
BYGT2203 - Digital interaction


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Assignment
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Assignment 100/100

Course content

The course gives the students competence in how the engineers of the future can work and collaborate in the industry to contribute to the active implementation of the digital shift and the green that is now happening in Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Facility Management (AEC-FM) industry. This subject will provide a new type of digital competence for a holistic understanding of the content of and the connection between new digital technology, changed processes and changed interactions throughout the construction/construction project's life cycle. In addition to the use of BIM-based programs, exploration of AI-based solutions is encouraged. The course emphasizes data-driven project management, information management and systems thinking throughout the construction life cycle. Training and guidance in Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is provided for the implementation of project work. The course enables students to explore a range of programs and digital equipment as guided self-study. Examples of the use of software are: Autodesk Revit for planning, Solibri Office for quality control of digital models, Bizagi Process Modeler for modeling the flow of information in construction processes, dPlan and/or Dalux for project management, Miro for collaboration on a digital board and Hoylu for collaboration on planning , coordination and planning - and other digital tools that the student finds useful. The students have the opportunity to try Virtual Reality (various types of glasses) and Mixed Reality with HoloLens glasses, as well as associated software. Exploration and use of various solutions based on artificial intelligence is encouraged. Microsoft Teams is used for collaboration and sharing information in student projects and in guidance from studass.

Learning outcome

Knowledge The student has

  • In-depth knowledge of how future engineering tasks can be solved with support of digital technology and changing work processes
  • knowledge of best practices in using BIM software and processes in the BAE industry
  • knowledge of relevant national and international standards and frameworks for BIM-supported projects
  • Knowledge of principles and procedures for increased information security -Knowledge of research and development in digitization / building information modeling (BIM)

Skill The student can:

  • apply principles of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) in project work
  • apply digital technology and custom processes to solve engineering tasks
  • Specify building processes and information deliveries using NS-EN-ISO 29481-1: 2017 and Model Maturity Index (MMI) and NS 3467:2022 Civil construction project (lifecycle) - phases and deliverables
  • Specify information deliveries and BIM implementation plans in accordance with the principles of NS/EN/ISO 19650-series of standards within information management

General competence The student can

  • demonstrate the use of new digital technology and custom processes for solving existing / future-oriented tasks in the BAE industry
  • produce existing relevant information and systematize it for further digital processing
  • identify technological and organizational challenges related to the development and implementation of digital technologies and processes in the BAE industry

Learning methods and activities

The subject is based on problem- and project-based learning. The first part of the semester consists of presentations in plenary by the course supervisor and professionals from the industry. The students work in randomly composed groups of 4-6 students. Active group work forms a large part of the learning process in the subject. Joint guidance is provided by students at specified times. In addition, each group will have its own student from the middle of the semester. It is encouraged to make contact with professionals in industry and research. The subject offers great opportunities for exploring and using digital programs/solutions. This includes solutions based on artificial intelligence. It includes a short mid-term oral presentation (3-5 min) and a final oral presentation (10-15 min). It counts as a positive that you develop a video/digital presentation of approximately 3 minutes. as part of the project report. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is used as a framework for carrying out the groups' project work.

Further on evaluation

The group delivers a joint report in pdf format, where content and supplementary digital deliveries count as a joint unit (ie no separate weighting of digital deliveries). There are no formal requirements for the number of pages, but reports have usually been around 40 - 50 pages. The report may refer to an appendix and/or a separate website with graphics, digital solution or likewise. It counts positively for grade assessment if it prepares a video / self-driving digital presentation (user participation may be included) which usually lasts about 3 minutes. All aids are permitted. The exploration and use of digital programs/solutions, including systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) for the acquisition, processing/analysis and presentation of information is encouraged. Detailed information must be given about the source and method when using digital solutions.

In case of a resit exam, the report will have to be adjusted and delivered one more time.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Civil Engineering - Engineering (BIBYGG)

Required previous knowledge

Admission to the Bachelor programme in Civil Engineering, Trondheim (BIBYGG)

Course materials

Eilif Hjelseth og Tor Tollnes (2022). BIM! Program og prosess, med innføring i Revit 2023. ISBN 978-82-691753-1-8, 280 sider, Can be purchased at lectures and at Akademika at Gløshaugen

NS/EN/ISO ISO19650 (siste versjon) Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling, Part 1: Concepts and principles, Part 2: Delivery phase of assets og Part 3: Operational phase of assets

NS-EN-ISO 29481-1:2017 Building information models - information delivery manual, Part 1: Methodology and formats.

NS 3467:2022 Civil construction project (lifecycle) - phases and deliverables

MMI-veilederen 2.0

Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS), CIB, Research Roadmap, Publication 370.

Additional reading to be distributed via Blackboard.

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Intermediate course, level II


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Building and Construction Engineering
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Examination arrangement: Assignment

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Spring ORD Assignment 100/100



Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

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