The Nordic Ground Vibration Day - Trondheim 18th October - 2018
The Nordic Ground Vibration Day

The fourth Nordic Ground Vibration Day
The Nordic ground vibration day is a one day conference on topics related to ground vibrations in a geotechnical context. NGV has been arranged in Oslo 2012, Aalborg 2014 and Stockholm 2016. The participants at the conference are those with interest in measurements and modelling of ground vibrations.
The themes for NGV 2018 will be problems associated pile driving, design codes and standards, instrumentation and measurements, mitigations and limiting vibration values.
The Bengt Broms lecture will be held by Professor Alain Holeyman at UCL. The topic for the lecture will be vibrations from pile driving.
You are invited send to submit abstracts for possible contributions to
Deadline for abstracts: 15/9 2018.
Deadline for registration: 10/10 2018.
Program and abstracts selected for presentation.
Venue: NTNU Trondheim, Høgskoleringen 9 (NINA – building)
Conference Fee: Regular 2000 NOK, Student 1000 NOK
Contact: Gudmund Eiksund