Course - Bachelors thesis logistics management - BLOG391
BLOG391 - Bachelors thesis logistics management
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Bachelor thesis
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Bachelor thesis | 100/100 | A |
Course content
To receive a Bachelor's degree in logistics management, the students must choose a topic for their project based on the logistics course portfolio in the study program. Still, students with a Bachelor's in Business Administration can be part of the group of students, as long as they have the competence to contribute to the project. Preferably, students should choose their project from a portfolio of project ideas presented by local businesses and academic staff. Additionally, students may present their own project ideas in cooperation with external partners for acceptance.
Learning outcome
The Bachelor Thesis completes the student's study program and integrates important components from the course portfolio in logistics management. At the end of the course period, the student has achieved the following competencies:
- about theory on a chosen area from the course portfolio
- about scientific methods
- about the state of the art in their chosen field.
- Develop and plan how to carry out the work related to a significant research & development problem
- Analytically reflect on your own empirical data, consider possible solutions, and bring forward a chosen solution to the problem.
- Identify and evaluate relevant literature that is needed to solve the case
- Ability to carry out, document, and communicate the results from the project work according to an academic standard
General competence
- Have insight into academic standards and understand ethical challenges that are relevant to the chosen problem
- Have an awareness of how the research question and the project work may have an impact on the businesses and their surroundings from a sustainability perspective.
Learning methods and activities
There are no ordinary lectures in this course, but there will be short seminars to give information and generic support to the project process. Students will cooperate in groups of 3 participants. Each group is offered up to 7 hours of tutoring during the project period and in addition feedback on one draft. Tutoring will be in Norwegian or English.
Compulsory works :
- Application for project idea and group members
- Project plan and project contract
- Log
- Poster
- Individual reflection paper
An oral presentation is a part of the assessment in the course. As compulsory work, campus students have to be present during all oral presentations for students in Logistics Management and Business Administration.
All compulsory works have to be passed.
Compulsory assignments
- Approved exercises
Further on evaluation
About the assessment:
Written report with abstract in Norwegian and English. The report must be signed by all group members and uploaded before the deadline to be evaluated. Additionally, an oral presentation of the project is required. From this, the examiners may calibrate the preliminary grade from the written project +/- one grade, and the official grade is decided. Anyhow, the students must pass a written report (better than F) to meet for the oral presentation. Two examiners evaluate each project, and at least one is an external examiner. At the start of the semester, more guidelines about the course are presented on Blackboard.
About continuation:
If the bachelor course is not passed, the students may perform an improved thesis by the end of the next semester as a re-sit. In this case, 5 hours of tutoring is offered. Later, the students must carry out a new bachelor project according to ordinary rules in the course description at the time of re-sit.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Logistics Management (BLOG)
Required previous knowledge
The students must have earned 105 ECTS before the fall semester when the bachelor work starts. The ECTS must be earned during semesters 1-4, and include passed exams in REA1153 Mathematics for economists (7,5 ECTS), REA1154 Statistics for economists (7,5 ECTS), and SMF2292 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (7,5 ECTS).
Course materials
The literature will mainly depend on the chosen topic for the project. In general, the following literature gives useful guidance:
Recommended literature for methods:
- Oppen, M, Mørk, B.E. og E. Haus (2020) Kvantitative og kvalitative metoder i merkantile fag. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN13: 9788202410803
- Jacobsen, D.I. (2022) Hvordan gjennomføre undersøkelser?. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN/EAN: 9788202727307
- Johnstad, Tom (2022) Innføring i akademisk skriving. ISBN: 9788215060446
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Gjøvik
- Economics and Administration
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management
Examination arrangement: Bachelor thesis
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Bachelor thesis
12:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"