Course - Short Introduction to Archaeology - ARK1010
ARK1010 - Short Introduction to Archaeology
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Home examination
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Home examination | 70/100 | 1 weeks | ||
Home examination | 30/100 | 6 hours |
Course content
The ARK1010 course provides a general introduction to archaeology as a scientific and professional discipline and practice in today's society. The course looks at the history and devlopment of archaeology as well as selected aspects of archaeology in it's current form.
Course activities include lectures, seminars as well as visits to NTNU's Museum exhibitions. There are also archaeological excursions in Trondheim's vicinity and practical experiments with VR technologies, where students can, for example visit field sites that cannot be reached physically. The topics covered by this course include: theoretical perspectives, fundamental methodologies, archaeological sources, analysis and interpretation of material culture and central aspects of the relationship between archaeology and today's society.
The course presents a broad outline of the culture history of Norway in general and of central Norway in particular. In addition, through lectures students learn about the landscape and environmental history of the region. Common archaeological dating techniques are also reviewed.
The course includes a module that gives an introduction and overview of Norwegian cultural heritage management, by looking at current legislation, practices and priorities and how they are applied to archaeological sites in particular.
Learning outcome
A candidate who has passed the course, will have achieved the following learning objectives
Knowledge objectives. Students will be able to:
- describe and discuss different definitions of archaeology as a scientific discipline and practice in the today's society.
- define and discuss the relationship between theories of knowledge and archaeological analyses and interpretations.
- define and discuss central phases of archaeology's research history.
- define and discuss various thematic perspectives on archaeology as a discipline and practice.
- describe and critically assess the use of various methods of analysis and dating in archaeology today.
- identify the main developments in climate, landscape, flora and fauna in Scandinavia since the last Ice Age.
- describe from an archaeological perspective the main temporal and cultural-historical developments in Scandinavia and particularly central Norway from the last Ice Age until historical times.
- identify and describe common artefacts and raw materials from the various archaeological periods.
- identify and describe the most common structures, sites and site-types from the various archaeological periods in the region. -provide basic descriptions and assessments of common objects and structures from the perspective of conservation.
- describe Norwegian cultural heritage's current organisation and legislation from the perspective of archaeological heritage.
- describe and discuss the rationale behind various practices and priorities in Norwegian heritage management today.
Skill objectives. Students will be able to:
- understand and apply precisely fundamental archaeological terminology.
- plan and complete independently written assignments of c. 4000 words.
- find and critically assess relevant academic literature on archaeological topics and themes.
- express and discuss basic archaeological facts and concepts with teachers and fellow-students, both orally and in writing.
- partake in individual and group discussions of experiences and impressions from different field excursions and visits.
- repeat practical experiments with selected basic registration techniques.
Learning methods and activities
The course instruction is provided in the form of designated lectures, seminars, material course, field work/excursions and exercises. The course assessment consists of a written exam and a home assignment, which are weighted respectively 30/70.
Mandatory activities: Prior to sitting for the exams, the students must attend a minimum of 3/4 of designated lectures, seminars and excursions. A written assignment must be completed and approved during the semester in order to take the final exams.
Compulsory assignments
- 75% attendance
- Øvingsoppgave
Further on evaluation
The course assessment consists of a written exam and a home assignment, which are weighted respectively 30/70. The written digital exam (6-hour exam) will be a test of the syllabus and teaching topics, with an emphasis on knowledge and understanding of the syllabus and teaching topics. For the one week exam, the emphasis is on knowledge, ability to reflect and showing independence in accordance with the learning objectives for the subject. Students must also submit a written assignment on a given topic. This will be assessed and commented on by the course supervisor.
Course materials
A reading list is made available each semester. Digital compendia of portions of the course litterature are available for enrolled students.
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Cultural Heritage Management
- Archaeology
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Historical and Classical Studies
Examination arrangement: Home examination
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Home examination
12:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates -
Home examination
15:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates - Spring ORD Home examination 70/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates -
Home examination
15:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"