Turid Fånes Sætermo
I am Associate Professor II at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture and senior researcher at NTNU Social Research, Department of Diversity and Inclusion.
I am a social anthropologist (PhD) and my research fields are migration, integration, belonging, exclusion, diversity and citizenship. My research is qualitative, and I am interested in individual experiences, the everyday and local, in relation to structural conditions.
My teaching:
· KULT1120 Migration and multicultural societies: Gender, ethnicity and sexuality
· KULT3310 Analytical strategies
· HFO1003 Diversity and integration: Transcultural dynamics
· KULT8860/61 Speech, text and interpretation.
In addition, I supervise master's theses within the topics of diversity, integration, migration, gender and minorities.
I am co-coordinator of NTNU's network for migration researchers: Migration Hub - NTNU
Ongoing research:
- Integration and Active Citizenship for Low Literate Adult Refugees (Samarbeidsprosjekt, NFR 2023-2027). NTNU Samforsk | Interact - Improving integration and active…
- Family Reunification and Unaccompanied Minors: Psycho-social Health, Integration and Support Services (Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse, NFR, 2023-2027) FAMREUN - NTNU
Ongoing research projects at NTNU Social Research:
NTNU Samforsk | Turid Fånes Sætermo
Previous projects:
- Living Integration: At the Crossroads between official Policies, Public Discourses and Everyday Practices. https://www.ntnu.edu/living-integration
- Flyktninger med svake lese- og skriveferdigheter. Utfordringer og kunnskapsbehov (Forprosjekt NFR VAM)
- Strukturelle og organisatoriske forutsetninger for arbeidsinkludering av unge voksne med sammensatte utfordringer (Institutt for nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap, NTNU)
- INHERIT - Identifying ways of Living, Moving and Consuming that Protect the Environment and Promote Health and Health Equity. http://www.inherit.eu/ (Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, NTNU)
- Work unlimited - Identity Construction in a Global Context (Sosialantropologisk institutt, NTNU)
- WORKS - Work Organisation and Restructuring in the Knowledge Society - https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/75919_en.html
InterAct - Integration and Active citizenship for Low-Literate Adult Refugees
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Svendsen, Stina;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Iqbal, Aisha;
Lenz, Clas;
Ikhsani, Karina Storeng.
Hva er mangfoldledelse og hvordan virker det?.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Thronæs Mackessy, Hannah;
Moratti, Sofia;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
"Også skjer det noe snedig, for plutselig er vi en gruppe" – En kvalitativ studie av hvordan festivalfrivillighet kan bidra til innvandreres integrering i det norske samfunnet.
Masters thesis
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Svendsen, Stina;
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Grønås-werring, Morten.
Mangfold i arbeidslivet : Sluttrapport fra følgeevaluering av tiltak rettet mot arbeidsgivere.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Penner, Angelina;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Immigrants’ Experiences of Settling in a Rural Community in Norway: Inclusion and Exclusion Through “Being Seen”.
Social Inclusion
Academic article
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Dyrlid, Linda Marie.
“If only I could have given them one more year” How Efficiency and Time Constraints in the Introductory Programme Can Contribute to More Precarious Labour Market Outcomes for Refugees with Little or No Education.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Personal, peaceful, progressive: Integration workers’ narratives of refugee settlement and the rural.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Svendsen, Stina;
Hauge, Elisabet Sørfjorddal;
Grønås-werring, Morten;
Hjelmeland, Silje.
Mangfold i arbeidslivet : Delrapport 2.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Dyrlid, Linda Marie;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Kategorienes konsekvenser: Flyktningers og arbeidsinnvandreres erfaringer med integreringspolitikk i Norge.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hauge, Elisabet Sørfjorddal;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Svendsen, Stina;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Grønås-Werring, Morten.
Mangfold i statlig sektor : Tiltak, forutsetninger og gevinster.
Oxford Research
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Integrering er ikke hva det en gang var- det har også blitt en kulturell verdi.
Feature article
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
"Hvordan gjør dere det i andre kommuner?" Fortellinger om integrering mellom nærhet og avstand.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Hvordan lykkes med integrering? Stedsproduserende fortellinger om integreringsarbeid i to rurale kommuner.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Å studere fortellinger om integrering i en lokalsamfunnskontekst: en introduksjon til et komplekst forskningsfelt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Hope, Siren;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Implementing Triple-Win Case Studies for Living, Moving and Consuming that Encourage Behavioural Change, Protect the Environment, and Promote Health and Health Equity. .
INHERIT project, European Union's Horizon 2020 reserach and innovation programme under grant No. 667364. www.inherit.eu
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Migration Across Intersecting Temporalities: Venezuelan Migrants and 'Readiness' in Montreal.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Negotiating Belonging as 'Ideal Migrants': An Ethnographic Study of Skilled Migration from Venezuela to Canada.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (308)
Doctoral dissertation
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Neighbours, Networks and Negocios. An Anthropological Study of Informal Economic Practices in Havana, Cuba. .
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Penner, Angelina;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Immigrants’ Experiences of Settling in a Rural Community in Norway: Inclusion and Exclusion Through “Being Seen”.
Social Inclusion
Academic article
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Dyrlid, Linda Marie.
“If only I could have given them one more year” How Efficiency and Time Constraints in the Introductory Programme Can Contribute to More Precarious Labour Market Outcomes for Refugees with Little or No Education.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Personal, peaceful, progressive: Integration workers’ narratives of refugee settlement and the rural.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Integrering er ikke hva det en gang var- det har også blitt en kulturell verdi.
Feature article
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Dyrlid, Linda Marie;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Kategorienes konsekvenser: Flyktningers og arbeidsinnvandreres erfaringer med integreringspolitikk i Norge.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
"Hvordan gjør dere det i andre kommuner?" Fortellinger om integrering mellom nærhet og avstand.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Hvordan lykkes med integrering? Stedsproduserende fortellinger om integreringsarbeid i to rurale kommuner.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Å studere fortellinger om integrering i en lokalsamfunnskontekst: en introduksjon til et komplekst forskningsfelt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Migration Across Intersecting Temporalities: Venezuelan Migrants and 'Readiness' in Montreal.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Svendsen, Stina;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Iqbal, Aisha;
Lenz, Clas;
Ikhsani, Karina Storeng.
Hva er mangfoldledelse og hvordan virker det?.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Thronæs Mackessy, Hannah;
Moratti, Sofia;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
"Også skjer det noe snedig, for plutselig er vi en gruppe" – En kvalitativ studie av hvordan festivalfrivillighet kan bidra til innvandreres integrering i det norske samfunnet.
Masters thesis
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Svendsen, Stina;
Hauge, Elisabeth S.;
Grønås-werring, Morten.
Mangfold i arbeidslivet : Sluttrapport fra følgeevaluering av tiltak rettet mot arbeidsgivere.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Svendsen, Stina;
Hauge, Elisabet Sørfjorddal;
Grønås-werring, Morten;
Hjelmeland, Silje.
Mangfold i arbeidslivet : Delrapport 2.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Hauge, Elisabet Sørfjorddal;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes;
Svendsen, Stina;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Grønås-Werring, Morten.
Mangfold i statlig sektor : Tiltak, forutsetninger og gevinster.
Oxford Research
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Hope, Siren;
Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin;
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Implementing Triple-Win Case Studies for Living, Moving and Consuming that Encourage Behavioural Change, Protect the Environment, and Promote Health and Health Equity. .
INHERIT project, European Union's Horizon 2020 reserach and innovation programme under grant No. 667364. www.inherit.eu
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Negotiating Belonging as 'Ideal Migrants': An Ethnographic Study of Skilled Migration from Venezuela to Canada.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (308)
Doctoral dissertation
Sætermo, Turid Fånes.
Neighbours, Networks and Negocios. An Anthropological Study of Informal Economic Practices in Havana, Cuba. .
Thesis at a second degree level
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2024) Labour market inclusion for women refugees with little or no education: Welfare services’ perspectives. IMER Nordic Migration Research Conference , Bergen 2024-08-14 - 2024-08-16
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2024) Integration and citizenship for low literate refugees. ESA 16th European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference , Porto 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
LectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Ringrose, Priscilla Marie. (2024) Unaccompanied refugee minors and family relations. IMER Nordic Migration Research Conference , Bergen 2024-08-14 - 2024-08-16
LectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Kristensen, Guro Korsnes. (2024) Famreun - enslige mindreårige og familiegjenforening. IMDi IMDis fagsamling for kommuner som bosetter enslige mindreårige , Trondheim 2024-11-22 - 2024-11-22
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Svendsen, Stina. (2023) Mangfold og inkludering i arbeidslivet: arbeidsgiveres perspektiver og praksiser. NTNU, NTNU Samfunnsforskning, HINN Neon-dagene , Trondheim 2023-11-22 - 2023-11-23
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2023) Prekaritet, marginalisering og mestringsstrategier blant voksne flyktninger uten skolegang. NAF Norsk antropologisk forenings årskonferanse , Trondheim 2023-11-30 - 2023-12-01
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2022) Fostering "full" citizens? Low-literate adult refugees in the Norwegian introduction program. Nordic Migration Research RE:MIGRATION - New perspectives on movement, research, and society , København 2022-08-17 - 2022-08-19
Popular scientific lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Svendsen, Stina; Øverland, Mari Bore. (2022) Mangfold i statlig sektor. Tiltak, forutsetninger og gevinster. Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet Mangfold i arbeidslivet - hva virker og hvorfor? , oslo 2022-10-25 - 2022-10-25
