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Marine Civil Engineering

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Photo: Marine Civil Engingeering researcher on research wessel at the ice edge in the Artic

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What is Marine Civil Engineering?

Sustainable development and use of the coastal zone depends heavily on available and adequate infrastructure which is covered in a broad range at the department: Building and management, transport, geotechnics, GIS and marine civil engineering.

Knowledge on the marine physical environment is fundamental for coastal activities, and must be assessed for each location. The Norwegian coast represents special challenges due to the rough and uneven bottom topography. 

The marine civil engineering group at NTNU has three main focus areas: Arctic Offshore and coastal technology, offshore wind technology and coastal technology. How does the physical environment such as sea, ice, wind, currents and waves affect design and operation of the various marine structures?




Samcot film on the ice


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Head of Research group

Head of Research group


Raed Khalil Lubbad
