Course - Third Comprehensive Medical Exam Link Ålesund - MDA4030
MDA4030 - Third Comprehensive Medical Exam Link Ålesund
Examination arrangement
Course content
In phase 2, the emphasis shifts from basic science to clinical subjects. During the first semester of the third year, students have their first encounter with hospital clinics, although they also continue to have lectures and teaching activities covering basic science and theoretical background. Most internal medicine and surgical subjects are covered in the 2AB course.
During the academic year, students will encounter clinical scenarios from the internal medicine disciplines of endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, cardiology and pulmonary medicine, well as the surgical disciplines of endocrine surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, vascular surgery, orthopedics (including injury/acute), urology and cardiothoracic surgery.
Additionally, the students will also meet clinical issues in oncology, geriatrics and anaesthesiology
Alongside the above-mentioned clinical disciplines, teaching is given in pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, medical biochemistry, epidemiology and clinical decision-making, imaging, immunology and transfusion medicine. Emphasis will be placed on connecting the basic science subjects, paraclinical subjects and scientific competence with the clinical teaching.
In addition, there will be teaching in the longitudinal themes "Scientific competence", "Health promotion and prevention" and "Communication, patient contact and professionalism" which run throughout the entire medical degree programme.
This course is the decentralized version of the course MDT4030. The prerequisites, assessment methods and learning objectives are identical, although the teaching and learning methods vary.
Learning outcome
There are several learning objectives related to the semester subjects. These objectives are available at the "Læringsutbyttedatabasen" at the faculty`s home page.
Learning methods and activities
- Team-based learning (TBL)
- Problem-based learning (PBL)
- Clinical rotation in the Hospital
- Skills training
- Courses/seminars
- Skills lab
- Lectures (digital from other campus)
Learning activities takes place at Ålesund Campus, Ålesund Hospital and Ålesund lokalmedisinske senter. A very high degree of student activity is planned both in clinical teaching with patients and in theoretical teaching. The students must come prepared to learning activities and are assigned to carry out consultations under supervision or to solve theoretical tasks in small groups before these are reviewed in plenary sessions.
The PBL teaching has the same content as in MDT4030. Plenary teaching mainly takes place in the form of Team Based Learning (TBL). The students have access to teaching materials from the course MDT4030.
Compulsory assignments
- Mandatory PBL-meetings
- Scheduled clinical rotation
- Mandatory attendance at classes, two full days, with the theme "interdisciplinary interaction"
Further on evaluation
Compulsory activities
Compulsory activity is assessed as approved or not approved and consists of the following three components.
- Mandatory PBL meetings
- Mandatory attendance at clinical teaching
- Compulsory attendance at classes with the theme "interdisciplinary interaction" or equivalent.
A maximum of 15% unauthorized absence from this teaching is permitted.
Students with an approved compulsory activity do not need to complete this again when resitting the exam.
The exam
The exam consists of two parts
- Written exam, 6 hours
- Oral exam, OSCE
Both parts 1) and 2) must be passed for the exam to be passed.
The students who do not pass the exam will have to resit only the part of the exam they did not pass, i.e. either the oral or the written exam or both.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Medical studies (CMED)
Required previous knowledge
Admission to CMED and successfully completed 2 year of medical school (MD4020).
Course materials
Course materiel will be available on Blackboard.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
MD4031 | 60.0 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
MDT4030 | 60.0 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
MDL4030 | 60.0 | AUTUMN 2023 |
Version: 1
60.0 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Ålesund
- Medicine
Department with academic responsibility
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Examination arrangement: Written and oral exam
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Spring ORD School exam 1/2 D 2025-05-21 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates C218 Ankeret/Hovedbygget 8 - Spring ORD Oral exam 1/2 E 2025-05-28 08:00
Room Building Number of candidates - Summer UTS School exam 1/2 D INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates - Summer UTS Oral exam 1/2 E
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"