Course - Applied project management for project-based industry - TS200114
TS200114 - Applied project management for project-based industry
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
School exam | 60/100 | 3 hours | E | |
Portfolio | 40/100 |
Course content
Further on maritime industry and it’s peculiarities. Maritime projects supply chain and the use of international partners - possibilities and challenged. Leadership in projects for project based industry: Relationship management, conflicts and conflict resolution, culture in projects, dynamic leadership in projects. Managing risk and uncertainty in project based industry, and its projects. Steering, control and planning of projects for industry in the maritime domain, including important terms and conditions in contracts for construction projects. Resource planning in project based industry and projects. Introduction to project finances and project accounting.
Learning outcome
The study shall document knowledge to the terminology, tools and methodologies used in project management and in project based industries. The student shall document thorough understanding and knowledge in how good leadership and leadership practices are used within projects in project based industry. The student shall document thorough knowledge to methods for panning, control and steering of projects, including the use of software and digital tools for this purpose. The student shall further be able to document how financials and commercial issues might affect projects.
The student shall be able to plan, follow through and be a good and effective project employee and project manager within project based industry. The student shall be able to execute good practices in leadership including being able to reflect on these issues. The student shall be able to lead and execute good processes in project base industry, in addition to understand how these processes might affect both the project and the firm. The student shall have skills into how resources can best be used and utilized within project-based firms. The student shall have skills in how to use software for project planning, steering and control.
The student shall have an understanding of what it means to work in- and to lead projects. Further how to show respect and develop team members opinions, roles and personalities, as well as have knowledge and competence in how to develop and lead good and effective teams. The student shall have competence in how complex relationships and linkages in projects and project based industry are connected and how they influence each other. Be able to execute an participate in active leadership and management of projects in project based industry. The student shall be able to participate and contribute in professional discussions, and to share and promote his\her skills and knowledge with others and as such contribute to the development of good practice.
Forståelse for hva det vil si å jobbe og lede team hvor man skal vise respekt for de andre teammedlemmenes kunnskaper, meninger, roller og personlighet. Samt ha forståelse og kunnskap om hvordan gode og effektive team kan utvikles og ledes. Evne til å forstå hvordan komplekse sammenhenger i prosjekter i prosjektbasert industri henger sammen og påvirker hverandre. Kunne gjennomføre og delta aktivt i ledelse og styring av prosjekter i prosjektbasert industri. Evne til å kunne delta aktivt i faglige diskusjoner og ha evne til å dele sin kunnskap og erfaringer med andre og bidra til utvikling av god praksis
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, group exercises, presentations and plenary discussions.
Further on evaluation
3 hours individual exam (60%). Project assignment \ folder (40%).
Students will make two group assignments collected as a folder for hand in. The group work is included as a part of the assessment and each student within each group will be awarded the same grade. both the exam and mandatory assignments including folder have to be passed to be awarded a grade and pass.
New or postponed exam in March.
It is possible to resit for a new -3- three hours exam. In the event that a group has not passed one or more of the assignments, the group may (subject to the acceptance of all the participating students within the group), to submit a new assignment (folder) by the time for new or postponed exam for the course. The student will have to submit new mandatory assignment\folder at the next ordinary exam if he\she chooses not to submit for the new or postponed examination. The student is entitled to a new or postponed exam only in cases where he\she have a valid reason for absence or have failed the course.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Shipping management (432SM)
Required previous knowledge
TS100214 Introduction to Project Based Industry, or as otherwise approved by the institute.
Course materials
Will be announced at the beginning of the semester.
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Intermediate course, level II
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Ålesund
- Project Management
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Autumn UTS School exam 60/100 E 2024-12-20 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates G328B Gnisten/Fagskolen 1 - Autumn UTS Portfolio 40/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates - Spring ORD School exam 60/100 E 2025-06-05 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates G326 Gnisten/Fagskolen 36 C225 Ankeret/Hovedbygget 2 - Spring ORD Portfolio 40/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"