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2022) ‘Doing good’ in integration work. Street level bureaucrats’ accounts of dilemmas and double roles in the work with low-literate adult refugees. European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA 2022 Transformation, Hope and the Commons , Belfast 2022-07-26 - 2022-07-29
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2022) Self-integrating or integration-needy? Consequences of categorization and binary integration policies for refugees and labor migrants in Norway. European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA 2022 Transformation, Hope and the Commons , Belfast 2022-07-26 - 2022-07-29
LectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2021) Hva er integrering?. Viken Fylke Viken fylke integreringswebinar , Viken/webinar 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-09
Programme managementKjelaas, Irmelin; Gullikstad, Berit; Penner, Angelina; Sætermo, Turid Fånes; Stachowski, Jakub. (2021) Boklansering: Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Litteraturhuset i Trondheim [Internet] 2021-04-14
Academic lectureGullikstad, Berit; Kristensen, Guro Korsnes; Sætermo, Turid Fånes; Penner, Angelina. (2021) How to do research on immigrant integration?. University of Helsinki 20th Nordic Migration Research conference & 17th ETMU conference , Helsinki 2021-01-11 - 2021-01-14
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2021) When policies create precariousness: The case of illiterate refugees in the Norwegian welfare state. University of Helsinki Nordic Migration Research Conference , Helsinki, Finland/digital 2021-01-11 - 2021-01-14
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2021) Immigrants as productive/unproductive others in the Norwegian integration regime. University of Helsinki Nordic Migration Research Conference , Helsinki, Finland/digital 2021-01-11 - 2021-01-14
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2020) Innvandrere som produktive/ uproduktive 'andre' i det norske integreringsregimet. Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU Migrasjonsforskning på Dragvoll+ , NTNU 2020-11-03 - 2020-11-03
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2019) Who needs integration? The construction of migrant subjects through policies of integration. International Metropolis The Promise of MIgration. International Metropolis Conference , Ottawa 2019-06-24 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie. (2019) Deserving or undeserving? How shifting perceptions of migrants’ shape pathways, experiences and bordering practices. International Metropolis The Promise of MIgration. International Metropolis Conference , Ottawa 2019-06-24 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2019) Here to Leave? Refugee Settlement as strategy to increase populations in peripheral regions. Department of Geography, NTNU Sustainable Geography – Geographies of Sustainability The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2018) Place and Belonging. Narratives of Venezuelan Migrants in Montreal. NMR og Linköping University 19th Nordic Migration Conference , Norrköping 2018-08-15 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2018) Integrering som forståelse og praksis hos offentlige tjenester. Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier Nasjonalt nettverksmøte om integrering , Trondheim 2018-12-04 - 2018-12-05
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2016) Immigration Made Easy: The role of consultants in the migration industry in Canada. The Norwegian Network on the Anthropology of Mobilities The Potential Value of Mobility as an Analytical and Methodological Perspective. , Trondheim 2016-10-31 - 2016-11-02
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2015) Tilhørighet som fortjent? Kvalifiserte migranters narrativer om identitet og legitimitet,. Sosialantropologisk institutt, NTNU Norsk Antropologisk Forenings årskonferanse 2015 , Trondheim 2015-05-09 - 2015-05-09
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2014) Conditional Invitations. Nordic Migration Research Network Nordic Migration Research Conference , Universitetet i København 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes; Dyrlid, Linda Marie; Eggebø, Olav; Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth. (2014) Who Makes the Perfect Migrant?. Nordic Migration Research Network Nordic Migration Research Conference , Universitetet i København 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2014) Migration Policies, the Labor Market and the 'Right Kind of Immigrant'. International Consortium for Social Development ICSD 14th Biennial European Conference , Trondheim 2014-09-11 - 2014-09-13
LectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2014) En betinget invitasjon: Om kirsebærplukkende migrasjonsregimer og 'ideelle migranter'. sosialantropologisk institutt, NTNU instituttseminar , sosialantropologisk institutt, NTNU 2014-04-24 - 2014-04-24
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2011) Approaching the Border: Perceptions and Strategies In the Migration Process. American Anthropological Association Traces, Tidemarks and Legacies , Montreal 2011-11-16 - 2011-11-20
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2010) Virtuelt tilstede. NAF Presentation , Trondheim 2010-05-07 - 2010-05-09
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2010) Internet: a source of knowledge for both migrants and researchers of migration. 15th Nordic Migration Research Conference Presentation , Malmø 2010-08-25 - 2010-08-27
Academic lectureSætermo, Turid Fånes. (2010) User name: Migrant09. Digital Aspects Of Contemporary Migration From Venezuela to Montréal. CASCA Presentation , Montreal 2010-06-01 - 2010-06-03