


Realfagbygget, Gløshaugen, NTNU in Trondheim. Photo

Welcome to SCANDEM 2016 June 7-10


Welcome to SCANDEM2016 June 8-10 in Trondheim

SCANDEM is the annual conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society. The 67th conference of SCANDEM was held at NTNU in Trondheim Norway in June 2016. 

Images of the SCANDEM2016 conference

SCANDEM2016 was hosted by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). NTNU has microscopy environments for several fields of science, from nanotechnology, physics and materials science to neuroscience and biology.

The conference program reflects all these areas, and included with parallel sessions in materials and life science. In the meeting, there was a strong emphasis on electron microscopy, but all microscopy topics were welcome. The goal for the Scientific program was to cover the latest instrumentation and methodology in materials and life science, as well as research where microscopy plays a crucial role.

SCANDEM 2016 Conference Program

Invited speakers

Invited speakers

Plenary sessions

Peter J. Peters, Paul Midgley, Sara Bals, Arne Olsen

Parallel sessions

Andreas Brech, Lucy Collinson, Alice Bastos S. Fanta, Erik Folven, Moritz Helmstaedter, Stephan Hofmann, Lewys Jones, Falko Langenhorst, Kenji Matsuda, Julian Moger, Quentin Ramasse, Poincloux Renaud, Peter Robinson, Simon Scheuring, Stefan Zaeffrer

Invited speakers


27 Apr 2016 Irene Aspli