Bachelor of Fine Art
Fine Art
Fine Art
English studieprogram

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
About Fine Arts
Trondheim Academy of Fine Art is an institute within the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and is one of three higher educational institutions in Norway offering courses in Fine Art.
Brief summary:
The first year of study is based upon technical introduction courses, examen philosophicum and other introductory courses. A study tour is arranged to provide students with first hand experience of major museums and galleries. In their first year at the academy, the BFA students travel to a major art event to get a common frame of reference. The students are also provided time for developing their own work.
In their second year, the students are allowed to concentrate more upon their own work. In this year there are also possibilities for exchange to other academies in the Nordic countries or in Europe.
The third year of the BFA study: Students in their final semester of BFA take part in a graduation exhibition in KIT Gallery, which marks the completion of study. The students plan and develop the exhibition together with an internal coordinator, and the exhibition is evaluated by an external sensor.
After fulfilled BFA, there is the possibility of applying to Master of Fine Art studies for further development of the working process (2 years).