
MGLU4510 - Regional Studies (Middle East and UK/Ireland) and Comparative Perspectives on social studies (5-10)


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Oral examination
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Oral examination 100/100 30 minutes HJELPEMIDD

Course content

The course contains a regional study of two regions (the Middle East and UK/Ireland) and a section that compares social studies as a school subject in Norway and UK /Ireland. The Middle-East part of the study contains topics such as the regional development of independent states in the modern era, democracy, central conflicts (included resource conflicts), and how external political actors have influenced developments in the Middle East. The UK/Ireland part is concentrated on political systems and structures, compared with Norway. It also focuses on regional variations, conflicts in and between different parts of the region and discusses a range of relevant political issues in the region. A comparative study of social studies school subjects that corresponds to Norwegian social studies 5-10 with Norwegian social studies in one area of the region is also part of the course. This section thematizes differences in curricula and other management tools, in textbooks and other learning resources, as well as development lines, ongoing development work and social science didactic orientations and thinking. The course also includes a field course to the UK and /or Ireland (voluntary participation) with a program adapted to the relevant course content.

Learning outcome


The student has

  • in-depth knowledge of state development, democracy, external interference from great powers and conflicts in the Middle East in recent times.
  • advanced knowledge of and can compare political systems, party systems, electoral systems and selected political conflict lines in the UK / Ireland with corresponding in Norway.
  • in-depth knowledge of ethnic, socio-demographic and economic inequality / variation in the two regions.
  • in-depth knowledge of regional comparison and theories of regional development and regional differences.
  • in-depth empirical knowledge of ethnic conflicts and advanced knowledge of theories of ethnic dominance and conflict.
  • in-depth knowledge of some of the school subjects in the UK / Ireland that correspond to or are part of Norwegian social science 5-10, and about development lines and ongoing development work in these.


The student

  • can compare socio-demographic, economic and political conditions and development lines in the regions.
  • can find, evaluate, select and adapt relevant academic sources for use in the school.
  • can plan, conduct and evaluate comparative teaching.
  • can perform comparative school subject analyzes.
  • can assess what considerations social studies teaching about conflict areas in classes with students from areas of acute conflict can or should be taken.
  • can evaluate the differences between objectivity, neutrality, balance and critical openness considering teaching about political conditions and conflicts
  • can analyze and relate critically to different views of conflict and different conceptions of justice and equality.


The student

  • can plan excursions outside the school's immediate area
  • can use insights from the master's subjects to contribute in development work with other professional teachers.

Learning methods and activities

Lectures, seminar with student presentations, excercises/student assignments. Individual work and work in groups. It might be arranged a non-mandatory field course in the United Kingdom and/or Ireland, with content relevant for the course.

Compulsory assignments

  • Compulsory assignments according to course description

Further on evaluation

Obligatory course work:

  • participation in an introduction session
  • one individual seminar presentation
  • participation at 80% of the announced seminars
  • short presentation in connection with the general competence aim on excursion planning or on a field course programme sequence if such a course is to be arranged. This requirement is to be met by student groups.
  • reading and assignment log produced by groups according to specifications published at the start of the semester.


Individual oral exam approximately 30 minutes, at which parts of the exam might be on elements in the reading and assignment log. The exam is graded from A (best grade) to F (failed).

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 5-10 (MGLU5-10) - some programmes

Required previous knowledge

The student must have passed Social Studies 1 (30 credits) and completed Social Studies 2 (30 credits) in order to start courses in cycle 2. Passing is understood to mean that the student has completed and passed the examination in the course. By completed is understood that all compulsory work requirements in the course are approved, in other words that the student is ready for the exam.

Course materials

Final reading list is posted on Blackboard before start of study.

More on the course



Version: A
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Teacher Education
  • Social Studies
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Teacher Education


Examination arrangement: Oral examination

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn UTS Oral examination 100/100 HJELPEMIDD 2024-11-11 10:00
Room Building Number of candidates
Spring ORD Oral examination 100/100 HJELPEMIDD

2025-05-13 - 2025-05-15

Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU