of MARC data, or, Challenges of frbrisation.
Journal of Documentation
Academic article
Neumayer, Robert;
Nørvåg, Kjetil;
Gulla, Jon Atle;
Aalberg, Trond;
Balog, Krisztian.
Semantic and Distributed Entity Search in the Web of Data.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2013:56)
Doctoral dissertation
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Zumer, Maja.
FRBR-ML: A FRBR-based Framework for Semantic Interoperability.
Semantic Web Journal
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
Norsk informatikkonferanse NIK 2012; Universitetet i Nordland 19 – 21 november 2012.
Akademika forlag
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (2012)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Presenting and Exploring the Complexity of Bibliographic Relationships.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
FrbrVis: An Information Visualization Approach to Presenting FRBR Work Families.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Zumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
OAI-ORE as a Possible Solution for an FRBR Data Model.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond.
An Evidence-Based Verification Approach to Extract Entities and Relations for Knowledge Base Population.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond;
Zumer, Maja.
An XML-based Representational Document Format for FRBR.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duchateau, Fabien;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond.
FRBRPedia: a tool for FRBRizing web products and linking FRBR entities to DBpedia.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørndalen, John Markus;
Bongo, Lars Ailo;
Haugland, Dag;
Hjelmås, Erik;
Løkketangen, Arne;
Møller-Pedersen, Birger.
Norsk Informatikkonferanse NIK 2011.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (NIK 2011)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Luan, Feng;
Nygård, Mads;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Aalberg, Trond;
Zhong, Shengtong.
Empirical Study on Quality Requirements of Migration Metadata.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond.
Linking FRBR Entities to LOD through Semantic Matching.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond.
Supporting FRBRization of Web Product Descriptions.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Merčun, Tanja;
Ž̌umer, Maja.
Coding FRBR-structured bibliographic information in MARC.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Pisanski, Jan;
Zumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Frbrisation: Towards a Bright New Future for National Bibliographies.
International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Aalberg, Trond;
Bekiari, Chryssoula;
Doerr, Martin;
Le Bœuf, Patrick;
Barthélémy, Jérôme;
Boutard, Guillaume.
FRBR, object-oriented definition and mapping to FRBRer.
International Working Group on FRBR and CIDOC CRM Harmonisation
Bjørndalen, John Markus;
Haugland, Dag;
Hjelmås, Erik;
Løkketangen, Arne;
Møller-Pedersen, Birger;
Prinz, Andreas.
Norsk informatikkonferanse : NIK 2009 : Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU, 23.-25. november 2009.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aalberg, Trond.
Norsk informatikk konferanse 2009.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond.
Organizing learning objects for personalized eLearning services.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond;
Trætteberg, Hallvard.
Automatically Generating High Quality Metadata by Analyzing the Document Code of Common File Types.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond;
Trætteberg, Hallvard.
Using Automatic Metadata Generation to reduce the knowledge and time requirements for making SCORM Learning Objects.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond;
Trætteberg, Hallvard.
Using the structural content of documents to automatically generate quality metadata.
INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Trond;
Zumer, Maja.
Looking for Entities in Bibliographic Records.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Fuhr, Norbert;
Tsakonas, Giannis;
Aalberg, Trond;
Agosti, Maristella;
Hansen, Preben;
Kapidakis, Sarantos.
Evaluation of digital libraries.
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Academic article
Trætteberg, Hallvard;
Aalberg, Trond.
Authoring specification- and test-based Java exercises with JExercise.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Trond.
A Process and Tool for the Conversion of MARC Records to a Normalized FRBR Implementation.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Husby, Ole;
Haugen, Frank Berg.
A Tool for Converting from MARC to FRBR.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
A Tool for Converting Bibliographic Records.
Popular scientific article
Trætteberg, Hallvard;
Aalberg, Trond.
JExercise: a specification-based and test-driven exercise support plugin for Eclipse.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hegna, Knut;
Aalberg, Trond.
Arkitektur for digitale bibliotek.
Non-fiction book
Journal publications
Bayat Esfandani, Somayeh;
Aalberg, Trond.
Students' perceptions toward essential functionalities and qualities of peer code assessment tools.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Farrokhnia, Maliheh;
Aalberg, Trond.
What Information Are Researchers Looking for? Patterns of users’ Information Needs in CIDOC CRM.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Skaug, Johanna;
Aalberg, Trond.
The Concept of Work in Theater Performances.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Riva, Pat;
Zumer, Maja.
Presenting Compounds to End Users in Search Results.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Trætteberg, Hallvard;
Aalberg, Trond.
