Gunnerus Research Vessel

Gunnerus Research Vessel

Gunnerus Research Vessel in the fjord with rich nature around

Gunnerus main pic


NTNU's research vessel, R/V Gunnerus, was put into operation in spring 2006.

Nautical star - Wikipedia   WHERE IS GUNNERUS NOW?

NTNU’s research vessel, R/V Gunnerus was put into operation in spring 2006.  The ship is designed and equipped for a wide range of operations connected to NTNU’s education and research. 

Gunnerus is equipped with technology for a variety of research activities within biology, technology, geology, archeology, oceanography and fisheries research. The ship is fitted with a dynamic positioning system which allows the vessel to maintain a stable position during operations. In addition a selection of cranes and winches are available for deploying sampling equipment and underwater robotics.

Read more about R/V Gunnerus, what we offer and who can use the research vessel


Book here

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding the ship or just need help in planning a cruise.

Projects and collaboration

Projects and collaboration


RV Gunnerus is developing an e-infrastructure in collaboration with colleagues at the Faculty of Engineering. This project will gather the many data streams from sensors installed on Gunnerus and make them available to users. These data are of great potential benefit for researchers interested in ship performance and makes Gunnerus a valuable platform for such research.

Read more about the e-infrastructure of RV Gunnerus

Underwater robotics

RV Gunnerus is an excellent platform for working with ROVs and AUVs. We collaborate with NTNUs Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory (AURLab), which maintains a fleet of robotic platforms for marine research. RV Gunnerus is especially adapted to host AURLab's ROV Minerva with a custom-built hangar and A-frame. If you wish to work with underwater robots on board Gunnerus we recommend contacting AURLab to find a suitable vehicle for your project.

More information about AURLab



Prices - 2025

Prices - 2025

All prices are given in NOK for a standard 12 hour cruise day (08:00 - 20:00).

Type of cruise [*]

External: 88 000

NTNU: 76 000

Cruises for internal education are subsidised by the faculties. More information

Other services

Additional crew**: 6 500

Work boat***: 750 + fuel

Accommodation and meals (per person)

Overnight accommodation****: 250

Lunch: 120

Dinner: 160



*     Extra costs will apply for late bookings (less than 14 days ahead of cruise) or if the cruise covers weekends.

**   Some operations require additional crew. Contact us to find out more.

*** The work boat is included in the price of a cruise, but can be booked separately for this price.

**** Including breakfast. Only a limited number of bunks are available (8-15). 


Contact us for prices from 2026 onwards if required for budget purposes.