Gemini Centres

Gemini Centres

Gemini Centres

The Gemini Collaboration

The Gemini Collaboration represents a model for strategic research coordination between parallel research groups at NTNU, SINTEF, University of Oslo, St. Olav’s Hospital and NTNU Social Research. 

High-quality technical centres are in great demand internationally from both commercial clients and students. So the Gemini Centres are working with a shared vision: Global Excellence Together

The Gemini Centres that NTNU hosts or is partner in (in Norwegian)

The centres contributes towards:

  • Achieving effective and long-term co-operation by means of mutual commitment
  • Better utilisation of laboratory facilities and joint equipment upgrades
  • A movement away from individual collaboration towards the development of larger, robust research centres
  • A comprehensively planned interplay between basic and applied research
  • Greater universal exposure in relation to clients and students

Want to join the Gemini Collaboration?

  • Collaborating professional communities can apply for Gemini Centre status twice a year.
  • Announcements are published on NTNU's intranet Innsida.

SINTEF coordinates the Gemini Collaboration. Get in touch for further information or questions:


A picture of logos from Sintef, University of Oslo, NTNU and St. Olavs Hospital.