Study Behavior in Computing Education—A Systematic Literature Review.
ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Hall, Mark;
Merc̆un, Tanja;
Risse, Thomas.
Current Research on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Best Papers from TPDL 2019 & 2020.
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Characteristics of the Student-Driven Learning Environment in Computing Education: A Case Study on the Interaction between Educational Design and Study Behavior.
Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
O´Neill, Ed;
Zumer, Maja.
Extending the LRM Model to Integrating Resources.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Creating Learning Environments Within the Constraints of Higher Education - a Case Study of a First-Year Computing Program.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
Den Eksterne Sensoren – akademias superhelt?.
Reader opinion piece
Haugse, Åsmund;
Aalberg, Trond.
Git in an Educational Context.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Pløhn, Trygve;
Iversen, Kjærand;
Aalberg, Trond.
A Dynamic Bonus System to Increase Player Participation in Pervasive Learning Games.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
First Year Computing Study Behavior: Effects of Educational Design.
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Tallerås, Kim;
Massey, David.
The impact of new bibliographic models on the search experience.
Information research
Academic article
Vennesland, Audun;
Aalberg, Trond.
False-positive reduction in ontology matching based on concepts? domain similarity.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Lorås, Madeleine.
Active learning and student peer assessment in a web development course.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Duchateau, Fabien;
Lumineau, Nicolas;
Aalberg, Trond.
Impact des données ouvertes et liées sur les
catalogues bibliographiques.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information
Academic article
Lorås, Madeleine;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Aalberg, Trond.
First year computer science education in Norway.
NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
Benchmarking and evaluating the interpretation of bibliographic records.
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Academic article
Salaba, Athena;
Mercun, Tanja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Complexity of Work Families and Entity-Based Visualization Displays.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Academic article
Sindre, Guttorm;
Giannakos, Michail;
Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke;
Munkvold, Robin Isfold;
Aalberg, Trond.
Project-based learning in IT education : definitions and qualities .
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Mercun, Tanja;
Zumer, Maja.
Interactive displays for the next generation of entity-centric bibliographic models.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Giannakos, Michail;
Aalberg, Trond;
Divitini, Monica;
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Mikalef, Patrick;
Pappas, Ilias.
Identifying Dropout Factors in Information
Technology Education: A Case Study.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Presenting bibliographic families using information visualization: Evaluation of FRBR-based prototype and hierarchical visualizations.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Mercun, Tanja;
Zumer, Maja.
BIBSURF - Discover bibliographic entities by searching for units of interest, ranking and filtering.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Academic article
Farrokhnia, Maliheh;
Aalberg, Trond.
Finding user need patterns in the world of complex semantic cultural heritage data.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Giannakos, Michail;
Krogstie, John;
Aalberg, Trond.
Video-based learning ecosystem to support active learning: application to an introductory computer science course.
Smart Learning Environments
Academic article
Pappas, Ilias;
Aalberg, Trond;
Giannakos, Michail;
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Mikalef, Patrik;
Sindre, Guttorm.
Gender Differences in Computer Science Education: Lessons Learnt from an Empirical Study at NTNU.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
Open datasets for evaluating the interpretation of bibliographic records.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Academic article
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
BIB-R: A benchmark for the interpretation of bibliographic records.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Presenting bibliographic families: Designing an FRBR-based prototype using information visualization.
Journal of Documentation
Academic article
Decourselle, Joffrey;
Vennesland, Audun;
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Lumineau, Nicolas.
A novel vision for navigation and enrichment in cultural heritage collections.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Vennesland, Audun;
Farrokhnia, Maliheh.
A pattern-based framework for best practice implementation of CRM/FRBROO.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Giannakos, Michail;
Krogstie, John;
Aalberg, Trond.
Toward a learning ecosystem to support flipped classroom: A conceptual framework and early results.
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology
Academic article
Pløhn, Trygve;
Louchart, Sandy;
Aalberg, Trond.
Dynamic Pervasive Storytelling in Long Lasting Learning Games
The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Papatheodorou, Christos.
Introduction to the focused issue on the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2013).
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Pløhn, Trygve;
Louchart, Sandy;
Aalberg, Trond.
Nuclear Mayhem Learning and Dynamic Pervasive Storytelling.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
Increasing Player Participation in Pervasive Educational Games.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik.
An Integrated Approach for Large-Scale Relation Extraction from the Web.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Zumer, Maja.
The value of MARC data, or, Challenges of frbrisation.
Journal of Documentation
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Zumer, Maja.
FRBR-ML: A FRBR-based Framework for Semantic Interoperability.
Semantic Web Journal
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Presenting and Exploring the Complexity of Bibliographic Relationships.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Merčun, Tanja;
Žumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
FrbrVis: An Information Visualization Approach to Presenting FRBR Work Families.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond.
An Evidence-Based Verification Approach to Extract Entities and Relations for Knowledge Base Population.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Luan, Feng;
Nygård, Mads;
Sindre, Guttorm;
Aalberg, Trond;
Zhong, Shengtong.
Empirical Study on Quality Requirements of Migration Metadata.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond.
Linking FRBR Entities to LOD through Semantic Matching.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond.
Supporting FRBRization of Web Product Descriptions.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Merčun, Tanja;
Ž̌umer, Maja.
Coding FRBR-structured bibliographic information in MARC.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Pisanski, Jan;
Zumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
Frbrisation: Towards a Bright New Future for National Bibliographies.
International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Aalberg, Trond;
Zumer, Maja.
Looking for Entities in Bibliographic Records.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Fuhr, Norbert;
Tsakonas, Giannis;
Aalberg, Trond;
Agosti, Maristella;
Hansen, Preben;
Kapidakis, Sarantos.
Evaluation of digital libraries.
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
A Process and Tool for the Conversion of MARC Records to a Normalized FRBR Implementation.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond;
Husby, Ole;
Haugen, Frank Berg.
A Tool for Converting from MARC to FRBR.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Aalberg, Trond.
A Tool for Converting Bibliographic Records.
Popular scientific article
Doucet, Antoine;
Isaac, Antoine;
Golub, Koraljka;
Aalberg, Trond;
Jatowt, Adam.
Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge : 23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2019, Oslo, Norway, September 9-12, 2019, Proceedings.
Springer Nature
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (na)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aalberg, Trond;
Christos, Papatheodorou;
Milena, Dobreva;
Giannis, Tsakonas;
Charles J., Farrugia.
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2013, Valetta, Malta, September 2013, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (8092)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aalberg, Trond.
Norsk informatikkonferanse NIK 2012; Universitetet i Nordland 19 – 21 november 2012.
Akademika forlag
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (2012)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørndalen, John Markus;
Bongo, Lars Ailo;
Haugland, Dag;
Hjelmås, Erik;
Løkketangen, Arne;
Møller-Pedersen, Birger.
Norsk Informatikkonferanse NIK 2011.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (NIK 2011)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bjørndalen, John Markus;
Haugland, Dag;
Hjelmås, Erik;
Løkketangen, Arne;
Møller-Pedersen, Birger;
Prinz, Andreas.
Norsk informatikkonferanse : NIK 2009 : Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU, 23.-25. november 2009.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aalberg, Trond.
Norsk informatikk konferanse 2009.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hegna, Knut;
Aalberg, Trond.
Arkitektur for digitale bibliotek.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Aalberg, Trond.
Branch Filtering of Tree-Structured Search Results.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Informatics study day: helping CS students become better students.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
Using Gamification to Motivate Smoking Cessation.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Duchateau, Fabien;
Aalberg, Trond;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik.
KIEV: a Tool for Extracting Semantic Relations from the World Wide Web.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
HiNTHunt - A Pervasive Game to Support and Encourage Desired Activites for New Students.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zumer, Maja;
Aalberg, Trond.
OAI-ORE as a Possible Solution for an FRBR Data Model.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond;
Zumer, Maja.
An XML-based Representational Document Format for FRBR.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duchateau, Fabien;
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond.
FRBRPedia: a tool for FRBRizing web products and linking FRBR entities to DBpedia.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond.
Organizing learning objects for personalized eLearning services.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond;
Trætteberg, Hallvard.
Automatically Generating High Quality Metadata by Analyzing the Document Code of Common File Types.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond;
Trætteberg, Hallvard.
Using Automatic Metadata Generation to reduce the knowledge and time requirements for making SCORM Learning Objects.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Aalberg, Trond;
Trætteberg, Hallvard.
Using the structural content of documents to automatically generate quality metadata.
INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Trætteberg, Hallvard;
Aalberg, Trond.
Authoring specification- and test-based Java exercises with JExercise.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Trætteberg, Hallvard;
Aalberg, Trond.
JExercise: a specification-based and test-driven exercise support plugin for Eclipse.
ACM Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pløhn, Trygve;
Aalberg, Trond.
Exploring Player Engagement in Social and Pervasive Learning Games.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (334)
Doctoral dissertation
Lorås, Madeleine;
Aalberg, Trond.
Understanding the Relation Between Study Behaviors and Educational Design: Research in Computing Education.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Takhirov, Naimdjon;
Aalberg, Trond;
Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik;
Ramampiaro, Heri.
Extracting Knowledge for Cultural Heritage Knowledge Base Population.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (289)
Doctoral dissertation
Neumayer, Robert;
Nørvåg, Kjetil;
Gulla, Jon Atle;
Aalberg, Trond;
Balog, Krisztian.
Semantic and Distributed Entity Search in the Web of Data.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2013:56)
Doctoral dissertation
Aalberg, Trond;
Bekiari, Chryssoula;
Doerr, Martin;
Le Bœuf, Patrick;
Barthélémy, Jérôme;
Boutard, Guillaume.
FRBR, object-oriented definition and mapping to FRBRer.
International Working Group on FRBR and CIDOC CRM Harmonisation
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2021) Hvilken metadatakompetanse trenger bibliotekarer?. OsloMet KORG - Kunnskapsorganisasjonsdagene 2021 , Diital 2021-06-03 - 2021-06-04
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2021) Student peer feedback in project-based learning : Experience from IT2810 Web Development. NTNU, Seksjon for Læringsstøtte NTNU Læringstreff om medstudentvurdering , Trondheim 2021-02-11 - 2021-02-11
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2021) Medstudentvurdering i prosjektbasert undervisning. NTNU DIGGsam-prosjektet Vurdering av, for og som læring. Workshop i regi av utdanningsprosjektet DIGGsam. , Trondheim 2021-06-14 -
InterviewAalberg, Trond. (2020) NOKUT-podden #24 Den om medstudentvurderinger. [Internet] 2020-05-15
LectureAalberg, Trond. (2019) IFLA LRM - Library Reference Model. Bokbasen Bokbasens metadatakonferanse 2019 , Gardermoen 2019-04-09 -
Academic lectureLorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond. (2019) First Year Computer Science Study Behavior: Effects of Educational Design. Nasjonalt senter for realfagsrekturttering MNT-konferansen 2019 , Tromsø 2019-03-28 - 2019-03-29
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond; Lorås, Madeleine. (2019) Motivating and engaging students for peer review as a learning activity. Nasjonalt fagråd for realfagsrekruttering MNT-konferansen 2019 , Tromsø 2019-03-28 - 2019-03-29
Academic lectureZumer, Maja; Aalberg, Trond; Ed, O´Neill. (2019) Application of the FRBR/LRM Model to Continuing Resources. International Federation of Library Associations and Institu IFLA WLIC 2019 Conference , Athens 2019-08-24 - 2019-08-30
LectureAalberg, Trond; Tallerås, Kim; Massey, David. (2019) The impact of new bibliographic models on the search experience. University of Ljubljana CoLIS 10, Conceptions of Library and Information Science 10th international conference , Ljubljana 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-19
PosterLorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond. (2018) Using peer educators to create an active learning environment for first-year students. European First Year Experience Conference 2018 , Utrecht 2018-06-24 - 3028-06-26
PosterLorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond. (2018) Informatics study day: helping CS students become better students. 23rd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education , Larnaca 2018-07-02 - 2018-07-04
Academic lectureLorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond. (2018) Aktivt læringsmiljø med tverrfaglig studiedag - erfaringer fra Informatikk Arbeidsdag. Læringsfestivalen 2018 2018-05-03 - 2018-05-04
LectureLorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond. (2018) Exploring a Student-centered Approach to Innovating Computer Science Education. Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2018 , Baltimore 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-24
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2018) Search, interactivity and visualizations in the context of new bibliographic models (invited keynote). University of Waikato ICADL 2018: The 20th International Conference On Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries , Hamilton 2018-11-20 - 2018-11-22
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2017) The path towards bibliographic ontologies and linked data (invited keynote). 11th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference , Tallin 2017-11-28 - 2017-12-01
Popular scientific lectureAalberg, Trond. (2016) Modellering av verk, verk og uttrykk i et brukerperspektiv. Nasjonalbiblioteket Veien til et verksregister , Oslo 2016-10-14 - 2016-10-14
Academic lecturePløhn, Trygve; Aalberg, Trond. (2015) Using Gamification to Motivate Smoking Cessation. Nord-Trønelag University College The 9th European Conference on Games Based learning , Steinkjer 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-09
Academic lectureSindre, Guttorm; Giannakos, Michail; Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke; Munkvold, Robin; Aalberg, Trond. (2015) Project Thinking as a Strategy for University Education. Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR) MNT-konferansen 2015 , Bergen 2015-03-18 - 2015-03-19
Academic lectureTakhirov, Naimdjon; Duchateau, Fabien; Aalberg, Trond; Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik. (2013) An Integrated Approach for Large-Scale Relation Extraction from the Web. UNSW APWeb 2013 , Sydney 2013-04-04 - 2013-04-06
Academic lecturePløhn, Trygve; Aalberg, Trond. (2013) HiNTHunt - A Pervasive Game to Support and Encourage Desired Activites for New Students. SGDA 4th International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2013) , Trondheim 2013-09-25 - 2013-09-27
Academic lectureTakhirov, Naimdjon; Duchateau, Fabien; Aalberg, Trond. (2012) An Evidence-Based Verification Approach to Extract Entities and Relations for Knowledge Base Population. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ISWC 2012 , Boston, MA 2012-11-12 - 2012-11-16
PosterDuchateau, Fabien; Takhirov, Naimdjon; Aalberg, Trond. (2011) FRBRPedia: a tool for FRBRizing web products and linking FRBR entities to DBpedia. University of Ottawa JCDL 2011 , Ottawa, ON 2011-06-13 - 2011-06-17
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond; Pisanski, Jan; Zumer, Maja. (2011) UNIMARC and FRBR - can we have both?. IFLA World Library and Information Congress : 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly , San Juan 2011-08-13 - 2011-08-18
Academic lectureTakhirov, Naimdjon; Duchateau, Fabien; Aalberg, Trond. (2011) Supporting FRBRization of Web Product Descriptions. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin TPDL 2011 , Berlin 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-29
Academic lectureTakhirov, Naimdjon; Duchateau, Fabien; Aalberg, Trond. (2011) Linking FRBR Entities to LOD through Semantic Matching. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin TPDL 2011 , Berlin 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-29
Academic lecturePisanski, Jan; Zumer, Maja; Aalberg, Trond. (2010) Identifiers: bridging language barriers. IFLA World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly , Gothenburg 2010-08-10 - 2010-08-15
Academic lectureTakhirov, Naimdjon; Aalberg, Trond; Žumer, Maja. (2010) An XML-based representational document format for FRBR. Hong Kong Polytechnic University International Symposium on Web Intelligent Systems and Services , Hong Kong 2010-12-10 - 2010-12-16
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond; Zumer, Maja; Pisanski, Jan. (2009) Frbrisation: towards a bright future for National Bibliographies. International Federation of Library Associations and Institu World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly - "Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage" , Milano 2009-08-23 - 2009-08-27
PosterTakhirov, Naimdjon; Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik; Aalberg, Trond. (2009) Organizing learning objects for personalized eLearning services. ECDL 2009 , Corfu 2009-09-27 - 2009-10-02
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2007) MARC 21 and FRBR. Deutshe National Bibliothek MARC 21 - Experiences, Challenges and Visions , Frankfurt 2007-05-14 - 2007-05-15
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2007) MARC and FRBR - Match or Mismatch?. The National and University Library of Iceland Konferanse , Reykjavik 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-02
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2007) FRBR and the library catalogue : possibilities and problems. Svensk Biblioteksförenings kommitté för katalogisering Katalog 2.0 – och sen då? / 2.0 and beyond? , Stockholm 2007-11-13 - 2007-11-13
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2007) FRBR and CRM : the way ahead. EDL project / National Library of Sweden Extending the multilingual capacity of The European Library in the EDL project , Stockholm 2007-11-22 - 2007-11-23
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2005) From MARC to FRBR - a case study in the use of the FRBR model on the BIBSYS database. IFLA/WLIC Bibliotheca Universalis - how to organize chaos? , Järvenpää 2005-08-11 - 2005-08-12
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2005) Formats and FRBR Catalogues – Where's our focus?. Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) FRBR in 21st Century Catalogues , Dublin, Ohio 2005-02-02 - 2005-05-04
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2004) Evaluating Digital Library Information Models. DELOS NoE WP7 DELOS Workshop on the Evaluation of Digital Libraries , Padova 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-05
Academic lectureMonch, Christian; Aalberg, Trond. (2003) Automatic Conversion from MARC to FRBR. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2003 , Trondheim, Norway 2003-08-22 -
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2002) Navigating in Bibliographic Catalogues. 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2002 , Roma, Italia 2002-09-18 -
Academic lectureAalberg, Trond. (2001) Linking Information with Distributed Objects. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries : 5th Europena Conference, ECDL 2001 , Darmstadt, Germany 2001-09-09 -