
TEP4195 - Turbo Machinery


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Midterm exam 50/100 2 hours D
School exam 50/100 2 hours D

Course content

Machine types. Mechanical construction. Classification. Euler Energy Equation. Flow conditions in stationary cascades. Flow conditions and performance in the runner. Axial forces and torque. Rating and analysis of different turbo machinery, included main dimensions, dimensioning of the runner, vane shape. Real compression- and expansion analyses. Multiphase flow regimes. Loss mechanism. Multiphase pumps and turbines. Wet gas compressors. Gas turbine process. Pollution and influence. Operating conditions and system analysis.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: The course provides the student with knowledge about: - Basic design of Centrifugal pumps, Pelton-, Francis-, Kaplan- and gas-turbines. - Flow conditions and geometrical description of the main components in Centrifugal pumps, Pelton-, Francis-, Kaplan- and gas-turbines. - Cavitation in Francis turbines - Surge and chocking in compressors and gas-turbines. - The course gives the student insight about: - Basic design of Wind turbines, Reversible Pumpturbines, multi-phase pumps and wet gas compressors. - Main components in a Hydro Power Plant and Gas Power Plant.

Skills: The course should enable the student to: - Calculate the main dimensions of hydro- and gas-turbines. - Evaluate which turbine to be used in a Hydro Power Plant or a Gas Power Plant. - Evaluate which pump or compressor to be used in a process-, gas- or a fluid-system.

General competence: The course should give the student: - When the student has finished the course, he/she shall have knowledge about Hydro turbines, Gas turbines, Pumpturbines, Centrifugal pumps and Compressors. - The student will be able to use this knowledge in projects where these turbo machinery is a part of for example a process system or a power plant.

Learning methods and activities

Lectures and tutorials. Laboratory tutorial. The lectures and exercises are in English when students who do not speak Norwegian take the course. If the teaching is given in English the Examination papers will be given in English only. Students are free to choose Norwegian or English for written assessments.

Compulsory assignments

  • Exercises

Further on evaluation

For a re-take of an examination, all assessments during the course must be re-taken.

If there is a re-sit examination, the examination form may be changed from written to oral.

Required previous knowledge

TEP4100/TEP4105/TEP4110 Fluid Mechanics and TEP4120 Engineering Thermodynamics 1

Course materials

Compendium and published academic literature.

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
SIO4042 7.5
More on the course

Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Energy and Process Engineering
  • Hydro and Gas Dynamics
  • Hydraulics
  • Technological subjects
  • Hydropower
Contact information


Examination arrangement: Aggregate score

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Spring ORD School exam 50/100 D 2025-06-03 15:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
SL111 orange sone Sluppenvegen 14 53
Spring ORD Midterm exam 50/100 D 2025-03-07 12:15 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
SL410 orange sone Sluppenvegen 14 55
Summer UTS School exam 50/100 D INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU