Energy Modelling Hub

Energy Modelling Hub

About Energy Modelling Group

The Energy Modelling Hub is an information page on the energy models used in the Energy Group at IØT and other NTNU departments. These models cover European Energy Markets, Global Gas Markets, distribution grids, technology specific (e.g. storage modelling) and other applications. Here you can find  models that are part of the Energy Modelling Hub.

The goal of this hub is to open the models (increase transparency), show updates on their development and usage. The idea of the Energy Modelling Hub is to further develop existing models and promote infomation exchange with researchers, students, institutions, industry  and general public.

Take a look at our different models and contribute to some  open source model projects.


Global Gas Model

A multi-period equilibrium model for analysing the world natural gas market along the value chain from production wells to final consumers.

European Model for Power System Investment with Renewable Energy is a comprehensive power system model including generation, storage, and transmission capacity expansion.
A Computable General Equilibrium model that represents the Norwegian and European economy with a particular focus on the energy system.
Modelling batteries and energy storage in distribution grids, buildings and communities.
Linking Models
Modelling the energy transition requires understanding multiple dimensions.

Modelling local electricity markets

Aggregators, P2P, and other ways to model and organize communities