Booking a cruise with RV Gunnerus

Booking a cruise with RV Gunnerus

A standard cruise day is from 08:00 to 20:00, Monday to Friday. If you would like to request a cruise outside of these times you should contact the coordinator or crew.


Vessel availability:

Cruise calendar


External users

Internal NTNU users

Booking form Bookitlab

Note: If you are a regular user of RV Gunnerus it may be more convenient to set you up as a guest in Bookitlab.

Please contact the coordinator to get set up.

Note: You must have an active project number in the system in order to place a reservation. Please contact the coordinator if you have any questions.



The following terms and conditions apply for cruise reservations.


Note: Your cruise reservation is not final until the dates have been confirmed by the coordinator or crew. 

Prices in 2024

Prices in 2024

All prices are given in NOK for a standard 12 hour cruise day (08:00 - 20:00).

Type of project

Commissioned (oppdragsprosjekt) and external: 88 000

NTNU projects / courses: 76 000

Other services

Additional crew*: 6 500

Work boat**: 750 + fuel

Accommodation and meals (per person)

Overnight accommodation***: 250

Lunch: 120

Dinner: 160

* Some operations require additional crew. Contact us to find out more.

** The work boat is included in the price of a cruise, but can be booked separately for this price.

*** Including breakfast. Only a limited number of bunks are available (8-15). 

Contact us for prices from 2025 onwards if required for budget purposes.